Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1252: Counterattack start

The first two hundred and fifty-two chapters counterattack begins

"Oh, I just think that there is nothing that can be practiced." Qingdi twisted his neck and said, "I originally thought that I should be able to win Zhao Tiezhu this time. I did not expect that Zhao Tizhu, now far away. Far more than my imagination!"

"It's really beyond imagination." Kirin's face was a bit gloomy. "I heard that even Tank has lost to him!"

"Tanke? You mean that human tank?" Qingdi's face changed slightly, asked.

"Well, that person!" Kirin nodded. "I didn't expect that even that person was not Zhao Tiezhu's opponent. I was comparable to Tank. Later he went abroad. I heard him abroad. Some legends should have already had the strength of the top 100 in the world. I did not expect such a person to be an opponent of Zhao Tiezhu. Although I have made great progress this time, I really don’t have much confidence in Zhao Tiezhu. ”

"Don't be long-term ambition to destroy your own prestige. If you are not the opponent of Zhao Tiezhu, who is the opponent of Zhao Tiezhu?" Qingdi smiled.

"You don't want to provoke me, it's useless." Kirin shook his head and said, "Now, at home, you can win Zhao Tiezhu's, on the bright side, it's your brother, but your brother is always on the first head. It’s a pity,”.

"Oh." Qingdi smiled and did not answer.

And in another place, the city of wz in zj province.

"What? Junxi was interrupted by his hand?" Wang Million suddenly stood up and looked at his eyes in surprise.

"Yes, Master Junxi has just been interrupted by a sudden mob, and his bodyguards, two disabled, one seriously injured!" said the man with a trembling voice.

"What is going on here! Who dares to start with my son!" Wang million said uglyly, "Where is Junxi now?"

"Young Master Junxi has been sent back to your house by us. Now I am training. According to the doctor, there is nothing wrong with it!" answered the man.

"I want you to check it out, and immediately find out to me who is hitting my son. I want them to appear in front of me! If you can't do it, then you should not be under me." Mixed, I don’t accept useless people.” Wang million waved and said.

"Yes!" He nodded and stepped back.

Wang million sat back in his position, his face slowly calmed down, and he was already used to this kind of concealed thing, but he did not expect that someone would directly take his son to open the knife. He is still clear about his son’s ability to be a bodyguard. Usually, even if he is a normal person of thirty or fifty, he can’t take his son. It seems that the people who are calculating this time are all masters, or they can’t seriously hurt one. Two of them were broken, and their son’s hand was interrupted. ”

Just when Wang Million was thinking about who would be shooting on his own side, the phone rang.

After receiving the call, Wang Million’s face changed again.

"What, our place was burned with a homemade petrol bomb? I grass, how do you do it, do I raise you guys to see the scenery? How is the loss now? What? Burned most of it. You you eat shi? Who is the hand? Covered face, you don’t know? I...I grass, what are you doing now? Firefighting? When is it your turn to save the fire? Firefighting team People? You won’t call the fire brigade? Also, are you alarming? What? No alarm? Are you brain-dead? Will you not call the police? My grass!”

Wang million sullenly hangs the phone and picks up the phone and fights it out.

"Chen Chen, I am Wang million!!!"

In a small hotel near the wz bus station, the iron hand and a few men's faces flushed into the hotel from the outside.

“Hey, drink?” The front desk responsible for registration joked.

"Yeah, your wine, good!" said the iron hand, "drink."

"Oh, I have so much drink at noon, really, but, haven't you gone to drink together? I remember many of you!" asked the front desk.

"They gambled in the room...the amount, no, it was watching TV and watching TV!" said the iron hand seriously.

"Haha, watch TV, okay, I know it is watching TV!" At the front desk, I understood the way, the iron hand did not argue again, just want to go, several police officers appeared at the door of the hotel.

"The police officer is good!" said the iron hand in a vague mouth.

"What kind of wine is there at noon!" one of the policemen frowned and said, "Come back to rest."

"Hey, I am working on money today." The iron hand did not seem to see the police frowning. He said, "Would you like to have a few drinks together, police officer?"

"We are on duty, don't bother us! Go back to sleep!" The police pushed the iron hand away and said to the front desk, "Have you ever been in a suspicious stranger?"

"Suspicious strangers? This is not, these people have come in a few days ago!" The front desk pointed to the iron hand they.

The iron man nodded and said, "I am, police officer, I came in a few days ago, you... do you want to drink with me?"

"Don't want to, come, I ask you, why are you coming here?" the police asked.

"I... I came to my boss to get the salary. I used to work on sd. My boss said that I will pay for the work at the end of the year. The result is that I didn't send it, and then I ran back to you, and we followed them." Today, we finally gave our money down. You see, this is money. Did you see it?" The iron hand escaped an envelope from his arms with a drunkard, then said to the police with a mysterious look. Here are the heads, but thousands of them! It’s our money, ours! We make money ourselves! We have earned a year!”

"It's not easy for you to make money. Don't take it for drinking, save some money for your wife and children at home, really, let's go home soon!" The police also thought it was not easy to go out to work, and the face was much smoother. I also know that let the iron hand go home early,

"Must be certain, but the police officers, see each other is the fate, let's have a drink together, how? I have an authentic Erguotou there, my friend brought it from the capital, very energetic!" Iron hand said with a smile, then It seems that because of the strength of the wine, the foot swayed a few times and almost fell.

"We are on duty, we can't drink!" the policeman said, and said to the men behind the iron hand, "You will send your fellow villager back."

"Okay, I know, police comrades!" The iron hand's men were originally very fierce, but now they look at one of them, but they seem to be very simple migrant workers. They don't see a bit of blood.

No one knows that these people, along with other people who are said to be gambling in the hotel, have interrupted the hand of Wang Junxi, the son of Wang Million.

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