Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 831: Avatar

After returning to the cave, Qin Sang's heart moved slightly.

The external avatar came out from the inside.

"Friends of Taoism are back."

The avatar outside of his body bowed his hand to him, just like a real person, with almost no flaws.

Qin Sang would be subconsciously alert whenever he saw the actions of the avatar outside his body.

According to the secret method of "Planting the Demon Fetus", when the external incarnation also breaks through the Yuan Ying stage, the cultivator will have a second Yuan Ying, which is equivalent to having a second life.

When something happens to the main body, it can be resurrected by incarnation outside the body.

However, this conversion process requires a great price, which is unacceptable.

When occupying the incarnation outside the body and transforming the Second Nascent Infant, it will be weak for a long time, at least a hundred years, and if the catastrophe comes at this time, there will be no resistance.

In addition, the following path of practice will also be affected, and it will be difficult step by step.

But it's better than death.

Qin Sang is not yet sure whether the secret method modified by Senior Green Bamboo still has this effect.

This conversion between the main body and the clone gave Qin Sang a sense of absurdity. Which one is he? Doppelganger backlash, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing me?

It is clearly stated in "The Demon Tire" that the higher the cultivation level of the external incarnation, the greater the risk of backlash. It is not impossible to be turned into the main body outside the body. The cultivator must be cautious.

Therefore, when refining the external avatar, you can blend his emotions, but Qin Sang refused to do so, cut off the memory of the distracted soul, and tried not to let the external avatar have too much contact with him.

Anyway, it's still early to get a baby.

It is even more difficult to incarnate a baby outside the body, and the chances are slim. The Second Nasal Infant is far away, and Qin Sang will not put himself in this situation for the sake of illusory hope.

Qin Sang let the incarnation go back outside.

The Yuan fetus has not yet been successfully conceived, and it will take a while, Qin Sang ordered the external incarnation to practice alone in the cave, not to step out of the cave, and set a barrier.

That night, Qin Sang was ready to go, and helped the avatar to sort out, and it was morning.

He closed the cave and went to see Mrs. Liu.


The shopkeeper led Qin Sang into the back hall, and Mrs. Liu was obviously relieved when he saw him.

She had obviously been worried about Qin Sang changing his mind.

"The Taoist leader is finally here!"

Mrs. Liu stood up and continued to say, "Does the Taoist master plan to buy anything? If not, let's go here."

Qin Sang nodded, frowning suddenly: "Ms. Liu has been moving outside with her original appearance?"

"of course not!"

Madam Liu smiled slightly and took out a mask that was as thin as a cicada's wings. After putting it on, she immediately turned into another face, even her temperament changed slightly.

"This mask was lent to me by an old friend of my husband. Fortunately, with this treasure, my concubine can keep following Xiang Yi without being discovered."

Qin Sang was surprised that this mask was actually a magic weapon. After Mrs. Liu put it on, he could not see any flaws, but other than that, it seemed to have no effect.

It is luxurious enough to refine a magic weapon that can only change the face.

However, when Qin Sang secretly asked the Tianmu Butterfly to open the Tianmu for inspection, he saw some flaws, and his face was somewhat unnatural, showing that the magic weapon's ability was limited.

Of course he will not take the initiative to expose.

Tianmu Butterfly's ability is unique, this mask is enough to hide Xiang Yi's eyes.

The two changed faces rushed to the holy mountain with the teleportation array, and arrived at the teleportation hall, and found that few people came in.

This kind of sight made Qin Sang understand that Yaohai's changes were intensifying, and he even had doubts about his decision.

Knowing that they are going to Demon Sea, the monk who is in charge of teleportation said: "There are few monks going to Demon Sea now. The two fellow Taoists need to wait a while, gather the number of people, and then start the teleportation formation."

The two bought a teleportation charm, waited patiently on the side, and it took a long time to get it together.


The salty sea breeze poured into the nasal cavity, seeming to have a faint smell of evil and blood.

Returning to the desert island, Qin Sang obviously felt that the atmosphere had become a lot more solemn.

There was a long line of people in the teleportation hall that returned to the Canglanghai. These were monks who could afford the teleportation fee. There were also many monks and mortals who could only wait for an unknown destiny here.

The harbour is full of big ships, and there are frequent visits, so you must travel together.

The advantage is that after Qin Sang and the others found the ship, not only did they not have to pay for the ship, but the ship owner would instead give them a spiritual stone, asking them to help in times of crisis.

Qin Sang felt that the entire Monster Sea was panicking, and the Liu family had been traveling in the Monster Sea for the first time.

Madam Liu prepared two identities in advance, Qin Sang and Madam Liu made disguise and embarked in a low-key manner.

The boat travels at sea.

Qin Sang talked with the other monks to understand the situation in the monster sea, and learned that the Yuan Ying ancestors who occupied the island as the king were all uniting, making a proposal to jointly resist the beast tide, and at the same time recruiting masters.

Many hidden powers, unable to continue meditation, showed up one after another, working together to fight against the monster race.

The two island owners who abandoned the island before were actually not without resistance, but had a strategy to retreat. Coupled with the reinforcements and help of the major forces, at that time, the masters will be assembled, relying on some big islands, and not afraid of the monster race.

"It's not a barbaric era anymore. There are so many powers to enter the Monster Sea, and all the forces have their own interests here. After a lot of effort, how can the Monster Race be easily destroyed."

The monk was very confident, ready to seek wealth and wealth.

Qin Sang feels that there is some truth to this statement. All the forces on the bright side, the two realms of righteousness and the devil, the three major business alliances and the witch clan, all value the resources of the monster sea, especially the three major business leagues and the witch clan. , Yaohai is their hope for the future.

The foundations in the monster sea were destroyed, and the loss was too great for them to bear. Those important positions would inevitably be guaranteed.

The monster clan is powerful, but it is not strong enough to drive away the human and witch clan.

Of course, the Yaozu’s change has indeed appeared No one dares to take it lightly, and they are all waiting for it.

On the way, the fleet was frequently harassed by monsters. While slaying the monsters, Qin Sang accidentally met a female repairman on another ship, who had come out of Huntian Island.

"I also stayed in Huntian Island for a period of time in the next year. I remember that it was not long after the end of the Wuchao. There are rumors that there is a sky fire outside the island, and there will be the birth of Yuan Ying Zhibao. Is it true or false? Who has the treasure?"

Qin Sang asked quickly.

He didn't know how much Dong Ming Hanyan made a noise, so he could only be vague.

The female cultivator glanced at Qin Sang unexpectedly, "Friends of Daoist are very well informed, I only got a little wind after the incident. It is said that the place where Senior Master Dong Ming was sitting and Huan was discovered, and Senior's supernatural power Dong Ming Han Yan At birth, there are treasures of Master Dong Ming hidden in the cave. Finally, the island owner invited the old demon Mou Lue to subdue Han Yan, and the treasure must have fallen into their hands."


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