Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1140: Snake fist

The first thousand one hundred and forty chapters of snakes

"I came to a Chinese person! I even came to a Chinese person. Did he want to challenge our great Mr. Dak? Is he going to legendary Chinese martial arts? I have to say that Mr. Zach seems to use it before. The Chinese martial arts, but he was beaten by our great Mr. Dak, who is said to be a friend of Mr. Zach, hoping that he would not be like our husband, Mr. Zach, Mr. Dak gave up a punch, and what we hope to see is a game that is evenly matched, not a one-sided one!” The host beauty was crying to the audience around him like a bed.

"Shenzhou people, you have to be a little stronger. Although Mr. Dak is invincible, we don't want to see you being jealous when you are on the court!"

"Go to hell, Shenzhou people!"

"Get rid of him, Mr. Dak, kill this Shenzhou!"

The countless Thai people around called.

Zhao Tiezhu looked up at those people, and did not bring any emotional color in his eyes. It was as if people were watching pigs, and how happy they were, Zhao Tiezhu just loosened Zac’s hand on Dak’s ankle. Then gently hugged Zach and walked to the door of the steel cage.

At this time, the door of the steel cage, Angel has already appeared here.

Zhao Tiezhu handed over the man to Angel and said, "Take him to see the doctor."

"Well, okay!" Angel took over Zach, so she left Zach and left the boxing ring.

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and closed the door of the steel cage, then slowly walked across to the opposite side of the gram and said, "You, want to break a few bones?"

"The arrogant Shenzhou people!" Dak was instantly irritated by Zhao Tiezhu's attitude. He directly came to Zhao Tiezhu with his fist, and the other hand was already bent. If Zhao Tiezhu could escape his first fist, he would With another hand, give Zhao Tiezhu an elbow, it is best to interrupt Zhao Tiezhu's chin at once. If this is the case, see if this person in China can still be so calm.

"Too slow." Zhao Tiezhu sighed and shook his head. The right leg slid back slightly, the left leg was bent, and the bow was stepped. The two hands were bent and erected. The five fingers were close together, slightly curved, and the fingers were facing Dak.

"You are also a snake boxer? Do you all like Chinese people, do you like funny?" Dak laughed, his fists rushed to Zhao Tiezhu's face with a whistling temper.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand suddenly moved!

I saw Zhao Tiezhu’s left hand suddenly slammed out, just like a snake, and instantly wrapped up with Dak’s fist. While controlling Dak’s fist, the bowed left leg suddenly turned forward, and the whole person took advantage of it. Advancing toward Dakke for about half a meter, and the hand that wrapped around Dak, also drilled forward, in Dak's collarbone, the fingertips slammed on it.


Similarly, the sound of the broken ribs before Zach, Dak's collarbone, was so stunned by Zhao Tiezhu, and was broken.

Zhao Tiezhu’s action did not stop at all. The right hand was also quickly attacked. He hit a shoulder on the other side of Dak, and then the palm of his hand went down and sinked to the rib of the gram.

Turn your palm into a fist!

Zhao Tiezhu left Dak to pull to his side, and his right hand, like the endless thunderstorm of the world, fell on Dak's abdomen and ribs.


The people around me only heard the muffled sound of countless sounds. Even if no one could see how many punches Zhao Tiezhu had, he saw Dak as if he had become a vibrating model and could not shake his body.

Three seconds!

This endless rain of rain only lasted for three seconds. Zhao Tiezhu took back his left hand. The body stepped forward and the right hand opened. He grabbed it on Dak’s neck and used a force to push Dak to the steel cage. Pushed out of the cage wall.

Dak’s body, draw a beautiful arc in the air, then...


A loud noise.

Dak's body slammed into the cage wall and fell to the ground.

There is no longer any life.

The whole audience.

As dead as silence.

Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath and walked over to the side. He took the microphone from the hand of the beautiful woman and said, "Shenzhou martial arts, profound and profound, if anyone wants to try it, even if you come to me."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu turned and jumped out of the boxing ring, leaving behind a group of already sluggish people and staff.

Inside the infirmary.

Zhao Tiezhu stood next to Zach’s bed and looked at Zach, who had already slept in the air, and sighed.

"Not your fault," Angel said.

"But he is because of my business." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Fortunately, no injuries to the internal organs!"

at this time.

Zach’s body moved and his eyes opened quietly.

"Iron!" Zach laughed weakly.

"Have a good rest." Zhao Tiezhu said, "When you get to the next port, you will disembark. I will arrange for someone to take care of you. When you are in good health, come to the fj of China. I will take you to experience the real culture of China."

"Well, thank you," Zach said.

"I should thank you." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "Let's raise your body. I still have some things to solve."

"Well, someone seems to want to catch you, you have to be careful!" Zach said.

"I understand." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and walked out of the infirmary.

After half an hour.

The Japanese squad of the ship was interrupted by a black man who was said to have offended a pirate in Somalia. People seek revenge.

"Well, now the enemy has reported, is it okay?" Angel looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who had become a black man, and asked.

Zhao Tiezhu said, "There is still one person."


"Wang Junxi."

At this time, Wang Junxi was watching the video of Zhao Tiezhu’s fight.

"This person, it seems that it is not Zhao Tiezhu." Wang Junxi frowned and said, "Zhao Tiezhu's style of play belongs to the straight-forward kind. This person actually uses the snake boxing in ancient martial arts, which obviously does not match the characteristics of Zhao Tiezhu!"

"That's a pity." Sam sat next to Wang Junxi and said.

"It's okay, it's not it. It's just that this person seems to be not a good person. We still have to be careful that he will retaliate to us here!" said Wang Junxi.

"Don't be careful." Zhao Tiezhu's voice came from a faint glimpse.

Wang Junxi and Sam’s face were both horrified.

"Don't think about calling you those bodyguards." Zhao Tiezhu has now become the look of the previous boxing. "This is a warning for you, and then dare to touch my friend, I will kill you!" ”

ten minutes later.

Wang Junxi and Sam were found to have interrupted their hands in their own room. Wang Junxi was angry and made the whole ship search for Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu at this time had already stayed in Angel's room.

"Wang Junxi, is not a fool." Zhao Tiezhu finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Wang Junxi not looking for Zach trouble.

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