Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 892: Enter the island

"Even so, it must have taken a lot of effort for Senior Brother Zhao to inquire so clearly."

The avatar smiled and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, I can't just take you to the Dark Thunder Woods with a single word from you, I have to tell me what I'm going to do first, right? Otherwise, if something happens, it's hard for the junior brother to follow the sect. explain."

Zhao Songqiao was silent for a moment, then said: "Junior brother is right, then brother will no longer hide anything! Brother Wei once obtained a magic secret technique, and can use the power of thunder to lead thunder into the sea of ​​​​qi, break and stand behind, forcibly force Foundation building. The younger brother also knows that those thunder powers are all violent and unusual, and their formidable power is terrible. I am afraid that my brother will set himself on fire before he has come into contact with the thunder. Leimu's strange characteristics, there will be thin stagnation of dark thunder, and it is much softer than other places, maybe it can be successful. But the seniors of the master will definitely not allow me to risk my death, so I can only ask Junior Brother Zhang. If it is successful, I am willing to give this secret technique to Junior Brother Zhang for the sake of my brother. Other conditions, Junior Brother can also mention, as long as I can do it for my brother, I will never refuse!"

Zhao Songqiao's tone was decisive.

"Induce lightning to build a foundation?"

Incarnate stunned.

This is the first time he has heard of this method. At the Qi-refining stage, he dared to attract thunder into his body, and he would end up with no bones left at every turn. This person was really daring.

However, after breaking and then standing up these four words, he has long had experience.

Back then, he and Yunyouzi came this way.

Another ruthless man?

The avatar glanced at Zhao Songqiao with a contemplative look on his face.

At this time, Fang Ting couldn't help but ask for help: "Senior Brother Zhang, if you can enter the Dark Thunder Woods, you can help Senior Brother Zhao once."

The incarnation raised his eyebrows, "Junior sister, you are the ultimate talent for double spiritual roots, and you will not lack foundation building pills in the future. What do you want this dangerous secret technique for?"

Fang Ting's face turned red, her lips moved, and she suddenly whispered: "Brother Zhao gave me a Fuqing Pill, I thought Master would also go, and if I could use the Master's name, just... eat the Fuqing Pill. Also, senior brother, you might be able to use this secret technique. If senior brother Zhao fails, he will die, and we will not lose anything if we don’t practice. If the secret technique is successful, senior brother, you can build it together with me base!"

"Fun Qingdan, how old are you?"

Incarnate speechless.

Returning Green Pill can make the face permanent, not as magical as the legendary Dingyan Pill, but it is also very rare.

It is difficult for immortal cultivators, especially in the stage of forming an elixir, to completely erase the traces of the years. Not everyone has the Sanguang Jade Liquid. This elixir is particularly attractive to female cultivators.

Zhao Songqiao really gave this gift to the right person.

Fang Ting blushed.

The avatar heard that the second half of Fang Ting's words were indeed somewhat sincere, and he pondered secretly.

In the name of Jin Yan, it is not difficult to go to the Dark Thunder Woods, and he will also stroll around. It may take a lot of trouble to bring Zhao Songqiao.

The point is whether it's worth it.

He was still a little curious about this secret technique in his heart, and he wondered if it could be used for reference to the main body. With the cultivation base of the body, the danger of introducing thunder into the body is much smaller.

In addition, he inquired about a place not long ago, half of which were occupied by Lan Doumen and Yanmiao Pavilion. If he wanted to sneak in, he might have to borrow Fang Ting's identity.

"Junior Sister Fang, if it wasn't for your own sake, I would definitely hesitate. Since you are begging for Senior Brother Zhao, I can try it as much as possible, but I can't guarantee that it will work."

Avatar pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said.

"Really! Thank you, brother! As long as you agree, you will definitely be able to do it!"

Fang Ting's heart knot was finally untied.

Zhao Songqiao was also full of surprise. He stood up and bowed, his voice even trembling, "Thank you for my brother, Junior Brother Zhang, for making Junior Brother worry about it!"

"Brother Zhao, don't be too polite."

The avatar raised his empty hand and said in a condensed tone, "Senior Brother Zhao, I don't need to mention any more conditions, it's just to help Junior Sister. But we're going to talk about it in the front, you must obey my orders after entering, and don't act without authorization. Otherwise, I won't say a word for you if something comes up."

Saying that, the avatar looked at Fang Ting, "Junior sister, don't be too happy. After a while, I need you to do me a favor for my brother."

"I will handle it."

Fang Ting didn't ask what was the matter, she just patted her chest and embraced it.

The three discussed for a while, and Fang Ting and Zhao Songqiao left with joy on their faces.

After sending them away, the incarnation called out Tianmu Die and pondered inwardly. Tianmu Die just didn't see anything strange about Zhao Songqiao, it should be because he thought too much.

At that time, he will let Tianmudie pay attention to Zhao Songqiao at all times, and watch Zhao Songqiao perform the secret technique. If this person behaves abnormally, he will kill him directly.

However, in order to bring them in, the avatar still needs to ask Jin Yan for a task.

Thinking of this, the incarnation flew out of the cave and flew straight to the stone palace.


Five days later.

A cloud of mist galloped with lightning speed, flew out of the mountains in the blink of an eye, came to the sky above the sparkling sea, and then continued to gallop unabated.

Indistinctly, some figures can be seen standing within the clouds.

"Junior Brother Lu, your cloud-mist boat has been refined to the realm of free will, and with all your strength the speed of escape is about to catch up with the top-grade magic weapon."

There are two Taoists standing at the front of the cloud.

One of them was holding a whisk, it was Huayang Laodao, he turned slightly sideways, and said some compliments to please.

The other person looks much younger than Huayang Laodao, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, not angry and arrogant.

This person has the same surname as Lu Xiaoyun, the head of Lan Doumen. He is the adopted son of Lu Xiaoyun. His talent is amazing.

When Lu Xiaoyun was not around, he would handle the affairs of the sect. No accident, this person would take over as the head of Lan Dou Sect in the future.

At this time, the avatar stood at the end of the cloud and fog boat, hiding in the crowd without saying a word.

"Senior Brother Huayang is wrong. I have re-trained this treasure sutra many times. It has exhausted its potential and cannot be improved. It is far inferior to the high-grade magic treasure and can only be used as a substitute..."

Saying that, Lu Shouzuo glanced forward, "We left a little early this time, I don't know if other sects have arrived."

"According to the usual practice, Yanmiao Pavilion and others will arrive early when we set up the ban on Dongming Island with us. As for the other sects, it is estimated that they will not arrive until the Longxing Mountain opens tonight."

Huayang Laodao seems to be very familiar with the process of the puja.

Lu Shouzuo bowed his head slightly, "This is the first time for Junior Brother to preside over a dharma meeting, and Senior Brother Huayang will need to pay more attention..."

While speaking, Yunwuzhou rowed across the blue sky and blue sea.

After a while, a few strange rays of light suddenly appeared in front of them, which were all kinds of flying instruments.

"It's actually Lu's first visit!"

"Qi has seen Lu's first seat!"


Several figures flew out of the magic weapon and greeted them from a distance.



I'm sorry I overslept, this is to make up for yesterday, there will be more in a while.

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