Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1128: face the enemy

"After the fall of the red-haired ancestor, it seems that he left two Nascent Soul disciples to the Pure Yang Sect, but in fact, the root of the disaster has been laid. The two have always been at odds, and one of them has become the suzerain, so how can the other be convinced. They regard each other as enemies. , water and fire are not allowed, causing the inside of the sect to tear apart, and the river is declining. Seeing opportunities outside, fanning the flames, there is the shadow of Daoist Chongyi. Daoist Chongyi is about to face the next catastrophe. In the footsteps of the ancestors, this move also paved the way for Taiyi Danzong to become the hegemon. Other forces were also happy to see it succeed, but he did not expect it to succeed... The new suzerain is not stupid, and joined the nearby new sect Yamagatamen. It was the Chunyang Sect that was divided into two, and now they all call the other party a rebellious one, and he is the authentic descendant of the red-haired ancestor."

Qingjun doesn't seem to ask about common things, but in fact he is like watching fire. .

Qin Sang was stunned.

He thought to himself, although Chunyang Sect is divided into two parts, it is probably stable, and it is estimated that he will start to rectify the chaos below.

Li Yufu's cave was not far from the Great Sui Dynasty, so they had to keep a low profile.

"Do you have any idea of ​​expanding the Yuan Mirage Gate?"

Qin Sang asked curiously.

Senior Sister Qingjun acted freely and easily. She had been away for decades. She didn't care about Yuan Mirage Sect. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"I occupy the Yuan Mirage Gate, it's just a whim, and let them do some chores for me."

Qingjun didn't care.

Back in the cave, Qin Sang started to get busy.

First, I sorted out "Tian Yao Refining Shape", and confirmed that there were no omissions, and the cultivation has been completed.

Then, he left Peach Blossom Valley, traveled through the major markets, and went to see Tan Yien and Bai Hanqiu again.

Bai Hanqiu not only had the medicinal pills Qin Sang gave her, but also often got the guidance of Tan Yien and Li Yuaxe, and had already broken through the eleventh floor of the Qi refining period.

Among the Four Spiritual Root cultivators, this speed is already amazing.

"This is the token of the registered disciple of Yuan Mirage Sect. If someone comes to the door, show it to them. In the next few years, I have to avoid a strong enemy, and I will rarely show up. When you go out to practice, don't mention me..."

Qin Sang's trip is to arrange a way back.

He looked at Bai Hanqiu, who was no longer a girl, "Han Qiu, these medicinal herbs are for you. You have about ten years to prepare for foundation building. If there is no hope for foundation building, you can go to the world to choose a successor, or leave the blood of the Bai family."

Although cruel, Qin Sang was outspoken.

Bai Hanqiu is not a little girl who doesn't understand the world. She can recognize the reality clearly, and a word can't shake her heart.

"Disciple obey!"

Bai Hanqiu's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, but a hint of determination flashed in his eyes.

Tan Yien also broke through the late stage of foundation establishment two years ago.

Qin Sang pointed the two of them and returned to Peach Blossom Valley.

a month later.

Two rays of escape light galloped across the Yuncang Daze, heading south, it was Qing Jun and Qin Sang.

The outline of a large island appeared ahead.

"This is Cangheng Island."

Qingjun came over with a voice transmission.

Qin Sang looked around and found that there was a peak in the center of Cangheng Island. For convenience, it was named Cangheng Peak. On the top of Cangheng Peak, there was a gorgeous palace, which was the place where the two regions met.

Around the hillside, a circle of buildings lined up one after another, extending all the way to the ground, it really is a majestic city.

In a blink of an eye, the two flew into Cangheng Island, and the speed did not decrease at all, and went straight to Cangheng Peak.

Before reaching the edge of the city, two cultivators at the Core Formation Stage flew out of the city, sensing Qingjun's aura, their expressions changed slightly, and said respectfully, "Senior came for the Alliance?"

