Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1625: conspiracy!

"Thank you!" Zhao Tiezhu seems to be unwilling to talk more. Instead, looking at Zhou’s mixed world, he said, “A total of five times, when are you going to fight for me?”

"Hey, it’s still like this when you die." Zhou Chaoshi said proudly, "Mr. Wolf, it’s up to you!"

The wolf nodded and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, I heard that you can win the unicorn?"

"Is there any doubt?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at the wolf.

"No doubts," said the wolf. "It's just a little curious."

"If a man is too curious, that is not a good thing!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"I generally like to use facts to solve my curiosity." The wolf said, went to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Since now that you are free, I am still idle. It is better for you to let me know and be able to defeat the power of Kirin." Let's go."

The voice just fell, the wolf body moved, like a teleport, instantly appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, then immediately lifted his foot to Zhao Tiezhu, exactly the same time as Zhao Tiezhu before the week.

It is a pity that Zhao Tiezhu is not a mixed world. The wolf is not Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled slightly, the speed of this wolf is not bad, the strength of this ankle is also OK, but it is a little worse than Kirin.

Zhao Tiezhu was so sitting in a chair, squatting, and directly escaped the foot of the wolf, then grabbed his hand on the wolf's leg, and used his arms to force the wolf to go straight to the side. .

The wolf's body turned two turns in the air and finally landed safely under the control of the wolf. As soon as he landed, the wolf's legs slammed on the ground.

With a bang, the whole wolf rushed over to Zhao Tiezhu again. This time, the wolf did not use his legs, but instead used his fist to attack.

The wolf's fist is taking a fierce route. A straight punch is fast and awkward. A murmur sounds in the air. Zhao Tiezhu stretches his hand to hold the chair. The same leg is pushed on the ground. The whole person Even with the chair swiftly sliding out, the speed of the sliding is almost the same as the speed of the wolf. So, there is such a scene, Zhao Tiezhu sits in the chair and slides back quickly, while the wolf is running. Rushing to Zhao Tiezhu, the distance between the two is always around three meters.

After Zhao Tiezhu retired a distance of more than ten meters, he violently put his feet on the ground, and a loud bang, the ground was so riddled by Zhao Tiezhu’s meal, and the crack spread quickly. Almost in one breath, it was at the foot of the wolf, and the crack that suddenly appeared was obviously unforeseen by the wolf. Without paying attention, the wolf's body lost its balance.

However, the body of the wolf is still maintaining the inertia of the forward, so although the balance is lost, the wolf is still skewed in front of Zhao Tiezhu, and because of its loss of balance, this fist naturally follows. It is.

Zhao Tiezhu grinned and went straight to the wolf.

The wolf is not worthy of the wolf's name. In this case, he can also escape from Zhao Tiezhu's ankle, and then quickly control the body, and a side hook hits the face of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body squatted and even came out with a chair. With a chair leg as support, Zhao Tiezhu made a motion similar to a compass circle, and the body came with a 360-degree rotation. The wolf’s fist was directly hit. Empty, Zhao Tiezhu used the centrifugal force generated by this 360-degree rotation to directly pick up the big feet and follow the wolf's body.


The wolf was hit and the whole man flew out.

With a bang, I fell in the middle of the pile of chairs not far away, I don’t know how many chairs were broken.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Tiezhu’s **** did not leave the chair, just like the Linghu Chong and Tian Boguang.

The wolf struggled to stand up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. He looked solemnly. "You...there is a hand."

"Haha, that's natural." Zhao Tiezhu didn't bother to sit on the chair and put it in. Instead, he stood up and walked over to the table before him. He said, "This is your biggest card? It seems a bit not enough." Look at it?"

"War, let's get rid of him! What's the matter!" Zhou mixed the world coldly said.

The wolf snorted and said, "I don't need you to gesticulate."

Zhou mixed world face sinking, just want to say something, suddenly saw the wolf slowly walked towards Zhao Tiezhu, did not know when, there has been a dagger.

"I didn't intend to use weapons, it seems to be bullying, but now it seems that I have to use it." The wolf sticks out his tongue and licks his lips.

"Oh? Even if you use a weapon, what can you do?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the wolf with a funny smile. "Your skill is much worse than the Kirin. I thought you were a master of the game. It’s just a stupidity. If you have to fight with me, I’m sorry, I’m going to die, but I’m going to die!”

"Come on!" The wolf was slightly bent and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Let you know, I am the name of the wolf, but it is not casual!"


The wolf's body rushed to Zhao Tiezhu's side, and his eyes suddenly became red, as if the baron had the red-eyed bodyguards, and the momentum was more than doubled.

"I am going, how can anyone do this!" Zhao Tiezhu's face with a strange smile, but did not mean to dodge, or that sentence, this person compared with Kirin, far worse, Zhao Tiezhu can seriously hurt the unicorn, It is natural that such a dragon character role is not seen.

When the wolf's body suddenly approached Zhao Tiezhu, he suddenly jumped up, and then from top to bottom, plus the acceleration of gravity, pressed against Zhao Tiezhu's body. One hand was also raised high, and the dagger in his hand was carrying a scorpion. The cold wind is directed at Zhao Tiezhu’s neck.

"court death."

Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward and raised his hands. One hand directly withstood the wolf. The other hand was the arm of the wolf who was holding the dagger.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu saw a strange thing, that is, the corner of the wolf's mouth, even a smile.


Zhao Tiezhu immediately reacted, but where is wrong, Zhao Tiezhu can't think of it. Is there any man who can't do this? Zhao Tiezhu’s spirit was instantly alarmed.

Hey, Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was successfully hit on the arm of the wolf who was holding the dagger. Then, Zhao Tiezhu saw the arm of the wolf and slammed it directly. I don’t know because it’s too powerful. Still what, the dagger caught in the hand, actually took off, flew out to the side, and the person who was beheaded by the dagger was actually a mixed world!

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