Ash Civilization

Chapter 280 Learning. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Zhou Zhen listened carefully. In this village, a total of four people had obtained the knowledge of digital compatibility. This number exactly corresponded to the four subordinates who entered the space-time tunnel through Luxing Broadband.

However, in Tongfu City, the homeless people who accidentally enter the Qingquan Valley Time and Space Tunnel should be dealt with by more than Lu Xingkuan and five people...

Could it be that those ordinary wanderers didn't cross over to this village?


Zhou Zhen suddenly thought that the compatible persons of the Third Ladder could not maintain their consciousness after entering the time and space tunnel, and could only transfer knowledge and memories to the past.

The second ladder and the first ladder... maybe even knowledge and memory cannot pass through the time and space tunnel!

Those ordinary wanderers should not be higher than the third ladder.

When they entered the space-time tunnel, they were probably directly absorbed by the equation in the space-time tunnel!

In other words, for those who are compatible below the Third Step, entering the space-time tunnel is equivalent to committing suicide!

In addition, although he and Lu Xingkuan are both Fourth Step, their identities after time travel are obviously a bit wrong.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the energy level must reach at least the fifth ladder in order to travel normally through the space-time tunnel.

With so many compatible people coming in this time, except for him and Lu Xingkuan, they should all be above the fifth step.

The experimental subject Ares of Twilight Trial may not have reached the Fifth Step, but the other party and Xie Qiongning used the same [God-Creation Plan], and Xie Qiongning only had the Second Step to show. The energy intensity is no worse than that of Fifth Ladder compatibility.

In essence, this is not because the Twilight Trial experiment is so powerful, but because the God-making Plan of the Twilight Trial is too unstable.

As a result, the experimental subject cannot control its own digital forest well, causing the energy in the digital forest to leak out all the time, forming an illusion of very large energy.

Once you encounter an evenly matched opponent, things like Binhai Central Hospital can easily happen...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately asked: So, you killed the village chief later?

When the old blacksmith heard this, he shook his head and said very seriously: It was under the leadership of the Chu family that our village was able to travel across mountains and rivers to settle here to avoid the disasters outside.

The Chu family has been in charge of sacrifices for generations and can communicate with heaven. Chu Hu's prestige is the same as that of his ancestors. Even if the villagers want to protect me in order to survive, they can't do anything to Chu Hu for my sake.

Anyway, under the circumstances, it was pretty good that I was able to save my life.

I hid, and I don't know how Chu Hu died.

It may be due to infection with the plague, or it may be due to other reasons.

Before Chu Hu died, he sent someone with a message to meet me alone.

I thought twice and finally went to see him.

He said some really weird things to me.

Zhou Zhen frowned and asked, What are you talking about?

The old blacksmith had a confused expression on his face: He said that he knew that the magic we received from the immortals could save people, prevent us from starving, and prevent us from staying in this remote valley... …But that knowledge will bring more ‘pollution’!”

Once the 'door' is opened, something more terrifying than the plague will come to this world...

Foolishness will not bring destruction.

Seeking knowledge is the beginning of facing the 'abyss'...

It was also at that time that I realized that Chu Hu had also received a magic gift from an immortal.

However, Chu Hu believes that it is not an immortal, but something more terrifying than an evil ghost!

It's so terrible that he even wants to burn his carefully cultivated eldest son to death!

I couldn't understand Chu Hu at that time.

but now……

The old blacksmith paused, opened his eyes, glanced at Zhou Zhen, who was all composed of numbers, then quickly closed his eyes again, and continued, I don't know if Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family, can survive. Why.

There was a rumor in the village that Ji Li was going to die soon.

A small coffin has even been prepared for him.

But one day, his illness suddenly healed.

Then, the dead people in the village came back to life one by one.

Later, there were more and more people in the village.

The whole village has returned to the time when the plague didn't happen.

Everyone seemed normal and there never seemed to be any plague.

It's just that Meng Zhu and Bo'er, who were burned to death by Chu Hu, never came back to life.

I know this is not normal.

So I have been using the knowledge given by the immortals to blacksmith, cast and improve farm tools day and night.

Don't think these are just farm tools. If you actually use them, they can kill people!

Moreover, in normal times, it can also be used to open up wasteland and cultivate land, so there is no waste at all.

