Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1263: Mutual exchange

The figures of Tianzheng old man and Tongyou Demon Lord both disappeared.

There is only one galaxy left in the void, as if a section was intercepted from the galaxy in the sky.

However, a shadow appeared in the center of the galaxy, which seemed out of place in the dazzling galaxy.

Demon Lord Tongyou is now the No. 1 expert in Xiaohanyu, second only to Zhenyi Laodao in the Alliance of Two Domains.

The old man Tianzheng has also been famous for a long time.

He, Ye Laomo, and another cultivator with the name Cang Hong, are also known as the three giants of Sinyuan. Among them, Ye Laomo is the most famous, and he is recognized as the number one person in Beichen Realm. Just relying on Ye Laomo, a blood demon incarnation comparable to the main body, he can sit firmly on the first throne.

The Demon Lord Tongyou is fighting back, but it is difficult to rush out of the Galaxy catalog in a short time.

However, the old man Tianzheng could not be distracted to deal with Qin Sang, so he could only release Starlight Warrior, which was better than nothing.

Starlight Lux is thirty feet tall, his body is carved like crystal, he is unusually burly, his facial features are sharp and angular, and his face is expressionless.

Qin Sang had heard of the Xingheng Sect. The Starlight Warrior was the secret housekeeping technique of the Xingheng Sect. It was carefully refined with the Starlight Moon Flower Gathering Talisman.

This is one of the talisman soldiers mentioned by the senior sister, which is probably the case.

Starlight Lux is infinitely powerful, and to a certain extent, it is an indestructible body, born with a fighting instinct.

You only need to sacrifice the talisman, without the need for the monks to be distracted and manipulated, and there is no need to worry that the talisman will backlash, which is the best assistance to the enemy.

The only downside is that the price is too high.

After years of preparation, it took a lot of energy to become a Starlight Warrior, but it can only be used once. When the rune power is exhausted, it dissipates immediately, and it no longer exists and cannot be recovered. It can only be re-refined.

Therefore, the Xingheng Sect cultivator regards it as a treasure and will not use this talisman.

In order to stop Qin Sang, the old man Tianzheng released a starlight warrior without hesitation.

Qin Sang only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and then he saw the Starlight Warrior standing in front of him, and a giant fluorescent fist slammed into him.

Lux's body is composed of starlight, and it is not clear whether it is real or phantom, but the power of this punch is unquestionable. The fist wind formed a storm vortex in the void.

'call! ’

The starlight on Lux's body was dazzling, and it closed in front of his fist. The storm vortex expanded rapidly, and the surrounding blood mist had no resistance, and was sucked into the vortex, bringing out a wave of blood visible to the naked eye.

Qin Sang felt his whole body tense. Seeing that the punch was coming, there was no sign of nervousness on his face, and his speed was still the same.


Qin Sang drank lowly.

After the magic fire broke the ancient ban, it was not taken back by Qin Sang, but hovered around him, turning into a black dragon and swooping out.

At the same time, a tortoise-shell shield jumped out of nowhere and blocked Qin Sang's body.

Almost as soon as the tortoise-shell shield appeared, the Starlight Warrior's fist slammed **** the tortoise-shell shield, and a shrill strange sound came out.

This is the tortoise shell of the Nine-Life Mysterious Tortoise. Even if Qin Sang only used a few simple sacrificial techniques, it is a rare defense treasure.

Qin Sang's eyes were stern, his speed was three points faster, he was wearing a tortoise shell, and rushed in front of the starlight warrior. He stretched out one palm, grabbed the starlight warrior's fist, and the other hand clenched his fist and smashed it at the starlight warrior's face.

At the same time, the Jiuyou Demon Fire also fell on the Starlight Warrior, surrounding it.

'bang bang bang...'

There were several muffled sounds in the magic fire, and the void shook.

The old man Tianzheng couldn't help but look sideways, his face full of surprise, this guy was actually fighting with Starlight Lux!

