Ash Civilization

Chapter 282 Working.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was suddenly another sound of footsteps behind him.

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, his eyes slightly cold, that member of the Four-Dimensional Utopia just now came over again?

Thinking of this, he turned around and saw a villager in khaki-brown clothes walking into Yue's Blacksmith Shop with very even steps.

The other party is obviously made of flesh and blood, but it gives people the feeling of a mechanical creation. Every step he takes seems to have been measured with a ruler. Every line on his sallow and thin body is full of the characteristics of the ancient working people, but in this orderly and orderly way, There is a sense of ancient elegance in Xu's demeanor.

His demeanor and expression were as if he were not entering a poor and backward farmhouse, but walking in a magnificent palace.

This is not a member of the Four-Dimensional Utopia, but a member of the Twelve Sages!

Just like the member of Fourth Dimensional Utopia, the other party also ignored Zhou Zhen's [Crimson Trap] and walked through the spacious courtyard step by step. When stepping on the blood, he was neat and tidy, without any intention of being sloppy. The whole person seemed to be walking on a solid ground. Just like on the land, he walked calmly and stopped not far from Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen looked at this member of the illegal organization, wondering what his purpose was.

This time, he spoke much more carefully: What's the matter?

Sami Draxler bowed gracefully and said in a gentle tone: The ninth sage of the Twelve Sages, Sami Draxler.

I hope to get the 'digital rain' from you.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen's face darkened and he said coldly: Do you want to die?

Sami Draxler stared at Zhou Zhen, who was purely composed of numbers. This figure seemed weird and monstrous to ordinary people. In his eyes, it seemed to be full of indescribable beauty. There was a clear expression in his eyes. Appreciation, this appreciation is not directed at Zhou Zhen, but at his body of numbers.

The ninth sage smiled and said: Your current 'digital energy' is only the 'fourth ladder'.

In addition, you are almost out of control now, and you probably won't be able to hold on for long.

Give me the 'Digital Rain' and your crisis will be resolved.

Zhou Zhen looked at Sami Draxler coldly, and suddenly laughed: Originally, this time, I planned to settle the score with the Twelve Sages after I left the space-time tunnel.

In this case……

The Eleventh Sage almost killed my friend last time.

I always remember this.

Now, let's settle the old and new accounts together!

Before he finished speaking, densely packed black and red cubes suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

As soon as the cube appeared, it immediately turned into shock waves of surging energy, hitting Sammy Draxler like a flood that burst a dam.

Boom boom boom boom…

With a deafening loud noise, the entire Yue's Blacksmith Shop was instantly razed to the ground. The ashes of straw flew into the air, and sand and gravel fell all over the sky.


A soft sound, as if something exploded, sounded from behind Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen immediately turned his head and saw Sami Draxler appearing beside the old blacksmith and crushing his head.

I have a habit. Sami Draxler looked at Zhou Zhen and said with a smile, Before starting a battle, I like to resolve the variables that will affect the outcome of the battle in advance.

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the farm tools on the side that still had the fresh quenching gas.

As soon as those farm tools fell into his hands, they immediately changed and reorganized quickly, turning into a high-tech mortar.

Looking at this somewhat familiar scene, Zhou Zhen frowned.

This is a digital domain similar to Tao Nange!

However, this Sami Draxler's digital ladder is higher, and the reorganized weapons are definitely more terrifying than Tao Nange!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly took out the pale skull.

The skull instantly turned into a lunch box with Q version of strawberries printed on it.

But before Zhou Zhen could open his lunch box, the mortar in Sami Draxler's hand had already begun to attack.

boom! ! !

A cannonball hit the ruins of the blacksmith shop where the dust had not completely subsided, creating a large crater in the ground that had been repeatedly compacted during the construction of the house.

As the fire and smoke roared, Zhou Zhen appeared outside the blacksmith shop.

This is [Plane Transition]!

