Ash Civilization

Chapter 326 Follow the process (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Chapter 326 Follow the process... (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

The light of the incandescent lamp shines down from the ceiling little by little, mixed with the natural light that comes from nowhere, and fills the room with brightness.

No. 009 stood there, motionless.

On the remaining carpet traces, Guo Chengbo said nothing and was watching Duan Lihe's long speech: "I am Xiao Duan..."


"I am very excited at this moment... This is the first time in history that we humans on Earth have made clear contact with extraterrestrial civilization... This is a key moment recorded in history... This is related to civilization... "

"According to the process, in principle..."

"Our Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps is poor, leader, you believe me..."

Duan Lihe rambled endlessly, rambling on and on, but he didn't mention a word about borrowing energy.

The outlines of those complex numbers, formulas, theorems, symbols that appear behind the desk are getting clearer and clearer, and they are becoming more and more stable.

Looking at this scene, No. 009 immediately urged quickly: "Hurry!"

"Lend me your energy!"

As he spoke, the dense numbers on his body began to expand and contract rhythmically, as if some huge changes were brewing.

At this moment, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo could clearly hear the impatience in each other's words. They looked at each other again, then retreated calmly and walked towards the door not far away.

"Hey...hey...the signal here is too bad..."

Duan Lihe shouted loudly as he approached the door.

He had just taken a few steps, and on the seats behind the desks, several silhouettes had already combined into a solid figure.

The first person to appear was a black girl wearing a knitted high-neck sleeveless shirt and a mini-short leather skirt. Her skin was dark and shiny, her facial features were exquisite, her long hair was messy, her eyes were confused, and she seemed to be a little... Didn’t come back to consciousness;

Next to the black girl, there is a man with red hair and green eyes. His upper body is exposed, and a military green lettered T-shirt is draped messily on his shoulders. A few seats away, there are two white men, a man and a woman. The girl wears a tight chiffon dress and has a very good figure; the boy wears a sleeveless slim T-shirt and jingling leather pants.

The two white men had the same tattoos on their collarbones and looked like a couple.

At the table in front of them, a man with long hair and gray-blue eyes sat alone. He was wearing a white shirt and gray striped suit pants. He had a high nose and deep eyes. He also had a typical white appearance.

As these figures became clearer, the densely packed numbers on No. 009 began to become sparse little by little.

No. 009 was still asking Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo to lend him energy. However, the number on the side facing them suddenly started beating violently, as if it were a living creature with self-awareness, like a colony of ants. The nest left No. 009 one by one, dragging out long smoke in the air and chasing Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo who were walking out the door.

As Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo moved, the corners of their eyes were locked on No. 009.

Noticing this situation, the expressions of both of them changed, and they immediately took a defensive posture.

But before those numbers could jump far, all those numbers trying to escape seemed to be blocked by some invisible barrier, unable to move forward even half an inch!

It seems that even if they leave No. 009's body, they cannot leave No. 009's body too far.

Soon, the numbers that jumped out from No. 009's body returned to No. 009's body after crossing crisscross traces in mid-air.

Seeing this, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo both breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Chengbo immediately whispered in the internal channel: "He seems to be restricted by something and cannot leave from where he is!"

"So, he can only borrow energy from us now, but cannot come directly to get it."

Hearing this, Duan Lihe stopped pretending, put away the phone that had not been dialed at all, and said quickly: "This is a rare opportunity to record his data!"

Guo Chengbo nodded slightly and said briefly: "I started recording it just now!"

Just as the two of them were talking, No. 009's condition took a turn for the worse. The numbers on his body obviously couldn't get too far away from him, but for some reason, they became sparser and thinner, as if there was an invisible eraser. Little by little, those numbers were erased.

The gorgeous and majestic ghost armor with numbers stacked on it began to melt, and the helmet part disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the original face of the lower part of the helmet could already be seen.

Behind the surrounding desks, the originally fuzzy outlines became increasingly clear.

Exotic figures, some with blond hair and blue eyes, some with black hair and green eyes, some with red hair and green eyes... appeared quickly.

Most of them were dressed in exaggerated clothes, with heavy makeup, and their eyes were full of confusion and dullness.

These are all actors who have appeared in the plot of "Horror Zombies"!

