Ash Civilization

Chapter 262 Situation. (First update! Please subscribe!)

In front of the simple thatched house, Zhou Zhen's muscles were tense. He put one hand behind his back and pressed the wooden door with the other. He stared at the two villagers who suddenly appeared with alert eyes, ready to retreat into the house at any time.

At the same time, the messenger in black and the observer also stood still with serious expressions, looking at Zhou Zhen with the same caution.

The two sides faced each other at a distance, and the atmosphere seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and no one dared to act rashly.

There was a brief stalemate for a second. Seeing that the reactions of the two strange villagers were similar to his own, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that the two people opposite him were not the aborigines of this village!

However, it is not certain whether he is a homeless person from Tongfu City, a member of other illegal organizations, or an official compatibility...

Thinking rapidly in his heart, Zhou Zhen slowly pushed open the wooden door behind him. Seeing that the other two had no intention of taking action, he retreated little by little towards the house.


It wasn't until the wooden door was closed again and there was no movement from the two people outside that Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

He is currently being targeted by Lu Xingkuan's blind actors, and he doesn't want to conflict with other compatible actors at this time.

But, it's a little strange...

Lu Xingkuan was obviously in trouble now. How did the other party come back from the time and space tunnel alive in the end?

Moreover, he has not yet found where the time and space tunnel here is!

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, immediately walked to the floor, picked up the brick that served as a pillow, and returned to the door.

Dong dong dong...dong dong dong...

The knocking on the door continued. Zhou Zhen did not open the door, but leaned closer to the crack of the door and looked out.

The mist outside the door was miserable, and in the yard surrounded by hedges, the two strange villagers just now had disappeared. Standing outside the door was another villager whom I had never seen before. He looked like he was in his thirties or forties, and was wearing The heavily patched man held a rake in his hand, his back straight and his expression serious. He was knocking on the door while carefully observing his surroundings.

Zhou Zhen looked at the villager carefully. The other person's expression and actions showed signs of long-term training. With just one glance, he could tell that this villager, like the two strangers just now, was not a native of the village. !

Thinking quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhen had no intention of opening the door.

Although he has recovered a little digital energy now, it is not enough to use the digital domain once. He is not prepared to take risks without being sure of absolute safety.

So, Zhou Zhen held the brick and stood behind the door, quietly looking at the figure outside the door.


White mist filled the air, like a veil covering the surrounding areas.

The black-clothed messenger and the observer were highly nervous and stared straight ahead without blinking. It was not until the strange and thin child entered the house and closed the door that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there was no conflict between the two parties just now, the intuition cultivated through many years of life and death made them extremely sensitive to danger.

That child who looked very weak was very strange.

It is very possible that the other party is not a living person at all!

Let's go! The messenger in black said quickly, There's something wrong with this place, leave now!

The observer nodded, and the two immediately turned around and left.

This time, they moved faster, and the thatched houses surrounded by hedges were quickly left behind.

Wet white mist surged in from the surroundings, falling like gauze curtains layer by layer, blocking the view. Soon, the surroundings were covered with a vast mist, and the cold house could not be seen at all.

The fog continued to be thick, like clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist, causing waves to surge as the two walked.

As they walked, the observer took a deep breath and suddenly asked: What should we do next?

Hearing this, the black-clothed envoy did not immediately answer. They entered the space-time tunnel for two main purposes. One was to collect materials for the next experiment; the other was to store the numbers and equations in the space-time tunnel.

The current experiment of Twilight Trial is to write the digital forest into the digital domain of the experimental subject.

This time and space tunnel that suddenly appeared in Tongfu City has a huge attraction for all compatible organizations.

For example, in their Twilight Trial, they want to collect the numbers, equations and materials of this space-time tunnel, and then write them into the digital domain of the next experimental subject to create a god who can travel through time and space!

However, the Chinese officials are pressing too hard now. They are currently struggling to survive and have no chance to collect the numbers, equations and materials here.

Thinking of this, the black-clothed envoy pondered and said: We don't have 'digital energy' now, so we can't resist the official numbers.

If this continues, it will be difficult to survive here, let alone complete the mission.

However, the experimental subject we brought this time can help us break the current deadlock.

Find the experimental subject first!

As he spoke, the surrounding fog became thicker, like a thick gauze curtain, completely blocking the surrounding field of vision, and the visibility dropped to the point where he could only clearly see the outlines of people within two steps nearby.

The houses, courtyard walls, trees, haystacks that were originally clearly visible all disappeared into the sea of ​​mist, and both ends of the road were swallowed up into the vastness.

At this time, the observers nodded. It is very difficult for them to restore digital energy now, but the experimental subjects...each experimental subject is extremely special!

The current experiment of Twilight Trial is the God-Creation Project.

Every experimental subject of the [God-Building Project] has a Digital Forest. Compatible persons cannot quickly absorb external energy, but the Digital Forest can!

Thinking of this, the observer immediately said: This time the space-time tunnel appears, the 'Ashes Order' received the earliest news and had the most preparation time.

