Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1479: Was seen (twenty four)

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-nine chapters were seen (the twenty-fourth)

"Gege is still above!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly and said, "Is it difficult for you to do it now? If you let Gege see it, then it will not be finished?"

"Nothing, I used to seem to have heard about Gege that I wouldn’t come down?" said Hong Yun.

"There is such a saying, but you also know that I am stronger. If your voice is involuntarily issued, don't you let Gege hear it? How bad is it!"

"Nothing, I pouted." Red Yun picked up his toes and kissed Zhao Tiezhu's mouth and said, "I want you now."

"So urgent? Don't you play the drama?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

Red rhythm smiled, put his hand under Zhao Tiezhu, pulled Zhao Zipu's zipper back, and said, "No, I like to go straight to the subject, I... already ready."

Zhao Tiezhu slightly misunderstood, and the red rhyme has turned around, pulling his skirt up and then posting it on Zhao Tiezhu’s body.

A slamming sound.

The face of Hong Yun showed a satisfying look.

The spring is infinitely good.

Red rhyme grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s arm in one hand, so that the body could tilt up a little, but one hand was kneeling on his mouth, trying to make himself not sound, but Zhao Tiezhu’s strength is indeed not something that ordinary people can resist. The vague voice still flows out of the fingers.

At this time, in the room on the second floor of Gege, the original Gege was playing the game, but suddenly, a very slight voice got into Gege’s ear.

"What sound?" Gege turned off the music of the game and listened carefully to the sound. This voice is very similar to the voice of my mother, but it seems to be suppressed, and the voice is sometimes high and sometimes slow...

As a person who has been mixed in society, Gege knows what it is.

"No!" Gege squinted, although she gave Zhao Tiezhu encouragement when she came up earlier, but with her thoughts, at most, let Zhao Tiezhu take care of his mother, and then see if the two can take the opportunity to make it out. Point out the feelings, of course, she does not know that her mother is Zhao Tezhu’s bed guest, but now I hear this voice, that is, the fool knows what the downstairs are doing, and Zhao Tiezhu downstairs is a man and his mother, a woman. That must be Zhao Tiezhu and his mother...

Gege’s face is red in a flash!

Although I had seen a lot of time when I was mixed with the world, I met a lot of people who kissed and touched the body in front of her face. Even people who opened the house directly in the next room, but they belonged to outsiders, and now they are downstairs. Mom! The only mom I have been in for more than ten years!

A heart of Gege was filled with all kinds of inexplicable feelings in an instant. There were entanglements and depressions, and even a little bit of happiness in it. Anyway, it was overturned with a five-flavor bottle.

Gege knows that perhaps from today, for more than a decade, only his own mother will belong to another man. Of course, she does not know that her mother was actually Zhao Tiezhu.

After the mood calmed down, the child’s unique curiosity was seduce by the voice.

Gege’s footsteps sneaked into the door.

Downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun are fighting, the upper body of the red rhyme is supported on the table, and Zhao Tiezhu is standing behind the red rhyme. As for what to do, everyone imagines.

"Will your voice be a little big?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in a low voice.

"No... no... no?" The rhythm of the red rhythm was intermittent, accompanied by a burst of gasping. "I... I am... I have pouted."

"If you let Gege hear it, then it will be interesting." Zhao Tiezhu sneered with evil.

" think...not healthy." Red rhyme closed his eyes, his face full of a look of enjoyment, " be honest, have...does it...the idea of ​​mother and daughter receiving..."

Zhao Tiezhu’s body paused, and then he sent it harder and then said, “I am not a beast, I have my own bottom line.”

"Hey." The red rhythm that was suddenly attacked by this force suddenly followed him and said, "This... this is good... Gege... Gege... but my baby, you... you have to dare to her... ...there is nothing wrong with the idea, I... I will not let go... let go of you."

"You can rest assured that this." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I have so many women still can't cope with it now, but I don't want to do it again."

"This...this is...good!!"

On the second floor, the door of the Gege room was gently opened.

Gege’s head was drilled out of the crack in the door, and then looked around. After confirming that no one was there, Gege quietly moved outside. However, after the whole body was drilled, Gege hesitated.

Look, still don't watch?

Gege's face is full of tangles.

Look? But that is my own aging mother. If you look at it, you are not found to be okay, you are discovered, how much is it?

Don't you watch it? The voice from time to time downstairs is really awkward, and people can't help but want to see what happened.

For a moment, there were two villains in Gege’s mind. One said, look at it anyway. If you look at it, you won’t be pregnant. One says don’t look at it. It’s your mother. How can you watch it?

Just under this hesitation, Gege’s foot is a small step and a small step from time to time.

Downstairs, the battle between men and women has reached the most tense moment. The top of the red rhyme was smashed by Zhao Tiezhu, and the whole body showed a very charming pink.

Just as the little man in Gege’s head was fighting, Red’s body trembled fiercely, and then the whole person twitched quickly.

The battle is finally over.

"Call." Red rhyme sighed, the whole person softened on the table, and Zhao Tiezhu, has also pulled up the trousers, and then helped the red rhyme to organize the clothes on the body.

"Hey, I can't see you for half a month, I really want to squeeze you out at night. Next, I have to be abstinent for many days!"

"Oh, nothing, wait for you to come back and compensate you once, anyway, I will not stay in the capital for a long time, when you must let you go to bed!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"This is what you said. If I got out of bed the next day, what do you do?" asked Hong Yun.

"If you have a bed, then I will punish me the next day and work hard!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, it's so fixed, hey, it's more than twelve o'clock, you have to go back?" Red Yun asked, "I still live in our house at night?"

"Go back." Zhao Tiezhu said as he walked with the red rhyme to the outside of the kitchen, then suddenly felt a look at himself, looked up, I went, Gege was standing on the railing of the second floor, staring On your own side!

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