Looking at the sudden appearance of these figures, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo also knew that something was wrong, but they stood firm as if they had roots on their feet. They had no intention of escaping. Instead, they continued to use the equipment on their bodies to record all the data here. .

Perhaps because it has not been replenished with energy, No. 009 still maintains a posture facing Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo, but can no longer speak.

Finally, all seats were filled with people.

The room that was empty just now is now full of people, white people, black people, brown people, yellow people... looking at the dark place, it seems that they are waiting for some grand start.

At the moment when the figure in the last vacant seat solidified, the numbers on No. 009's body were all gone, and his face, which had been hidden in the armor, was revealed without reservation.

He was a stocky middle-aged Chinese man. He had a typical northern face, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and long eyes. Wearing military green camouflage short-sleeved shirts, green training pants, and black leather boots.

This is the appearance of the original No. 009 during his lifetime.

In an instant, the body disappeared from the spot and appeared on the podium under the blackboard.

At the same time, the small trace of carpet beneath Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo disappeared without a trace.

This exclusive sofa lounge has been completely transformed into a classroom!

Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo were racing against time to record data, when suddenly a heartfelt chill arose in their hearts, and an unparalleled crisis surged, almost engulfing them completely.

Their faces changed, and they suddenly realized that No. 009 had become part of this "digital forest", and now it was their turn!


JW Cinema.

Exclusive sofa lounge.

Tao Nange woke up suddenly. She had just regained consciousness and did not move. Instead, she opened her mouth slightly and looked around quickly.

She found herself sitting on a soft dark red velvet sofa, surrounded by a spacious and bright viewing hall. The lights above her head had been turned on, illuminating the hall with a large area as bright as day.

The big screen directly in front was dark and empty, as if the movie had ended.

Next to her sat the strange young girl brought by Zhou Zhen.

According to what Zhou Zhen said just now, the other party was called "Tan Wenyu".

At this moment, Tan Wenyu rubbed her eyes and opened her eyes in confusion. She also just woke up.

Not far in front of the two of them, sitting in the middle of the auditorium, was a young man with a few orange-red highlights in his hair. He was wearing a gray sleeveless T-shirt. For some reason, the movie had obviously ended and the lights had been turned on for convenience. The audience left the stage, but the other party still kept staring at the big screen.

All other seats are empty.

Tao Nange quickly looked around and didn't see Zhou Zhen. There were only three of them in the entire movie theater.

She suddenly came back to her senses and remembered what Zhou Zhen had said before... If she returns to Jiwei Cinema, she will take Tan Wenyu and leave immediately!

Without any hesitation, Tao Nange immediately stood up, picked up Tan Wenyu, who was not yet fully awake, and walked directly outside.


With a soft sound, Tao Nange pushed open the thick door of the exclusive sofa room and came to the corridor of the viewing area.

The Gothic decoration gives this corridor a dark and eerie atmosphere.

Step, step, step...

The footsteps of the two people quickly passed through this corridor and returned to the lobby when they first entered the cinema.

Tao Nange quickly looked around the situation here and saw no one. Various equipment, tables, chairs, and green plants were sitting there quietly. It seemed that the staff here had just left and would be back soon.

She pulled Tan Wenyu through the four-wing revolving door and quickly left the cinema.

Standing at the door, feeling the summer breeze blowing against his face with the water vapor from the fountain not far away, Tao Nange breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not stop and continued walking towards the outside of this pedestrian street.

While pulling Tan Wenyu to walk quickly, Tao Nange took out a mobile phone he assembled and dialed a number: "Hello? My name is No. 024, located on the Pedestrian Street of Jiuhong District."

"I just experienced a very dangerous 'Digital Forest' and saw No. 009 inside..."

Before she finished speaking, a mysterious figure appeared in front of her and Tan Wenyu.

The opponent is wearing the iconic ghost armor of the ghost team. The gradient purple tail looks light and vigorous, and the rectangular body suspended on its shoulders is full of technological beauty.

This figure is not tall and burly, but it is full of a strong sense of oppression. It seems that the opponent's seemingly ordinary body contains terrifying energy.

Tao Nange was startled for a moment, and immediately realized that it was Ghost No. 007!

