Zhao Tiezhu looked forward to watching Cao Ziyi. It seems that he and Cao Ziyi are all sent to the ceremony every time. They are all up to the point. Is it true that Cao Ziyi has a substantial development with himself this evening?

And the man who has only one-third of the heart left around is still looking forward to watching Cao Ziyi. In fact, one third should not be said. Basically, the men around are looking forward to watching Cao Ziyi and Cao Ziyi’s temperament. The body, almost a moment, allowed two-thirds of the people who had already broken their heart to recover completely, and then fell in love with her.

If this evening, Cao Ziyi kissed Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth, then those who were heartbroken once and then broken again, absolutely do not mind to let Zhao Tiezhu understand what is called the main contradiction of the primary stage of socialism on such a night!

What is the main contradiction in the primary stage of socialism? That is, women in this world can't fully satisfy the growing number of men, and the ratio of men and women is seriously out of balance! (I said it myself, not in politics!)

Under such a contradiction, Zhao Tiezhu is counted as a pro, and it is acceptable for two relatives. If it is three, or is the three beautiful women, it is really against the existence of natural laws. In the novel, that is, Zhao Tiezhu has been detached from the law of this universe, and it is to be destroyed by humanity!

And the hundreds of men around, don't mind representing the moon tonight, to punish Zhao Tiezhu.

Cao Ziyi's hand, lifted up, but did not touch Zhao Tiezhu's face, but gently placed on the back of Zhao Tiezhu's head, and then, a little effort.

Zhao Tiezhu’s head was bent unconsciously.

Then, Cao Ziyi’s face came together.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the face that was getting closer and closer to his own face. The skin that could blow the bullets, there was no sly face, so that Zhao Tiezhu’s heart seemed to stop at this moment, even breathing, but also solidified!

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes want to close, because the eyes are closed, the eyes are closed, this is to show respect for each other, but also to make each other have a better feeling, but Zhao Tiezhu can not bear to close, he is afraid to close After that, I could not see the face of Cao Ziyi.

Under the expectation of Zhao Tiezhu, under the attention of countless people around, Cao Ziyi, gently, kissed Zhao Tiezhu...

Above the forehead!


Have you made a mistake!


Zhao Tiezhu felt the wet kiss on his forehead, and then a heart broke.

Without this, I have already greeted you with the first kiss. You just kissed me on my forehead i courtesy. This... Who are you taking me? Say good mouth to mouth? Why are you gone!

Zhao Tiezhu grievances, tangled watching Cao Ziyi, Cao Ziyi released his hand, then smiled and said, "They kiss your left and right cheeks, I kiss your forehead, just symmetrical."

"Zi Yi, you... you are so bad!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cao Ziyi wronged.

And there was a sound of resounding noise around him. However, Zhao Tiezhu still relied on his strong sixth sense and felt the murder of the red fruit around him.

"Zi Yi, you can't do this!" Su Yanni went to the front of Cao Ziyi and Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Today is Valentine's Day. I guess you are also receiving roses for the first time? How can you be so courteous? What about the forehead?"

"I have kissed." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "This represents my blessing!"

"Okay!" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly, then smiled and said, "In fact, this is fine. I am very satisfied! You think, in such an age when men and women are out of balance, I can bring three beautiful women at the same time. It’s a very rare thing to come out for Valentine’s Day.”

"Hey, iron pillar!" Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu, a pair of you guys who did not think aggressively.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Cao Ziyi. Cao Ziyi also looked at Zhao Tiezhu and both of them blinked at the same time.

A tacit understanding, it is between the two.

Su Yanni said with emotion, "The road is long and it’s a long way to go! Iron pillar, you have to work hard!"

"Hey, I said Yan Ni, it seems like you can't wait!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You think, I have broken the jar with Linger and I have followed you, and Lucy is also there. There is a Ziyi and Jiaying in the villa. You are not playing, you are walking. In the entertainment circle, the one who is looking for is definitely a handsome guy, then there is only a child left, and I have heard that Ziyi’s day is to enter the Zhao family tree as your wife. All set, you have to do something?" Su Yanni said.

"Hey? Yan Ni, your thoughts, when is it so open?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Hey, after staying at Zhao's home for a few days, I really understood the hugeness of a family, and the importance of future generations. The only thing I hope now is that we can give you more children. In this way, your position in the Zhao family should be more stable?" Su Yanni said.

Zhao Tiezhu stunned, and then moved to look at Su Yanni, just want to say something, Su Yanni turned his head and took Li Linger’s hand and said, "Linger, I told you, you have to hurry up and have a little early. child…"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Su Yanni, who had already turned his back to himself. He thanked him in the dark and then looked at Cao Ziyi and said, "Yan Ni is joking, don't mind."

"Oh, we are all good sisters." Cao Ziyi said, actually turned and walked to Su Yanni and Li Linger, and then the three hands held hands and talked and walked forward.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the fish next to him and said, "The fish is left, you will stay with me."

"Brother, I want roses, I want to kiss!" The fish looked forward to watching Zhao Tiezhu.

When the fish is out, Zhao Tiezhu can clearly feel that the murderousness around him has soared to the extreme!


This is the idea of ​​a large number of people around.

The beast is not as good!

This is the idea of ​​more people.

The beasts in the beasts!

This is the consensus of all.

Zhao Tiezhu picked up the fish and fled.

This year's Valentine's Day can be said to be the first Valentine's Day by Zhao Tiezhu and all the women. Although only Su Yanni Li Linger Cao Ziyi, Zhao Tiezhu feels quite satisfied.

And in a few places in fj.

But there are also things that seem to be insignificant.

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