Ash Civilization

Chapter 220 Ashes plan. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, Maoqiao isolation point.

Zhou Zhen followed Shiguang and walked into the civil defense gate here.

There was a lot of noise behind the door. A dozen well-armed young men, holding firearms and holding cigarettes, stood in the corridor behind the door talking and laughing.

Regarding the arrival of the two people, I just glanced at them casually, said a few words about the rules of this isolation point, and turned my head indifferently.

Passing through the corridor used as a buffer at the entrance and entering the interior of the isolation point, the noise here almost overturned the entire underground space, including the sounds of bargaining, the charming smiles of wandering warblers, conflicts and fights, and the working of large air purifiers. Buzzing...combined into a loud noise.

The smell of powdered makeup was mixed with the smell of urine, and mixed with everyone's sweat, and filled the air wantonly.

Shiguang led Zhou Zhen through the crowd. At a distance of more than ten meters, at least three waves of wanderers, five waves of thieves, one wave selling drinking water, two groups selling psychostimulants... stopped them.

Zhou Zhen looked at this scene thoughtfully. It seemed that the people here didn't know that the leader had changed.

He followed Shiguang and continued walking inside, bypassing these disturbers, his eyes wandering back and forth among the crowd.

Although the Yulan isolation point has been successfully rebuilt, it is still far behind the Maoqiao isolation point.

Basically, except for the last visit to Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point, no outsiders have been there.

I don’t know when these wanderers, convoys, and solo travelers will also be able to choose to trade at Yulan Isolation Point...

Just as they were thinking about it, the two of them had already walked through the noisy trading hall and entered a relatively quiet corridor. There are shops on both sides here. The decoration, furnishings, and people coming and going are much better than the situation in the hall just now.

Unlike the people on the trading floor who had a different attitude towards picking up light, the people here immediately became very respectful after seeing picking up light. A few people who looked like shop owners even came out of the shop to pick up light. He came out, holding some neatly wrapped gifts, and tried to stuff them into the picking up hands.

Zhou Zhen thought thoughtfully. The status of the people here is obviously higher than those in the trading hall. They are also more knowledgeable about the information inside the Maoqiao isolation point. Now they know about the change of ownership of the Maoqiao isolation point.

Shiguang walked leisurely, ignoring any attentive people. The further she walked in, the fewer people there were and the more elegant the architecture became.

After passing through two heavily guarded iron gates and going on an underground arch bridge, an empty courtyard appeared in front of them.

The style of this courtyard is similar to that of a tropical seaside, with tall coconut trees spreading their branches and leaves in the simulated sunlight, green lawns, crystal fountains, blue-green background dotted with fire-like bougainvillea, fresh frangipani, and a white The small building stands alone at the end of the lawn.

It is surrounded by three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, and is tightly guarded. There are armed personnel with cold expressions and comprehensive equipment everywhere.

Although there were many people, no noise could be heard except for the sound of the fountain and the underground river flowing under the arch bridge.

When everyone saw Shiguang, their originally straight posture suddenly became more energetic, and a look of incomparable awe appeared on their faces.

Zhou Zhen knew in his heart that these were Wang Yanliang's former subordinates, and they should still be elite, but now, all of them have been subdued by Shi Guang.

Pick up light had a clear goal and led him straight to the small white building.

Arriving in front of the small building, two middle-aged men who were dressed slightly differently from other armed men came forward respectfully. They saluted Shiguang without looking away and shouted: Boss!

Then he quickly reported, During the time you left, according to your instructions, absolutely no one, not even an ant, entered or left this small building!

Shiguang nodded slightly and said, Okay, you all can go down.

The two middle-aged men didn't even look at Zhou Zhen. They saluted again and stepped aside with guns in hand.

Zhou Zhen looked around and asked immediately: 'Jiyu' is not here this time?

Shiguang said calmly: He is at the Jingxi isolation point, preparing the operating room there.

As she spoke, she pointed to the small building in front of her, The patient is already inside.

The patient this time is not a compatible person, just an ordinary person.

The patient's natural gender is male, but he later underwent gender reassignment surgery and is now female.

The condition is intermittent [schizophrenia].

The patient has two personalities. One is a 25-year-old, conceited, handsome man who is popular with the opposite sex; the other is a 22-year-old woman, shy and unconfident, and paranoid about relationships.

The main personality is male, which is also the patient's original personality. Under normal circumstances, he can dominate the control of the body.

But every time you look in the mirror, the female personality emerges.

“The female personality is unaware that she has undergone gender reassignment surgery and believes that she was born a woman.”

