Ash Civilization

Chapter 211 Preparation. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Nie Lang is a member of the officialdom, which strictly prohibits human experimentation!

However, Nie Lang was once attacked by the Twelve Sages during an operation, and he suffered from mental problems.

After that, for some reasons, he began to conduct taboo experiments secretly...

This information was told to Zhou Zhen by Tao Nange, and it can now be used to cover up the origin of the equation separation surgery!

Hearing this, Tao Nange nodded slightly, not doubting anything.

After Nie Lang was killed, his personality appeared in Zhou Zhen's classroom. She had seen it last time when she entered Class 8 of Senior High School.

Textbooks represent memory, she also knows it.

If Zhou Zhen wants to get Nie Lang's memory, he only needs to look through the textbook on Nie Lang's desk.

Through this method, we can obtain some of Nie Lang's previous research results without any problems.

She even reminded Zhou Zhen that Nie Lang's memory as a researcher was very valuable...

Thinking of this, Tao Nange softened his tone and said, It's best not to touch human experiments.

However, if it can really cure your current condition, you can give it a try.

She personally does not support human experiments, but Zhou Zhen's current mental state is much more dangerous than a simple human experiment!

Zhou Zhen nodded immediately, and then said hesitantly: When the time comes, I may need your cooperation, Sister Nan!

Tao Nange didn't think much and replied calmly: Yes, but only once.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: No problem, if that result can cure my mental state, I won't need to use it anymore in the future.

If I can't, I won't have to use it in the future.

Tao Nange nodded. If someone else proposed human experimentation and asked for her help, it would be good if she didn't stop it. But Zhou Zhen's situation is very special. The other person's personality also has a strong sense of justice. He is also a victim of human experimentation, and Nie Lang only has the Third Step and is a former official member. Such research results are not risky, so he can still give it a try.

So, Tao Nange asked directly: What do you need me to do?

Zhou Zhen said quickly: I still have a lot of preparation work to do. It will take about ten days to start the operation.

We will discuss the specific requirements at that time.

The thing that's going to trouble Sister Nan now is that this result requires the use of a body of a 'Fourth Step' compatible person.

Last time I heard that Sister Nan, you had a broken arm, which was recovered by colleagues in the ghost team.

If possible, can Sister Nan apply to the higher authorities to get your broken arm back?

Broken arm...

Tao Nange immediately remembered that she had indeed had an arm chopped off when she was fighting the Eleventh Sage Carl Ax.

That arm was recycled by a colleague from the Ghost Team?

No. 012 and No. 018 came to see her last time, but they didn't mention this matter...

Thinking of this, Tao Nange immediately asked: Did those two 'ghosts' tell you last time?

Zhou Zhen nodded but did not answer.

He knew even less about Tao Nange's broken arm than Tao Nange!

When Tao Nange was fighting Carl Ax, he was also fighting Mike Nguyen from Judgment at Dusk.

By the time he arrived at Tao Nange's side after the battle, Tao Nange's battle had also ended.

But at that time, Tao Nange's entire body was covered with crawling numbers, and even his broken arm had been repaired by digits, so he had no idea that Tao Nange was missing an arm.

At this time, Tao Nange said very seriously: I can apply to the superiors.

But there has to be a reason!

Otherwise, applying for compatible limbs will easily lead to human experimentation!

Give me a few days to make some preparations.

Zhou Zhen nodded immediately: Okay!

Soon, Tao Nange sent Zhou Zhen into the bedroom, watched him sitting on the edge of the bed, and then turned and left.

Zhou Zhen looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched Tao Nange's figure disappear among the tropical green plants. Then he used [Airdrop Trojan] to close the electric curtains and looked at the darkened inner room. He shook his head slightly and thought. , the lights are on.

The sound of water flowing in the water lily pond can be heard faintly through the closed doors and windows. Occasionally, the rhythm of the water changes slightly, as if the swaying of the water lilies disrupts the natural rhythm.

The white noise makes the surroundings feel extraordinarily quiet.

Zhou Zhen lowered his head and looked into his pocket. He reached in and took out a dark injection needle.

