Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 620 Pretty Boy

After taking the Crimson Cloud Purple Fruit, the wounds on his foundation healed, but Qin Sang's brows furrowed tightly.

In the dark cave, Qin Sang looked down at the Qi Sea and remained silent for a long time.

The foundation has been restored, but his sea of ​​​​qi and meridians are imprisoned by the forbidden talisman, and his spiritual power cannot be used or entered. He cannot make up for the missing trace of spiritual power through running skills.

Even taking spiritual pills or absorbing spiritual stones cannot break through the blockade of the forbidden talisman and is blocked from the sea of ​​​​qi.

It is equivalent to expanding the capacity of the bottle, but the cap is welded shut.

If the elixir is formed first and the spiritual power is poured into the body, the golden elixir has already taken shape. After breaking through the forbidden talisman and then making up for the missing spiritual power, will it have an impact on the golden elixir?

I'm afraid this sequence cannot be careless.

Moreover, Qin Sang was not completely sure whether the spiritual power infusion would be able to break through the forbidden talisman.

After several attempts to no avail, Qin Sang pondered for a moment, opened the Qianjun Ring, and took out the jade bottle containing the Sanguang Jade Liquid.

If what Yun Youzi said before is not exaggerated, Sanguang Jade Liquid is unparalleled by other elixirs. It collects the essence of heaven and earth in the God-concentrating bowl, transforms it into jade liquid, and infiltrates the essence from the inside out.

It provides extremely majestic vitality, involves the original level, and should be able to bypass the blockade of the forbidden talisman.

Sanguang Jade Liquid is very precious and cannot be copied until the God Gathering Bowl is found. Qin Sang only had this small half bottle in hand, leaving part for Jiuhuan Tianlan, and using a drop less for the rest.

This magical medicine is reserved for life-saving use in critical moments.

Now is the critical moment for forming the core, which is not much worse than the moment of life and death. If you don't break through, there will be no future. No matter how reluctant you are, you have to give it a try.

'Snapped! ’

The bottle cap is opened.

Qin Sang had never been so careful as he slowly poured out a drop from the jade bottle.

The green liquid exuded an extraordinary amount of vitality. Qin Sang took a sip and felt completely comfortable.

At this time, in the corner of the cave, there were several grasses growing between the cracks in the rocks. One plant, which was already wilting, quickly straightened its stalk and tilted toward the center of the cave, as if it was yearning.

Other grasses are fresher and more vibrant.

Feeling the breath of Sanguang Jade Liquid again, Qin Sang couldn't help but marvel. Finally, he wrapped the drop of Sanguang Jade Liquid with his consciousness and put it into his mouth.

'boom! ’

The jade liquid entered the body, and the rich vitality exploded instantly.


Qin Sang groaned and even wanted to dance. He felt that every cell in his body was jumping for joy and returning to its best condition.

An unprecedented feeling of comfort spread throughout the body.

This feeling comes so fast and so violently that one becomes intoxicated without any precautions and cannot extricate himself.

Qin Sang calmed down and immediately looked inside the Qi Sea. He was surprised to find that after the Sanguang Jade Liquid entered his body, the spiritual power in the Qi Sea increased inexplicably to make up for the loss.

The sea of ​​qi is truly perfect!

However, the effect of Sanguang Jade Liquid has not ended yet, and the majestic vitality is still wandering in Qin Sang's body.

At this time, Qin Sang suddenly felt a strange itch coming from his left shoulder.

Qin Sang felt the strange change in his left shoulder and hurriedly pulled his mind away from his body. He reached out to lift the clothes on his left shoulder and saw that the closed wound on the empty left shoulder was filled with green light.

This green light represents the power of Sanguang Jade Liquid!

Seeing this, Qin Sang's heart moved, and he hurriedly activated the physical regeneration technique. The inexplicable obstruction at the wound disappeared, and granulation began to squirm.

At the same time, the power of the jade liquid accumulated in his body finally found a place to be put to use, converging on his left arm, and the broken arm regenerated faster.

For monks whose cultivation is above the foundation-building stage, physical regeneration is not difficult to achieve.

However, before that, Qin Sang tried a variety of physical regeneration techniques and took various healing pills, but none worked.

Qin Sang knew that the consequences of the "Secret Technique of Killing Identity Puppet" would definitely be very difficult and could not be solved overnight, so he gave up. Old Man Di Que is a master in the Dan Formation stage, and he must have more methods than him, but he is unable to regenerate, and ends up with the title of ‘Di Que’.

Sanguang Jade Liquid can indeed solve the troubles of the "Secret Technique of Killing Identity Puppet"!

Qin Sang looked happy, but he was not too surprised. He actually had a premonition before.

However, he never thought of using Sanguang Jade Liquid to treat his left arm.

He is not a physical training monk, and he does not have a suitable body training method for the time being. His limbs are not sound, which has little impact on his strength. If he lacks an arm, he is missing an arm.

A mere broken arm was not worth wasting a drop of precious Sanguang Jade Liquid, so Qin Sang had never thought about it before.

If the pill formation had not been restricted, this arm might not be able to recover until it encountered life-threatening situations in the future and was forced to take Sanguang Jade Liquid.

The regeneration of his left arm was an unexpected blessing.

With the support of abundant vitality, the speed of regeneration is very fast, and a white arm grows.

During this process, some green fluorescence drifted away, and the weeds in the cave benefited from it and began to grow wildly, with their stems and leaves becoming extremely thick.

Among them, there was an elixir named Blue Pill Fruit, which sprouted quickly, almost reaching the ceiling of the cave, and finally produced dozens of fruits.

The fruit is abundant, bending the branches and hanging from above.

Blue pill fruit is a good spiritual fruit, it can assist the disciples in the Qi refining stage in their cultivation. Monsters also like to eat it. It is probably the core that the black eagle vomited here after eating it.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Those weeds flourished but then declined, their vitality disappeared, and they withered and died, including the blue dandelion fruit trees.

The spring and autumn passed in an instant, and experienced prosperity and decline.

Qin Sang noticed the strange appearance of the weeds, his eyes narrowed slightly, he looked up at the blue pill fruit tree, reached out and picked out a blue pill fruit, and took a bite.

The sweetness remains the same and the juice is full, but it has no medicinal effect and is only superficial.

It seems that only after being conceived by the Immortal Ban in the Hanging Garden of Ziwei Palace, those elixirs can withstand the birth of Sanguang Jade Liquid and undergo transformation.

Qin Sang shook his head, cleared away the debris in the cave, raised his recovered left arm, and tried to shake it.

The new arm feels a bit unfamiliar.

Although he has never practiced the body refining method, he has been in the false elixir realm since the Qi refining period. After experiencing repeated cultivation improvements, his physical body will also benefit and improve together, but it is far less powerful than physical cultivation.

The regenerated left arm is as tender as a baby, and there is a clear difference between it and the right arm.

Qin Sang transformed an ice mirror in front of him and found that the skin on his face was also extremely white and tender. He looked like he was at most twenty years old, considering how many years younger he would be after forming the pill.

Before, the years had left some traces on my face, but they were all erased.

Thanks to Sanguang Jade Liquid, there should also be a reason for the fundamental recovery.

"He turned into a pretty boy."

Qin Sang smiled to himself.

The problem with the arm is not big. It only needs to be stimulated and tempered with spiritual power for some time, and it will be exactly the same as the right arm. It just so happened that it still took time for him to recover his consciousness. During this time, he did two things at the same time.

The foundation is healed and the broken arm is regenerated.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

The gloom in Qin Sang's heart was gone, and he fell into concentration again, concentrating on healing.

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