That's the general situation. If there are no other questions, you can go in and prepare.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded, [Split Personality], the difficulty of this operation will be much higher than the last time!

However, the patient this time is not a compatible person, but an ordinary person with only two personalities. It is definitely much simpler than his own situation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate, immediately pushed open the door of the small white building and walked in.

The layout inside is almost exactly the same as the car from last time.

He disinfected and changed himself at the entrance in a familiar manner. After changing into surgical clothes, putting on a surgical cap, goggles, and gloves, the door to the real operating room automatically unlocked.

Zhou Zhen walked in. Among the dense medical equipment, on the operating bed under the shadowless lamp, a young girl had been sterilized, changed into a hospital gown, and was lying there.

She tilted her head slightly, the hair on her head was shaved clean, her face was slightly pale, and her body was firmly fixed by several restraints.

Sensing someone coming in, the girl turned her head suddenly. When she saw Zhou Zhen, she immediately shouted angrily: I'm not sick!

Let me go now!

I still want to date my girlfriend!

The girl is good-looking, but her voice is a bit drake-like, thick and low, and rather androgynous. If you don't look at the other person's appearance, you can't tell whether the other person is a boy or a girl.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. It seemed that the patient's current personality was his own dominant male personality.

However, he did not prepare for surgery immediately.

So far, all the information about this patient is just one-sided words.

In his memory of transplantation, before every operation by doctor, no matter how many people checked the patient, he would personally check the situation with the patient again to prevent misunderstanding of the other person's main personality and sub-personality.

In the memory of the transplant, the concept of Doctor Ashes is very clear.

Doctors can separate the patient's secondary personality according to their own preferences or needs, and they can also separate the main personality because of their preferences or needs.

But as a doctor, you must know which one is the main personality and which one is the sub-personality!

Just like now, it is possible that the female personality is the patient's original personality; the male personality is a fraud who lied about having undergone sex reassignment surgery and deceived the gatherer who collects information.

Only every time you look in the mirror, the master personality of this body will wake up...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen walked to the cabinet next to him and picked up a hand-held mirror that had been prepared in advance. This mirror was about the size of a human head, rectangular in shape, and had a handle underneath that was easy to hold.

Zhou Zhen held up the mirror, pointed it at the patient, and said calmly: I want to ask you a few questions now...


Tongfu City, Maoqiao isolation point.

Outside the white building, the simulated sunlight is getting stronger, and the surrounding temperature is slowly rising. The fountain reflects colorful light, the green trees are swaying, and the flowers are in full bloom. As long as you don't look up at the ceiling above, the scene in front of you is different from the real one. There is almost no difference in the seaside gardens.

Shiguang put his hands in the pockets of his coat and stood outside the gate, letting the coconut wind blow the hem of his clothes, motionless and waiting quietly.

Time passed slowly. More than two hours later, the door suddenly opened with a click. Zhou Zhen, who had changed into a suit, pointed leather shoes, a yellow hair wig and other equipment, strode out from inside while reaching out to arrange the wig. .

Shiguang focused on the fountain in the distance, without looking back, and asked calmly: How is it?

Zhou Zhen stood beside her and said calmly: The operation was successful.

However, I discovered that the female personality is the dominant personality.

So what is separated is the male personality.

Shiguang nodded slightly and glanced to the side. An armed man carrying a rifle immediately ran over and handed over a paper document.

Zhou Zhen looked at the document, reached out to take it, opened it, and found that it was the information of the patient just now.

Cheng Danyi, 22 years old, female.

Originally from Xibo City, Yongzhao Province, she eloped with her online boyfriend when she was 17 years old. She smuggled herself into Tongfu City with her boyfriend, and was soon sold by her boyfriend to the Maoqiao isolation point as a slave.

The boyfriend used the money from selling his body to undergo sex reassignment surgery.

After Cheng Danyi became a slave at the Maoqiao isolation point, because of her youth and beauty, she became the private plaything of a senior executive. Relying on the senior executive's power, she secretly searched for her boyfriend throughout Tongfu City.

Eventually, she killed her boyfriend.

After killing her boyfriend, Cheng Danyi suffered a mental breakdown and split into her boyfriend's personality.

That 25-year-old, conceited, handsome, male personality who is very popular with the opposite sex is Cheng Danyi's boyfriend.

The 22-year-old girl who is shy, unconfident, and paranoid about feelings is Cheng Danyi's main personality.

The so-called date between the two was when they first entered Tongfu City. Her boyfriend told Cheng Danyi that he had prepared a surprise for her and asked Cheng Danyi to sit in front of the mirror and close her eyes.