His current digital energy is far different from the opponent's, so he cannot use [Geometric Barrier] to block the opponent's attack!

At this time, Sami Draxler stepped out of the burning flames of the blacksmith shop, and he had several more high-tech weapons on him.

Tilting his head slightly, Sami Draxler said in an elegant tone: Normal 'Fourth Step' compatibility cannot avoid my attack.

Even if you are not an experimental subject, your data in all aspects has far exceeded the strength of the 'Fourth Step'.

Of course, the most important thing is that the body I am using now is too slow!

But, it doesn't matter.

Next, I will provide fire coverage.

No matter how fast you hide, it's useless!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen snorted coldly, and was about to open the lunch box when Sami Draxler suddenly turned around, and the mortar he was holding in his hand was blocked in front of him like a shield.

boom! ! !

Sammy Draxler was immediately knocked backwards. His body knocked down several thatched houses, hedges, and haystacks in one go, and knocked out a huge hole in the compacted mud that was filled with flying sand and rocks.

A slender and graceful figure appeared where Sammy Draxler had been standing just now. She was still wearing a shabby homespun dress, with a pair of furry fox ears on her head, and behind her were lines of birds. Nine fluffy long tails.

The nine-tailed fox glanced at Zhou Zhen and felt that this humanoid figure made entirely of numbers was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

She subconsciously touched her pocket.

However, her current clothes had no pockets. She reached out and touched nothing.

So the nine-tailed fox moved forward and continued walking towards Sami Draxler.

Her original plan was to go home and sleep, but halfway there, she suddenly felt a familiar energy!

It was the energy that just interrupted her from eating the old hen!

So she came right over.

She wants revenge!

At the same moment, Zhou Zhen also noticed the nine-tailed fox. He had almost solved the village's problems alone, and the other party finally came out!

Originally, he thought that for this Order of Ashes mission, he would just follow the Nine-Tailed Fox and just hang out.

As a result, I worked the whole process by myself!

Just as he was thinking about it, a terrifying energy suddenly erupted from the place where Sami Draxler fell.

The energy was so majestic that it was almost forming substance. In the newly formed huge pit, the sand and gravel debris that had not yet subsided seemed to be attracted by invisible forces and began to rotate slowly, turning into an upside-down funnel-shaped vortex.

In the center of the huge vortex, a strange figure slowly rose into the air.

That figure is Sammy Draxler!

The high-tech weapons in his hands have been integrated into his body, and he looks like a half-flesh, half-mechanical modified human.

Sami Draxler looked at Zhou Zhen and then at the Nine-tailed Fox. The expression on his face finally became serious: I didn't expect that the 'Ash Order' actually sent two experimental subjects. Come in!

However, the experimental subjects of the 'Ash Order' all have obvious flaws.

And, after all, it's just flesh and blood!

After the words fell, Sami Draxler's wrists suddenly dropped, revealing the gun barrels at the cross-section of his forearms, and at the same time, black holes opened in his chest.

All the guns and cannons were aimed at Zhou Zhen and the Nine-tailed Fox and opened fire in unison!

Da da da da…

Boom boom boom...

The deafening sound of gunfire rang out, and the flames covered the entire village and all surrounding areas.

Ammunition poured down like a storm, the smoke was thick, and the sound of artillery was loud.

A dark cloud slowly rose, looking from a distance like a huge mushroom.


Four colors interlaced, filling the originally blank map.

Shao Yuzhi and others were about to enter the range of the red color block when they suddenly found that their legs and feet were completely out of control.

Liao Yonghong stood in the gray color block, and the gray was rising under his feet. His whole body was rapidly freezing, his heart stopped beating, his blood stopped flowing, and the metabolism of the new city stopped... All the organs stopped their activity. Work, all life, disappeared.

He was dying without any harm.

Shao Yuzhi stood in the black color block, and the black color quickly spread along his legs and feet. At the same time, he felt an unprecedented hunger filling his whole body, as if every cell was clamoring for food.

