Ash Civilization

Chapter 230 Lunch box. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Hearing Zhou Zhen's voice, Tao Nange immediately stood up and followed him.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and led the other party quickly towards the front door of the classroom.

Arriving at the door, Zhou Zhen grabbed the door handle and twisted it hard. The door lock, which had been opening and closing very smoothly, was completely motionless at this moment. The door handle seemed to be welded shut, and there was no movement at all.

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, then tried again, but still didn't open the door. After taking a closer look, he discovered that the front door, which he could freely enter and exit, was locked!

Sister Nan, something happened... Zhou Zhen said immediately, but as soon as he turned around, he found that Sister Nan, who had been following him just now, had returned to her seat at some point!

At this time, Tao Nange also looked puzzled. She tried several times to leave her seat, but all ended in failure.

The whole person seemed to be imprisoned in the seat by an invisible and powerful force, unable to leave at all.

At the same time, the other students in the classroom all returned to their seats, sitting upright and looking straight at Zhou Zhen, as if waiting for something to begin.

Zhou Zhen frowned and realized something immediately. He tentatively raised his head and looked at the Digital Rain on his shoulder. The happy smile on the Digital Rain face and the joy that filled the corners of his eyes and brows were already there. All disappeared!

It was replaced by the unsmiling seriousness that a teacher usually has during class.

At this moment, Digital Rain did not look at him, but stared at the podium with bright eyes.

Class begins?

But the school bell hasn't rang yet.

Moreover, he did not return to the original classroom...

Just as I was thinking about it, everything around me was like a sand tower collapsing and dispersing. All the scenes were blurred into blocks of color, and then turned into tiny pixels like yellow sand in the sky. They were turbulent and reorganized, and gradually recovered into the temporary disinfection room of the underground hospital at Jingxi Isolation Point. look.

In the room that still smelled faintly of disinfectant, Zhou Zhen suddenly sat up from the bed. He saw himself lying on the operating bed against the wall. Not far away was a special shower for disinfection and bathing, leading to the operating room on the back. There was a transparent curtain hanging as a barrier, and the buzzing sound of various medical equipment operating, mixed with the ticking sound, was coming intermittently.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he returned to reality!

Zhou Zhen quickly took out his phone and looked at the time. Only one hour had passed since the 5-hour alarm clock. He woke up early!

With his mind racing, he looked around, but could not find Tao Nange. He knew clearly in his heart that Tao Nange should still be in the classroom.

Zhou Zhen sat on the edge of the bed and began to think seriously.

He woke up early this time. There is a high possibility that he really had class just now!

In addition to the class bell, the entry of digital rain into the classroom also represents the beginning of a new class!

He cannot enter the classroom while carrying Digital Rain!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked at Tao Nange's number in the address book of his mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and quickly put away his phone.

If he brings Tao Nange back to reality now, he can indeed check with him about the situation in the classroom just now.

However, when Tao Nange enters the classroom again, the other person's consciousness will become hazy again, and he needs to go over and wake the other person up again!

As a result, plans will continue to be delayed.

Once Ji Xuexun regains his freedom after two or even three classes, the situation will become even more troublesome.

Moreover, he didn't know if Tao Nange had complained to Digital Rain now. If he had complained, Ji Xuexun would definitely come to Tao Nange to settle the score after Ji Xuexun's punishment was over.

Unlike Pang Shaobin, Ji Xuexun dared to take action in the face of the digital rain. Once Tao Nange is targeted by Ji Xuexun, something will definitely happen!

Therefore, he cannot delay now.

You must enter the classroom immediately and continue the plan just now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen lay down on the operating bed again, closed his eyes, and forced himself to fall asleep.

Almost a minute later, he still didn't fall asleep, so he got up and looked around.

Soon, he found some diazepam drugs from the small metal cabinet next to him and took them immediately.

After taking the medicine, Zhou Zhen quickly fell asleep. He lay on the bed again and fell into a drowsy sleep.


Zhou Zhen opened his eyes again, squinting slightly as he was suddenly stung by the sudden bright light. The blue sky and cotton candy-like white clouds hung above his head without any scruples.

