Ash Civilization

Chapter 195 The division of labor is clear. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

At the Yulan isolation point, Lao An and ten of his men stood outside the civil air defense gate, watching the gate in front of them slowly open.

Cold white light poured out bit by bit from the cracks in the door, and soon, the corridor at the entrance appeared in front of them. The condition of the corridor was almost the same as before. Except for some traces of repair, there was basically no change.

If I must say a difference, it is that this place seems much cleaner than before.

Not only have the garbage and stains outside the civil air defense gate been basically cleaned up, but the air in this corridor is also much cleaner at this moment. There is no mixed atmosphere common in high-risk urban isolation points, but it is filled with a cold refreshing feeling.

At this moment, four fully armed guards stood behind the civil air defense gate. These guards had nameplates on their chests with numbers on them, namely YL020, YL021, YL022 and YL023. Their faces looked a bit familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere. , but their expressions were all haggard, and their eyes were all black and blue, as if they were suffering from neurasthenia.

Lao An felt strange, but he didn't care too much. This kind of cannon fodder-like little guy was not worthy of his attention at all.

So, he took his ten men and walked directly inside.

Since the curve of the corridor blocked his view, Lao An could not see the situation deep in the isolation point. He immediately took out the greeting card and planned to explain his purpose of coming while walking inside to further explore the reality of the Yulan isolation point.

While thinking, he held the greeting card in his hand and was about to speak when a guard immediately ran up to him excitedly and asked a little eagerly: Brother An, can you take us out?


Does the guard at Yulan Isolation Point know me?

Lao An was a little surprised, and at the same time he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words... Take the other party out?

The door is right here, and the other party also has the authority to open and close the door. If you want to get out, just take a few more steps!

While he was thinking, before he could reply, he saw this weird doorman and quickly said into the intercom: Call YL013, call YL013...


...Take all these fruits and vegetables away!

Fruits and vegetables?

What fruits and vegetables?


Lao An's mind was full of questions, but business was more important. He immediately interrupted the other party and said: I am here to send a greeting card to your boss Shen Sheng on behalf of Sister Gai.

Where is your boss? Is there anyone who can forward the invitation?

As he spoke, he shook the greeting card in his hand.

After hearing this, the four guards in front of them all looked at Lao An very strangely. In their eyes, what Lao An was holding in his hand was not a greeting card at all, but a letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it. letter.

This is literally a love letter!

The leading guard YL020 immediately took the invitation and said very seriously: The rules at the Yulan isolation point are different from other places.

It is forbidden to kill here... It is forbidden to rape and plunder! It is forbidden to eat human flesh! ... It is forbidden to treat human beings as slaves! It is forbidden...

There are many rules in this Yulan isolation point. YL020 kept talking, and Lao An soon became impatient. However, considering the strength of the current person in charge of Yulan isolation point, he finally endured it. .

After a while, YL020 finally finished explaining all the rules.

Lao An was about to continue asking the other party when he could send him a greeting card when a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the end of the corridor. Then, two unshaven middle-aged men in work clothes appeared at the end of the corridor pushing a small cart. , walking towards them.

Like the doormen at the door, the two middle-aged men who suddenly appeared also wore metal nameplates on their chests. The numbers on them were YL013 and YL014 respectively. They were similar to the doormen. They also looked haggard and their eyes were bloodshot. They seemed to be experiencing... Huge fear.

The cart they were pushing looked like a common tool used to move supplies, and there was some loose soil scattered at the bottom of the cart.

After YL013 and YL014 walked up to them, they walked directly behind Lao An without even saying hello.

Lao An turned his head inexplicably, and immediately saw the two new members of the Yulan isolation point pushing a trolley to the seven ordinary men behind him, putting the trolley down, and then, as if As if carrying some kind of inanimate object, he grabbed one of the ordinary people and stuffed it into the cart.

YL013 and YL014 moved swiftly and struck quickly and accurately. The seven ordinary men in front of them were like vegetables growing in the vegetable patch. They had no resistance at all. They were quickly grabbed and stuffed into the little ones one by one. The carts were pushed and stacked neatly according to fat, thin, tall and short.