One of the strongest beings in the ghost group!

Tao Nange immediately put away the phone and saluted quickly: "Hello, team leader!"

No. 007 nodded, and quickly glanced at Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu. No signs of infection were detected, and he asked in a serious voice: "No. 009, are you still in there?"


Suburbs of Binhai City.

As the crape myrtle branches swayed, a few lavender petals quietly fell into the weeds.

In the H-shaped teaching building, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo suddenly woke up.

As soon as the two regained consciousness, they immediately stood up and quickly observed the surrounding situation.

This is a typical classroom, with neat tables and chairs, new blackboards at the front and back, and an unopened box of chalk on the podium.

There is a door at the front and the back. The curtains on the window are open at the moment, and the shadows of treetops are dancing happily behind the glass.

"It's that school in the suburbs of Binhai City!" Duan Lihe looked out the window and said immediately.

Before taking action just now, he had investigated Zhou Zhen's information, and Zhou Zhen's information contained information about the former Binhai City No. 12 Middle School.

As he spoke, Duan Lihe immediately asked the device to scan the surrounding energy.

Guo Chengbo did not answer. He also operated the equipment on his body, collecting data and scanning energy.

Soon, the machines on both of them used a soft green light to inform them that everything was normal. The instruments did not detect any abnormal energy here.

Guo Chengbo immediately said: "The disaster in Binhai City has connected all the 'digital forests' in the entire city."

"What we entered before was the 'Digital Forest' at Jiwei Cinema on the pedestrian street of Jiuhong District in downtown Binhai City; now the schools in the suburbs of Binhai City should also be a 'Digital Forest'."

"However, this 'digital forest' seems to have suddenly been interrupted."

"Otherwise, we might just be like No. 009."

Duan Lihe nodded and said immediately: "It was very dangerous just now."

"Higher civilization is much more terrifying than we imagined!"

"However, higher civilizations are not invincible!"

"No. 009 was wiped out in front of us just now. We have recorded the entire data. If we go back and hand it over to the research institute, we should be able to gain something."

Guo Chengbo nodded in agreement, and then said: "It may not be safe here, let's leave first."

Duan Lihe did not hesitate, and the two of them immediately walked towards the classroom door.

This ordinary classroom has two doors, a front door and a back door.

Where they are now is right next to the back door.

The two people naturally came to the back door. After opening the door, they did not go out directly. Instead, they first used the "digital domain" and the equipment on their bodies to detect the situation outside the door.

Didi didi!

The soft green light lit up again. After confirming that there was no problem, Guo Chengbo immediately walked out.

At this moment, Duan Lihe's cell phone suddenly rang.

Duan Lihe, who was about to follow Guo Chengbo, suddenly stopped and looked at the screen. Seeing that it was a call from Ghost Team No. 007, he immediately answered the call.

"Hello, I'm Duan Lihe..."


"I did wake up in a classroom, how did you know?"


"Can't you use the back door?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Chengbo's whole body suddenly stopped. One of his feet had already walked out of the back door, and the other was still in the classroom.

The center of the body is exactly aligned with the door frame.


Without any hesitation, Guo Chengbo cut off the leg he used to step out of the back door and immediately retreated into the classroom.

Blood poured out like a fountain, instantly staining the door frame and the ground red.

With a soft "click" sound, the broken leg fell to the ground and fell on the empty corridor, causing a subtle echo.

Seeing this, Duan Lihe didn't say anything more, nor did he ask for the specific reason. He directly asked on the phone: "Is there anything else that needs attention?"

Soon, he got a reply from No. 007. This school has two rules: first, you cannot go through the back door; second, nothing in the classroom can be taken away.

When the call ended, Duan Lihe hung up the phone, looked at Guo Chengbo, and said briefly: "Go to the front door."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the front door of the classroom.

Guo Chengbo now only has one leg, and the bones at the fracture are very pale, but his face is calm, and he does not mean to be in pain at all, and his movements have no impact. He just nodded slightly and walked towards the front door together.

The two quickly left the classroom through the front door.

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps passed along the corridor and gradually faded away.

Not long after they left, the pool of fresh blood on the ground and the neglected broken leg suddenly trembled slightly, and then turned into large and small numbers bit by bit...

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