Ash Civilization

Chapter 291 Short video. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Yulan isolation point.


The cabinet where the medicine was stored was half open, and in the open space in front of the cabinet stood Tao Nange.

After the call with Zhou Zhen ended, she slowly put down the phone next to her ear.

The style of this phone is very old. The back panel is not installed, exposing the internal circuitry. The screen is not big, and there are a few auxiliary buttons below. The overall look is patchwork, and it seems to be the result of temporary assembly. .

Tao Nange looked at the mobile phone in his hand, thoughtfully.

Since Zhou Zhen performed surgery on her last time, she couldn't find her original mobile phone.

The strange-looking mobile phone she now has was built by herself after rummaging through various electronic parts in the warehouse at the Yulan isolation point, dismantling several small appliances.

Although it looks a bit shabby on the surface, the core functions are complete. Whether it is making calls, receiving calls, or sending encrypted messages, there is no problem.

Even her mobile phone number was changed to its original number...

Every ghost member has had a large amount of memory transplanted during pre-employment training. With no shortage of parts and tools, this level of craftsmanship is the basic skill of most ghost members.

Not long after, Tao Nange raised her other arm. She was holding a disposable syringe in her hand. The syringe was empty. Apparently, the medicine inside had been injected.

She had already injected this anti-[protective mechanism] medicine before answering the phone.

However, it has no effect!

Her memory still lingers on the abandoned school on the outskirts of Binhai City.

The memory after that is not completely absent.

But too fragmentary!

Too vague!

Moreover, there are only a few incomplete fragments.

It's not so much a memory as it is a dream with unclear details...

Of course, she's a member of the Ghost Team and a warrior!

Memories from the past cannot be recalled if they cannot be recalled.

She just needs to know what she is going to do next!

Although her application for the ghost suit was not approved, her current energy intensity has reached the fifth step, and she has two more digital domains, so her overall combat power will not be worse than before.

However, the application to rescue Binhai City was not approved...

In addition, on the phone just now, Zhou Zhen's tone was very calm when he heard that she was refused permission to go to Binhai City, which showed that the other party also knew about the situation in Binhai City.

Now, wait for Zhou Zhen to come back...

While I was thinking about it, my phone rang again.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

Tao Nange came back to his senses and immediately looked at the screen of his mobile phone. The caller ID showed a series of garbled codes, and he couldn't tell where he belonged.

She felt a little strange, but considering that this was an assembled mobile phone, it was normal for bugs to occasionally appear, so she immediately answered the phone: Hi, I'm...

Before she finished speaking, she heard a familiar voice coming from her mobile phone and was suddenly startled: Captain?!

The caller was none other than her former captain, Ghost No. 017!


Order of Ashes underground base.


Zhou Zhen turned over on the sofa, folded his hands behind his head, and looked at the ceiling a little irritably.

On the ceiling is an endless night sky with bright stars, emitting a faint and cold light. Amidst the swaying of the surrounding waves, it combines into a very hypnotic white noise.

However, Zhou Zhen had been lying down for more than half an hour. He was mentally eager to have a good sleep, but for some reason, he couldn't fall asleep.

After thinking about it, he simply took out his phone and started watching videos.

My family will make Wensi Tofu today...

Who said there is no fine grain in the north? Let me sing for everyone...

...He went to support the road. If he doesn't go, the road will definitely collapse because...

I will play a new hero today, everyone is optimistic...

After watching more than a dozen entertainment videos in a row, Zhou Zhen suddenly came across a video with a familiar background. It seemed to be a collapsed commercial street. The shops that were originally neatly built and uniform in style were destroyed by an unknown huge force. Sweeping across, almost all the roofs were lifted off and shattered into pieces, directly exposing the interior of the shop.

It seems that it was affected by the aftermath, and the interior decoration was also in dilapidated condition. All kinds of goods and cabinets were staggered and devastated.

Among the wreckage of reinforced concrete, he saw several brand-new signs stuck in the gaps: Hee Hee Milk Tea, Aili Shopping Mall, Yihe Shao Xiancao...

Zhou Zhen immediately stopped paddling and looked attentively.

In the lower left corner of the video, there is a fat man with a shaved head. He waved to the camera and said with a smile: Hello everyone, I am Lao Yi, a food and broadcaster. Today I came to a restaurant with pleasant scenery and expensive prices. Binhai City is everywhere!”

The predecessor of Binhai City was...

After briefly introducing Binhai City, he went on to say, The food here inherits history and has many varieties.

