Ash Civilization

Chapter 238 Everything is normal. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Colorful helium balloons were released collectively, turning the sky into a colorful sky, seemingly like countless flowers that suddenly bloomed under the blue sky.

Amidst the cheerful music, the aroma of popcorn, ice cream, and grilled hot dogs floats in the air. The tourists coming and going are smiling, and the shutters are clicking one after another.

A pink sightseeing cable car slowly slid down Cat Mountain along the cable.

The lake breeze blew gently, and the cable car swayed slightly. When it arrived at the predetermined location, the holographic projection screen quietly started.

Dense jungles sprouted up in the air, covering the sky and the sun in a blink of an eye, and the light in the sightseeing cable car suddenly dimmed.

Large tracts of broad-leaved green plants are staggered and staggered, blocking the skylight above. The four walls of the cable car with excellent permeability, as well as the seats, doors and windows, all disappeared, replaced by a piece of mud exuding an earthy smell.

The cable car seemed to have crossed space at this moment, suddenly entering a primeval forest that had never been set foot in by humans from the amusement park of human civilization.

In the dark forest, anacondas swim and insects fly. It is moist, deep, and unknown... There is even a smell of fermented fallen leaves mixed with various tropical vegetation, quietly coming.



An arrow shot out from a gap in the dense forest and plunged deeply into the mud not far from Zhou Zhen and Digital Rain.

There was a retro-looking letter on the arrow. Before Zhou Zhen and Digital Rain could make a move, two pointed-eared elves, a man and a woman, walked out from behind a tree not far away.

Both elves have long silver-white hair and deep and delicate eyebrows. The male elf has gray-blue eyes, which seem to have a melancholy temperament; the female elf has emerald green eyes, like flawless gems. They are all very good-looking, with bows and arrows on their backs and daggers on their waists. They are gorgeous in shape and walk lightly.

They came not far from Yujian, bowed and saluted, and spoke an unknown language. Soon, the letter began to burn, and then slowly floated into the air, turning into a line of large gilded characters: Invitation to Hunting and Viewing Ceremony.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, and the surrounding scene changed again. Various birds and beasts appeared in the forest. The two elves moved quickly. They took off the long bows on their backs and began to move quickly in the forest, running and pulling at the same time. The bowstring killed the raptor; in a blink of an eye, the forest turned into a grassland. They threw away their bows, arrows and daggers, and used the most primitive means to fight the ligers with their bare hands. Finally, the grassland turned into a swamp, and the two elves dived into the lake to fight for their lives with the huge crocodile...

The gorgeous audio-visual feast is over, the wild and dense forest-like scene fades away, the lake is leisurely, and in front of you is the beach near the end.

Zhou Zhen and Digital Rain sat opposite each other. Digital Rain held a gorgeous ice cream family portrait in his hand, eating very happily while overlooking the scenery below.

Zhou Zhen looked relaxed and was admiring this gorgeous amusement park.

It was rare for him to feel comfortable and relaxed.

This time, he and Digital Rain played all the items in the amusement park. Different from the first time he entered the amusement park, this time he played in the amusement park. Every item was very normal and there was nothing wrong with it. question.

Dear tourists, the sightseeing cable car project has ended. Please take your luggage and pay attention to your steps when leaving the cable car...

Accompanied by a soft voice announcement, the cable car arrived at the platform. Zhou Zhen and Digital Rain got up and walked out of the carriage, marking the end of the project.

The moment he stepped onto the platform, the entire scene suddenly collapsed into an overwhelming number, graphics, formulas, theorems...

They are like pixels, swaying and rotating, reorganizing into a Siamese-style bedroom.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling. He continued to lie on the bed for about 5 minutes and immediately sat up.

I can't sleep anymore, there are still many things to deal with...

First, because he got Ji Xuexun's Digital Domain, he has just been promoted to the Fourth Ladder. He needs to be familiar with the energy of the Fourth Ladder, familiar with Ji Xuexun's Digital Domain, and the Fourth Ladder Knowledge.

Second, Sister Nan is now back to normal, and so is he. It's best to report to the superiors and ask them to send someone over to check him and Sister Nan again.

