Ash Civilization

Chapter 177 Xiuhu Group. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tao Nange nodded and said immediately: Okay!

The supply truck is very tall. Even if the building above the Yulan isolation point is a warehouse, which is much wider than an ordinary building, the supply truck cannot drive in, let alone enter the basement.

So, Zhou Zhen opened the sealed door, and the two men and a dozen multi-functional intelligent robots began to quickly unload and move the goods... Whenever the goods in a supply truck were emptied, Zhou Zhen immediately used quick waterproof coating to re-install them. Seal it up.

All goods are now temporarily stacked in the corridor behind the civil defense gate.

This corridor was originally designed with strategic buffering in mind, so it was made very spacious and strong. Now, although ten supply trucks have packed it full of supplies, leaving only a corridor for people to enter and exit, it can still barely contain it. Gotta get it down.

However, forget about building materials, robots, automatic breeding equipment, etc.

All the living animals, especially the babies of chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, and pigs, seemed very uneasy when they suddenly moved to a completely unfamiliar place after the continuous bumps.

The cages and boxes were filled with noises of chirping, mooing, and bleating, mixed with the smell of poultry and livestock, and their excrement. The whole environment was very touching.

After a lot of work, the ten supply trucks were finally completely emptied.

Maybe it was because after the black bear-like infected person was killed by Tao Nange, no other infected person came to this area during this period. The unloading was very smooth this time, and no infected person disturbed it.

Zhou Zhen finished sealing the last supply truck and just stood up when Tao Nange appeared behind him holding a can of light yellow spray.

The packaging of this kind of spray is not unfamiliar to Zhou Zhen. It is a commonly used medicine for official field personnel. It can kill most bacteria and viruses in wounds and at the same time quickly form a spider web-like protective film on the wound surface, which is waterproof and Light suturing to aid healing.

Tao Nange threw the spray at him and said calmly: Apply medicine to the wound first.

Don't underestimate the special environment of high-risk cities. Many compatible people have accidents here because in this environment that is seriously infected by the 'digital virus', the wounds are further eroded by the virus, and the 'equation' cannot continue to be balanced. As a result, he lost control and died.

Although you are special, it's better to be careful if you can.

Zhou Zhen took the spray, did not refuse Tao Nange's request, and immediately nodded: Okay!

As he said that, he took off his shirt, applied medicine to himself, and said, Sister Nan, I got a lot of supplies this time, beyond the original plan.

I want to take out the equivalent parts of the 'digital' materials in the warehouse at the isolation point, put them into the supply truck, and complete the transaction with Xiuhu Group.

If Xiuhu Group is willing to trade with me, then next time I want any supplies, I won't have to go through as much trouble as this time.

Hearing this, Tao Nange's expression did not change at all, and he said briefly: Okay.

However, it is not easy for a company that specializes in doing business in high-risk cities.

If you want to trade with them, you must be cautious.

For this kind of company, if someone has done something undetected, it means it has never been done before.

There are no restrictions in high-risk cities, so be careful!

Zhou Zhen nodded and said, I understand.

After the reconstruction of this isolation point is completed, I will deal with these forces sooner or later.

Now, I want to contact Xiuhu Group first.

Does Sister Nan have their contact information?

Tao Nange said calmly: Let me check.

With that said, she turned on the smart bracelet, entered the internal database, and started querying.

Not long after, Tao Nange raised his head and said, We have found it. The phone number of the Xiuhu Group branch in Tongfu City is...

Zhou Zhen recorded it on his mobile phone and said, Thank you.

After creating the new contact, he dialed the number directly.


The call tone didn't ring for a few times, and the call was immediately connected. The male voice on the phone sounded soft and professional: Hello, Xiuhu Group, how can I help you?

Zhou Zhen did not waste time and said straightforwardly: I am Shen Sheng. I took some of the supplies Xiuhu Group sent to Tongfu City this time because the isolation point is in urgent need...

Before he finished speaking, the other party's voice suddenly became serious: Hello Mr. Shen, this matter is not something I can handle. Please wait a moment, our supervisor will call you soon.

Without waiting for Zhou Zhen to answer, the receiver immediately went silent.