This syringe is the empty syringe left after the injection of [Quick-Acting Transplantation Memory Solution] just now. It looks exactly the same as the syringe he usually uses.

After he injected the memory fluid just now, the syringe fell to the ground.

Tao Nange must have seen this needle, but recently, he has been needing injections of [Digital Tranquilizer], [Powerful Digital Neuroleptic], and Anti-[Protective Mechanism] drugs... In addition, he was He happened to be sick, so Tao Nange didn't suspect anything and thought it was just one of several medicines he needed to be injected.

However, just in case, this syringe must be completely destroyed when possible!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put away the needle and took out another black metal ring from his pocket. The material of the ring was very special. It was not as cold as any metal, but it was very strong and very light. The two-headed snake on the interface had cold eyes. , the scales of the snake body are carved lifelike, wrapped around the hanging scepter, full of weirdness, absurdity and evil.

He looked at the word Sui Shi inside the ring and pondered slightly.

The beginning of the year...

This code name should mean the beginning of a new era.

When Shiguang and Jiyu asked him to join the Ashes Order just now, they told him that once he betrayed the organization, he would be locked up in a [Klein bottle].

And after he got the [Quick-acting Transplantation Memory Fluid], he directly attacked the two of them.

But so far, Zhou Zhen is still fine and has not been imprisoned in the [Klein Bottle]...

I wonder if it takes time to activate the [Klein Bottle]? Or was it Ji Xuexun's personality who helped him regain the fragments of the [Klein Bottle]?

The next time you contact the Order of Ashes, try picking up the light and take a look.

Of course, you have to be prepared for the worst. If something unexpected happens and you are really imprisoned in a [Klein bottle], it will not be good...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put the ring away, then lay down directly and started to sleep.


The familiar incandescent lamp, the familiar blackboard, the familiar podium.

The atmosphere in the classroom is relatively relaxed, with voices of talking, laughing, playing, writing and scratching... coming and going.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and found that he was sitting in his seat. He looked around and saw that most of the classmates were gathering in twos and threes to chat and chat, while some students were enjoying the time after class alone.

Just like last time, school beauty Ji Xuexun stood shyly beside his desk surrounded by a group of well-dressed girls.

At this moment, the girls were all expressionless and staring at Zhou Zhen with strange eyes, as if they were helping Ji Xuexun to exert invisible pressure and intimidation on him.

Ji Xuexun, holding the love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it, was handing it to him very shyly.

Zhou Zhen calmed down, stood up immediately, and walked towards her.

The blush on Ji Xuexun's face suddenly became more intense. Her eyes wandered and she immediately took a step back, closing the distance between her and Zhou Zhen.

Just like before, every time Zhou Zhen took a step closer, Ji Xuexun would take a step back.

The two of them advanced and retreated, and soon left the aisle between the desks and came to the podium.


In the end, Ji Xuexun had no choice but to retreat and leaned her back against the blackboard. Zhou Zhen stretched out an arm and pressed the blackboard gently, putting one hand in his pocket, trapping her in the narrow space between the blackboard and himself.

Ji Xuexun's face suddenly turned red, and even her earlobes and neck were flushed with a faint crimson color. She lowered her head shyly, and her black hair fell like a waterfall. A few strands were directly stuck to the T-shirt on Zhou Zhen's chest. With her white hands, she kept rubbing it. The skirt of the chiffon dress looked very flustered.

From time to time, she raised her head and quickly glanced at Zhou Zhen, and then lowered her head in a hurry, as if she didn't dare to look at him.

Zhou Zhen looked calm and kept his posture motionless.

After waiting for a long time, the class bell finally rang.

Jingle Bell……

Everyone returned to their seats instantly.

Zhou Zhen looked at the desk in front of him that was piled with love letters. Looking around, Ji Xuexun and her followers were also sitting on their seats.

Everything is business as usual in the classroom.

Ta, tap, tap...

Accompanied by the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes, a math teacher wearing a bright red dress, glossy red bow-tie high-heeled shoes, and a cheap Santa hat walked briskly into the classroom. After arriving on the podium, she briefly announced: Class!