“The first thing I want to try is Binhai City’s unique crab roe dumplings.”

The reason why I chose this time-honored restaurant among the thousands of Xiaolong shops in Binhai City is mainly because the owner is a national first-class pastry chef who worked in the early years... and opened this shop after returning to China.

It is said that their Xiao Long Bao has thin skin, big stuffing and plenty of soup... Each Xiao Long Bao has 32 pleats, and every three crab lids are only used to make one Xiao Long Bao... Crab roe and pork are mixed in At the same time, it has the tenderness of pork and the freshness of crab roe... [Note]

Okay, my crab roe xiaolongbao is here. Let's count it first to see if it is true that each xiaolongbao has 32 pleats.

As he said that, the anchor quickly walked to a broken wall next to him. After counting quickly, he immediately announced excitedly: Not bad! Each small cage has 32 pleats! Now, let's bite Take a bite and see if the filling inside is as delicious as described!

Before he finished speaking, he bit down hard on the reinforced concrete stubble without hesitation!

Click, click, click...

The anchor gnawed on the cement and broken bricks without hesitation. Soon, blood seeped out from the corners of his mouth and lips, staining the broken wall red.

But he didn't seem to feel anything at all, and was still chewing hard on the sharp fracture.

Soon, the anchor's mouth was full of blood, and the blood dripped down his clothes and onto the ground. It looked very scary. Despite this, he still praised vigorously: It is worthy of being a first-class pastry chef's shop! This Xiao Long Bao is really delicious. It’s amazing! The perfect combination of pork and crab meat and crab roe... For those who are interested, it’s totally worth a trip to Binhai City...”

Oh, I also ordered a small wonton with shrimp roe... Come, have a small wonton...

This wonton has no seasoning added. Its flavor comes entirely from the shrimp roe...

“Very fresh!”

The soup is very light, but that's how you can taste this fresh and tender flavor with endless aftertaste...

The anchor chewed the wall while praising it. Not long after, one of his teeth broke off, mixed with blood and fell off, revealing a dark hole.

The barrage was filled with fuck you, blogger is awesome, and what kind of iron teeth and copper teeth. In addition to admiration and ridicule, there were also many questions: Are you crazy? There is no lower limit for traffic. ?”

You won't believe it's true, right? You just got online? It looks like it's made with special effects!

What special effect is this? Why didn't I find it?

Who knows, but it doesn't look good at all... I'm talking about Lao Yi, I've been watching you eat and broadcast for a few years. Your data is good or bad, but it's not bad at all. As for being so famous?

That's right, get rid of it quickly. What's so good about the bloody thorns? Serve up the real steamed dumplings and shrimp roe wontons. I had them once a few years ago. When Lao Yi said this, I still have some. miss……

User 11338951242 is giving away a big rocket.

Brother Yi, what kind of special effects are you doing? Can you get one for me too? I want to see my Company B building collapse for a long time. I'll add a rocket to it for you. It'll be cool for you!

Fuck! Now that you say it, I want it too!

Want +1.

Want +2.

Want +10086...

Wait a minute, I don't think Lao Yi is this kind of person. There's something very wrong with him... Could it be a 'digital virus'?

The video was released 10 minutes ago, and the number of likes, comments, and collections... are all skyrocketing.

Looking at this video, Zhou Zhen immediately sat upright.

It’s a video from Binhai City!

This collapsed commercial street is the Wushan Commercial Street where Xie Qiongning asked to go shopping!

The anchor in the video whose ID is Chibang Lao Yi may not be acting, but his spirit has been infected!

Just as I was thinking about it, a Video does not exist message suddenly popped up on the screen. Immediately afterwards, the screen jumped directly to the next video. It was a girl wearing a Catwoman costume, holding a lace folding fan in her hand, and looking at her charmingly. Dancing silkily.

Zhou Zhen frowned and swiped through the video. After scrolling through another seven or eight short videos, he once again saw a video targeting Binhai City.

This time, he only saw a shot of what appeared to be the city center. He didn't have time to pay attention to any details. The video had been deleted.

Zhou Zhen frowned even more when he saw the next video automatically popping up.

Most ordinary people are still unaware of the disaster that occurred in Binhai City.

In order to avoid causing panic, this type of live video is not allowed to be released under normal circumstances!

However, the current situation is obvious. There are too many videos in Binhai City. In order to rescue, we cannot directly block the signal of a city, so that the staff of the short video platform have no time to delete them!

looking at what?

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded next to the sofa.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, put down his phone, and turned to look to his side.