Surrounded by all kinds of imaginative and brilliant colors, amidst the exciting and cheerful music, the pink and white petals are floating all over the sky like a dreamy shower.

Popcorn, ice cream, grilled hot dogs...the aroma of food intertwined into an invisible temptation, spreading and reverberating in the air, embellishing this rich and gorgeous scene.

Tourists dressed in fancy clothes and wearing all kinds of exaggerated and gorgeous makeup come and go, and everyone has a happy and relaxed smile on their face.

This is... an amusement park!

I entered a dream this time and didn't appear in the classroom?

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and immediately realized that his shoulders were a bit heavy. He looked up and saw Digital Rain in a bright red dress riding on his shoulders, with crooked eyebrows and raised corners of his mouth, smiling happily, with two In his hands were a love letter with pink gradient and a cute lunch box with Q version of strawberry printed on it.

Everything was exactly the same as when he left the amusement park just now.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses immediately. Digital Rain said he wanted to come to the amusement park. Now he can't return to the classroom normally without taking Digital Rain with him to play the entire amusement park!

Sister Nan has woken up.

“Now we still need Ji Xuexun’s ‘digital domain’ and Mike Ruan’s [limb regeneration].”

Mike Nguyen is on the carousel ride at the amusement park...

You can find Mike Ruan first, and then get Ji Xuexun's 'Digital Domain'.

Now there are two questions...

First, if I don't bring Sister Nan here, I will kill Mike Ruan directly. Mike Ruan will only appear in my classroom and not in Sister Nan's classroom.

Second, if I want to get Ji Xuexun's 'Digital Domain', I have to go back to my classroom, but I can't bring 'Digital Rain' into the classroom now...

Zhou Zhen was thinking about these questions rapidly in his heart. He glanced at the Digital Rain riding on his shoulders, happily, and something suddenly moved in his heart... He didn't seem to need to bother at all now!

Although Ji Xuexun was forced to stand still in the classroom, wasn't her digital domain in the hands of Digital Rain?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly said: Teacher, many items in the amusement park require hands.

This lunch box is too much in the way, how about I help you carry it?

When Digital Rain heard this, without any hesitation, he immediately smiled happily and nodded vigorously: Yes!

After saying that, she immediately handed Zhou Zhen the cute Q-version strawberry lunch box she was holding in her left hand.

Zhou Zhen quickly took the lunch box. Apart from its extraordinarily pink and cute shape, this lunch box looked very ordinary, just like the kind of lunch box you can buy in any supermarket in a low-risk city.

But as soon as he took the lunch box into his hand, his whole brain suddenly went boom, like a volcano erupting, and almost exploded.

The overwhelming numbers, symbols, graphics, formulas... were like a bursting flood, roaring into his mind.

The lunch box in his hand also expanded violently amidst this bizarre and dramatic change, gradually twisting into a gloomy, cold, and grotesque cage.

Deep in the cage, there is deep darkness, seemingly filled with boundless loneliness and despair.

In the blink of an eye, the cage collapsed and turned into a huge maze.

The mist billows in the maze, blocking the vision like a heavy veil, as if it is engraved with eternal loss.

The fog filled the air wantonly, and the maze was quickly blurred into a group of irregular lines. They swam and rolled like living creatures, and turned into a bunch of distorted, weird, abstract, and indescribable symbols...

In the dark, Zhou Zhen's instinct was screaming hysterically, forcing him to throw away the lunch box. This mysterious and unpredictable knowledge was now completely unknown to him, unseen, or even unthinkable!

This is the “digital domain” of the high ladder!

Zhou Zhen's entire face was violently distorted, revealing an extremely ferocious expression.

He felt that his body was about to expand into an unpredictable shape, and he felt that his consciousness was gradually disintegrating under the impact of terrifying knowledge.

Even the space around him began to shake slightly, producing various traces of distortion.

At this moment, Digital Rain riding on his shoulder suddenly stretched out a white and slender palm and gently touched his forehead.

The next moment, Zhou Zhen's severe headache quickly subsided. In his field of vision, the unbearable weird lump in his hand turned into a cute and pink strawberry lunch box again.

Huh...huh...huh... Zhou Zhen gasped for air, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and he gradually recovered.