Rows of extremely complex numbers, symbols, formulas, and graphics quickly appeared on the clean blackboard... The math teacher was writing on the blackboard while loudly explaining knowledge points.

The sound she made was a series of high and low sound waves that were indescribable and indescribable. Zhou Zhen couldn't understand a single word.

This time, he listened extremely carefully, and began to work hard to distinguish the pronunciation of each sound wave in Digital Rain and try to see if he could imitate it.

However, maybe the content of Digital Rain was too high-end. Zhou Zhen listened attentively for most of the class, but he didn't understand a single syllable. He had no idea how to imitate it?

Knowing that this would be a waste of time, Zhou Zhen immediately opened his notebook and wrote a set of formulas on his notebook: [X+(X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8+X9)] -X2-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8-X9-X=X1.

What’s in the brackets in this set of formulas is the overall current state of Sister Guide!

X represents the number he assigned to Tao Nange, X1 represents Tao Nange; the following X2 to X9 are the other eight classmates in Sister Nan's classroom.

When the official operation begins, he wants to separate X2 to X9 from Sister Nan's body!

Then separate X too!

In the end, only X1 is left, which is Sister Nan’s real “equation”!

This set of equations is a very simple addition and subtraction problem in the field of mathematics, but in the equation separation surgery, it is more complicated than the successful personality separation surgery of Doctor Ashes.

After all, the patients of Doctor Ash at that time only had four personalities.

And he had dozens.

Even the number assigned to Sister Nan, now strictly speaking, there are nine personalities...

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen wrote the second set of formulas in his notebook: X1+Y=Z.

Y represents Sister Nan's broken arm, and Z is a purely unknown number.

If Sister Nan does not have the digital domain for self-recovery, and Sister Nan's equation is combined with the broken arm, Sister Nan will die directly, and Z represents Sister Nan's death.

If Sister Nan has a self-restoring digital domain, then when X1 and Y are combined, they will become the real Sister Nan!

Z represents the new sister Nan.

Thinking this, Zhou Zhen immediately raised his arms high.

The math teacher in a bright red dress stopped teaching and looked at Zhou Zhen sharply: Classmate Zhou Zhen, what's wrong?

Zhou Zhen immediately picked up his notebook, pointed at the two sets of formulas he had just written, and said, Teacher, I want to know how to pronounce these two sets of formulas?

The math teacher immediately walked down from the podium and came to Zhou Zhen's desk. He looked at the equations in his notebook and said directly: It should be pronounced like this...

The next moment, Digital Rain emits a sound wave with complex ups and downs and rhythm.

Every syllable in the sound wave seems to not exist in reality and is completely impossible to imitate!


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

Deep in the Siam-style courtyard, in a bedroom with floor-to-ceiling curtains, Zhou Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, and the oncoming light made him squint uncomfortably.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, he immediately turned over and sat up, took out his mobile phone, and was about to use the [Airdrop Trojan], but when he thought about it seriously, he stopped immediately.

There are still many girls from Binhai Art College in his mobile phone's photo album. He cannot use his own mobile phone to do this experiment!

So Zhou Zhen got up and rummaged around the room, and soon he found a military tablet.

This is the original thing from Yulan Isolation Point. This computer was the private belongings of a high-level person in the past at Yulan Isolation Point. Except for a few folders marked confidential, there is nothing in the storage space.

When the Yulan isolation point was rebuilt, this tablet computer was used as a backup machine and was retained after the factory settings were restored.

Since there was nothing important inside, Zhou Zhen opened the tablet and immediately used the [Airdrop Trojan] to control the tablet to open a film and television software.

Immediately afterwards, he used [Overfrequency Interference] to transfer the entire memory of the teacher's pronunciation in class to [Airdrop Trojan], and used [Airdrop Trojan] to control the film and television software to play...

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

Accompanied by the sharp and piercing noise of electricity, the window of the film and television software suddenly began to play the picture. The picture was a criss-crossing black and white lines. They kept jumping and squirming, just like the snowflake screen on the ancient TV when there was no signal. Look. Not any useful sight.


Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah...


The tablet exploded directly.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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