Looking at this scene, Lao An was confused, and the three compatible men behind him were also confused.

Not long after, all seven ordinary men were piled into the cart. Due to the weight of the seven people, the tires of the cart were lowered. YL013 and YL014 were just as they came, with no intention of saying hello to anyone. He dusted off his hands, pushed the cart, turned around and left.

Lao An suddenly frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

At this time, an ordinary man on the cart suddenly pointed his gun at YL013 and shouted angrily: Where is the exit?

Put me down!

YL013 and YL014 didn't react at all, as if they couldn't hear what the person said at all.

The ordinary man directly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang...

The muzzle was full of fire, and bullets poured out crazily, all hitting YL013's body.

The seemingly powerful bullets bounced away the moment they touched the clothes on YL013's body, without causing any damage.

YL013 patted the place hit by the bullet and said to his companion YL014: Let's hurry up, the vegetable leaves have already started to fall. Don't be unable to plant by then!

YL014 nodded and said with lingering fear: Yes, it is rare that these vegetables are relatively normal. They are not like the vegetable seedlings in the planting area. I am worried that if I am not careful, I will be eaten by those vegetable seedlings...

As they spoke, the two pushed the filled cart and walked deeper into the isolation point.

Looking at this incredible scene, Lao An's eyes widened suddenly, and he finally understood what was wrong... Those seven ordinary people under his command were the fruits and vegetables that the guard just mentioned!

Treat living people as fruits and vegetables!

This Yulan isolation point has a big problem!


Tongfu City, the southern suburbs.

At the entrance of the warehouse-style building, Gai Zhu asked someone to fetch the red wine he had just sobered up, poured himself a glass, and drank slowly, patiently waiting for his subordinate's response.

At this time, the roar of a motorcade was heard in the distance.

Soon, in a different direction than when she came, a motorcade with the same paint job and the big word road painted on it came over.

The convoy flew not far away, and all drove off the roadbed, heading towards the warehouse-style building.


There was a violent braking sound, and the off-road vehicle headed by the leader flicked its tail and stopped steadily not far from the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point.

As soon as the off-road vehicle stopped, the door of the back seat was opened, and two swaying women dressed in jewelry walked out in a very enchanting manner.

Heavily armed personnel also walked out of the vehicle behind them. They quickly walked towards the two women who were gorgeously dressed but had no fighting significance, and gathered around them while looking around cautiously.

Gai Zhu looked at the convoy in front of him with piercing eyes. He made sure that there was no wide road inside or outside the car, and he couldn't help but frown.

That old fox Lu Xingkuan didn’t come in person!

Is the other party too ill and unable to come over?

Or is there something wrong with this Yulan isolation point?

While thinking, Gaizhu saw that the two tall and gorgeously dressed beautiful women murmured in a low voice for a while, looked at her, then looked around, and quickly named a dozen people from the crowd beside him. Armed men of about the same height and muscular build stepped out of the crowd and walked towards the door of the warehouse-style building.

Among them was a woman wearing a deep V dress, holding a gold-gilded post in her hand. She was obviously the one who sent greetings in the past.

Gai Zhu thought for a while and immediately said to a subordinate next to him: Contact the people we have placed at the isolation point in Ling'an. How is Lu Xingkuan's current condition?

The subordinate immediately responded: Yes!

As he spoke, he took out a communicator and sent out a set of passwords.

After a while, the communicator vibrated slightly. The subordinate opened it and received a set of password replies. He decoded it on the spot, and then said to Gai Zhu: Sister Gai, the people over there said that during this period , Lu Xingkuan is very ill, he coughs almost non-stop 24 hours a day, even while sleeping!

Hearing this, Gaizhu immediately felt relieved and said with a very satisfied smile: Okay!


In the corridor at the entrance of Yulan Isolation Point, Lao An felt his scalp numb as he looked at YL013 and YL014 pulling a trolley in front of him and walking towards the depths of the isolation point.

