Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1786: Linda goes to Beijing

"Linda, have you been to Beijing?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah, just got off the plane, I thought about giving a reminder to the students of Tiezhu, so that you are ready to be asked to wait for me." Linda said with a smile.

"Haha, don't rush home, let me let you bring me here, something to tell you." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What is it?" Linda asked.

"The good thing is kawaii girls vs handsome handsome school grasses latest free chapter! You call the person next to you." Zhao Tiezhu said.


After Linda handed the phone to the person next to him, Zhao Tiezhu said, "Bring her to me, here at the Star Welfare Institute."

"Know, Zhao Ge!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart is also stable.

Zhao Tiezhu is not a person who has a kind heart. He started to want to come to this star welfare institution to do something, mainly to give his children or his own woman a point of virtue, or to count on himself for so many years. The life of the sword and the shadow of the sword is a little bit of adjustment, but I didn’t expect that there was such a thing in the back, and this thing was originally unrelated to Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu is a person. It is a good thing, everything is like to do it. For example, this is the case. Your dean has been arrested, and there is no deputy dean. There are three teachers left. Then your welfare institution is basically finished. It is either closed or otherwise. Welfare home merger.

However, Zhao Tiezhu really does not want the above things to happen, so Zhao Tiezhu is going to do something.

In fact, the fact that the thin breeze is faint is to open another road to Zhao Tiezhu, but this road is not going to pass, Zhao Tiezhu is not clear, only one step is one step.

After waiting for a while, a pretty woman appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

The woman wore a pair of simple jeans, a down jacket on the upper body and a knitted hat on the head. The whole person looked very energetic.

After seeing Zhao Tiezhu, the woman rushed over and then rushed to Zhao Tiezhu’s body.

"Hey, I want to die for my teacher!" Linda said with emotion.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Linda quite awkwardly, then looked at the three remaining teachers next to him and said, "This, pay attention to the impact."

"Nothing, not in fj, no one knows me!" Linda said with a smile, but obediently loosened the hand holding Zhao Tiezhu and said, "What are you asking me to come here?"

"Things are like this." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This welfare home, something went wrong, the dean is gone, the teacher has only three left, I want to recruit people right now, it is definitely too late, very Fortunately, if you are a teacher, then I will think about it. Can you help me with these children first? I will recruit a few teachers."

"This is no problem. The prince is in the latest free chapter of the Super Aristocratic Academy!" Linda did not hesitate to agree, even did not ask what happened, "I may not know about the iron column children's shoes? I am a university I often go to the welfare home as a teacher! I have experience with this!"

"Haha, that would be great!" Zhao Tiezhu happily pinched Linda's face and said, "That's the first thing, now you are tired? If you are not tired, go familiar with those children, the most recent thing I am afraid that they will have a bad influence on them, and you three, right, what is your salary, one month?"

"One thousand five..." One of them looked at a woman about thirty or so.

"One thousand five?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and said, "Just gone six people, then the salary of the six people is also added to you, one is four thousand five, five thousand, then your salary is a Five thousand months."

"Ah?" The three teachers all stunned. [Read the novel on the astronomy].com

"Five thousand is only temporary!" Zhao Tiezhu's second sentence made the teachers who were surprised and surprised, but Zhao Tiezhu's third sentence came right away.

"The back is likely to be raised to six thousand seven thousand. This depends on the situation." Zhao Tiezhu said.

The three teachers immediately went upstairs, as if they were afraid of Zhao Tiezhu’s remorse.

Linda said with a smile to Zhao Tiezhu. "How do you suddenly want to do this?"

"Isn't it for us to have a son or daughter Jade in the future?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Hey? You want to have children with other people? Then you can work harder, I heard that your true girlfriend has been pregnant for several months, and the iron-column shoes are so bad, it is not right!" Linda said. .

"I know this, you go up first, I am here to protect you, I have to go to the relevant department." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Where to the relevant department?"

"I don't know, the Ministry of Civil Affairs or any other department, anyway, can manage the welfare home." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will come back later, I have to go and do things well."

"Well, let's go."

Leaving the welfare home. Zhao Tiezhu called Zhao Laifu directly and asked about some things about the welfare home.

Zhao Tiezhu does not know who the welfare institution belongs to, so you need to ask, according to his idea, now that the welfare institution has no dean, then instead of giving others as the president, he has to bother to send people to manage the funds, then It’s better to be the dean as well.

From the mouth of Zhao Laifu, Zhao Tiezhu finally knows that this welfare institution belongs to a public institution. If it is necessary to say who is in charge, it seems that no one is in charge, and it is somewhat linked to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but it can also be said to have something to do with the organization department. Zhao Laifu It is also unclear, saying that it is necessary to help Zhao Tiezhu ask the list of the latest chapters of the devil vs iceberg.

Soon, Zhao Laifu had news on the other side, saying that it was the dean of the welfare institution. It seems that the organization department had the final say.

To this end, Zhao Tiezhu specially went to the organization department once.

The organization department said that it was necessary to recommend the community. Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the community of the Star Welfare Institute and then found the district director.

Very unfortunately, Zhao Tiezhu met the last Jin Deshui.

However, Jinde Shui knew that Zhao Tiezhu was not an ordinary person because of the things of the past few days, so he was very enthusiastic about Zhao Tiezhu and went to see their mayor with Zhao Tiezhu.

When he arrived at the head of the district, when Zhao Tiezhu opened his own name to Zhao Tiezhu, the district head was stunned and had not slowed down. Zhao Tiezhu said that he wanted to be the dean of the Star Welfare Institute. I lived, and after a long time, I shuddered and said, "This... this iron pillar comrade, you... how do you think about going to be that? The dean of the welfare institution, tired, and... and nothing attractive. Place."

“Do you have to have an attractive place to go?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

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