Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1159: turn around

Remember [New] for a second,! Yi Tiannie coveted Jiuhuan Tianlan and led Kuiyin Sect to attack Yuanzhaomen.

Unexpectedly, the head of Yuanzhaomen was extremely decisive, and he blew up the golden pill, the sect formation and the spiritual veins, instantly dismantling the offensive and destroying the Kuiyin sect.

After the war, Yuanzhaomen, with the support of Wujimen, occupied the Kuiyin Sect.

Kui Yinzong took the initiative to provoke, Yuan Zhaomen was a counterattack, and the magic powers were not easy to intervene, so they acquiesced in this matter.

After traveling north of the Great Sui Dynasty, Qin Sang recalled many memories.

Back then, he was just a **** in the world of immortality, and a base-building cultivator could easily run over him with his fingers. Taking advantage of the chaos to escape from the clutches of the devil, he was in a constant state of panic.

Now, he is already an existence that can be called a saint.


The former site of Kuiyinzong.

Today's Yuanzhaomen Mountain Gate.

After occupying this place, Yuanzhaomen formed a formation to seal the Yin Qi of Yin Sha Yuan. Without the erosion of Yin Qi, the scenery on the mountain was beautiful and completely new.

The cloud of war shrouded the world of immortals, and the third-rate sect such as Yuanzhaomen was even more precarious.

They also have to send disciples to the front line, so there are very few masters left in the mountain gate, and most of them are new disciples who have just entered the school.

The sect master of Yuanzhaomen was very old and stayed in the gate.

At the top of the mountain, in front of the sovereign's cave.

A flash of light flew by and landed in front of the door.

The visitor was a young man in the foundation-building period. He looked respectful and touched the prohibition of the cave. After getting permission, he walked into the cave and saw the sect master of Yuanzhaomen.

The master of Yuanzhaomen is a middle-stage Jindan cultivator.

"The disciple has seen the sect master!"

The young man walked quickly to pay homage and took out a magic talisman, "Sect Master, these are the news from the master. He has already contacted a senior of Taiyi Danzong according to the sect master's instructions, and has been taken care of. Master and senior brothers, only assigned Some inspection tasks have arrived. The battle situation ahead is relatively stable, and there is no fear of life for the time being..."

The master of Yuanzhao took Yujian into his hands, nodded after looking at it, and said, "You send a message to your master and ask him to return to the sect after a while, and the old man will go to the front in person."

Hearing this, the young man was startled and urged, "Sect Master, the battlefield is so dangerous, how can I let you..."


The head of Yuan Zhaomen interrupted the young man, "It is because of the danger that this old man has to go there in person! The old man has already stepped into the underworld with half of his feet, and it is nothing to die in battle. Maybe it is a good thing. It can bring opportunities for Yuan Zhaomen. This is the hope for the future of the sect! Before, I sent your master out to let him experience the experience. I feel that Sin Yuan has endured for so long, even if he is preparing some conspiracy, it is about to heat up, and it is time for your master to come back... …”

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden thunderous noise outside.

Then, the entire cave shook violently.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Yuanzhao Sect Master, and he immediately escaped from the cave and hung in the air. Seeing the scene outside, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, his face full of horror.

Yuan Zhaomen panicked up and down.

At this time, the Yuanzhaomen Mountain Protection Formation shone with strange light, but it was attacked by the outside, and it showed a colorful mask to resist.

Outside the mask, there were bright flashes of sword light.

These sword qi were orderly and formed a magnificent sword formation.

The astonishing momentum, even if separated by a large formation, made Yuan Zhaomen's head tremble.

"Sword momentum! One sword forms a formation!"

Yuanzhao Sect Master cried out in surprise, his eyes showing panic.

Those who comprehend the sword's potential and can form an array with one sword are rare in the stage of formation.

The opponent created such a big momentum, and the mountain guarding formation shook with just one blow. It is very likely that the comer is a Yuan Ying ancestor!

"who is it!"

Yuan Zhaomen's expression changed, unable to figure out which Yuan Ying came to the door. After the accident at Wujimen, Yuanzhaomen was very low-key under his restraint, and it was even less likely to provoke Yuanying Patriarch.

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At this moment, the sword formation once again condensed a sword qi, and slashed on the mountain protection formation in front of Yuanzhao Sect Master.

Amidst the deafening loud noise, the light curtain suddenly dimmed, and I don't know how long it can resist.

Seeing this scene, Sect Master Yuanzhao didn't dare to wait any longer, so he flew to the light curtain and said, "I don't know which senior is here. If the junior is negligent, I hope the senior will forgive me!"

After a while, a voice came from outside.

"You are the sect master of Yuanzhaomen? Come out and speak."

Yuan Zhaomen's complexion changed greatly, but after thinking about it, if this Yuan Ying insisted on killing himself, he would have no way to escape, and hiding behind the great formation would only implicate the division.

He sighed deeply, and the sound transmission ordered all the disciples to return to the cave, open the mountain protection formation, and walked out.

The sword array was retracted in a flash, revealing a figure wearing a cloak.

This person is Qin Sang.

The ebony sword was still smelting the soul-cultivating wood, and Qin Sang used a low-grade spirit sword that he had obtained before to cast a sword formation, which was also quite powerful.

"Junior Gu Zhi, meet the senior! If the disciple of Yuanzhao Sect offends the senior, it is only the fault of the junior's lax discipline. The junior is willing to pay any price, please calm down the anger."

Yuanzhao Sect Master did not mention Qin Sang's attack on the mountain protection formation, but instead held the ceremony very respectfully.

"Offend? What qualifications do you have to offend this seat?"

Qin Sang snorted disdainfully.

Although Jiuhuan Tianlan was stolen from Yuanzhaomen, Qin Sang had no good impression of Yuanzhaomen.

In the name of the Immortal Ascension Conference, providing blood and food to the secret place does not seem like a righteous act.

The Yuanzhao Sect master knew at a glance that there was not much Shouyuan left. After calculating the time, it should be the only Jindan left in Yuanzhao Sect after the mutation.

Back then, when Gu Zhi was at the top, Qin Sang didn't even have the qualifications to see him.

Now this person is arrogant in front of Qin Sang.

Qin Sang sighed inwardly, considering that he and Yuan Zhaomen had no direct grievances, so he didn't bother to bully them, so he said straight to the point: "I remember, this place was originally the site of Kuiyin Sect, but now it is occupied by your Yuan Zhaomen. Then The treasures of the Kuiyin Sect should also be in your hands, right?"

Ancestor Kuiyin had refined ten magic flags, seven of which were left behind.

Even if the magic flag is destroyed, the flag pole will still be there.

The black iron pillar is similar to the ban on the magic rope, and it may also be a treasure used to target ancient demons.

Qin Sang still has lingering fears when the ancient demons in the Hall of Seven Kills rioted and slaughtered Yuan Ying.

When attacked by Sin Yuan, a ghost with three heads and six arms appeared.

In the world of immortals, there are still many hidden ancient devils.

After Qin Sang refines the magic fire, the flag poles will be useless. Only by gathering all the flag poles can we find a way to repair the black iron column.

The advanced corpse queen Bai has the energy to comprehend the spirit array that cooperates with the magic cable. Based on this, it is not impossible to create a spirit array that cooperates with the black iron pillar.

At that time, Qin Sang will have a treasure specially designed to restrain ancient demons.

The Xuan Tie Zhu is divided into flag poles, which can still easily suppress the Nine Nether Demon Fire. From this, it can be seen that the power of this treasure is definitely not weak. (To be continued)

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