Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1255: Corpse Flower Blood Amber

He was fishing with the blood mulberry, but he was caught by someone instead of stealing the chicken.

Qin Sang didn't find it funny.

The fat chicken is even more horrified, feeling that the world is dangerous.

"In this black tower, someone has lived from the ancient to the present?"

Qin Sang said in a deep voice.

After rescuing Bai, having experienced the calamity of the Seven Killing Halls, inspiring the afterimage of Qingluan, and seeing the bone formation left by the mysterious man at the main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, Qin Sang was already accustomed to this kind of thing.

The change in Ziwei Palace was far from implicated, and the ancient forbidden changed, and all the monsters and monsters jumped out.

Qin Sang was mixed.

Fortunately, more ancient monks have surfaced, and among them there must be people who remember the secrets of ancient times.

What is worrying is that if there is another murderous demon monarch, the monks in the Beichen realm will not be able to turn the tide and re-seal the demon monarch.

The entire Beichen Realm will be wiped out.

The blood lake is a fierce place, and it is also a treasure.

What is even more commendable is that few people get involved.

I don't know how much Ye Laomo and others know about this place. Do they know that there are still ancient monks living and hiding dangers?

Could it be that they came for that ancient Xiu?

It is still possible for three or two people to be bewitched. Qin Sang doesn't believe that all the sinyuan cultivators have lost their minds and help Lao Mo Ye release the ancient demon unless they get some news in advance.

"I don't know the origin of that person, maybe it's the ancient cultivator you mentioned, or maybe it's a senior who broke in by mistake and was also trapped here. But this person has no good intentions and is full of malice towards me, which is by no means good. people!"

Jing Yu said bitterly.

Back then, what attracted Jing Yu was a kind of spirit called Corpse Flower Blood Amber.

The conditions for the formation of corpse flower blood amber are very harsh.

First of all, it is necessary to give birth to several unique and rare spiritual flowers in a place with extremely evil spirits and rich blood.

After these spirit flowers bloomed, no one picked them, and they never withered. Over time, they absorbed too much blood, and the spirit flowers gradually crystallized, transformed, washed away impurities, and turned into an amber-like existence.

Shaped like a gem, it is also a kind of elixir for the demon race.

The corpse flower blood amber contains blood poison, and the human race avoids it like snakes and scorpions, but the powerful monsters can directly take the corpse flower blood amber when they are on the verge of breakthrough. .

However, if the strength is insufficient, it will be taken advantage of by the blood poison and die on the spot, and there is no cure.

It's a medicine, and it's a poison.

The demon clan loves and hates the corpse flower Xuepo.

"I was attracted by the fluctuation of the seal of the blood lake. I saw the phantoms of several corpse flowers and blood buds floating on the blood lake. They could be broken at any time. When I found that the seal of the blood lake was loose, I thought it was a god-given opportunity. The demon clan fellow who lived in seclusion in Wuya Valley joined forces to break the seal and come in..."

Jing Yu said while recalling, and recounted his previous experience.

The Seal of the Blood Lake will be turbulent every ten years.

As time goes by, they have become accustomed to it and don't find it strange.

This time it was just a little bigger.

After Jing Yu broke in, he saw the body of the corpse flower blood amber on the top of the mountain, floating in the center of the basin, that is, in this black tower formation.

They didn't have the ability to fish the corpse flower and blood amber from the air, so they had to enter the basin in person and find it here.

At that time, the restriction on the blood gate was not as strong as it is now. The two demons attacked together for a while, then pushed open a gap and sneaked in.

After falling into the black tower formation, the two demons avoided the flesh-and-blood puppets. They searched here and found the center of the formation. Seeing that they were about to collect the corpse flowers, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"We were also trapped in the bottleneck for too long, and we were fascinated by ghosts. We ignored so many anomalies along the way.

"I don't know if he lured us in, to trick us into helping him unlock the seal, or to treat us as blood food. Seeing that he was noticed by us, he immediately showed his fangs.

"I was born proficient in Lei Dun. I was severely injured and escaped the catastrophe. He was sealed, and he was able to manipulate the flesh-and-blood puppets here and chase us. Open.

"Fortunately, he couldn't make waves all the time. I fled with difficulty in the black tower formation and persisted until he fell asleep. The whereabouts of that fellow Daoist is unknown, and he never appeared again."

Jing Yu sighed lightly, then paused and said, "I was seriously injured, and I was looking for a way out while healing. After that, he would wake up once every ten years. Even if there is a ten-year interval, in this sinister land, I still It was difficult to recover. During that time, I was very embarrassed, and my injuries became more and more serious. Later, I discovered this dark prison by accident. At that time, I was about to run out of fuel. Although I knew that the dark prison might not be safe, I had no choice... …”

Saying that, Jing Yu touched the fat chicken's head and said softly, "God treats me not badly, and the secret prison prohibits me from being sleepy and not hurting, so there will be a reunion day."

Jing Yu talked about his experience in a flat tone, but Qin Sang and Fat Chicken could both feel how thrilling it was.

How desperate is it to be freed from the claws and trapped in a dark prison, and may never break the seal!

Qin Sang heard what happened to Jing Yu, but he still didn't know much about Gu Xiu who was sealed The seal of the blood lake fluctuates every ten years. Is that the person who is attacking the seal? Since he can manipulate the flesh and blood puppet, why not use the puppet to help him attack the seal, or go out to find blood food? "

Qin Sang wondered.

Jing Yu recalled: "According to my observation, the flesh-and-blood puppet should not belong to that person, but was conceived by the Black Tower Array, and I don't know what means the person used to forcefully control it. Even if this kind of puppet is controlled, it will not hurt much. The formation and seal, it is estimated that it is impossible to leave the range of the large formation."

"It makes sense," Qin Sang nodded and frowned, "However, there are so many monks in the two domains, and the flesh-and-blood puppets have no abnormality, and I have not received a warning from the Demon Lord Tongyou. We were forced to separate. , that person didn't take the opportunity to catch the **** food, is he sleeping too deeply, or is there another conspiracy?"

Jing Yu thought about it for a while, and then said condensedly: "It's okay to do nothing, but it's impossible!"

"how do I say this?"

Qin Sang was surprised.

A cold light flashed in Jing Yu's eyes, "Before hiding in the dark prison, I noticed that the number of flesh-and-blood puppets controlled by that person was less than once. I was in the dark prison, and I could still feel the fluctuations caused by his impact on the seal. , the last two times when that person should have woken up, there was no movement at all..."

"what do you mean……"

"Even if that person isn't dead, he's already exhausted!" Jing Yu said categorically.

Qin Sang finally knew what Ye Laomo was plotting.

The mere corpse flower and blood amber are not worthy of such a mobilization. Sin Yuan probably learned from somewhere that the ancient Xiu was sealed in the blood lake.

An ancient cultivator who ran out of oil!

What a treasure trove!

I just don't know, in the end, they imprisoned Gu Xiu, or Gu Xiu took the opportunity to escape and set off a catastrophe.

Qin Sang has seen the Demon Lord with his own eyes, and he still has lingering fears.


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