Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1157: Kououban

Remember [New] for a second,! The eighth floor of "Original Spirit Raising the Sword".

Once you reach this level of cultivation, you can comprehend the Seven Soul Killing Formation.

In the realm of Nascent Soul, re-experience the secrets of the exercises, and only then can I truly understand the secrets.

Qin Sang entered the meditation, comprehended the exercises, and his eyes first fell on the enemy's means of killing the seven souls.

He has already realized the sword power and laid a solid foundation. Without much effort, he understood the true meaning of the Seven Soul Killing Formation and successfully displayed it.

However, this killing formation was like an empty shelf, closer to the sword formation Qin Sang had realized before.

The Seven Soul Killing Formation is extremely mysterious, and the degree of fusion of the Sword Soul, the Killing Talisman and the Seven Souls will affect the power of the Sword Formation.

It now seems that it will take some time to fully exert the power of the Seven Soul Killing Array. For the time being, it can only be used as an ordinary means of responding to the enemy, and the biggest trump card is the magic flag.

Putting the Seven Soul Killing Formation aside for the time being, Qin Sang began to try to practice the exercises.

He was already familiar with the scriptures by heart, but he was not in the realm before and felt obscure and incomprehensible.

After the baby was born, I was finally able to get started.

After a long time, Qin Sang opened his eyes and fell into deep thought.

"Killing Rune Projection Sword Soul..."

He looked embarrassed and felt that he had no clue. After thinking about it, he called out the Ebony Sword and one of the sword souls, and his mind hooked up with the first killing talisman.

He imagined that the killing talisman was real, and that he and the killing talisman were integrated into one, mobilizing the power of the killing talisman, condensing the phantom of the killing talisman, and integrating into the sword soul.

'Snapped! ’

The sword soul suddenly shattered.

Qin Sang was awakened and realized that the sword soul was not a real body, it was illusory like other sword lights, but it only had the aura of his soul in it.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

How can such a sword light carry the power of killing talismans, and can it last forever?

Unexpectedly, the first step of the practice method is the most difficult.

Qin Sang calmed down and did not get discouraged. He re-gathered his sword soul and made various attempts while concentrating on comprehending the scriptures of the exercises.

At this moment, Qin Sang sensed that the ban on the cave was touched by an outsider, and with a scan of his consciousness, he found that it was the elder Xun he had seen before.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang got up and walked out of the cave.

"Friend Qin!"

Elder Xun was quite polite to Qin Sang.

Not only because of Qingjun.

Although Qin Sang didn't want to reveal Yuan Ying's identity, he didn't have a low-key idea. The exposed cultivation base was the peak of Jin Dan.

"Fellow Daoist Xun, please come in!"

Qin Sang bowed his hands, invited Elder Xun to come in, and said kindly, "The last time I followed the head back to the mountain, I was too hasty to visit the fellow Daoists. Don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist Xun."

"Don't dare."

Elder Xun waved his hands again and again without mentioning Qin Sang's origins.

"I also heard about the disciples, and then I realized that Fellow Daoist Qin was back. Before the sect head left, he handed over the affairs of the mountain gate to the next. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Qin has any needs, so let the disciples prepare in advance?"

Qin Sang thanked him, "Don't bother fellow Daoist Xun. When I traveled before I left, I realized something. This time I came back to meditate for a while, and I might go to browse the ancient books collected by Shimen..."

Speaking of which, Qin Sang can't figure out how Sister Qingjun will arrange Yuan Mirage in the future.

Yuan Mirage has been operating for several generations and has a profound background.

If Qingyangguan can swallow the Yuan Mirage Gate, it will be able to set up a shelf with little effort and have the atmosphere of a top school.

This thought flashed through Qin Sang's mind, and he was immediately suppressed by him. There is no need to rush to establish the Qingyang concept. When there is a chance, you can ask Senior Sister Qingjun what she thinks.

The two chatted for a while.

Elder Xun took Qin Sang to the place where the books were collected. On the way, they had a good conversation. Qin Sang also learned some news from the front line from Elder Xun.