Third, An Yijun and others who are locked up in the pens in the breeding area also need to be checked. If those people's minds are infected, then they can continue to be locked up; if they are like him and return to normal, then they can be released...

However, the Jingxi isolation point where An Yijun was previously located has become abnormal, and something has happened to the Ling'an isolation point where Cheng Zhenji and others were located. Now, they are actually homeless. The Yulan isolation point is now If we are short of people, we can ask them to stay and help.

Fourth, he no longer needs to use the Equation Separation Surgery and Equation Fusion Surgery, and must destroy all the clothes he had with the Ash Order before!

Throw away the ring from Order of Ashes too!

Fifth, Qingquan Valley, I definitely won’t go there!

He had to reply nine-tailed fox to prevent the other party from coming to look for him again.

Also, Shiguang said before that if he wants to give him the list of the next experimental subjects of the Ash Order, he has to ask the other party if the list is available, and he can report it to the higher ups...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen used the digital domain [Energy Observation] and looked above his head.

In his field of vision, his entire body was now wrapped in a layer of white energy airflow. This airflow was soft and elegant, like water or fire, light and agile.

This air flow has increased several times more than before.

Moreover, it was significantly stronger than the ordinary Fourth Step compatible people he had observed.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. He had a lot of energy, which he got from other personalities.

At the second ladder and third ladder, the energy was much higher than that of ordinary compatible people. Now that we have reached the fourth ladder, this situation has become even more obvious.

In addition, his current digital domain, [Fusion Cube], consumes a lot of energy.

At the Third Step, using [Fusion Cube] continuously will quickly make him run out of energy.

But now that we have reached the fourth step, we should no longer need to worry about this issue.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen walked to a cabinet at the end of the bed. There was a paper box on the cabinet. He picked up the box. As he concentrated, the exotic-looking paper box quickly turned into Got a pink strawberry lunch box.

Zhou Zhen opened the lunch box, which was full of unknown numbers, X, X2, X3...X10.

Looking at these unknown figures that were still crawling slowly like living creatures, Zhou Zhen looked solemn.

Among these unknown numbers, X2~X10 are the other 9 personalities in Sister Nan’s classroom.

If he puts these 9 personalities out of the lunch box now... then don't worry, the 9 personalities will definitely enter his classroom, and then take away his intellectual numbers and turn him into a complete fool!

Although he has now been promoted from the third ladder to the fourth ladder and there are a few more personalities that can be accepted in the classroom, 9 personalities are still too many!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked at the unknown number X. This unknown number should correspond to his own number...

After the operation, this number part of me did not return to my main body?

Zhou Zhen felt a little strange, so he immediately reached into the lunch box, grabbed the unknown mass, and took it out of the lunch box.

This unknown quantity seemed not to exist at all in the perception. It seemed to be a gray cloud, squirming slightly in Zhou Zhen's palm.

Zhou Zhen looked at the unknown mass in his hand, hesitating a little. He was not sure if if he let go now, the unknown mass would return to his main body.

If there is no regression, is it necessary to perform equation fusion surgery again?

While he was thinking about it, the unknown number suddenly trembled slightly, expanded suddenly, and turned into a mighty flow of numbers, sinking into the palm of his hand.

Soon, it disappeared without a trace and seemed to be completely integrated into Zhou Zhen's body.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment. He checked his body carefully and found nothing wrong. He nodded slightly. It seemed that all he needed to do was hold it in his hand.

Then, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.


The call was quickly connected, and the cold, bright, yet seductive voice of the Nine-tailed Fox came from the receiver: 'Sui Shi', how are you thinking about it?

Zhou Zhen said without hesitation: I won't go!


Yulan isolation point, main control room.

Densely packed screens float around the console in a wraparound manner.

The cold fluorescent light illuminated Tao Nange's beautiful but cold face, and her fair and slender fingers were quickly operating among the colorful buttons.

After fast-forwarding through the last piece of historical monitoring, she leaned back on the backrest of the swivel chair, slightly changed her sitting posture, moved her hands and feet slightly, and at the same time looked up at the picture frozen on the screen.

The location of this scene is at the entrance of the civil air defense gate. The time is when No. 012 and No. 018 came to the isolation point to see Zhou Zhen for the first time.

