Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1271: report

This place used to be a blood prison, with execution grounds all over the place, sealed for countless years, and still can feel the tragic and **** years from the ruins everywhere.

There was blood in the sky.

The blood mist is thick and the power of Yin evil is full.

The people who broke into this place seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood, cold and biting, surrounded by an extremely depressing and strange atmosphere, and their minds were unconsciously tense.

Ancient prohibitions can be seen everywhere.

However, the most dangerous thing is not the ancient ban, but the living creatures.

This kind of monster born in the evil and **** land is bound to be chaotic, bloodthirsty, and extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, since entering the Blood Mist Basin, except for the flesh-and-blood puppets in the Black Tower Array, they have never encountered any living monsters. Even a flesh-and-blood puppet is a walking corpse without intelligence.

But at the moment of rushing out of the blood, everyone's faces changed.

The flag gate formation in front also paused slightly.

Their worst fears have happened!

'boom! ’

'boom! ’




In the depths of the blood fog, loud noises were heard from all directions.

It seems that countless giant beasts are running and trampling the footsteps of the earth.

Followed by, there are also roars one after another, some are still far away and cannot be heard clearly, but some are hovering nearby.

The blood mist and the ancient ban blocked the line of sight, and everything about the monster was unknown, only the loud noise and roar kept echoing in the ears, making people jump.

Why did the sudden change occur?

Everyone looked around at a loss, feeling that they had been surrounded by monsters. Entering the **** world, no monsters were found, but there were fluctuations in the depths of the blood fog, causing the blood fog to vibrate and a chaotic scene.

For a time, everyone panicked.

Although they are the world's top experts, there are not a few people in the world of immortality who can threaten their existence, especially in places like Blood Lake and Ziwei Palace.

Similar tragedies have happened more than once.

Qin Sang's expression changed slightly, thinking of the unknown monster he and Uncle Dongyang were disturbed at the bottom of the blood river.

When leaving Xuehe, he deliberately stayed outside for a while, seeing that there was no movement after the monster woke up, and when Xuehe returned to calm, he left on his own.

You didn't make it yourself, did you?

Qin Sang muttered in his heart.

There was only one monster that woke up at that time, and now there is no idea how much is hidden in the depths of the blood mist. If they have the strength comparable to that monster, their situation will be very dangerous!

The flag gate array paused for a moment, then plunged into the blood mist.

The opponents are in hot pursuit, and they can't control what monsters are in the blood fog.

Qin Sang and the others looked at each other, then stopped at the same time, and watched the flag gate disappear from sight.

Finding out the cause of the mutation, finding out the details of the monster, and getting out of danger as soon as possible are the most important things. They don't want to be buried with Ye Laomo.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed out of the blood fog.

Seeing this person, a strange color flashed in Qin Sang's eyes.

Everyone was also quite surprised.

It was Uncle Dongyang who had been missing for a long time!

Uncle Dongyang was still dressed in a brocade robe, elegant and elegant, with an abnormally pale complexion, as if he had been injured, but his breath was still stable.

"Daoist is this?"

Everyone dodged out of the big formation and looked at Uncle Dongyang.

A few lines of sight swept between Qin Sang and Uncle Dongyang, with different expressions.

Qin Sang didn't say a word, thinking about something to himself.

Just now Qin Sang revealed his identity, and the alert people among them vaguely thought that the inexplicable disappearance of Uncle Dongyang might have something to do with Qin Sang? He can force Ye Laomo to self-destruct incarnation, and he has the ability to kill Dongyang Bo.

Qin Sang's blood sacrifice to the blood demon incarnation, revealing his true face, this scene was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

No one is stupid enough to ask a question face to face.

It is really unwise to drive away a top expert who has just made great achievements. If he falls to Sinyuan or Tianyaoqiu, he will regret it.

Not to mention no evidence.

No one knows what kind of grudges this pair of former ancestors and juniors have, whether it has reached the point of life and death.

Dongyang Bo dodged in front of everyone, saw Qin Sang who had taken off his mask, his pupils shrank slightly, and then said as usual: "The monster in the blood lake woke up, I was injured accidentally, surrounded by monsters, and missed the appointed time. Okay. Here, I followed the marks left by fellow Daoists to find this place. The monsters are bloodthirsty and mad, and there are very terrifying existences. You can't stay here for a long time, just leave with me!"

Someone secretly observed Dongyangbo and Qin Sang.

Qin Sang and Uncle Dongyang's expressions were normal. They didn't seem to see each other. Uncle Dongyang already knew Qin Sang's identity.

On the contrary, it only made them more suspicious.

There must be something between these two!

But now is not the time to be concerned about such trifles.

"Everything was normal before coming in. Do you know when these monsters appeared? Why did they suddenly wake up? What is the origin?" Demon Lord Tongyou frowned and asked repeatedly.

Dongyang Bo said: "There are actually countless blood rivers in the ground here, crisscrossed and crisscrossed, and blood mists flow. They are sleeping at the bottom of the blood river, and only a few start to wake up, only wandering in the blood river, they should be affected by our opening of the seal. Yes. But not long ago, I don't know what happened, all the ancient bans in the blood lake were shaking, and the monsters suddenly woke up at the same rushed out of the ground..."

When asked about the time, Qing Jun said solemnly, "It's when Old Demon Ye broke the seal of the cage!"

"Is it also a blood prison guard similar to a flesh-and-blood puppet? The core seal was broken, affecting the entire blood lake?"

Demon Lord Tongyou hurriedly asked about the appearance of Uncle Dongyang's monster, and it was very similar to a flesh-and-blood puppet.

"When I passed through the black tower just now, the flesh-and-blood puppet didn't seem to be normal."

someone recalled.

Sin Yuan was eager to escape, and deliberately avoided the flesh and blood puppets in the black tower formation. They did not notice anything unusual about the flesh and blood puppets.

They immediately returned to the blood gate and confirmed the matter. The flesh-and-blood puppet was restricted by the black tower formation and was not as crazy as the monsters outside.

If every monster has the strength comparable to the flesh and blood puppet, they are in big trouble!

I wanted to wait for Ye Laomo to come back and explore the black tower array carefully, but I didn't expect an unexpected change, so I didn't dare to stay here.

"For today's plan, we must leave the Blood Lake as soon as possible and restore the seal of the Blood Lake. I hope those monsters will not leave the Blood Lake without authorization. Once the monsters are released, not only Xiaohanyu will bear the brunt, but the entire Beichen Realm will suffer a catastrophe. "

Uncle Dongyang sighed, "Just now the monster rushed out of the ground, and I sensed that there were several extremely powerful auras, far superior to you and me, and incomparable."

After he suppressed the injury, he chose to stay rather than return to Xiaohanyu after careful consideration.

Anyone who sees Qin Sang's strength, no one will oppose him, and Qin Sang is not alone.

If Qin Sang is willing, he will definitely shine in dealing with Sin Yuan.

At that time, if one fled and the other made a great contribution, it was obvious who the various forces in Xiaohan Yu would favor.

Although it will not completely fall in favor of Qin Sang, Shaohua Mountain will definitely fall into a passive position, and its many years of business will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

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