"Yes, this seat knows the rules in the city, you all step back."

Qing Jun fell to the ground and walked into the city with Qin Sang.

The two of them withdrew without hesitation, without any intention of questioning Qing Jun's identity.

"Flying is prohibited in the city, and Yuanying Patriarch must lead by example. I will go to the Huimeng Hall first. You can come as soon as possible and wait for my news outside the hall."

Although Qingjun concealed his cultivation and put on a veil, only revealing his agile eyes, and wearing a red dress was still extremely eye-catching.

Qin Sang, who was wearing a cloak, walked with her and was basically ignored.


The two separated, and Qin Sang took the opportunity to go to the major chambers of commerce.

Being treated as a guest by the Chamber of Commerce of the Skywalking Alliance, Qin Sang couldn't help but think of the years when they fought to death for the high-level gambling between the two domains, and there might be opponents in the city.

After the baby is born, one can become a chess player, otherwise it is the fate of the chess piece.

This is the largest transaction place between the two domains. Qin Sang bought all the things he needed and walked to the top of the mountain.

On the periphery of the Huimeng Hall, there are many pavilions and pavilions with different shapes and sparse figures, which are quite elegant.

Outside, there are restrictions and blockades, and people such as idlers are not allowed to enter.

Qin Sang took out the order of the elders of Yuan Mirage Sect, flicked before the ban, and the light curtain opened a passage.

One of the bamboo buildings belongs to the Yuan Mirage Gate, and there are also low-level female cultivators living in it. Seeing the arrival of the elders in the door, although they did not know each other, they were still extremely enthusiastic.

"The sect master has already gone to the hall of the alliance?"

Qin Sang looked towards the middle of the attic and asked.

A female cultivator stepped forward and replied, "Elder Qi, the patriarch has just passed by, and it is said that all the other invited patriarchs have already arrived..."

In front of the disciples of Yuan Mirage Sect, Qing Jun always appeared as Leng Yuntian.

"You all step back, don't come up to disturb without my order."

Qin Sang said coldly.

The female nuns withdrew in disappointment.

He sat cross-legged in the quiet room, waiting for news, calm and not nervous.

Before, I didn't expect to meet Uncle Dongyang so early.

Since escaping from Ziwei Palace, this is the first time that he has faced Uncle Dongyang, and I don't know what his expression will be.

After a stick of incense.

A streamer flew into the bamboo building.


Qin Sang grabbed Liu Guang, took off his cloak, stood up, walked out of the bamboo building, and strode towards the Huimeng Hall.

"Are you the Yuan Mirage Sect Elder Qin?"

Someone was guarding in front of the hall and asked aloud.

Qin Sang nodded, showed the token, and it was unobstructed.

The moment he entered the hall, Qin Sang only felt an invisible pressure, and his heart sank slightly. The people who participated in the alliance were all top experts in the two domains, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

He bowed in front of the door and saluted: "Qin Sang, the elder of Yuan Mirage Sect, pays respects to all the seniors."

A line of sight fell on him.

Qin Sang clearly felt that one of the eyes was as sharp as a Are you Qin Sang? come in. "

A familiar voice sounded, and Qin Sang heard that it was an old man.

Without looking sideways, he walked behind Senior Sister Qingjun and stood still.

His eyes swept across the figure sitting in the hall in an instant.

Part of it was seen in the past.

Including the two in the main seat, Zhenyi Laodao and Tongyou Demon Lord.

There is also the sect master of Taiyi Danzong, the Taoist priest Chongyi, and the snake woman of Yulingzong.

However, at this time, the snake woman had already given birth, and there was a half-human, half-snake monster standing beside her. It was her spirit beast, already at the peak of the demon core stage, and the only demon clan present.

More importantly, it was the brocade-robed man sitting beside the Demon Lord Tongyou.

Uncle Dongyang!

Noticing Qin Sang's gaze, Uncle Dongyang didn't show any anger, but nodded to him with a smile.

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