Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1155: no calamity

Remember [New] for a second,! Could these sights be demons?

Qin Sang wakes up.

To become an immortal is his lifelong pursuit and his greatest obsession.

It is not all the things that cause the most fear and unforgettable deep in the heart, and it is also very possible to start with obsession.

When he relaxes his vigilance and brings a fatal blow, he is happy and sad.

Heart Demon Tribulation is still after the Thunder Tribulation, it can be seen that it is dangerous, and once lost, it will never be able to extricate itself.


"Young Master Qin!"


Everyone flew to the island and saw Qin Sang sitting cross-legged. Although his whole body was charred and his appearance was a bit funny, he was still alive and well.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they landed beside Qin Sang, Qin Sang suddenly flashed and flew back several meters, looking at them vigilantly, as if facing a great enemy, the sword light in his palm flashed.

"Master, you don't know me anymore, I'm your little fat chicken!"

Qin Sang successfully made a breakthrough, but Fat Chicken's attitude was very different, his face was full of flattery, Pidianpidian wanted to run up to flatter, but was stabbed by Bai.

"Brother Qin, do you think it's still a calamity, and you haven't come out?"

Bai guessed the reason.

The real world has passed for a moment, but for those who have crossed the mind, they may have spent countless years in the illusion, and suddenly woke up, it is difficult to distinguish the real or the illusion.

Bai motioned everyone to step back and give Qin Sang enough time.

Qin Sang looked at the crowd, then looked down at himself in a state of embarrassment, his eyes flickered, and finally confirmed that he was not in the calamity of the heart, this is true.

The robbery was a success!

There is really no evil spirit!

There is only one explanation for this situation - Jade Buddha!

Qin Sang was shocked by the powerful ability of the Jade Buddha. He expected that under the protection of the Jade Buddha, the power of the inner demon might be weakened, and it would be less difficult for him to overcome the calamity.

It is unbelievable that the Jade Buddha directly wiped out the calamity that this immortal cultivator feared the most!

"What level of treasure is the Jade Buddha?"

Qin Sang lost his mind.

If this kind of thing spreads, the whole world of immortal cultivation will go crazy.

The treasures of heaven and earth recorded in ancient books, no matter how precious and rare in the world, can at best stabilize their minds and make those who transcend the calamity more likely to succeed.

He has already thought of the Jade Buddha very high, and now it seems that he may still underestimate it.

"I'm already a Yuan Ying?"

Qin Sang muttered to himself, looking at the Nascent Soul inside his body, his eyes gradually returned to clarity. His body was smoothed out, his injuries recovered, and he put on a brand new robe.

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"Congratulations to Brother Qin for breaking the pill and becoming a baby, becoming a saint!"

Bai handed over to Hershey.

"Congratulations, Master!"

"Congratulations, Young Master Qin!"

"Congratulations sir!"


Li Yuchu and the three demons saluted in unison, they all had names, and their faces were full of joy and envy.

Qin Sang nodded with a smile, looked around for a week, and suddenly felt refreshed.

The lake is a spiritual island, and birds and fish swim.

Everything around you is under control!

Qin Sang only felt infinite joy in his heart, and suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled, the sound shook the sky.


After a stick of incense.

Everyone galloped in Yuncang Daze and returned to Dongfu. Qin Sang had just entered Nascent Soul and needed to retreat to stabilize his cultivation.

"Master, do you want to hold the Nascent Soul Celebration and establish a sect?"

Li Yu Axe took the initiative to ask.

Qin Sang shook his head and said lightly: "I still have grudges and grievances! Now that the Nascent Soul Grand Ceremony will be held, how can I give that person the biggest surprise? In addition, the identity of the Mingyue Demon King will continue to be disguised. As for the opening ceremony Legislative affairs..."

After pondering for a while, Qin Sang said, "The sin is not yet settled, and the world of immortals is in turmoil. Now is not the best time. When you go out and travel, and you come across a good seedling, you can accept it first and give guidance to practice, and don't accept apprentices publicly for the time being. , the sect is called Qingyangguan!"

Qin Sang was not obsessed with opening a sect and establishing a sect. His original intention was to accept a few disciples, and the disciples could handle some trivial matters instead of doing it himself.

Since Yunyouzi had the last wish to re-establish Qingyangguan, Qin Sang had also received a lot of favors from the three generations of Qingyangguan, and decided to continue the name of the sect in the future.

"The disciple thanked the uncle on behalf of the master!"

Li Yuax had tears in his eyes. He carried the last wish of his master, but he was only in the Jindan period.

The responsibility is so great that it weighs like a thousand inches.

Qin Sang did this, which was equivalent to taking the heavy burden on him.

"No need to be polite."

Qin Sang lifted Li Yufu and encouraged him, "You are the true successor of the senior. I think you should be able to break through the middle stage of Jindan recently. With your talent, Nascent Soul has great hope. In the future, don't be distracted by foreign objects and concentrate on it. Cultivation, give birth to a baby as soon as possible, I can rest assured that I will give you the Qingyang Temple and go out to travel."

After that, Qin Sang looked at the three demons again, and said to Xiao Bai, "You don't have to go back with me, you can go back to Qianshan Bamboo Sea now, and tell fellow Daoist Liu the good news. I will stay at Yuan Mirage Gate for the time being. If something big happens, call me."

"As ordered!"

The three demons were reluctant to part, bid farewell to Qin Sang, and returned to Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

Soon after, Qin Sang and the three came to the vicinity of Yuan Mirage Gate, and Li Yu Axe separated from them and returned to the cave alone.

That cave house can be used for the cultivation of Jindan stage cultivators, and it seems a bit shabby to the ancestors of Yuan Ying. Fortunately, Qin Sang holds the Yuan Mirage Gate Elder Order and can freely enter and exit the Yuan Mirage Gate, so he is not in a hurry to find a new cave.

It's better to see Senior Sister Qingjun.

Li Yuaxe went back and told Tan Yien and the two of them the good news. There is no need to say how excited the three of them were.

Yuan Mirage.

Qin Sang disguised his cultivation, disguised as a Jindan cultivator, and came to the front of the mountain gate, and found that the guards at Yuan Mirage Gate were much tighter than before.


A group of disciples flew out from the mountain gate and drank Qin Sang.

Feeling the fluctuations in Qin Sang's body, these disciples stiffened. When they saw the token in Qin Sang's hand, they immediately panicked. They hurriedly opened the great formation and stepped forward to salute. !"

"You guard the teacher's gate, what's the point of it, get up."

Qin Sang was in a very good mood, and of course he would not embarrass these Walking into the Yuan Mirage Gate, Qin Sang paused and asked, "Is the ancestor in the mountain gate?"

"Reporting to Elder Qin, as far as the disciples know, the ancestors and the elders went to the front line and never came back."

The leading disciple replied.

Qin Sang nodded, dodged and flew towards Yuan Mirage Gate.

When Qin Sang disappeared in the Yuan Mirage Gate**, other disciples hula around.

"Is this the most mysterious Elder Qin in the legend?"

"So young! Very approachable!"

"That's called charisma!"

"I heard that this Elder Qin was born in the sky. He was a master of the late stage of Jindan as soon as he appeared. He won the trust of the ancestors and allowed him to practice in the **. Do you think that there will be a next-generation head trained by the ancestors? "

"It's possible! In this war, so many elders have gone, but the elder Qin with such a high level of cultivation is left behind. He must want to protect the elder Qin!"

... (to be continued)

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