Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1176: Tianxing Plateau

Remember [New] for a second,! The ancient scriptures are corroborated by the Wu clan's life worm Gu technique.

Although Qin Sang didn't find any information about Tianmu Die, he was not as clueless as before. He had some ideas in his heart, which of course still need to be verified in the future.

"Even the Imperial Spirit Sect is not included. In the future, we can only support each other and slowly find our way."

Qin Sang turned his head, his eyes were soft, and he looked at Tianmu Die.

Tianmu Die seemed to feel Qin Sang's thoughts, and her soft wings gently pressed against Qin Sang's cheeks to comfort him.

"Let's go!"

Qin Sang put the ancient book back, said goodbye to the deputy suzerain of Yulingzong, and then went straight south to Cangheng Island in Yuncang Daze.

Tan Yien obeyed the order and waited on the island early.

Qin Sang contacted a large chamber of commerce on the island, and asked them to collect the elixir needed for the Flaming Pill Recipe, and then they would send it to him after he determined which heavy city he would go to for defense.

The Chamber of Commerce is naturally very happy to serve the Demon King, and the price is also very fair.

At the same time, Qin Sang bought some materials. He still has a lot of high-level demon bones on his body, and he used the golden sinkwood to refine the flying sword.

It is difficult to find the top spiritual material for a while.

However, Qin Sang is not ready to be ambitious, and being able to forge a mid-grade spirit sword is enough for the time being, and he will try to improve it later.

After staying for a day, Qin Sang and Tan Yien set off to cross the Yuncang Daze and arrive at the south bank of the Daze after finishing all the trivial matters.

Qin Sang set foot in Tianxing Alliance for the first time!

His figure flashed, landed on a mountain on the shore, and looked south.

Yuncang Daze and Yuncang River in the west constitute a natural barrier between Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance.

It is said that in the past, the two domains were actually indistinguishable from each other. I don't know when and what, a rift appeared between each other, and the contradiction became deeper and deeper, even to the point of fighting against each other.

Tianxing Alliance, the word Tianxing is taken from the Tianxing Plateau.

From Yuncang Daze to the south, the terrain rises rapidly, it is a vast plateau area, the area is enough to be the size of Xiaohanyu and Tianyaoqiu, which is called Tianxing Plateau.

According to records, the top of the Tianxing Plateau is also the highest point in the entire Beichen Realm.

Compared with Xiaohanyu, although Tianxing Plateau is steep and changeable, and the terrain is complex, the topography is much monotonous. Most of them are plateau snow rivers.

Because Little Cold Territory lies between the Tianxing Plateau and the Ancient Immortal Battlefield, the way for the cultivators of the Tianxing Alliance to the north was cut off, and the high-level cultivators could still travel to and fro.

To the south of the Tianxing Plateau is a vast desert that stretches as far as the eye can see.

It can be seen from this name that the desert is the main landform of Beichen Realm, and the scope of Beichen Great Desert occupies more than 70% of the territory of Beichen Realm.

Qin Sang heard Senior Sister Qingjun mention that among the four Beichen islands, Beichen Island is not the smallest in size, but the overall strength of the Xiu Xianjie is the weakest. This is the reason.

The desolate desert, with thin spiritual energy and poor resources, is not only unsuitable for mortals to survive, but it is also difficult for immortal cultivators to find a suitable cave in such a place, and it is very difficult to practice.

In the huge desert, life is hard to find, and the people are sparsely populated.

There are oases in the desert, and some large and small forces are scattered here and there, but none of them are climatic.

In Beichen Realm, the Beichen Great Desert is the most expansive, but the vast majority of immortal cultivators are in Xiaohanyu, Tianxingmeng, and Sinyuan. The three major forces can be regarded as holy places in the eyes of desert immortals, and Xiaohanyu is adjacent to the ancient immortal battlefield, which is even more blessed.

Sinyuan is located in the southeast of the Skywalking Alliance, with a grassland in the middle, which is regarded as a buffer zone between the two forces. It is said that this grassland is continuously being eroded by the desert.

Today, the grassland as a buffer has long been controlled by Sinyuan.

On the south side of the Tianxing Plateau, the terrain is much gentler than the north side, but the reduction in height is not uniform, and it is often flat for a section, and there is a layer of cliffs in front of it.

The two largest drops are called the two steps in the southern part of the Tianxing Plateau.

The Skywalking Alliance was condescending, but it lost one after another in the last war.

The first step pass has been lost and was captured by Sin Yuan. Now, Sin Yuan is slowly advancing on the first step. Once the last layer of barriers is broken, the Tianxing Plateau will be safe to defend.

The Tianxing Alliance is an alliance formed by the various forces of the Tianxing Plateau to resist the enemy.

Qin Sang urged Feng Yi, wrapped Tan Yien with True Yuan, flew all the way, and finally came to the top of the Tianxing Plateau, where the central city of the Tianxing Alliance is located.

This is the highest peak Qin Sang has ever seen.

It was night time.

The sky is cloudless and clear.

The stars twinkled in the sky and merged into the Milky Way, as if within reach.

But with Qin Sang's cultivation, he didn't dare to easily break into the high-altitude Gangfeng belt.

Qin Sang stared at the deep and vast sky, thinking of the rhetoric that he had said to Dongyang County Master. After conceiving a baby, he made his way to the Sui Dynasty, and went to perfect the prohibition of the tomb of the county master.

Today, he is one of the figures standing at the top of the world.

But the higher the cultivation base, the more insignificant he feels.

Nascent Soul, God Transformation, Void Refinement, Body Fit, Mahayana, and then rise through Tribulation, Fang becomes a Immortal.

In the present world, the late Nascent Soul is already the strongest, and the spiritual cultivator only exists in legends, not to mention the higher one.

Where is the road behind?

If the storm belt is a cage, will the road be outside the cage?

"I think too much."

Qin Sang laughed at himself, and every time he needed to break through the bottleneck later, it was still unknown whether he could break through the late Nascent Soul.

Finally saw the outline of Skywalking City.

Although it is far inferior to the Tianxing City of Canglanghai, it is already a leading city here.

Qin Sang didn't hide his breath, and flew straight towards a city gate with two wings.

When the guards in front of the door found Qin Sang's trace, a cultivator at the stage of formation of pills flew out in a hurry, bowed and saluted, "Is the senior the Mingyue Demon King?"

They had obviously received the news of the demon king's and easily recognized Qin Sang.

"Yes, it's me."

Qin Sang retracted his wings, fell in front of the man, and put down Tan Yien.

"Elder Ji is waiting for the seniors of the demon kings in the city, please enter the city with the juniors..."

"wait for me here."

Qin Sang gave an order, followed the cultivator and flew into the city. After a while, he came to a palace, which was obviously the core of the city, and saw the elder Ji of the Skywalking Alliance.

"I just heard Daoist Snake King mention Daoist Mingyue, and Daoist is here."

Elder Ji was wearing a Taoist robe, his face was thin, and his appearance was about forty. He was very enthusiastic about Qin Sang.

"Fellow Daoist Snake King was full of praise for Daoist Mingyue just now, and now I know that there is another young talent from Tian Yaoqiu! With Daoist Mingyue in charge, San Dieguan will be absolutely safe."

"Fellow Daoist Ji has praised it badly. Fellow Daoist Snake King must have exaggerated a lot."

Qin Sang returned the salute, "So, you have already made a decision that you will be stationed at Sandie Pass?" (To be continued)

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