A graceful figure appeared in the lounge at an unknown time. The nine-tailed fox did not wear strict doctor's clothes like before, but changed into a loose hospital gown. Taking the broken visual sensor from last time, he threw it on the long table not far away.

Zhou Zhen looked at the nine-tailed fox who had spontaneously sat down on the empty space on the sofa, and said calmly: It's nothing.

Has your injury recovered?

Nine-tailed fox shook his head and said, It's not completely healed yet, but he can already move around.

As she spoke, she took out a translucent bag. The bag looked like an ordinary ziplock bag without any printed words, patterns, or numbers. It contained a pile of round pills 1 cm in diameter.

The tablets are light yellow and look similar to ordinary vitamin tablets.

Nine-tailed fox threw the bag directly to Zhou Zhen and said: This is your medicine.

One pill at a time, it will take effect in an hour.

The effect of each pill can last for about 10 hours.

Remember, you cannot take the second pill until the effect of the previous one has ended.

Seeing that the nine-tailed fox didn't mention anything about what happened in the space-time tunnel, Zhou Zhen was immediately relieved. The other party had forgotten about him pretending to be Doctor Ashes just as he thought!

So, Zhou Zhen raised his hand to catch the bag, looked at the densely packed pills inside, and asked strangely: Oral?

This type of drug should be injected faster?

Nine-Tailed Fox snorted coldly, crossed his legs, and said calmly: If it is a relatively stable drug, the tissue will indeed be made into an injection type, so that it will be effective quickly.

However, this is a new drug, with the temporary number TFZ2342.

After it was produced, there were not enough samples to test the drug, and the side effects are not yet completely determined.

The organization specially made it an oral form, and also added several reactants that delay the effects of the drug. This is so that when side effects occur, you will have enough time to use 'equation separation surgery' to remove the drug from the body. Separate inside.”

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned, but nodded quickly. Since this TFZ2342 takes an hour to take effect, he has to stay here. After the drug takes effect, he will decide whether to return to Yulan for isolation based on the situation. point.

While thinking, he put away the bag containing TFZ2342, and then asked: Is there anything else?

The nine-tailed fox took out a piece of paper from the pocket of his hospital gown. After looking at it, he quickly asked: What does the person who injured me look like?

Zhou Zhen replied calmly: He is wearing a full-frame armor, so you can't see his face. His armor is mainly black...

Just as Zhou Zhen was describing, Nine-tailed Fox took out a pen and quickly sketched on the note. She seemed to be painting according to Zhou Zhen's explanation, but what appeared on the note was a strange shape. Apart from being a human being and wearing a battle armor, the figure seemed to have nothing to do with the details Zhou Zhen mentioned.

This portrait has the same style as the Zhou Zhen she painted before, very abstract.

Looking at the high-ranking ghost drawn by Nine-tailed Fox, Zhou Zhen's mouth twitched. For a moment, he was a little confused. Was the other person drawing the ghost member they met at that time? Or a new type of infected person?

After drawing the portrait, Nine-tailed Fox marked two words next to the portrait: Enemy.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-tailed fox turned the note over again, glanced at the content on it, and said: You saved me this time. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me.

As she spoke, she folded the note in half twice, then tore off a quarter and handed it to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen took a quarter of the note with confusion. There were five words written on this part: promise one thing.

He immediately understood that this was a promise given to him by the Nine-tailed Fox.

But the other party was afraid that he would forget, so he handed this part of the note directly to him.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox put away the remaining notes and said crisply: Okay, I'm a little tired, so I'm going to rest first.

As soon as she finished speaking, her entire body turned into a dense mass of numbers, symbols, formulas, and theorems... that quickly dispersed, faded, and disappeared.

After glancing at the empty lounge and confirming that the nine-tailed fox had left, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up, went to the water dispenser next to him and poured a glass of water, then took out the bag of TFZ2342, took out one pill from it, and swallowed it with water. Go down.

After taking the medicine, Zhou Zhen picked up the tattered visual sensor on the long table in the lounge and put it on his head.

Then, he came to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror.

The mirror clearly reflected a figure, but it flashed rapidly like a monitor with poor signal.

After a while, the figure finally stabilized. However, the originally normal body gradually turned into detailed digits!

Zhou Zhen saw that his entire body, except for the parts covered by clothes, was all numbers.

This time, he felt calm. He just took out his phone, set a one-hour countdown, and then stared at himself in the mirror quietly.

[Note] Shanghai House has reviews from fresh merchants.

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