Most of the area in the picture is filled with dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines. They flicker at high frequencies, like an alternative mosaic, completely blurring the pixels and turning the original picture into blurry color blocks.

Except that the figures of No. 012 and No. 018 are still clear, even a considerable part of the scene is incomplete.

Especially around Zhou Zhen's figure, it was completely obscured by black and white horizontal and vertical lines, like a moving mass of unknown things, and nothing could be seen clearly.

This picture is the clearest picture of Zhou Zhen’s appearance in all historical surveillance!

In other videos, as long as Zhou Zhen appears, every frame, every second...are all extremely seriously disturbed, and no normal picture can be seen at all!

Except for Zhou Zhen, she was also obscured by black and white horizontal and vertical lines in the historical surveillance, making it impossible to see clearly what she was doing.

The reason why she was able to conclude that it was herself was because the group of black and white horizontal and vertical lines had been used in her digital field many times!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange picked up the wired phone at hand and dialed a very familiar number.

The other party connected quickly. Before he could speak, Tao Nange said quickly: I am No. 024. I want to know if I had a big problem some time ago?

The professional operator's calm answer came from the receiver: No.

Ghost No. 012 and No. 018 have come to check your status last time. There are no problems with you.

If you feel that the psychological pressure is high in high-risk areas, rest more and don't think wildly.

The Yulan isolation point is doing very well now, please continue to work hard.

? ? ?

Tao Nange's mind was filled with questions, but she quickly realized, is the Yulan isolation point doing a good job now?

Does this mean that the task she is currently performing is to run the Yulan isolation point?

Thinking of this, she then asked: So, how is Zhou Zhen's condition during this period?

The voice on the phone immediately replied: Zhou Zhen's condition is also very stable.

During this period, there are a lot of things going on in Tongfu City.

You and Zhou Zhen, please try not to go out and just stay in the Yulan isolation point.

Tao Nange suddenly became confused. Is Zhou Zhen in a stable state?

If it was really stable, she wouldn't be able to see the historical surveillance video clearly!

It felt like there was something going on, deliberately hiding it from her...

So, Tao Nange quickly ended the call, and then dialed the number of the captain's ghost No. 017.


The call goes unanswered and eventually hangs up automatically.

Tao Nange then dialed the number of his former colleague No. 056 Ghost.

The call lasted for a long time, and when he was about to hang up, the other party finally picked up: ...

After it was connected, there was silence in the receiver, and no sound came from it.

Tao Nange also paused for a moment, and then quickly said: I am ghost No. 024. Isn't it convenient for you to answer the phone now?

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then a familiar voice rang: Convenient.

Tao Nange felt very puzzled as he listened.

No. 056’s reaction is a bit strange!

Tao Nange's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he immediately said: I have a serious memory loss now, and I want to know what happened some time ago.

This time, a sigh full of complicated emotions came from the receiver, and then he said: A lot of things happened.

There are only three people left in our five-person action team...

Tao Nange's expression changed and he immediately asked: What happened to 080 and 041?

No. 056 quickly replied: No!

It's Captain No. 017, and you, No. 024...


Yulan isolation point.

In the bedroom deep in the Siam-style courtyard, Zhou Zhen stood in the open space, holding up his mobile phone, with a calm expression and a simple tone: I'm not going!

With that said, he was about to hang up the phone.

But he pressed twice in succession on the phone screen, but there was no response on the screen and the call continued.

The cold and reserved but charming voice of Nine-tailed Fox continued to come from the receiver: Reason?


Do you need a reason?

Zhou Zhen smiled slightly, picked up the phone again, and casually found an excuse to say: I still have some problems with my state.

So I can't go.

Hearing this, a burst of clear and melodious laughter suddenly came from the receiver of the mobile phone, like a mountain stream flowing through the rocks under the pine forest. It was as refreshing as the sound of nature. After the laughter stopped, the nine-tailed fox continued: Now, you are more and more It looks more and more like [high-dimensional life]!

I thought you couldn't find it yourself!

However, the reason why life can grow lies in learning, communication and exploration!

Working behind closed doors will not solve your problems.

You'd better come to me at once.

Otherwise, your little ghost will be infected again. The 'equation separation surgery' will not be able to save that little ghost a second time!

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