The digital domain corresponding to this lunch box definitely exceeds the fourth ladder, maybe even higher!

While thinking quickly, he turned to look at Digital Rain and said softly: Thank you.

With that said, Zhou Zhen immediately opened the lid of the lunch box. It was clean and empty, with no food at all. It seemed to be a brand new lunch box.


Zhou Zhen closed the lid of the lunch box and then focused his attention on a young male tourist wearing hip-hop clothing and colorful hair next to him.

The tourist raised his hands in the air and twisted his body to the music of the amusement park. He looked very happy and did not notice Zhou Zhen at all.

Zhou Zhen stared at him and slowly opened the lunch box again. The male tourist disappeared from the amusement park bit by bit like a pencil drawing wiped by an eraser.

People were coming and going around him, and his companions were talking and laughing loudly, but no one noticed anything unusual about him.

The moment the pink strawberry lunch box was completely opened, the male tourists disappeared completely, as if they had never existed.

Zhou Zhen looked down and saw a fresh rice ball in the lunch box.

The rice balls have distinct grains and are crystal white and moist, and there seems to be vegetables such as seaweed inside.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that Ji Xuexun's lunch box could forcibly contain his spiritual body!

This digital domain can make his surgical process much simpler!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen poured out the rice ball from the lunch box. The rice ball fell on the ground and turned into a wriggling mass of numbers, symbols, and formulas... It quickly reorganized and soon turned into the male tourist dressed in hip-hop clothing just now. .

The other party didn't notice anything was wrong at all, and continued to twist his body and enjoy the fun time.

Zhou Zhen looked at him, nodded slightly, and immediately turned around and walked towards the carousel.

The wind blows from afar, and the flowers on the rose gallery are as colorful as clouds, swirling and falling all over the ground in clusters. The sweet breath floats in the air, filling the clothes with fragrance.

Zhou Zhen walked through this flower corridor and quickly came to the carousel project.

There is a long queue here, with brightly dressed tourists chirping in the queue. Several headbands with exaggerated shapes appear more and more. As they sway, sequins and crystals refract the light, further highlighting the amusement atmosphere.

Zhou Zhen looked at the queue, and it didn't take him long to find Mike Ruan in the middle.

He did not hesitate, his attention immediately focused on Mike Ruan, and at the same time he slowly opened the strawberry lunch box in his hand.

Mike Ruan stood in the team, looking ahead in confusion, his body quickly fading away like a cloud of smoke, disappearing bit by bit.

The strawberry lunch box was completely opened, and Mike Nguyen was completely missing.

Zhou Zhen looked at the lunch box, and there was a piece of freshly cooked braised pork in it.

After confirming that Mike Ruan had been caught, Zhou Zhen immediately turned around and took a step forward. The surrounding light dimmed instantly, the bright amusement park disappeared, and he appeared in a familiar dark corridor.

There was no one here, the noise just now was like an illusion, and everything was filled with thick dust.

Zhou Zhen took the lunch box and walked quickly to the door of the classroom of Class 3 (7). He stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in.

The desks and chairs in the classroom are neatly arranged, but there are only a few students scattered in the large class.

Almost all of these students had distracted eyes, confused expressions, and were not awake at all. They sat blankly in their seats.

The only exception was Tao Nange. She had bright and sharp eyes. She was not in her seat, but for some unknown reason, she was beating up a male classmate in leather pants with a shaved head and tattoos all over his body.

Seeing a dark, deep and irregular figure made entirely of numbers walking into the classroom, Tao Nange was not sure whether it was Zhou Zhen or Digital Rain who came in, so he immediately stopped.

The beaten male student also put down the arm holding his head and subconsciously got up from the ground.

Zhou Zhen glanced at Tao Nange and without any hesitation, he immediately opened the lunch box and poured out the braised pork inside.

The braised pork fell to the ground and turned into a squirming mass of numbers, symbols, formulas... and quickly reorganized into Mike Nguyen.

Zhou Zhen turned to look at Digital Rain. The happiness and smile on Digital Rain's face had disappeared, and it had once again become the serious and serious look on his face during class.

Without any delay, he immediately imitated the way Digital Rain used to speak and announced to everyone: Today, a new classmate has transferred to our class!

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