Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1169: resolve

Remember [New] for a second,! "Daoyou's spiritual sense is really sharp, and when you approached it a little, you were discovered."

On that mountain peak, there were slight fluctuations in the void.

A figure gradually solidified from illusory.

Qin Sang's pupils shrank slightly.

The human snake tail is the snake king who just separated in Yuwang Palace!

The Snake King was spotted by Qin Sang, and his expression was as usual, even with a smile on his face.

His figure flickered for a while, and he flew down the mountain and came to Qin Sang.

The fat chicken and the white crane's feathers exploded completely, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

The Snake King did not hide his cultivation, and the coercion of the big demon in the mid-transfiguration made the two birds tremble.

"It turns out that the snake king is here!"

Qin Sang helped Erniao to block the coercion of the demon king, expressing his dissatisfaction with yin and yang.

"Should we meet for the first time at Yuwang Palace?"


The Snake King nodded, "However, although you and I first met in Yuwang Palace, I have already heard about Daoist Mingyue. I heard before that Daoist Zhu has cultivated an extraordinary successor."

Qin Sang was not confused by the Snake King's seemingly flattering words, and said coldly: "I don't dare to be! This king is the one who has long admired the Snake King. I don't know what your friends are doing. I didn't mention it in Yuwang Palace, but secretly followed behind. Fortunately, This Wang Lingjue is still sharp! Do fellow Daoists want to wait until they are far away from Ten Thousand Demons City before doing anything else?"

"There are many people in Yuwang Palace, and some things are really difficult to bring up in front of other Daoists. As for Daoist Mingyue's worries..."

The corner of the snake king's mouth was slightly raised, and he said sarcastically, "This king's move is just to imitate the actions of fellow daoists before. If fellow daoists can do it themselves, can't we do it?"

Qin Sang's expression changed slightly.

Not long after leaving the city, Tianmu Die warned, and Qin Sang discovered the trace of the Snake King.

Although the Snake King is in the middle stage of transformation, and his cultivation base is one level higher, it is almost impossible to follow Qin Sang quietly without being discovered.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Under the Heavenly Eye Divine Ability, unless the top-level hidden Divine Ability is hidden, there will be nowhere to hide.

Qin Sang remained calm, and after flying for a while, he determined that the person following him was the Snake King, and realized that he might have been exposed to the fact that he was stealing treasure from the Demon King's Cave Mansion.

The Snake King is the father-in-law of the Demon King.

Apart from this reason, Qin Sang couldn't think of any reason for him to follow him.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang pondered for a while, and decided to stop here and tell the whereabouts of the Snake King directly.

This place is not far from Wan Yao City, the major monster kings have not left for too long, and Wan Yao City has Feather Monster King sitting in town, and the Snake King always has to be careful.

Qin Sang was not afraid of the Snake King.

During the period of meditation at Yuan Mirage Sect, Qin Sang did not stop practicing "Tian Yao Refining Shape", and he was able to truly control the wings of Qingluan behind him, and his escape technique made great progress.

In the face of such a long-standing and prestigious expert as Yu Yaowang, who has a great legacy, Qin Sang would be a little more apprehensive.

After all, it is necessary to use the Thunder Power of Qingluan's Wings to perform Lei Dun.

Qin Sang tried it deliberately. Due to the limitation of his realm, the thunder power he could control is also limited. After exhaustion, he can only recover slowly. It is best not to put himself in that situation.

But it is not difficult to get rid of the snake king.

However, this cause and effect needs to be settled sooner or later.

Of course, it would be best if the grievances could be resolved peacefully.

Qin Sang also didn't want to be stared at by the husband-in-law of the transformation period all the time. No matter what he did in the future, he would be worried about ambush.

As Qin Sang expected, after the Snake King finished speaking, he suddenly pointed at the sky and shot a streamer.

After a while, the sound of breaking the sky came out from afar.

A flash of light flew in.

Qin Sang sensed a familiar aura from it, it was the Demon King. Behind the pulling demon king, there is also a group of demon clouds, which are the subordinates of the two demon kings.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang frowned slightly, not sure about their intentions.

The Demon King that led the machine was also here, but he didn't show up at Yuwang Palace. Could it be that he has been staying outside the city, waiting to block him?

However, what's the use of bringing these little demons, it's easier to expose their tracks and be noticed by themselves.

In the blink of an eye, the demon king who led the machine flew to the snake king's side and looked at Qin Sang coldly with a bad look.

"Fellow Daoist Mingyue once visited my son-in-law's cave, wouldn't he not recognize my son-in-law?"

The snake king has a profound meaning.

Qin Sang was a little curious, "When did you two find out about me?"

"Although my friend made various disguises, he first concealed his cultivation, and then deliberately used human swordsmanship. But it is possible for ordinary people to be able to subdue the Four Transformation Spirit Insects and easily get rid of the lead machine?"

The Snake King shook his head, "After Qianji got the slate, but even I kept it from me, how did others find out? The person who competed with Qianji for the slate only saw that the slate was an exotic treasure of the demon race, and did not see Qingluanxu with his own eyes. Shadow, it can only be explained by bloodline supernatural powers. Other daoists have been famous for many years, and this king more or less knows their supernatural powers and bloodlines. Only daoist Mingyue is a new face, a new form, and no one knows about daoist friends. Heel. I boldly guess that fellow Daoists should be the rare descendants of Qingluan, so they can sense the aura of Qingluan's phantom, right?"

"Yes, it's me."

Qin Sang simply admitted that it had been exposed and there was no need to hide it.

The Snake King got the cause and effect wrong. It wasn't that he had the blood of Qingluan, but that someone had already discovered the phantom of Qingluan before he led the Demon King to compete.

However, this misunderstanding is not a bad thing for Qin Sang.

"You have the face to admit it! Why didn't you run away today?"

The Demon King of the Machine was full of ridicule.

Qin Sang's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at the demon king's group who had come late, "After all, I offended first, since the two of you came to the door, why should I keep hiding, I will do it sooner or later. I don't know How do you plan to solve it? With so many teachers and teachers, do you think you can keep us here?"

The Demon King Lianji said angrily, "Dog thieves are rampant! Do you really think I can't kill you?"

The Snake King held down the Demon King of and said solemnly: "I know that Fellow Daoist Mingyue is the descendant of Fellow Daoist Zhu, and the mastery of the escape technique is beyond the reach of Qiaoji, so he has the confidence to say so. Friends are not afraid, what about the Qianshan Bamboo Sea tribe, can you really bear the consequences of starting a war? Daoist Bamboo has been in retreat for hundreds of years, what do you say? This king has always been kind to others, but his hands have never lacked blood!"

After the threat, he paused, and the Snake King's tone softened a little.

"Fellow Daoist thinks, if this king really had the intention to kill, he would be so stupid, wantonly robbery and kill, and he chose to be near Wan Yao City, for fear that King Yu and other fellow Daoists would not be able to see it.

"Although the slate is a rare treasure, now we know that it can only be activated by the blood of Qingluan.

"I was in Yuwang Palace just now, but this king took the initiative to mention it, and all the fellow Daoists have reached a consensus to explore Ziwei Palace together in the future. As long as it is not a **** feud, it can be resolved.

"The slate has been broken, and the power of Qingluan sealed inside has been refined by fellow Daoists. The wood has become a boat, and fellow Daoists cannot be allowed to spit out..."

The Demon King Pulling Machine snorted, but didn't object to the Snake King. (To be continued)

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