Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1200: help me

There is too little information, and Tan Hao's whereabouts are a mystery.

At this time, Qin Sang made another discovery. He looked down at the floor, and suddenly waved his sleeve robe, and moved the futon, spirit array, etc. out of the stone house.

After a while.

Qin Sang stretched out a hand, palm facing the ground slowly pressing down.

The texture of the Tianmu Butterfly is intertwined.


The ground was overwhelmed, and cracks appeared.

At this moment, a black light suddenly burst out, the ground collapsed, and the stone house tilted.

There is another universe underground!

Qin Sang waved his hand and stabilized the stone house. Twelve magic flags were flying around all the time, responding to possible changes.

However, the restraint under the stone house was unexpectedly weak, and its power was far less than the restraint of the Wu clan outside, and it was obviously set up by the human race monks.

"This is in line with Tan Hao's cultivation..."

Qin Sang thought thoughtfully.

He easily found the secret hidden under the stone house, and found that the space below was quite vast, so he entered a crack and slowly fell down.

Qin Sang quickly stepped on the ground.

The consciousness spreads out, and the surrounding terrain has a panoramic view.

In the middle of the space, there is a quirky circular altar.

In addition, the entire space was empty. Qin Sang saw some fragments, which may have been artifacts and other objects originally placed here, which were damaged under the impact.

Only the altar is intact, you don't have to think about it and know that the altar is weird.

Qin Sang was about to walk towards the altar, and then he seemed to have found something. The figure paused, and the palm of his hand grabbed down and took a fragment into his palm.

This fragment is exquisitely carved, as white as jade, without a trace of variegation.

"Bai Yu..."

Qin Sang recalled that they broke into the Heavenly Corpse Sect's altar back then.

When the evil spirit of the earth broke out, he and Yu Daiyue hid in the Heavenly Corpse Sect, and it was with the help of a spirit formation with white jade as the core that they escaped the catastrophe.

The texture of the chips is very similar to that of white jade.

"This is the altar of the corpse sect? If you don't see the Qi of the Earth, will it be all washed away by the fluctuation a hundred years ago."

Qin Sang moved in his heart and swept to the altar.

The circular altar is surrounded by strange patterns. In the center of the altar, there is a cloud of black air, which has been condensed and not dispersed. I don't know what it is.

Qin Sang observed for a while, but couldn't see the origin of the black qi. After hesitating for a moment, he separated a trace of consciousness and tried to touch the black qi.

"help me……"

At the moment when the consciousness touched the black qi, a voice suddenly came from the black qi.

This voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like two iron pieces rubbing against each other, like an old woman who had been thirsty for many years, making a hoarse cry for help.

Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately cut off the wisp of divine consciousness, and he was hunted by the devil.

Immediately, the black gas returned to normal.

After waiting for a while and confirming that nothing was out of the ordinary, Qin Sang mobilized his divine sense to probe over.

"help me……"

The same voice sounded again.

Obviously, this voice was not just made by someone, but has been in the altar for a long time, asking for help outside.

Master Qin Sangyi was bold and asked with his divine sense, but the voice did not change in the slightest, nor did he respond to Qin Sang, but just shouted over and over again.

"Tan Hao must have found the altar, and Chen Heng must have been there too. There is a high probability that they have seen the person who asked for help, or they have already rescued them."

Qin Sang thought to himself.

Then, he found that there was not only a cry for help in the black fog, but also behind it, "Rescue me out of trouble, spread your supreme Dafa, this seat takes the oath of cause and effect, and there will be rewards!"

"The oath of cause and effect?"

Qin Sang recited these four words silently. It was the first time he heard the so-called oath of cause and effect.

It sounds like something similar to the inner demon oath, but the word 'cause and effect' is much weirder than the inner demon.

The mysterious existence of 'cause and effect' is not something that Yuan Ying can touch. Qin Sang has never heard of it, let alone Tan Hao and Chen Heng. Who knows what the oath of cause and effect is, and is there any binding force?

After this sentence sounded, the black qi suddenly rolled over, and then evolved into an image, and returned to the black qi in an instant.

"This outline is the entire sky mark!"

Qin Sang instantly remembered the image, and then realized that there was a unique mark somewhere in the image of Tianhen, which was probably a guide mark, where the mysterious person was trapped.

So far, it's basically clear.

There is a high probability that this is where a sub-altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect is located.

The Heavenly Corpse Sect has perished, and the altar has long been abandoned.

But there is a mysterious person trapped in the Heavenly Corpse Sect, and he has been trying to ask for help. The fluctuation a hundred years ago was probably created by the mysterious person, in order to attract people to come in and save her from trouble.

Chen Heng was attracted.

He must have obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, but it is unknown whether he rescued the mysterious person.

Tan Hao got Chen Heng's relics, followed the trail, and found the information of the mysterious man calling for help. He stayed here for a while, and disappeared again after leaving.

"The marked place may be the main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect. Between the main altar and the sub-altars, messages can be communicated through this altar, and even the power of the altar can be triggered in the air. There are also similar records in ancient books. I don't know if it is good or evil, but the oath of cause and effect is very bluffing. However, Tan Hao is eager to save people, no matter if it is true or not, he will definitely go to the marked place and try it."

The clues of the Heavenly Corpse Sect have been found, and Chen Heng's whereabouts are not so Qin Sang analyzed the news and deduced Tan Hao's movements.

His biggest doubt was, why did Tan Hao live here for so long, and where did the Wu clan ban him?

"Tan Hao has rescued the mysterious man, so no one responded to me. Then they came back here, treated this place as a cave, and left after recuperating for a while... Is the mysterious man who was left behind?"

Qin Sang speculated that only this explanation could straighten out the logic.

The mysterious person is either proficient in the secret arts of the witch clan, or he is from the witch clan at all!

Qin Sang froze in his heart. There is no witch clan in Beichen realm and the other three realms. Could it be that the mysterious man is the same as Bai, who has lived from ancient times to the present.

Where are they going now?

As for why the mysterious man was trapped and what it had to do with the Heavenly Corpse Sect, Qin Sang couldn't speculate, he could only find out after a trip in person.

After pondering for a long time, Qin Sang decided to go to the location marked on the image in person.

He and Tan Hao have the same purpose, they are all here to find a way to save people, and he must repeat the path that Tan Hao has taken.

Qin Sang is very afraid of mysterious people.

In case the mysterious person is the ancestor of the Heavenly Corpse Sect and passed down the Taoist tradition of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, this person may not be righteous.

However, there was Tan Hao as a pathfinder before.

Tan Hao's cultivation base is limited, and he can't perfectly conceal his deeds. As long as he has been to the marked location, Qin Sang will definitely find clues and make judgments and choices calmly.

Make sure there are no omissions.

Qin Sang flew back to the ground, urging Zhen Yuan to restore the ban on the stone house and all the items.

After thinking about it, I left two words in the corner of the jade case - Kui Yin.

Only Qin Sang and Tan Yien knew what happened to the Tan Hao brothers in Kuiyin Sect.

But after thinking about it, Qin Sang has erased his handwriting. (To be continued)

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