Almost ten seconds passed before the voice on the phone was replaced by a deep and slightly magnetic middle-aged male voice: Hello, I am Yan You, the director of Tongfu City Branch of Xiuhu Group. Mr. Shen took the supply truck?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was not surprised. The supply convoy originally belonged to the Xiuhu Group. It was not strange for the Xiuhu Group to know that the supply vehicle was missing.

Thinking of this, he immediately replied: That's right...

Zhou Zhen wanted to say something more, but Yan You's tone immediately became enthusiastic, and he said with a smile: Those ten carts of supplies should be regarded as a meeting gift for Mr. Shen.

If Mr. Shen doesn't mind, Xiuhu Group is very willing to have more in-depth cooperation with a strong person like Mr. Shen!

I wonder if Mr. Shen needs anything else? You can tell me as much as you can!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was a little surprised. All ten carts of supplies were given to him?

He glanced at Tao Nange subconsciously.

Tao Nange was standing next to Zhou Zhen at the moment. Although the sound in the phone receiver was not high, with her hearing, she could hear clearly from this distance.

At this moment, she nodded slightly, signaling Zhou Zhen to just agree.

Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses and said immediately: In that case, thank you so much for your group.

I am making this call this time because I am indeed interested in cooperating with Xiuhu Group.

Since it is cooperation, of course there will be back and forth.

I wonder what Xiuhu Group needs now?

Yan You immediately said: We now want a limb of an infected person in the [growth stage].

Any part is fine!

The group will exchange it for materials, information, or research results of equal value!

【Growth】The infected person’s limbs? !

Is this Xiuhu Group dreaming?

Or take him for granted?

Zhou Zhen immediately frowned and said very simply: This is impossible!

I can only hunt infected people in the [progress stage], but I can't deal with infected people in the [growth stage].

Yan You listened without any surprise, but smiled calmly and said: Mr. Shen, don't be modest.

You can single-handedly transport ten supply trucks from the foggy area east of Tongfu City back to the Yulan isolation point in the southern suburbs of Tongfu City without all the induced gas leaking from the ten supply trucks. And it can also ensure the safety of supplies...

Without absolute strength, it's impossible to do this!

Almost all isolation points in the entire Tongfu City are cooperating with us.

Based on our understanding of Tongfu City, there are no more than one person in the city who can do this!

And you, Mr. Shen, are one of them.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned even more tightly, and at the same time he instantly understood why the other party was so generous in the first place...

Yan You regarded him as a high-level compatibility!

At this time, Tao Nange next to him pointed at Zhou Zhen, shook his head slightly, pointed at Zhou Zhen's mobile phone, and shook his head again.

Zhou Zhen instantly understood what Tao Nange meant...don't reveal your true digital ladder, and don't agree to the other party's request!

So, Zhou Zhen immediately replied: Not to mention the limbs of infected people in the [growth stage], even the limbs of infected people in the [lesion stage] cannot be transported out of Tongfu City.

As long as the supply truck contains any materials related to infected people, it will be impossible to pass through the testing channels in high-risk cities!

You change the conditions.

Yan You said very firmly: Don't worry, Mr. Shen, you are only responsible for hunting infected people in the [growth stage].

As for transportation, you can notify us after you finish hunting, or before hunting.

At that time, we will arrange manpower to go to the place you designate to receive the materials.

As long as you hand over the materials to our people, the transaction will be completed.

You are not responsible for anything that happens after that!

Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked at Tao Nange.

From what Xiuhu Group is saying, it seems like there is some way to transport things outside the city without going through the inspection channels in high-risk cities?

Or, does the other party have the ability to hide from detection channels in high-risk cities?

Tao Nange's face suddenly became serious, his lips moved, and he said silently: Pull on!

Zhou Zhen nodded and immediately replied to the phone: I need to think about it.

I will return those ten supply trucks first.

With that said, he hung up the phone directly.

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen quickly said: These ten supply trucks have self-destruct programs.

They are now hit by my [Airdrop Trojan], so they have not self-destructed, but they cannot stay here anymore.

You go back to the isolation point to sort out supplies first, and I'll return these ten supply trucks to their original places.

Tao Nange nodded, turned and walked towards the basement.

Zhou Zhen once again used [Airdrop Trojan] to set return instructions for ten supply vehicles.


The engines of the ten supply trucks suddenly buzzed together, then started slowly, and drove slowly towards the foggy area in the eastern suburbs.

