Ash Civilization

Chapter 286 Projection.

The raging flames collided with the huge light blade cut by Liao Yonghong and Zhou Zhen's [Fusion Cube], causing a earth-shaking explosion!

The ground shook violently, and dust and sand rose up from the ruins, as if a huge tent had been hung between heaven and earth.

However, although this is the digital domain of the Nine-tailed Fox, the person using it is not the Nine-tailed Fox, and its power is obviously inferior to the flames of the Nine-tailed Fox just now.

The flames that blasted towards Zhou Zhen and Liao Yonghong had no follow-up after the shock wave of the explosion spread away.

The flames that blasted towards the Crown Eagle changed direction without any warning when they were about to touch him, falling on his front, back, left and right, without touching him at all.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox next to Zhou Zhen flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind suddenly blew in front of him.

The strong wind roared and swept away, picking up the remaining flames on the ground, together with the dust and sand that had not yet stopped, spinning and roaring, and instantly turned into a fire tornado like a pillar of heaven, blowing menacingly towards Ji Li.

At the same time, Ji Li's body suddenly split in two from the middle. The normal half still stayed in the red color block; the half that was dyed black remained in the black color block.

Among them, the half of Ji Li standing in the red color block, the left half of the body, maintains its original appearance without any change. The missing right half quickly emerges with dense numbers, quickly outlining the outline of the human form; standing in black The same is true for the dark half of Ji Li inside the block. The missing left half of the body is constructed of increasingly dense numbers.

In an instant, Ji Li turned into two people, one with Ji Li on the left half and numbers on the right!

The right half of one is Ji Li, and the left half is numbers!

Zhou Zhen is very familiar with this scene, he has also had this symptom!


The huge fire tornado quickly blew away from the left side of the two Ji Li. Although they were very close to each other, they did not touch Ji Li at all. The strong suction force of the strong wind was so close, but they seemed to be in two different places from Ji Li. dimension, it has no influence on him at all.

This is the digital domain of Miandiao!

Zhou Zhen frowned. This Ji Li seemed to be much more difficult than he thought!

However, no matter how much Ji Li can continue to learn their digital domain, the final outcome will definitely be death!

Yes, in this village, the four people who have received future memories, the village chief Chu Hu, the old blacksmith, Meng Zhu, and Bo Er, represent the digital compatibles;

People like Zhou Zhen and others who have traveled through time represent the higher civilization;

Those who also traveled through time but were killed without recovering their digital energy represent digitally infected people;

Like the members of the Twilight Trial just now, those who have recovered their digital energy but are still absorbed and devoured by Ji Li represent digital rain!

The Ji Li in front of him corresponds to the same experimental subject as Zhou Zhen!

The entire journey through the time and space tunnel seems to be a process of various organizations on the earth exploring the unknown, collecting data, and verifying conjectures... In fact, it is a projection of reality by advanced civilizations!

To be precise, it is a warning from higher civilization to human civilization!

The village they encountered in the time and space tunnel and all the situations they experienced were all fabricated in advance!

The final outcome of this village must be that Ji Li dies and they win.

Because they are now corresponding to the advanced civilization that is about to come to the earth!

Just as he was thinking about it, Shao Yuzhi, who was suspended in mid-air, suddenly raised his arm. In his palm, a soft light blue energy light group was slowly dancing.

Shao Yuzhi quickly fired a ball of energy light, but it was not aimed at Ji Li, but at the large persimmon tree full of fruits.

boom! ! !

A big hole was suddenly punched out of the main trunk of the persimmon tree. The whole tree shook violently, and the sound of thin branches snapping was heard.

Ji Li's two bodies immediately began to become confused. The left half of the normal body and the right half of the body with numbers began to collapse and smoke. It was as if those dense numbers had been disturbed by something and could no longer maintain the human outline for him. The same; the body with numbers on the left half and black on the right half, the number part is relatively stable, but the black part of the body has obvious distortions, and bumps appear on the arms, as if there is some living thing hidden inside. Looking for The opportunity to break out of the body.

But soon, a fruit on the big persimmon tree quietly disappeared, and the big hole in the trunk returned to its original state.

Ji Li's two bodies also stabilized again.

Seeing that Shao Yuzhi's attack was effective, Liao Yonghong did not hesitate and immediately attacked the big persimmon tree.

