Asking for Immortality in Another World

Chapter 183 Yang Country, Shengming

After all, the world has existed since ancient times.

Perhaps it was just a blink of an eye.

Ten thousand years have passed in this world.

And how much of an exaggeration is ten thousand years? !

Yuanying can't wait, and neither can Huashen!

Even the powerful beings above Huashen may not live to see it.

And people in the world worry about so many years later? !

Isn't this a bit too much of a worry!

Descendants may not be able to exist in this world at that time.

After all, no one can see the future.

Even if you are invincible in this world of cultivation now.

A light word can determine the life and death of millions of lives in the world now.

But no one knows what happens after death.

Are there not many Yuanying immortals in this world who have declined? !

There are countless in just ten thousand years.

There is a Yuanying immortal in the Meteorite Lake who died two thousand years ago.

So there is no need to worry about the future.

Live well in the present first and then talk about it.

If you don't get the great way, you will eventually die!

Even the gods are old and feeble...


"It's time to take revenge."

Sitting in the cave, Gu Changsheng was holding a third-level spiritual sword in his hand and was warming it up. He whispered to himself.

This voice did not carry much emotion.

There was only a kind of calmness.

It's time to understand the bad fate of a hundred years ago.

If he doesn't kill him, his thoughts will not be clear.

Jiu Du has been waiting for him for decades.

And he has been thinking about him for more than a hundred years.

More than? !

The two of them are indeed "love-hate".

Love him so much that he wants to kill him!

The two of them are the same, the same for each other.

One has been waiting for decades.

The other has been thinking about him for more than a hundred years.

After solving the problem of Jiu Du, Gu Changsheng can spend the next time with Yun Caiyi at ease, until this vest dies.

If he didn't want to see Yun Caiyi build his foundation with his own eyes.

He had started revenge a year ago.

He lived another year.

Sin, sin.

But all these years of restoring his body were not in vain.

Now, he has refined four more third-level spiritual swords.

Sword Thirteen!

And his wealth is now...

It cannot be said that it has been completely consumed, but most of it has been used up. The remaining spiritual stones are only enough to buy a few talismans on the market.

Gu Changsheng withdrew a lot of spiritual stones from the Luoyun Sect's treasury.

This trip to the center of the Southern Region.

It was not all for the Nine Poisons.

He was not so proud.

It was to bring back a golden elixir for Yun Caiyi.

Maybe she could still form a golden elixir smoothly without this thing.

But one more golden elixir can increase the probability of success. It's just a few more spiritual stones, it's worth it.

And the one million miles of land in the center of the Southern Region.

In fact, it is the most essential place in the entire Southern Region.

There have been countless gods of transformation.

It can be said to be the essence of a region.

And the Meteorite Lake where only the four Yuanying forces exist.

Compared with the center of the Southern Region, it is much weaker.

But it is not bad!!

Meteorite Lake is also a somewhat famous place.

The Guijian Sect where he was born is the real remote place.

It can only be said that it is barely able to support a Guijian Sect.

No wonder he could not find out about the existence of the immortal cultivators in Xuan Kingdom, but mortals in Meteorite Lake know about it.

This may also be related to the amount of resources.

Otherwise, why would he run to Meteorite Lake.

Moreover, he has been here for so many years!

This time, it should not waste much time if he goes and comes back quickly.

In the sky, there is a figure of Chengfeng, looking down at the boundless sea below, which is like a whole big sapphire.

The sea is very calm at this time.

He thought of the time when he ran to Meteorite Lake.

But he didn't expect that he would still be here after so many years.

Moreover, he has already started a family and found a Taoist partner.

He called himself the ancestor of the sect, and the times have changed.

The existence of Jindan that he could only look up to back then, he has already become a real person in this way.

And what he is going to do now.

Or, kill the existence of Jindan that he could only look up to back then.


Gu Changsheng suddenly laughed a few times.

Jindan... I wonder how many swords he can hold now? !

The color of the sea gradually changed.

And in front, a large piece of land is already in sight.

Like a dark color appeared before the horizon.

Looking at it makes people feel calm and at ease.

After leaving Meteorite Lake, Gu Changsheng sped up and headed towards the center of the South Region.

His current speed is not less than one thousand miles per hour.

And this is just a normal speed when traveling.

If you want to go faster, you can!

Using the escape technique, you can easily double your speed.

But, it's not worth it!

It's just traveling, not running or fighting with others.

Between the ups and downs and uneven land peaks.

I don't know how many lives have been nurtured.

The number of humans alone would be counted in the billions.

Going from Meteorite Lake to the center of the Southern Region does not pass through Guijian Sect, as the boundary of Guijian Sect is on the other side of Meteorite Lake.

If the mortals under the rule of Guijian Sect do not know that there are immortals in the world.

The closer you go to the center of the Southern Region, the more mortals know about immortal cultivators. There is even an immortal dynasty here.

The world is so big that nothing is strange.

Yang Country!

Yang Country is a major immortal cultivation force in the center of the Southern Region.

Its ancestors also had immortal cultivators who were transformed into gods!

He was the founding emperor.

Even though the gods have been dead for many years.

But Yang Country is still a major force that cannot be underestimated in the center of the Southern Region.

There are more than one such existences as Yuanying Zhenjun.

And the experience of the founding emperor Yang is even more legendary.

It has been widely circulated in the years of Yang Country's existence.

It is said that he came from the mortal world and was originally a prince of the mortal Yang Country, the predecessor of Yang Country...

Such a person is too legendary!

Even among the many gods that have appeared in the Southern Region, he is unique!

Others are sects that rule mortal countries.

Only Yangguo is the only one of all the immortal sects under the rule of the state.

To this day, there is only this one.

A mortal country counterattacked the lofty immortal world!

Moreover, it can successfully surpass the immortal world.

It must be said that no matter what position you stand on, objectively speaking, it is worthy of admiration.

Of course, the incarnation of the gods is worthy of admiration and worship.

Every incarnation of the gods can write a mythical story.

No wonder the center of the South Region has always looked down on other areas of the South Region.

Not to mention that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has risen to a higher level.

The number of Yuanying alone can beat the outside of the center.

This is the real place of great contention!

There is an old saying that whoever gets the center of the South Region gets the world!

Jiudu Zhenren is the ancestor of an immortal family in Shengming Mansion, Yangguo.

He is a relatively rare poison cultivator.

Although he cultivates the poison path, his reputation is exceptionally good.

Who would have thought that he is actually a robbery cultivator? !

Gu Changsheng had never noticed it before.

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