The experimental subjects should also be sent here.

As for the 'Four-Dimensional Utopia' and the 'Society of the Twelve Sages', I'm not sure.

If our experimental subjects have recovered their 'digital energy', then the experimental subjects of the 'Ash Order' may be similar.

The messenger in black nodded. The biting cold wind blew in front of them, accompanied by the slight sound of branches breaking, and mercilessly swept away the warmth from their bodies. The chill was biting, like thousands of steel needles pricking their skin.

The two of them got colder and colder as they walked away. The messenger in black rubbed his hands subconsciously and said, I'm not very clear about the latest experiment of the 'Ash Order'.

But if it is the experimental subject of the previous [Myth Recovery Project]...

Although the experimental subjects of the 'Ash Order' have obvious flaws, it is undeniable that China has a large number of people!

No matter what kind of special physique, you can find it...

At this point, the messenger in black suddenly noticed something and immediately stopped.

The observer also stopped moving forward.

The next moment, four figures of different heights appeared in the thick fog ahead.

A child with a striking black mole on his neck and three adult villagers all stretched out their arms and walked toward the two of them while groping.

These four figures include men and women, adults and children. The only thing they have in common is that their eye sockets are empty. The eyeballs were gouged out by someone unknown, leaving only purple-black blood stains solidified around the eye sockets.

Eight arms were grabbing randomly in mid-air, quickly approaching the black-clothed messenger and the observer.


The winter sun shines dimly, bringing wisps of warmth.

Outside Guan's Shoucai, 127 and 093 were waiting with vigilant expressions. Maybe this place is relatively remote in the village and no one has ever passed by.

The surrounding silence was eerie.

They listened carefully to the movement inside the coffin shop, but found nothing.

The two of them waited at the door with bated breath for a long time, but no one came out.

Seeing that the agreed time has come, but none of the companions who entered Guan's Shoucai came out, the expressions of 127 and 093 gradually changed.

After looking at each other, 127 walked to the door of Guan's Shoucai and tentatively called inside: 106? 258? Deputy team?

There was dead silence in the coffin shop, and there was no response.

127 immediately turned to look at 093 not far away, and said in a deep voice: Something happened!

We have to find Team Liao!

093 nodded, changed the position of the pole in his hand, and said: I will guard here, you go find Captain Liao!

127 did not hesitate and immediately turned around and left.

As a result, only 093 was left at the door of the coffin shop.

He had not been here for long, when subtle footsteps suddenly came from an alley beside him.

093 immediately looked over with vigilance and saw a villager wearing khaki-brown clothes walking over quickly.

The other party looked ordinary, with a face that was tanned by the sun, and was covered with ravines left by wind and rain. His movements were surprisingly precise, and every step he took seemed to be measured by a ruler.

But it is obviously different from the standards specially trained by the army.

The two sides looked at each other, and 093 was about to speak, but the other party had already shouted to him: Zhonghu! Why are you here? The village chief is looking for you, hurry up!

Hearing this, 093 was about to interrogate the other party when he was suddenly suffocated. Is this person an aborigine from the village?

Thinking of this, he said perfunctorily: I know, I'll go later.

The visitor shook his head and said anxiously: No, I've been looking for you for a long time. The village chief is urging me. Don't delay. Otherwise, the village chief will get angry and no one can stop you.

You'd better go quickly!

093 frowned slightly. He was currently on a mission and could not leave the door of the coffin shop. However, when they just met, the superiors had given them instructions to try not to conflict with the aborigines in the village... After thinking about it, 093 said quickly: Okay, I'll go there now.

With that said, he turned and walked towards the courtyard of the village chief's house.

093 entered the alley with his front feet, and the villager who called him immediately walked over, pushed open the door of the coffin shop, and quickly stepped inside.

In a few seconds, 093 turned back from the alley. Seeing that there was no one at the door of Guan's Shoucai, he frowned suddenly, he had been fooled!

He thought that the villager was an aborigine and was unwilling to argue with him, so he planned to find an opportunity to get rid of him on the way to the village chief's house and then turn back.

But I didn't expect that after I had gone some way, the other party showed no intention of following me!

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps in the surrounding alleys.

093 came back to his senses and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

Four villagers in shabby clothes but with straight backs, carrying rakes, hoes and other agricultural tools, were walking out of the alley with murderous intent and approaching him.

These four villagers, two men and two women, are all adults. The youngest one is in his early twenties; the oldest one looks to be about fifty years old.

There is no similarity in their appearance, and they seem to have no blood relationship with each other. They are barefoot, with cuffs and lower clothes tied up. The two female villagers have tied their hair tightly with strips of cloth and freshly cut wooden sticks. It is obvious that they have been tied up for a long time. Be prepared for drastic action.

093I suddenly understood that these people were not aborigines!

He looked at the villagers in front of him and tightened his grip on the pole: Who are you?

The leader of the villagers paid attention to 093 and said calmly: 'Four-dimensional Utopia', 'Crown Eagle'.

As they spoke, these villagers continued to approach and raised the farm tools in their hands...

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