A burning pain came from his belly.

An almost instinctive desire urged him to immediately grab everything and stuff it into his mouth, filling his empty stomach.

Other ghosts were also affected by plague, death and famine respectively, and all ended up losing their vitality quickly.

At this time, Liao Yonghong immediately burst out with a powerful energy, and then pushed Shao Yuzhi to his side.

Shao Yuzhi also reacted quickly, pushing hard against Liao Yonghong despite the strong discomfort in his body.


Liao Yonghong's control of power is very precise, and the degree of force exerted is exactly the same as Shao Yuzhi.

The next moment, under the reaction force, the two people were pushed out of the color block where they were originally, and fell into the adjacent red color block behind them.

The moment they entered the red color block, the anomalies of death and famine disappeared instantly.

However, they did not enter the red world again.

At the same time, several ghosts further away could not evacuate from the original color block immediately because their legs could not move, and they died suddenly on the spot.

Some of them were skinny and skinny, but they were starved to death; some of them were seriously ill, and they died of epidemics; some of them had lifelike faces, but they died suddenly...

After these people died, they quickly turned into a pool of mucus of the same color as the color block under their feet, fell into the color block, and disappeared.

In less than a second, only Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi were left in the entire four-color world.

Shao Yuzhi looked at this scene and said solemnly: The four colors, red, white, black and gray, correspond to the 'war', 'plague', 'famine' and 'death' in the Bible Revelation.

“When we first entered ‘famine’ and ‘plague’, we still had about 2 to 3 seconds to react.”

This time, not even a second!

This should be because this 'digital forest' has absorbed more energy.

That rampaging experimental subject may have completely lost control!

Liao Yonghong quickly asked: What to do now?

Shao Yuzhi thought quickly: I don't know what happened now. We are already standing in the color block of 'war', but we have not entered the red world just now.

As long as we enter the red world again, although there are only two of us now, I have a way to fill all the colors...

Before they finished speaking, the two of them immediately saw dense blood characters suddenly appearing on the map in front of them that had been painted with four different colors.

I like you! I like you! I like you...

These bloody words seemed to be carved on the skin, stroke by stroke, dripping with blood, as if blood was constantly seeping out, the strokes were messy and flamboyant, full of madness.

The number of blood letters was overwhelming, and wherever it went, no matter what color it was, it was cut into pieces.

They surged like a torrent, quickly eroding the boundaries that originally belonged to the four colors.

In all the places covered by them, the four colors of red, white, black and gray disappeared without a trace in an instant, returning to their original appearance. Only the crisscrossing blood letters were still engraved with blood on every inch of the land.

The word blood is powerful, like a surging river, or like an avalanche, roaring and engulfing the four-color area.

In the blink of an eye, this majestic blood word was getting closer and closer to Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi.

Looking at those weird words in blood, Liao Yonghong frowned and said quickly: There is another experimental subject who is absorbing the 'digital forest' of this four-color problem in reverse!

Shao Yuzhi nodded and said: It's simplified Chinese characters!

There is a high probability that he is an experimental subject of the 'Ash Order'!

As the two of them were talking, the words Xue were running wildly and were about to come to them. The color patches under their feet began to gradually fade.

As the color patches disappeared, their legs, which had been unable to move and had no feeling, suddenly began to regain normal perception and function.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi did not hesitate, and immediately jumped up high.

The next moment, blood words swarmed up, swallowing up the original color block at their feet in an instant, and spreading towards the color block further away.

At this time, Liao Yonghong's legs had fully recovered. His body, which was jumping in mid-air, was about to start falling when it suddenly stopped abnormally and just hovered in mid-air.

Then, he glanced at Shao Yuzhi beside him.

Shao Yuzhi's body, which had just begun to fall, also stopped abruptly.

Digital domain, [anti-gravity]!

Just one update today.

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