Cheng Danyi thought she would see flowers, cakes and jewelry when she opened her eyes, but what greeted her was a rope that tied her up like an animal and sent her off for sale.

The method she used to kill her boyfriend was to have her boyfriend pressed in front of a mirror and use the same rope to strangle his neck bit by bit.

After reading this extremely detailed information, Zhou Zhen didn't feel too surprised. When he checked the patient's physical condition just now, he discovered something was wrong.

He found no trace of sex reassignment surgery on the patient.

In addition, female personalities are more aware of the details of certain parts of their bodies than male personalities!

Just before the operation started, Shiguang deliberately gave him wrong information!

At this time, Shiguang raised his palms with white lace gloves, clapped gently, and said, You did a great job!

The most important point of 'equation separation surgery' is to distinguish between the 'main equation' and the 'parasitic equation'.

Especially when the time comes to perform surgery on yourself, you must not make a mistake!

However, these two surgeries are just the basics.

In order to ensure the success of the actual surgery you are going to do, you need to practice a few more times.

The next training sessions will become more and more difficult, so you have to be mentally prepared.

Tomorrow at the same time, I will wait for you at the same place.


According to his transplanted memory, even if Doctor Ashes personally performs the Equation Separation Surgery on [Schizophrenia] patients, it will fail...


That should just be Doctor Ashes's early surgical memory.

After these two operations, he actually didn't feel that the operation was very difficult.

Doctor Ashes failed at that time, mostly because the high-dimensional sound waves were not adjusted properly. In addition, as a pioneer at the time, the other party was in the exploration stage with no clue about the way forward. Everything needed to be explored and speculated by oneself, without any experience. Learning from it is much harder than his current situation!

Of course, no matter what, the opportunity to practice now provided by the Ashes Order cannot be missed.

The more times he practices, the more difficult the operation will be, and the higher the success rate will be when he performs the separation operation on Sister Nan!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen said briefly: I have something to do tomorrow and it's not convenient for me to come out.

Okay the day after tomorrow.

Shiguang didn't ask Zhou Zhen what it was about, and said directly: The day after tomorrow.

Zhou Zhen nodded, and then left without saying anything else.

After he left, Shiguang still stood there. After waiting for a moment to confirm that Zhou Zhen's energy had truly left the Maoqiao isolation point, she turned around and walked into the small white building behind her.

Without disinfection, the door to the operating room was opened directly with authority.

When Shiguang walked in, the shadowless lamp had not been turned off, and the cold light illuminated the girl on the operating bed below. She had her eyes closed and was sleeping deeply. Her body was covered with dense circuits, and there was a hair hanging on her wrist. Bottle of water.

beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep...

The medical equipment beside the bed emits subtle and rhythmic breathing sounds, and all data are very normal.

Light Picker walked slowly between the instruments, stopping from time to time to check a few indices, and then started to operate, scanning the patient again.

Soon, she confirmed that the patient's physical condition was now stable and the operation went very smoothly.

Shi Guang nodded slightly, immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: Hello...

As planned, I gave the wrong information, but the surgery was a success.

'Sui Shi' is like a machine. As long as you give him a fixed formula, he will not make mistakes!

data record……

The data records during the operation on all the equipment have been cleared by 'Sui Shi'...

'Equation fusion surgery'?


The plan has been arranged. The day after tomorrow will be the last practice at the beginning of the year...

After the call ended, Shi Guang put away his cell phone and without even looking at the patient on the operating bed, walked directly out of the small white building, crossed the courtyard, and came to the main control room of the Maoqiao isolation point.

The place is empty, except for the numerous display screens suspended on the four walls, there is no other person.

Shiguang came to the main console and entered a set of commands without hesitation.

The next moment, a self-destruct program for the entire isolation point appeared on all screens.

The countdown begins.




... Shiguang glanced around to make sure not to miss any corner, and the figure quietly disappeared.


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

Living Area.

Deep in the Siam-style courtyard, in the bedroom.

Zhou Zhen suddenly appeared in his room. He quickly and skillfully took off his clothes, wig, mask, and glasses.

Just like last time, the clothes were rolled up and stuffed into the depths of the closet, and wigs, masks, and glasses were sent into the photo using [two-dimensional space].

After finishing these tasks, Zhou Zhen checked the time on his phone and made sure that Tao Nange hadn't come out yet. He immediately entered the bathroom, took a combat bath, and changed into his original clothes.

After doing all this, he lay down on the bed relaxedly.

Continuously using [Plane Jump] to rush back from the Maoqiao Isolation Point to the Yulan Isolation Point consumes astonishing amounts of digital energy.

However, his situation is special. As long as he takes a night's sleep, he can basically recover...

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