The huge light blade appeared out of thin air, like the flying sword of the sword fairy in ancient Chinese fantasy. It fell straight from the sky and cut off most of the tree crown in an instant!

The moment the light blade cut through the branches, part of the fruit on the big persimmon tree disappeared, and the entire tree recovered again. Except for the loss of a part of the fruit, there was no damage.

Miandiao's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hand to gently move in the void in front of him. Suddenly, several clusters of the crown of the big persimmon tree seemed to have been cut open by invisible blades and fell off spontaneously.

At the moment when these branches and the fruits on them fell, Ji Li's state became chaotic again.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and started to attack the big persimmon tree as well. Black and red cubes appeared in front of him, and the energy wave was overwhelming, covering the entire persimmon tree.

Boom boom boom... With the deafening sound, the big persimmon tree was shaken continuously. The broken branches and leaves along with the orange-red fruits fell one after another. Large areas of the brightly colored persimmons disappeared. The next moment, the persimmon tree recovered again. The way it was.

The nine-tailed fox stood nearby, touching his pockets in a daze, as if he had forgotten what he was here for.

Zhou Zhen noticed her distraction, frowned slightly, and immediately used [Overfrequency Interference] to transmit the note message previously transmitted to the Nine-tailed Fox again...

Amidst the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, all kinds of attacks were aimed at the persimmon trees and began to bombard them indiscriminately.

After discovering Ji Li's weakness, the five people directly avoided Ji Li and concentrated on dealing with the big persimmon tree.

With the violent storm of attacks, large tracts of fruits on the persimmon trees disappeared, and the energy surging in Ji Li's body became weaker and weaker.

When there were less than fifty fruits left on the treetops, among Ji Li's two bodies, the one half black and half digital disappeared into thin air.

The black part turned into a puff of smoke and returned to Ji Li's body. After a quick squirm, Ji Li's body returned to its original appearance.

Boom boom boom...

The attack continued. When there were only a dozen fruits left on the tree, the four-color world under Ji Li's feet disappeared without warning. It seemed that his energy was too weak, and even the Digital Forest could not It cannot be maintained.

Boom boom boom...

The attacks of the five people showed no sign of stopping. When there were less than ten fruits left on the tree, Ji Li swayed and staggered half-kneeling on the ground. The sickly aura came over again, as if he was suffering from illness. Under the double devastation of the cold and the cold, he could no longer even stand up.


At this moment, the figure of Mian Diao instantly appeared behind Ji Li, and with a hand knife, it penetrated directly into Ji Li's heart!

Your 'number' is mine! Mian Diao said calmly. At the same time, he stared at Zhou Zhen and Liao Yonghong with vigilant eyes, obviously already prepared to prevent the two parties from snatching them. Prepare.

However, neither Zhou Zhen, nor Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi had any intention of competing with Mian Diao for Ji Li's number. They even stopped their attacks and just stood in the distance, watching quietly. One scene.

Mian Diao frowned and immediately realized something was wrong. There might be something missing from the information he had collected before!

Thinking of this, he pulled out the knife he had stabbed into Ji Li's vest and quickly moved away from Ji Li.


When the hand knife was drawn out, it brought up a large amount of blood. Ji Li's body went limp, and he fell down slowly without any further struggle.

The north wind was strong, blowing the corners of his shabby clothes.

The big persimmon tree standing by the pond changed. The few remaining fruits on the treetop changed from bright and festive orange-red to cold and gloomy green in an instant. On each fruit, there were A lifelike face, some are smiling, some are crying, some are sad, some are deeply sad, some are full of illness...

The appearance of the fruit also shriveled up quickly.

The cold wind shook the branches, and the human-faced fruits collided with each other, making a crisp sound like rotten wood, echoing quietly on the ruins of the village.

Under the tree, Ji Li's life flowed away little by little. His short and thin body, his immature face, and the gurgling blood that soaked the ground were all turned into dense numbers.

These numbers fly up in the wind like debris, twisting and turning in mid-air, like gossamer flying catkins, and then form a huge digital vortex little by little.

Shao Yuzhi immediately said: Go back!

Before he finished speaking, he was the first to walk towards the vortex.

Liao Yonghong immediately followed.

The two quickly entered the vortex and disappeared.

Zhou Zhen pulled the nine-tailed fox and also walked towards the whirlpool.