It was only then that he remembered that this person was a monster in the form of a beast, and of course his physical body was not bad. It's just that in the rumors I heard before, there are magic flags, spirit swords, and sword formations, all of which are common methods for immortal cultivators, and they almost forgot the identity of this person.

‘Ow! ’

A heart-piercing roar came from the magic fire.

Immediately after a loud 'bang', the magic fire suddenly exploded, and a mass of white light shot back, and the shadow of Starlight Warrior's body could be vaguely seen.

The old man Tianzheng's eyelids jumped, and the Starlight Warrior was actually hit by Qin Sang's old fist in a single encounter, and with the magic fire, he returned to his original shape, and he didn't even use the sword array.

He didn't expect Starlight Warrior to stop Qin Sang for a long time, but he didn't expect to be beaten so easily.

The warrior was beaten back to its original form, but it did not die. As long as the talisman was not exhausted, it could easily be reorganized, but it was too late to stop Qin Sang.

Qin Sang broke through the blockade and saw the scene of the Gorefiend incarnate as one against two.

The blood moon wheel is spinning rapidly, and the target is the jade neck of Qingjun. Wherever it passes, the blood is so bright that it seems to tear the void apart, and the momentum is extremely amazing.

Qingjun followed Ye Laomo's body closely, and he was about to escape into the blood pool, but the blood moon wheel had already hit.

She didn't even look at the blood moon wheel, the castration did not decrease, but the five-square pagoda shook slightly, and the next moment it appeared above the blood moon wheel.

A hum.

The phantom of the Five Square Pagoda reappears.

As expected, the blood light was stopped by the mysterious tower, but the blood moon wheel was quite extraordinary, and it was still rushing forward to break through the suppression.

The Wufang Pagoda failed to hold down the blood moon wheel, but created an opportunity for Qingjun. I saw her jumping into the blood through the gap between the two black cables and disappearing into the depths of the blood. .

At the same time, the Five Square Pagoda flashed and followed Qingjun.

The incarnation of Gorefiend did not pursue Qingjun, but sneered disdainfully.

The main body is one-on-one, if he can still lose, he will be the first person in the Beichen realm.

'Wow! ’

Jingyu screamed, she was more eager to get the treasure in the blood pool than anyone present.

The thunder rosary shines brilliantly, giving birth to a new phantom of the Thunder-Swallowing Falcon.

However, this phantom is more real than the previous one.

The phantom squeaked from the neck, spread its wings, and rushed towards the incarnation of the blood demon.

The incarnation of Gorefiend didn't want to take it hard, his body moved sideways, and he paused for a while, but he kept saying something in his mouth.

At this moment, countless blood-colored runes appeared out of thin air around Jing Yu, revolving around her in a strange twist.

Jing Yu only felt that the blood in his body was boiling, as if he was about to be sucked away by the runes.

She heard Qin Sang talk about Old Demon Ye's methods. Seeing this scene, she knew that Old Demon Ye would never be allowed to complete the secret technique. She immediately activated the power of her bloodline, and bolts of lightning were beating on her feathers.

'Boom! ’

With Jing Yu as the center, a thunderstorm erupted, and countless lightning bolts slammed into all directions, tearing the runes to pieces.

Jing Yu merged into one of the thunders and rushed to the blood pool at an astonishing speed!

The blood demon incarnation frowned, but Jing Yu was born proficient in Lei Dun and miscalculated. At this moment, Qing Jun got out of trouble, and turned the blood moon wheel and slashed at Jing Yu again.

'when! ’

The blood moon wheel slashed to the empty space, and there was a sound of gold and iron symphony.

Then, a flying sword appeared from the void. It was Qin Sang who had just defeated the Starlight Warrior. Seeing this, he quickly took out the ebony sword and helped Jingyu block the blood moon wheel.

The inside of the blood pool is also very complicated, and only Jing Yu knows the exact location of the corpse flower Xueba.

The pressure on Jing Yu's body disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped into the blood pool without turning his head.

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