For us villagers, we are not used to using those swords, guns, swords and halberds. If we are not careful, we will hurt ourselves.

Throughout my life, I will still pick up these things on the cabinet to make them the most convenient.

I hope that one day I can deal with what Chu Hu said at the time was something more terrifying than the plague...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly, Chu Hu was indeed a little strange.

What the other party said should be digital virus!

However, even if the old blacksmith makes great use of these hoes, rakes, shovels, etc., it is impossible to deal with the most ordinary infected person with such primitive weapons.

This is like using a bone blade carefully polished by primitive people to hunt the armed flying saucer in Star Wars!

In fact, the reality is even more exaggerated than this metaphor!

Because the technological level of the advanced civilization that creates digital viruses has reached an incredible level, it is not comparable to the aliens in Star Wars.

While thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that in the eyes of advanced civilizations, the global research and resistance to digital viruses in 2127 would be the same as he sees the old blacksmith now?

In the old blacksmith's view, weapons are hoes, rakes, and shovels... Even if the compatible person's memory is obtained, the other party will not be able to understand firearms, aircraft, laser cannons, mechas... those things.

And now, he is just like the old blacksmith.

When Digital Rain was in class, he couldn't understand even a word of what he was talking about!

2127, who seems to be civilized and developed, is actually just like the old blacksmith in front of him in the eyes of advanced civilizations!

Hoes, rakes, shovels, sickles...these so-called weapons could not pose any threat to him.

In the eyes of advanced civilizations, the weapons that humans painstakingly invented in 2127 may be just like these carefully polished hoes, rakes, shovels, sickles...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly calmed down and asked: So, what is the 'touch the blind man' game at Chu Hu's house?

What happened to that bowl of hot soup you drank before the game?

The old blacksmith quickly replied: In that private school opened by Bo Er, almost all the children in the village who don't need to do anything will go there to attend the classes.

Ji Li is also inside.

Boer stipulated that there will be a break for one stick of incense between each class.

The kids would take the opportunity to play.

'Touch the blind' is the game they play.

Ji Li liked this game very much. After Bo Er was burned to death, Ji Li called other children to his yard to continue playing the game.

When it comes to hot soup, it's actually just some hot water, using the iron pot I made here.

Clear water?

Zhou Zhen glanced at the farm tools and daily necessities in the shop that were still freshly tempered, and immediately understood that these farm metal supplies were not smelted normally, but were made using the numbers of other villagers.

For example, the alloys that can only be used on these 2127 anti-riot mechas are the numbers on the members of the Ghost Team!

All the iron tools in the whole village may be like this.

The smell of hot soup he smelled was a bit strange at that time. Lu Xingkuan also said that he wanted broth. In essence, was it the smell of an iron pot?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen continued to ask: The 'ring' and the 'four-color problem' I encountered in the coffin shop just now were all used by Ji Li?

Can he copy other people's powers?

The old blacksmith shook his head. He didn't understand what a ring was or what a four-color problem was. Just as he was about to speak, a slightly familiar voice suddenly came from the courtyard gate: It's not 'copying'. It’s ‘learning’!”

As soon as the words fell, a familiar villager's figure stepped across the threshold and walked in without any cover.

The other person still looks like a villager in the village, facing the loess and back to the sky, but his eyes are calm and his temperament is calm. He is the Crown Eagle of the Four-Dimensional Utopia.

However, he was alone now. The other two companions had gone somewhere and were completely missing.

Zhou Zhen turned his head and looked at Miandiao, and immediately recognized that the other person was one of the members of Fourth Dimensional Utopia whom he had just met in the coffin shop!

At this moment, the other party walked through the courtyard as usual, walking through Zhou Zhen's Digital Domain [Crimson Trap] as if he were stepping on solid flat ground, without any hindrance.

The opponent's digital energy is very strong!

At this time, Mian Diao glanced at the old blacksmith, then moved his eyes to Zhou Zhen, and nodded slightly: If you don't mind, may I also ask a question?

Zhou Zhen shook his head very simply. This member of Four-Dimensional Utopia had exposed his identity in front of the Twelve Sages and Twilight Trial when he was in the coffin shop just now, and now he still thinks of him Are you here to seek benefits?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen replied unceremoniously: I came here first.

What questions do you want to ask? When I finish asking, you can ask again!

Now, get out first!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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