Step, step, step... Just when they were about to enter the vortex, Miandiao stood in the distance, staring at Zhou Zhen closely, and suddenly asked: Why can't I ask for his 'number'?


Because it will be parasitized!

Will be targeted by higher civilizations!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not look back, only shook his head slightly and replied calmly: I don't know.

I saw that the official people didn't grab it, so I didn't want it either.

After saying this, before Mian Diao could continue to speak, Zhou Zhen pulled Nine-tailed Fox and jumped into the center of the vortex.

Mian Diao was the only one left in the ruins. He frowned and glanced at the arm that had just stabbed Ji Li's heart. Ji Li's blood remained on his arm and was slowly flowing down. This blood could not be wiped away. , unable to interfere, just like the effect of his Digital Domain, no matter how he wanted to get rid of them, he couldn't even touch them.

He could only watch them snaking quietly on his arms.

Miandiao didn't hesitate too much. He directly used his other hand to grab the upper part of the arm that was not stained with blood, and then used force to tear the entire arm off.


Red blood splashed all over the ground. Miandiao threw his severed arm directly to the ground, and then walked into the digital vortex without looking back.

The fresh severed arms lay quietly on the muddy ground. The north wind blew by, and the poor and backward thatched houses, hedges, earth walls, haystacks... all disappeared into thin air and turned into low graves.

Only the big persimmon tree still stood by the pond, swaying in the wind.

The guard dog lying motionless in the middle of the grave mound slightly squirmed and expanded, gradually returning to the shape of a wide road.

His eyelids moved and he suddenly woke up. He quickly glanced around and felt that this place was very strange. He didn't know where it was. But when he saw the human-faced fruit on the tree next to him, he was immediately overjoyed. This should be the place he entered this time. Qingquan Valley, the longevity fruit we are looking for!

After confirming that there was no danger nearby, Lu Xingkuan immediately came to the tree, stretched out his hands to hug the trunk, climbed up, and began to pick the fruits.


Qingquan Valley.

Security inside and outside the valley is tight.

Changsheng Village Ruins.

The space-time tunnel hangs high over the village, with large blurry blocks of color on the edges and green fruits in the center. The fruits are shaped like pears, with lifelike faces on them, some crying and some laughing. , some worries...

At this moment, in the center of the picture that had always been very clear, a dense number of numbers suddenly appeared. These numbers swirled and quickly reorganized into two figures, none other than Zhou Zhen and the Nine-tailed Fox!

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Zhou Zhen immediately began to check his body. He was now wearing the clothes he wore when he entered Qingquan Valley, wrapping himself tightly, and his original face could not be seen at all, just like before entering the time and space tunnel.

In addition, the digital energy in his body seems to have improved a lot, but it is not certain whether it has reached the fifth step.

Zhou Zhen looked at the nine-tailed fox beside him again. The nine-tailed fox was exactly the same as before entering the time and space tunnel. At this moment, her fox ears, fox tail, and fox eyes had disappeared, and she looked like a normal female human. .

As soon as the nine-tailed fox came out of the space-time tunnel, he subconsciously reached into the pocket of his white coat.

Zhou Zhen noticed this action and was immediately startled.

He was not sure if the nine-tailed fox had forgotten the memory he had just transmitted, so he quickly stopped him: Wait a minute!

As he said that, he grabbed the nine-tailed fox's arm that was touching his pocket.

The nine-tailed fox turned his head to look at Zhou Zhen and asked in confusion: What's wrong?

Zhou Zhen looked a little stiff and said, We'll see later!

The nine-tailed fox didn't ask the reason, and nodded very obediently: Okay, doctor.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly...

However, before he could continue to be happy, a deep and majestic voice suddenly came over: Doctor?

Long time no see, Doctor Ashes!

As soon as the words fell, a dark and burly figure appeared in front of the two of them instantly.

His figure seems very clear at a casual glance, but if you look closely, it seems that you can't see clearly through a layer of fog.

The black ghost armor is based on ancient armor, and the details are combined with the exquisite design of modern mechas. A few golden patterns outline a graceful temperament.

The fully enclosed helmet has engravings on both sides of the helmet that symbolize bravery, and the face is a whole piece of black crystal. At this moment, on the surface of the black crystal, there is a waterfall-like data sliding down crazily.

On the left shoulder of this figure, the mark of black flames surrounding a silver skull is particularly conspicuous.

Ghost No. 005!

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