The four guards at the door were still looking at him eagerly, as if expecting him to take them out of this isolation point.

At this moment, a charming and soft voice came from the speaker above the head: We are people from the Ling'an isolation point. We are here to send greetings to the boss Shen Sheng of the Yulan isolation point at the request of Mr. Lu!

Little brother guarding the door, please open the door!

Lingan isolation point?

Are the people from the road ahead coming too?

The guards looked at each other and quickly pressed the remote control again.

They still couldn't see the door, but not long after pressing the remote control, two beautiful women dressed as if they were going to attend a dinner walked in. The two women looked somewhat similar, and they could tell they were related by blood. Traces, they should be sisters.

They are all taller, with slender bodies, and long, lazy curly hair that hangs down to their waists. Their tailor-made dresses fully highlight their graceful curves, and their large areas of skin are exposed, which is full of original allure. Their necks, ears, etc. The jewelry on the side and wrists adds a touch of nobility.

This kind of defenseless and only ornamental decoration has long since disappeared in high-risk cities. Even in the midst of great fear, the four doormen couldn't help but swallowed their saliva subconsciously when they saw this lively scene.

After they calmed down, they noticed that behind the sisters, there were also more than a dozen juicy and tender vegetables.

The guard immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said quickly: Call YL013...Call YL013...

More than a dozen vegetables suddenly appeared at the door and need to be planted immediately!

People from the planting area, come here quickly!

The two sisters who were quietly observing the surroundings were stunned when they heard this and felt confused. However, when they saw that the leading guard already had a greeting card from the Jingxi isolation point in his hand, they immediately took out a greeting card from the Ling'an isolation point. , handed it over: Little brother, this is a greeting card from our Mr. Lu to Boss Shen Sheng. Please pass it on!

Our Mr. Lu also prepared a meeting gift for Boss Shen Sheng. It's just above. What do you think would be a more appropriate arrangement?

Hearing this, the guards didn't see any greeting cards at all in their eyes. What they saw was that the beautiful woman in front of them was holding a letter that turned pink and had a big red heart printed on it, talking to Lao An just now. The love letters handed to them were exactly the same!

It’s also a love letter!

The people at the Ling'an isolation point and the people at the Jingxi isolation point seem to be a little out of their minds!

Thinking of this, the leading guard glanced at the two sisters warily, then took the invitation and recited it quickly and skillfully: Yulan isolation point is different from other isolation points! It is forbidden to kill is forbidden to eat human is forbidden Buying and selling human beings!...Prohibited...


Grade 3 (8) class.

A math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit pants stood on the podium and explained knowledge points in a loud voice. The classroom was quiet. All the students were sitting in their seats. Only Zhou Zhen's seat was empty. Not a single person was seen.

On his desk, there are densely packed pink love letters.

Ji Xuexun sat in her seat, with her long, silky hair scattered on her shoulders, and a few strands of hair hanging down her cheeks, blocking her blushing face. She did not take notes as seriously as other students, and took some notes in her slender, snow-white hands. Holding a love letter that gradually turned pink with a big red heart printed on it, he turned his head from time to time and looked at Zhou Zhen's seat.

Suddenly, Ji Xuexun seemed to sense something. The shy expression on her beautiful little face quickly turned into a gloomy look and became very angry.

At this moment, a familiar bell rang.

Jingle Bell……

get out of class has ended.


Yulan isolation point.

The head guard YL020 looked at the beautiful sisters in front of him and quickly recited the rules of isolation: ...and rape and robbery are prohibited! Stealing is prohibited...It is prohibited...

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He immediately rubbed his eyes and looked at Lao An, the sisters and others in front of him again, and his expression suddenly changed.

The people who seemed to be normal before him suddenly turned into chickens, ducks and geese, all with bright-colored fur, heads held high, and now looking around very quietly.

YL020 suddenly shook his head strangely, what happened to him?

Why were you talking to some poultry about the rules just now?

So, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: Call YL010! Call YL010...

A group of poultry suddenly appeared at the door and needed to be raised.

People from the breeding area, come over immediately to receive it!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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