Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1140: Demon King birthday

Seeing Qin Sang's embarrassment, the spirit of the willow tree said in a low voice, "These three treasure houses may all store treasures, or they may only be placed in one of them. If Young Master Qin wants to steal treasure, he will have a chance soon. You can take advantage of it. On the birthday of the Machine Demon King, when the birthday banquet was held, I waited for the opportunity to enter."

"The demon king holds a birthday banquet?"

Qin Sang was surprised, and then realized that he had made another mistake in experience.

The big demon who has unlocked the wisdom, whether it is enlightened by the emperor, or transforms itself, the wisdom is no less than that of the human beings, and it is not strange to hold a birthday banquet.

After entering the Heavenly Demon Hill, Qin Sang discovered that the words and deeds of those monsters even cared more about etiquette than humans, as if they were afraid of being laughed at by the monsters and their wildness was not eliminated.

"Beasts and monsters, when I was ignorant, I didn't know what year and month I was born, and I waited for the spirits of plants and trees even more... Therefore, most of the monsters regarded the day when they suddenly awakened their spirituality and knew how to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to practice as their own. birthday."

Willow Spirit explained briefly, and then said, "After the demon king takes shape, he will hold a birthday banquet every time his life is full. At that time, the demon king will leave the cave, and the others will be with the demon king. The familiar demon king will also send a little demon to bring He Yi. It is when Wan Sheyuan is at its most chaotic, and he may be able to take advantage of the chaos to steal treasure. The next birthday banquet will be next year..."

Qin Sang pinched his fingers.

It is now the end of autumn, and the birthday banquet of the Demon King is just a few months away.

Willow Spirit's proposal is very promising, but they have absolutely no understanding of the situation of the demon king's treasure house, and Qin Sang can't guarantee that they can open them one by one without disturbing the demon king.

"Master Qin, Lao Hou and I still have the strength to sneak in together with Master Qin."

The Spirit Road of the Willow Tree.

"No! You can only stay outside and never appear in front of the Demon King!"

Qin Sang refused without thinking.

He dared to think about the treasure of the demon king. One is to rely on several great supernatural powers, and the other is to comprehend the power of some corpse soul beads, whose strength far exceeds the peak of ordinary Jindan.

In case of a miss, there is no small chance to escape.

Willow Spirit and Old Monkey don't have this kind of ability. Once exposed, it will be a dead end, and it will also involve Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

Hearing this, Willow Spirit's eyes flashed a strange color, and nodded silently.

Qin Sang thought for a while, and said, "Please continue to inquire about the information on the birthday banquet of the demon king that leads the machine. Will there be other demon kings who will come to celebrate his birthday in person. In addition, before taking the risk, I must first determine the fastest way to leave Wanshe. Yuan's retreat."

"As ordered!"

The willow spirit led the way.

Qin Sang pondered for a long time, then suddenly returned to the cave, woke Bai up, and told him his plan.

"Although your escape technique is strong, you can at most be on par with the demon king, but you don't have the Sanguang Jade Liquid, and your true essence is far less than that of the demon king. It's not enough to just run away."

Bai reminded Qin Sang.

Qin Sang understands that he can't be compared with the big demon, but he has already thought of a countermeasure.

"I bought the Wuhuan Pill and a set of forbidden instruments for trapping people. This spiritual array is more valuable than the Wuhuan Pill. It was presided over by fellow Taoists and was ambushed on my way to retreat in advance. Even the demon king, once caught It is also difficult to break the trick in an instant. At that time, we can choose to escape calmly, or use the twelve magic flags to attack..."

Seeing that Qin Sang had a plan, Bai had no objection and agreed to help Qin Sang steal the treasure.

After the demon king left.

The Qianshan Bamboo Sea returned to calm.

Qin Sang worked hard in the cave and continued to perfect the sword formation.

Before I knew it, another half year had passed.


Ten Thousand Snakes.

Located in the south of Yuncang River, it is almost to the edge of the desert.

I don’t know how many abyss there are, and the fishing nets generally extend in all directions, stretching hundreds of thousands of miles at the longest, through the desert.

Ten Thousand Snake Abyss is actually only a part of the abyss. After being occupied by the Demon King, the vicinity became his territory and was named Ten Thousand Snake Abyss.

The mountains outside the abyss are full of greenery.

It is midsummer, the heat is unbearable, and Wan Sheyuan is still cold and cold.

On this day, flying sand and rocks, there were frequent little demons driving the demonic fog and wind, swarming into the abyss.

There was a festive atmosphere in Wan Snake Abyss.

Even the uncivilized little demon can feel joy and dance.

The cave mansion of the Demon King that leads the machine is in the deepest part of Wansheyuan, and the birthday banquet is the most beautiful place in Wansheyuan, which is held by the dark lake.

When night falls, there are lanterns and bright pearls inlaid everywhere.

A group of beautiful women, like butterflies wearing flowers, with smiles on their faces, holding wooden plates, came and went, walking among the strangely shaped monsters, and they did not feel afraid.

The golden table jade case, the jade liquid nectar, the delicacy is delicious, neat and tangy.

There were also human women playing music on the stage, and demon snakes dancing together.

Although these demon snakes are snake bodies, they wear flower crowns, scales are pink or purple, their vertical pupils are not cold, but they are infinitely flirtatious. Their dancing posture is even more enchanting.

Not only does it not feel the slightest horror, but the little demons are more captivated than those human women.

The little demons were furious, roaring wildly.


When the demon king heard the movement outside, he laughed loudly, and said to the stunning snake demon who was half human and half snake beside him: "Madam, the auspicious time is coming, we won't show up again, the little ones can't wait."

"What's the hurry? Can't wait, let your favorite concubine accompany you out."

The snake demon was dressing up and rolled his eyes at him.

Although she is half human and half snake, like Snake Woman's spirit beast, she has not broken through the transformation stage, only the middle stage of demon pill.

"Hey! She's just a plaything, how can she be compared with the madam, this king's birthday, of course, the madam can accompany her to enjoy herself!"

The Demon King Qiangji patted his chest and said with awe, "This king has just received a batch of the best spirits, but unfortunately, Lord Yuezhang is so troubled by trivial matters that he can't come and drink with me."

"Confused! How can father-in-law give his son-in-law a birthday wish?"

The snake demon glared at him.

The Demon King Laughing Machine laughed, "Blame me! Blame me! I will personally deliver the immortal brew to my father-in-law in the coming day."

The snake demon leaned slightly on the demon king, smiled charmingly, raised her jade arm lightly, and said greasy, "Husband, won't you help me up?"



The appearance of the Demon King and the Demon King and his caused a tsunami of cheers.

The auspicious time has come.

The birthday banquet begins.

The demon king and his wife were in the high seat, and the subordinates sent by the other demon kings came forward one by one and presented them with congratulations. The little demons under the throne of the demon king then offered their filial piety, wishing the great king immortal happiness, longevity and heaven.

The immortal music in Wansheyuan is incompatible with the desolate Gobi, like a paradise.

Who knows, at this time, there is already a figure, lurking in the dark place, taking advantage of the chaos to touch the demon king's cave.

"Fortunately, there are no other demon kings who have appeared so far. The guards here are indeed a lot weaker, and they are all attracted by the birthday banquet in front of them, and their minds are floating..."

Qin Sang lurked here, hiding in the shadows, carefully observing the front.



These two chapters make up for yesterday and the previous ones, and there are more in the back.

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