Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1190: Red envelope

The first one hundred and ninety-one chapter red envelope

"Well, then go eat first." Zhao Tiezhu said, he would bring Linda to leave, but he was stopped by Linda.

"Iron column, I will go find my coach later," Linda said.


"Yeah, we all have to have a coach to learn the car, otherwise no one will arrange for you to take the exam. At noon, you may have to eat with the coach and other students!" Linda explained.

"So why don't I know?"

"Normal test driver's license, it is necessary for the trainees to come to the vehicle management office with the coach, and then the coach arranges the test, but our coach is better, I let him help me arrange it first, then I will come over with you today, directly The test is over, of course you don't know, people help me today, it is polite to have a meal with others at noon." Linda said.

"That's it, listen to you. I have no opinion."

Followed by Linda in the vehicle management office, I finally found a small canteen-like store. There are already many people sitting in the store, because now is the meal, and this canteen is the only one nearby. The snack bar, if you want to go somewhere else, you have to drive for a long time.

Linda took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and found it in the crowd, finally finding her coach.

Linda’s coach is a middle-aged man named Yongsheng, bald, slightly fatter, and the whole person looks very kind.

"Linda, come, sit, give you a place to stay." Yongsheng shouted, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu next to Linda, asked with a smile, "Linda, this is your boyfriend?"

"Well, yeah." Linda squinted at Zhao Tiezhu and said.

Several people moved their bodies and gave Zhao Tiezhu and Linda a position. Then the waiter quickly took the dishes, and a group of people ate it. Anyway, it was just a simple meal. The waves are not shocked, and there is no second generation of rich second generation to see that Linda wants to grab a woman with Zhao Tiezhu, and no one is Zhao Tiezhu to provoke Zhao Tiezhu. Anyway, life is sometimes very bloody, but the reason why life is life is still its ordinaryity. If the tide of the tide rises and falls, it is not called life, but should be called a movie.

After eating, it is already a little more, and Linda’s subject three exams are arranged at 3:30 in the afternoon. They are on the real road, and then they will follow a traffic police as an examiner to record some of the behaviors you drive. Then to determine if you have tested.

"Linda, you give me three hundred." After the meal, eternal life said to Linda.

Linda looked at eternal life with doubts and asked, "Coach, do you pay three hundred?"

"Nature is a red envelope." Yongsheng laughed. "Now, the subjects are all red envelopes, or you will not pass."

"How could it not be? I will drive early, just a simple road, it should be no problem!" Linda said.

"You don't understand this, but if you don't have a red envelope, then no matter how good the technology you usually drive, he won't let you go! There is a lot to say here."

"What said?" Linda asked curiously.

"A lot, a lot, for example, you start driving, the ignition starts, he lets you speed up, you accelerate, but he will say, how much speed limit here, you speeding, this can't pass, then he may let You suddenly stop somewhere, and when you stop, he will tell you that this place can't stop! Anyway, there are a lot of ways to make you, and if you pack a red envelope, it's simple, he will In the Straight, you can complete the series of exams in the ignition start block in the twenty seconds, and then you can pass it directly!" Eternal Life explained.

"But is it not to say that red packets are not allowed? I remember what I said on TV some time ago!"

"Is it possible to believe on TV? And people haven't asked for a red envelope. You are indeed a violation of the rules. It is inevitable that it has never been. What do you do with him?" said Yongsheng, "just three hundred." However, now, in the beginning of this year, what is the use of 300 pieces, it will be given, the trouble of the province, if you can not test, you have to wait for several months, and then you have to red packets, this is not worth it! ”

"No, I don't want to pack it." Linda's face was full of reluctance and disappointment. "I don't believe it, I am careful everywhere, he can catch my handle, I will definitely!"

"That's up with you." Yongsheng sighed and asked another student to collect three hundred red envelopes.

"Iron column, let's find a place to rest." Linda said, pulling Zhao Tiezhu's hand and leaving the canteen.

"Actually, when the subject of the exam is three, it is a hidden rule that everyone already knows." Zhao Tiezhu saw Linda's face full of resentment and said with a smile.

"What, the red envelope is still reasonable? This test naturally depends on the real talent, how can this be falsified? If the technology is not enough, the red envelope has been over, and the driver’s license is on the road but it is dead. Who is responsible? This... This is simply accepting bribes, this is an offence!” Linda said with indignation.

"Haha, in our country, what is not a hidden rule?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "You can't do it without paying the red envelope. It's still a small matter. You can't do it without giving a kickback. You don't give gifts on the official floor." If you don't stand the team, then don't think about getting ahead. This is all reasonable. My suggestion is to hand over the three hundred pieces. After all, this is a hidden rule that has been for many years, and there is no need for three. Hundreds of pieces will challenge him."

"I don't care." Linda was guilty of this, even Zhao Tiezhu did not listen to it. "I don't want to pay anyway, I want to see if he has any way to live with me. As long as I am cautious, I can definitely Over!"

"Haha, then follow you. Anyway, if you can't pass it, I will help you wipe your butt." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently.

"What is going to wipe my ass, it's so ugly!"

"Or I will wipe you Mimi."


The time was very fast. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the staff of the vehicle management office came back to work one after another, and then simply grouped.

Linda was quickly placed on a white Jetta, and then the Jetta car went out of the vehicle management station, directly on the road, and Zhao Tiezhu, was driving qq to go up.

In this public place, Zhao Tiezhu still does not like to drive the No. 25 car, on the one hand because the license plate may cause a sensation, and secondly, to travel with his own woman, there is no need to be so formal, free to do it, and qq It is the most casual car for home travel.

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