Ash Civilization

Chapter 227 Medical Equipment. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

After a while, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange followed the team leader of Office No. 14, who called himself Jiang Hui, to the sparsely populated area where he had visited the last time he came for surgery.

The entire ceiling uses technology to simulate the scene of a clear sky, as if this area is not underground, but on the ground with pleasant scenery and suitable climate.

Jiang Hui introduced as he walked: You are lucky. Our hospital here just received a batch of high-end medical equipment not long ago. Originally, these things must be kept for your own use and cannot be sold.

But the new boss said two days ago that she has found another channel and will buy a better batch.

This batch will be sold directly to avoid taking up space.

Most of the equipment is now in the hospital. If you like it, you can try it on site.

For Ange's sake, we provide three slaves for free for equipment testing.

If you are worried and want more tests on living people, you will have to pay extra...

While he was talking, he had already taken the lead into the bungalow hospital, which was still clean and tidy. There was no one in the empty house, and there was a smell of fresh disinfectant in the air.

Jiang Hui walked towards the examination room (1) with a clear goal. He quickly stopped at the door of the examination room (1) and said, All the medical equipment is in here. You can take a look at it.

“I liked the price and it was easy to talk about.”

Tao Nange nodded, looked at the green light on the door of the examination room (1) in front of him, and immediately opened the door and entered.

Zhou Zhen followed her and walked in. Inside was a room of almost 100 to 200 square meters. Near the door, there was a piece of equipment with an old shell and an area of ​​about 16 to 7 square meters. The shape is weird and complex, exuding a sophisticated and high-end atmosphere. On the side of the device, there is a label with the name of the device: HN-1227 Medical Multi-Function Scanner.

... Outside the examination room, Jiang Hui watched Zhou Zhen walk in, and the door to the examination room closed automatically. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed An Yijun's number.


The call was normal, but no one answered. After about two or three minutes, the phone automatically hung up.

Jiang Hui frowned and made a second call.

After making seven or eight calls in a row, An Yijun's private and public numbers went unanswered.

Jiang Hui gradually realized something was wrong. He suddenly felt a little sticky on his hands. He put down his arm and looked at it. He saw that his phone had turned into a pink gradient love letter at some point. There was a big red star printed on the front of the love letter. Heart, at this moment, this heart is like a real heart, with gurgling blood flowing out.

Blood stained his hand and was already dripping down his arm.

Jiang Hui hurriedly threw away her cell phone, looking at the love letter that was still flowing with blood, cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

No wonder he couldn't get through the phone just now. How could he get through An Yijun's phone when he was holding a love letter?

This is so weird!

I had just been mistaking a love letter for a mobile phone!

Jiang Hui immediately turned around and walked outside the hospital, trying to retrieve his mobile phone along the way.

He walked all the way looking for it, and soon returned to office No. 14.

At this moment, the office was in chaos. The colleague who had just stood up to receive Zhou Zhen unplugged the power plug of the computer and inserted the plug into his brain. Blood mixed with unknown liquid flowed all over his face, but he seemed to As if he was unconscious, he was still mumbling: The computer is fast, but there seems to be something wrong with the monitor... Why doesn't it display?

Before he finished speaking, he picked up the interface of the monitor and forced it into his eye socket.

The colleague said very happily: It turns out it was my eyeball that exploded, not the monitor's problem!

Behind him, the only female member stood on the desk and was removing the light bulb. After removing the light bulb, she used a few special wires to put herself on it. Electricity instantly ran through her body, and the smell of burnt smell spread. When she came out, she said intermittently: This... this lamp... the lamp has finally been repaired...

Looking at this incredible scene, Jiang Hui didn't think anything was wrong, and immediately told the four people: This time it's a big business.

According to the rules, for orders introduced by Lao An, 50 points will usually be returned to him.

When the quotation comes next, please cooperate and the quotation will be higher!

As he spoke, he quickly walked to his work station and looked for his mobile phone among the clutter on the table.

He searched for it but couldn't find his mobile phone. Instead, he found that all the information on the table had turned into mathematics textbooks!

At this time, a male colleague with blue hair sitting at the work station next to him was pouring boiling water on his head. While pouring it, he said: Lao An has been at the Yulan isolation point for several days. Hell, so does the former boss.”

I don't know if something happened.

“These days, high-risk areas are full of risks.”

Few of those who go out to wander have good results.

You still have to be a little more cautious as a human being. Hiding in the Jingxi isolation point and never leaving is like us, which is the way to be stable!

As he spoke, he picked up another pot of boiling water and poured it over his head, which had already been torn apart and even had a faint aroma of cooked meat. While pouring it, he said, The new tea this time has been brewed very well!

Maybe I'm getting older. I don't really want to drink coffee in the past two years. I just want to make tea and plate walnuts...

Before he finished speaking, the bald male colleague sitting diagonally across from him chuckled and said, Not everyone is safe at our Jingxi isolation point.

Those ordinary people who are like animals are not our toys?

In this world, if there are compatible people, there is no need for ordinary people at all.

The official says every day that we are all human beings. Can Superman and ordinary trash be the same species?

“High-risk areas are as good as high-risk areas.”

If we were in a low-risk area like we are now, could we still be so free?

As he spoke, the bald male colleague used a sharp knife to open his chest, carefully picked up the edge of the skin, and began to peel off his own skin neatly and carefully.


Jingxi isolation point, underground hospital, examination room (1).

This was not the room where Zhou Zhen performed surgery that day, but as soon as he came in, he saw the familiar machine in front of him.

It was one of the equipment in the operating room during his previous surgery.

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, then immediately realized that after he completed the operation that day, he picked up all the equipment in the operating room and deliberately placed them in the examination rooms of the entire hospital.

This should be done to clear away the traces of the Ash Order.