After sending off Elder Xun, Qin Sang was eager to read the ancient books, including the most precious spiritual array books of Yuan Mirage Sect, which was very rewarding.

Since then, he has remained in Yuan Mirage Gate.

months later.

Qin Sang finally succeeded in projecting the phantom of the first killing talisman onto a sword soul.

Inside the sword soul, the phantom of the killing talisman flickered slightly, although it was a little blurry, it did not collapse like before.

Qin Sang breathed a sigh of relief. It took a lot of his energy to do this, but he finally succeeded.

There is no need to worry later, just continue to condense the sword soul, and project all the seven killing talismans step by step, then you can try to integrate the seven souls.

Qin Sang took back his sword soul and was distracted to do other things.

First, he took out the tortoise shell of the Nine Lives Mysterious Tortoise.

This tortoise shell, the best choice is to refine it into a defensive magic weapon.

But Qin Sang has other uses.

At the same time, there was the green copper block.

There is a reason why he put these two treasures together. The power of profound water contained in the tortoise shell is just enough to restrain the flames. Maybe it can be combined with the green copper block to subdue Nanming Lihuo.

Now it's just Qin Sang's initial thoughts, and it is estimated that these two treasures alone are not enough.

However, before this, it is definitely not possible to sacrifice tortoise shells at will.

Qin Sang pondered for a moment, his fingertips fluttered, and he made some simple restraints, all of which landed on the surface of the tortoise shell. The tortoise shell was hard enough, so it was better to use it as a shield.

After finishing the tortoise shell, Qin Sang took out the star snail.

After trying the power of Xingluo, Qin Sang shook his head. There is a limit to the amount of real essence this treasure can absorb, and it can only be released once against the enemy, so it has little effect in the Yuanying period.

In the same way, there are also the Hunyuan concentric ring and the Nine Dragons talisman.

These treasures that made great contributions during the Core Formation Stage are all outdated.

On the other hand, the Thunder Technique, with his breakthrough in realm, the power can also be improved, and it is still a powerful Dao technique.

"And these!"

Qin Sang pulled out some spirit flags.

These are the beast king flags that he got after killing the disciples of the Black Snake Mountain of the Wu tribe.

At its peak, the Beast King's Banner Array had nine, nine and eighty-one poles. If they could be gathered together, they would be controlled by the disciples in the stage of forming pills. The power was not bad, and it could be left to Qingyangguan as a true tradition.

Even if Qingyangguan does not have Nascent Soul in the future, it will not decline too fast.

There are not enough beast king flags, but Qin Sang has obtained the refining method of beast king flags. There are not so many monsters in Xiaohanyu for him to take souls to refine flags, but there are cloud beasts in the ancient fairy battlefield.

During this time, he browsed the collection of Yuan Mirage Gate, and also had some experience in the way of the spirit array, and when he had time, he tried to transform the beast king flag.


Qin Sang sorted out the Thousand Ton Rings and sorted out the treasures on his body one by one.

The last one left is the Mofan.

The magic flag has a total of 18 After breaking through the Nascent Soul, Qin Sang can control the twelve magic flags to fight the enemy without resorting to medicinal pills.

He tried, twelve strokes was the limit, couldn't steer any more.

Back then, Kuiyin Patriarch only had ten shots, and he became a big name.

The twelve magic flags formed an array, possessing the power of the best magic weapon. Qin Sang estimated that, coupled with his other supernatural powers, he did not need to be afraid of his opponents in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In the worst case, he can also escape by means of the escape technique.

However, every Nascent Soul old monster is not simple. If it is not necessary, Qin Sang will not take the initiative to provoke them.

"Cultivation can't be rushed for a while, so it's better to focus on the "Fire Seed Golden Lotus". If you can diligently, you may be able to control the fifteen magic flags..."

Qin Sang thought to himself.



I went out on the weekend to relax, and I came back late. I only wrote a chapter, which will be added later. (To be continued)

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