Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1217: goodbye

The yellow sand outside the city turned into quicksand, and the snake king swam out from the depths of the sand sea.

"Friend Lu and Daoist Hanli haven't arrived yet?"

Qin Sang glanced at him and found that there was only the Snake King.

The snake king nodded and said with some concern: "This king has just arrived, and there is no news of the two fellow Daoists. At that time, when they rushed out, they would definitely encounter obstacles..."

"The combined secret technique that Daoist Han Xi and Dao friend Lu finally performed is no trivial matter. If you just want to save your life, it shouldn't be difficult."

Qin Sang thought of the breath that Han Li showed at the last moment, and the powerful power that Xuezhu burst out, as if the cultivation of two people was brought together into one person.

If it was him, he could only avoid his edge like Old Demon Ye.

The Snake King heard the fear in Qin Sang's tone, his expression softened, and he smiled: "Mingyue, do you know why Daoist Han Xi and Daoist Lu can integrate the two cultivation bases? In fact, Daoist Hanli used to be Daoist Lu's spiritual beast. They get along day and night, and they have already learned several secret techniques of joint attack. It's just that Fellow Daoist Lu was seriously injured and could not perform it, otherwise the situation would not be like this. At the last moment, they had to use it as a last resort, and the two fellow Daoists must have paid a lot... "

"Friend Han Xi was once a spirit beast?"

Qin Sang was stunned, he really didn't see it.

"That was in the past. Daoist Lu has an easy-going temperament. After Daoist Hanli transformed himself, he took the initiative to untangle Daoist Hanli and discussed with him on an equal footing. Even, the chance of Daoist Hanli's transformation, It was Daoist Lu who took the initiative to help him find him. Therefore, Daoist Han Xi not only did not have the slightest resentment for being enslaved, but he was very grateful to Daoist Lu. If the situation was not good, Daoist Han Xi would definitely send Daoist Lu out with all his might... …”

The Snake King has a secret past.

It is a monster, and it hates the enslavement of monsters by the human race, but in words, it admires the monk surnamed Lu very much.

Qin Sang couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart.

At that time, the cultivator surnamed Lu was only in the early Yuan Ying stage. He possessed a spirit beast in the metamorphosis stage, and his strength was equivalent to doubling.

You must know that Han Li was actually subdued by cultivator Lu during the foundation-building period, and he did not reject him.

Qin Sang asked himself how hard it was to do it.

With such indifference to foreign objects, it is no wonder that the cultivator Lu was able to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul and become one of the masters in Beichen Realm.

"Wait a minute."

Qin Sang also wanted to see this fellow Daoist Lu, he looked at the snake king, "Your wounds..."

The Snake King smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid it will take several decades to recover. I hope Friends Lu and the others will bring out that scale, otherwise it will be a big loss this time."

Only then did Qin Sang learn about their experience from the snake king's mouth.

After finding the entrance to the ancient Great Demon Cave Mansion, they spent a lot of energy to crack the ancient ban little by little. The cultivator Lu was attacked by the snake spirit as soon as he got a snake scale and an ancient treasure to record the secret technique. Alarmed Jiang Shenzi and others in the lake of blood, causing a catastrophe.

"Snake King, what do you think of Old Demon Ye and Xuehu?" Qin Sang asked in a different tone, and made his own guess.

"It's also the first time I have played against Ye Laomo. If he is really like you, he is a peak incarnation of the Nascent Soul's mid-stage, and Ye Laomo's strength is probably only the tip of the iceberg, and his plans are not trivial!"

The snake king's expression was serious, and he was even more afraid of Ye Laomo.

"As for the Blood Lake, I haven't been to Wuya Valley, so I don't know much about it, but I can testify for you in front of the Alliance of Two Domains. Old Demon Ye has been chasing us for so long, no matter what he wants to do, how can he easily succeed! "

Seeing the snake king gnashing his teeth, Qin Sang smiled, "I think so too."

They entered the cave house opened by the Snake King and waited for a few days.

The snake king suddenly opened his eyes, his consciousness swept out, and a small sand lizard wandering outside was detained.

The strange thing is that the sand lizard stopped struggling as soon as he entered the cave, and his eyes gradually turned blue, and the blue was deep.

"The two fellow Daoists are out of danger, and Lu is finally relieved."

The sand lizard opened and closed its mouth, and came the voice of a monk named Lu.

"Friend Lu!"

The Snake King looked happy, "How are you and fellow Daoist Hanli?"

"The cold lizard is not very good. In order to take me out and explode the magic weapon, I almost exploded myself. I grabbed his essence and I will find a way in the future. As for me, although the root is not involved, the injury will not recover within a year and a half. Yes, it is inconvenient to see the two fellow Daoists, so I can only let this little guy do the communication on his behalf."

The cultivator surnamed Lu had a heavy tone with a hint of apology.

Qin Sang and the Snake King expressed their understanding.

Then, the sand lizard spit out a snake scale, "I took that magic weapon on behalf of the cold lizard. This scale records an ancient secret technique, which originated from the snake family, and is most suitable for the snake king, but it is not strict with the snake family. Bloodline, fellow Daoist Mingyue should also be able to practice. This time, I would like to thank Daoist Mingyue for helping out, a secret technique to talk about one's heart, and when Han Li and I recover, I will definitely come to the door to thank you."

Qin Sang didn't take credit, "It's also a good time for me to meet."

After a few more words, the blue color of the sand lizard's eyes faded, regaining his sanity, jumping out of the snake king's hand, and slid into the yellow sand.

The Snake King couldn't wait to stick the scales between his eyebrows, and after looking at it, he handed it to Qin Sang.

Qin Sang was not polite. After reading it, he found that it was a secret technique related to the power of Unless he could integrate with Qingluan's blood essence in the future, he would not be able to cultivate.

However, it can be brought back to Qianshan Bamboo Sea. Anyway, neither the Snake King nor the monk surnamed Lu restricted him from passing on the secret technique to his younger generation.

As for the white copper that Qin Sang grabbed, the monk Lu and the snake king did not mention it.

"I have refined the medicinal pills and temporarily suppressed the injury, let's go back."

Snake King proposes.

Qin Sang can't do anything.

On the way back, Qin Sang and the Snake King were not in a hurry.

They rely on Tianmudie's ability to break the ban to enter and exit various secret realm forbidden areas in the desert. The two of them join forces, and there are not many threats to them.

If the snake king was not injured, he would definitely be more reckless.

Qin Sang failed to find the killing sword fragment, but the fat chicken got a big advantage.

Although it has always followed Qin Sang, Qin Sang is from the human race, and there are not many people who can point it out.

The Snake King was different, and in just a few words, he pointed directly to the true meaning of Yaozu's cultivation, which greatly benefited Fat Chicken. Coupled with the deep accumulation in the past, he finally had an epiphany and broke through the late stage of Yaodan in one fell swoop, which surprised the Snake King.

"The boy's talent is good, no wonder you brought him with you Mingyue, Qianshan Bamboo Sea is really talented... Is there a marriage?"

Seeing the snake king's eyes, the fat chicken was a little hairy.

"Snake King, don't you have a niece?"

Qin Sang slandered, how could this old guy like the old month so much.

The Snake King smiled, "This king not only has a niece, but also a daughter who has not left the cabinet, but the realm is a little lower! But if this marriage is done, you can't let you take advantage of it, you have to let the young couple come to me. Hualong Mountain."

"Children have their own children and grandchildren..."

Qin Sang said lightly.

Fat Chicken heaved a sigh of relief, it was enough to marry the Baihe brothers.


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