Not surprisingly, the operating room where he performed the surgery had been changed to a different layout.

With thoughts racing through his mind, Zhou Zhen pointed to the equipment in front of him and said, The HN-1227 medical multi-function scanner is needed.

Tao Nange nodded and asked, What about the others?

Zhou Zhen walked behind the HN-1227 medical multi-function scanner. There are sapphire blue curtains between each machine here as intervals, but now they have all been opened so that they can be seen at a glance.

He looked at the other machines, shook his head slightly, and said, These are of no use.

Tao Nange said quickly: There is more than one examination room here, let's go check out the others.

Zhou Zhen said: Okay!

The two of them immediately walked out of the examination room. Jiang Hui, who was at the door, did not know where he went. Zhou Zhen looked at the bird's-eye view on the wall, and then walked towards the examination room (two) with Tao Nange.

This examination room is smaller than examination room (1). There are five different instruments in it, two of which were used by Zhou Zhen during his previous surgery.

After confirming that the other three units were no longer needed, the two went to the examination room (3)...

Soon, the two of them checked out all five examination rooms in the underground hospital. The operating room where Zhou Zhen had an operation that day was converted into an infectious disease isolation ward. Eye-catching signs reminding others to keep their distance were hung outside. There is also red tape on the ground. Behind the red tape, there is a translucent door curtain. There is a piece of A4 paper taped to the door curtain with a few lines printed on it, indicating that there is a risk of infection when entering the area behind the red tape.

The five examination rooms and the pharmacy warehouse are filled with all kinds of old and new equipment, as well as unopened medicines and materials.

Zhou Zhen nodded secretly in his heart. All the equipment and materials needed for the entire operation have been prepared!

After quickly checking the instruments, drugs, and materials they selected, and confirming that there were no problems, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange returned to the door of the examination room (1), but Jiang Hui was still nowhere to be seen.

The two of them felt a little strange, and when they looked around, they saw a black mobile phone thrown next to a trash can not far away.

Tao Nange immediately walked over and squatted slightly, ready to pick up the phone and check it. As soon as she bent her knees, Zhou Zhen said quickly: Don't touch it!

Tao Nange immediately stopped moving and turned to look at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen frowned and looked at the black mobile phone. In his field of vision, it was not a mobile phone at all, but a pink love letter exuding the scent of creamy strawberry!

He looked at the love letter and said directly without explanation: Something may have happened to Jiang Hui just now.

I'll stay here for now, go to Office 14 of the office building alone, and talk to them about the price.

The equipment I just selected, as well as the medicines and materials in the pharmacy, must be purchased immediately!

The deal is done, let's go now!

Hearing this, Tao Nange immediately understood that Zhou Zhen's symptoms had worsened from just now!

Thinking of this, she didn't ask any more questions and immediately nodded: Okay!

Then, she straightened up and walked quickly towards the hospital door.

Zhou Zhen stood alone at the door of the examination room (1) and slowly closed his eyes.

Now he felt not only his arms and shoulders, but also the entire back, with dense stinging pains. Those bloody words with rolling skin and crazy strokes had begun to spread throughout his body!

What he said about picking up the light is right. Without the equation separation surgery, his current condition will not last long!

After enduring the most severe pain, Zhou Zhen walked to a bench nearby and sat down to rest.


Jingxi isolation point, office building, office No. 14.

Tao Nange returned here again. The office that was orderly just now has now become extremely crazy and weird. The smell of blood mixed with excrement fills the entire room.

The male member closest to the door has computer host and monitor plugs plugged into his head and eye sockets; the only female member hangs herself from the ceiling, her entire body has been electrocuted into a charcoal shape, and the dark green training uniform she originally wore, Now it has turned into sporadic black ash, sticking to the skin intermittently, and the remaining hair stands on end. Its identity can only be judged from the other members who are still sitting in their respective seats; the other two male members, one with dyed hair The man with blue hair kept pouring boiling water on himself. Most of the color of the blue hair faded in the high temperature and was mixed with the blurred flesh and blood. It looked extremely scary; the corner of a bald head's mouth was raised high, keeping a straight expression With a smile full of superiority, he peeled his own skin carefully.

Jiang Hui, who had just taken them to the underground hospital, was standing at his work station, still looking for his cell phone.

Things on the table were turned upside down, and every pocket on his body was turned out. Jiang Hui looked anxious and quickly cut open his arms, thighs, scalp...everywhere where his mobile phone could be hidden. He searched everywhere.

Tao Nange frowned, immediately bypassed the others, came to Jiang Hui, and said, We have already selected the goods, please give us a price.

As if Jiang Hui didn't hear Tao Nange's words at all, he cut open his chest, still muttering: Mobile phone... mobile phone... where did the mobile phone go?

Knowing something was wrong, Tao Nange grabbed Jiang Hui's arm and repeated: We have already selected the goods, please quote a price.

Jiang Hui's movements stopped suddenly. He raised his head little by little and looked at Tao Nange.

He immediately saw a familiar figure standing in front of him. The left half of the body was the big customer just now, and the right half of the body was densely packed with squirming figures.

The palm holding his arm at this moment is made up of countless numbers. These numbers are moving like living creatures, and it seems that they may break away from the outline of this big customer at any time and pierce into his flesh and blood!

This scene is extremely terrifying and terrifying.

Jiang Hui woke up instantly, his expression was frozen for a few seconds, and the next moment...


With a heartbreaking scream, Jiang Hui's legs softened and he fell directly to the ground. He gasped ho ho ho in his throat, rolled and crawled under the desk, and fled towards the door. go.

There were drops of blood-red liquid along the way.

Tao Nange frowned and immediately looked at the other four people.

The four people were minding their own business, as if they didn't even notice what was going on here.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate and immediately walked towards the nearest blue-haired male member.

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