Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1184: appointment

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-four chapters

While Linda was having fun, she had to complete all the things Linda needed in the supermarket. After the completion of the account, she did not spend more than three hundred dollars. Of course, the money Zhao Tiezhu is naturally unreserved. Out of time, sometimes men and women together, although paying attention to an economic independence, but some things, do not be too independent and too much to each other, if you really want to be so clear, then it is not a love, but cooperation It is.

Zhao Tiezhu held a large bag with his hands, and then followed Linda out of the supermarket and asked, "Where to go next?"

"First put these things behind your car, the teacher will take you to play games," Linda said mysteriously.

"Game? What game? Is it a game for men and women?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile.

"Cut, think about it all day! It is a serious game!" Linda said.

After Zhao Tiezhu took everything to his car, Linda took Zhao Tiezhu and walked west on the pedestrian street. Soon, he came to the outside of a home appliance playing city.

"The game you said, is this?" Zhao Tiezhu listened to the sound of ping-pong in the video game city, and asked hard.

"Yeah, there is that shooting machine inside, I like to play the most." Linda took Zhao Tiezhu directly into the video game city, and then exchanged a few game coins, went straight to the shooting machine.

Zhao Tiezhu stood next to Linda, watching Linda throwing the basket in the excitement, and her love for Linda is even stronger. This is a woman who does not ask for other or even love, but only knows how to pay for herself. If you can't give someone a promise, it's really a bit of a beast.

In the heart of Zhao Tiezhu, a decision was made faintly.

"Teacher, my shooting skills are OK?" Linda smugly looked at the score on the shooting machine and asked.

“It’s really good.” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. “If it’s not the two cumbersome chests on your chest, you might vote better.”

"What is tiring, don't you like it?" Linda looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a flattering look.

"Like, like the tight, haha, what are we going to do next?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the watch, it was just eight o'clock in the evening.

"Go to the movies!" Linda suggested. "The last time I said, whoever took the medal, the teacher will accompany him to watch the movie. You just took the gold medal. The teacher will fulfill my promise and accompany you to watch the movie!"

"That, the movie ticket you out." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Iron children's shoes, how are you!" Linda looked at Zhao Tiezhu contemptuously.

“It’s healthier.”

The two went hand in hand to the cinema, Linda did not choose those emotional films such as the loss of love for thirty-three days, but chose an Indian film, the name is "three silly Bollywood."

"Do you also watch Indian films?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Don't look at it, but this is very nice, super funny, and very touching!" Linda said, holding Zhao Tiezhu and entering the cinema with a movie ticket.

"How do you know that he looks good?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I have seen it!"

"you have seen?"

"Yeah, look online."

"Then you still come to the cinema?"

"On the Internet, piracy, cinemas look at genuine, this is different, support genuine, everyone is responsible, it is like I read novels, if you encounter vip chapters, then I will first go to see the pirates, if you look good, I I will come and subscribe to the ones I have read. If I don't look good, I will not subscribe. This one is responsible for myself. One is responsible for the authors. I have written millions of words and you are tired. Money is not spent, it is really sorry for the fruits of the work of others!" Linda said.

"Really, I also agree to to see pirated copies, the male wood has a small jj, the female only has a small mm." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You are bad!"

"Three silly Bollywood" is indeed a good movie, Zhao Tiezhu basically does not look at Indian films, because in the impression of Zhao Tiezhu, the Indian film always carries a strong national characteristics, often the film does not last long. Then, I will give you a dance. The whole movie is filled with all kinds of meaningless dances. If this is the case, then it is better to go directly to the theater to watch the dance performances, what movies to watch, and, the most crucial point. Yes, Zhao Tiezhu always feels that watching Indian films will smell a strong curry.

It’s just that the film I watched completely completely overturned Zhao Tiezhu’s cognition of Indian films. The rhythm is appropriate and the humorous points are just right, especially the three male stars, which are excellent performances and interspersed dances. Not too much, people will not feel bored. Overall, this is the best comedy that Zhao Tiezhu has seen recently! It is global!

"Look good!" Linda asked with a smile from the cinema.

"It's really good-looking, especially the kind of humor that he shows inside. It's very rare. I still like comedy films." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"I am also, but if it is made in China, I will only watch the previous comedy films. The comedy films taken in recent years have become more and more trend-oriented." Linda said.

"I express 100% recognition of this point. The so-called comedy films are brain damage and brain damage and more brain damage. They are meaningless and funny from beginning to end. In short, they are a lot of them. I think that very funny things are put in the movies. If these funny elements are placed in a separate plot, that’s okay, but now those directors are just like to put together those elements, the result can only be Lei Ren, and if a drama reaches the point of Lei Ren, it is completely thorough, and there is no nutritious funny, even the brain is not bothered to read." Zhao Tiezhu took Linda's words and said.

"I like the Westward Journey most!" Linda took Zhao Tiezhu's hand and walked on the road. At this time, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. The sky was star-studded, and there were fewer people on the road.

"I like it too." Zhao Tiezhu just finished, a cold wind blowing from the side, Zhao Tiezhu took Linda's hand into his coat pocket, and then said, "The humor of the Westward Journey is easy to understand, but it is rich. Some philosophies, this is the most missing piece of comedy now, we don't have to learn something in the funny, but if it's just funny and there is nothing else, then let's go to Baidu to find a few jokes. Look."

"I like Zhou Xing." Linda's eyes are shining. "I admire him!"

"I like Hou Yin." Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile. "The face of the figure is a first-class one. I really like Zhou Xing, but now Zhou Xing, there is already a feeling of Jiang Lang, or He is planning a transformation, but the classic brand of Zhou Xing’s previous days is so deep in our hearts that we are unable to extricate ourselves."

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