Zhou Zhen stood there and watched them leave. After making sure that the induced gas that had briefly leaked during unloading had not attracted any infected persons, he walked into the warehouse building, entered the basement, and knocked on the civil air defense door.

Tao Nange in the isolation point immediately opened the door for him.

Zhou Zhen walked into the isolation point and manually closed the door again. At this time, some of the mountains of supplies in the corridor had been cleared away by Tao Nange and his robot.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen had returned, Tao Nange put down a bag of supplies in his hand and said: The planting and breeding areas have not been built yet. The young poultry and livestock are temporarily arranged in the trading hall; as for the vegetable seedlings, I put them in We have an underground garden where the equipment can protect rare and valuable flowers and plants, and of course there is no problem with vegetable seedlings.

Now I have just set the command for the multifunctional intelligent robot to move these building materials to the breeding area and build the breeding area first.

Zhou Zhen nodded and listened to Tao Nange continue, This Xiuhu Group may have some problems. If there is a shortage of materials next time, don't look for their supply truck for the time being.

However, don't cut off the contact with them yet. Next, we may be able to find out something.

Zhou Zhen said: Understood!


Xiuhu Group Tongfu City Branch Building.

Surrounding the colorful lake logo are the professionally designed Chinese characters Xiuhu in floral form. The huge signboard hangs high above the front desk at the entrance of the building, shining in the sunlight that shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

In one of the soundproof cabins in the spacious telephone hall, a middle-aged man in a suit, dark red tie, and neatly combed hair with gel is sitting on a chair, holding a wired telephone microphone in his hand. Smiling at the corner of the mouth and warm in attitude.

There is a nameplate saying Director Yan You on his left chest, and behind him stands an operator wearing a white shirt and suit pants.

...I need to think about it.

I will return those ten supply trucks first.

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone. Yan You narrowed his eyes slightly and wanted to try again, but at this moment, a beep sound came from the receiver and the call had been cut off.

Yan You suddenly frowned.

The operator next to him said quickly: Director Yan, the signals of the ten supply trucks finally disappeared at the Yulan isolation point.

As expected, this Mr. Shen is the current leader of the Yulan isolation point.

Should we send colleagues from Tongfu City to contact Mr. Shen?

Yan You shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he stood up, walked out of the soundproof cabin, and came to his office.

This office is almost thirty square meters, and the wall next to the door is a full screen, which is currently showing an overlooking topographic map.

The whole image is gray and very bleak, and doesn't seem to have much life.

However, the image was covered with dense light spots, many of which were moving slowly.

This is the satellite map of Tongfu City!

Looking at the map in front of him, Yan You looked very solemn. This time, the ten supply trucks in Tongfu City suddenly deviated. He originally thought they would stop soon, because Mr. Shen had opened the supply truck. This resulted in the leakage of induced gas inside.

This is a special design of the Xiuhu Group to prevent compatibility from high-risk cities from stealing the supply trucks of the Xiuhu Group.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party actually drove ten supply trucks from the foggy area in the eastern suburbs to the Yulan isolation point in the southern suburbs despite the continuous flow of infected people being attracted!

Moreover, he also specially arranged some wandering convoys in Tongfu City to observe the movements of the ten supply trucks. He found that those who snatched the ten supply trucks were not those with a large number of compatibility, experienced commanders, and tacit cooperation. A team, but only one person!

One person escorted ten supply trucks leaking induced gas across half of Tongfu City...

This kind of strength is a bit scary!

Under normal circumstances, an infected person in the [Progress Stage] requires at least a Fourth Step compatible person to deal with it.

But Fourth Step compatibility can only deal with one [Progress Stage] infected person at a time!

Taking a step back, even if those infected in the [progress stage] are those who are compatible with the fourth ladder one by one, their energy cannot support it!

Mr. Shen’s “digital ladder” must be very high!

Thinking of this, Yan You immediately said: The last news from the Yulan isolation point was that it was breached by an infected person.

Investigate all its recent situations. Is there a high-ranking compatibility who solved the infected person who broke through the Yulan isolation point?

In addition, this time we transported twenty supply trucks to three isolation points: Ling'an Isolation Point, Jingxi Isolation Point, and Maoqiao Isolation Point. We informed these three isolation points that twenty trucks' Digital materials must not be missing at all!”

The lost supply truck must also be compensated according to the previous contract!

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