Ash Civilization

Chapter 175 Induced Gas. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

After hearing this, Wang Yanliang glanced at the tablet in his hand. As expected, a small blue dot reappeared on the map, slowly approaching their current location along the agreed route.

Wang Yanliang's originally cold expression suddenly softened visibly. He ignored the gun Gai Zhu was still pointing at his head and put away his pistol.

Seeing this, Gai Zhu also put down the weapon in his hand.

The subordinates behind the two men turned their guns and stopped aiming.

In the camps at Jingxi Isolation Point and Maoqiao Isolation Point, the heavy firepower was also released one after another, and the surrounding area was once again on alert.

The firefight situation was resolved, but none of the three parties had any intention of continuing to communicate. They all stared at the supply truck signal on the screen.

On the screens of the three military tablets, the signal of the supply truck drove out of the foggy area very smoothly, and then followed the route they had agreed upon through many communications, bypassing several areas where the infected were active in the [Growth Period]. Avoiding the space occupied by two digital forests...

All the subsequent itineraries were exactly the same as the original route, without any surprises.

Wang Yanliang, Gai Zhu and Lu Xingkuan gradually relaxed, and the turbulent atmosphere between them began to quickly ease.

In order to avoid being targeted by the infected, the signal of the supply convoy has always been very weak.

In the past, this kind of signal temporarily disappeared from the map, which also happened. However, despite their experience, everyone is still extremely nervous every time they appear in a high-risk city.

At this time, Wang Yanliang looked at Lu Xingkuan and continued the topic: Uncle Lu, I heard that your Ling'an isolation point recently received a large number of live food ingredients.

In this case, your Ling'an isolation point must be in no shortage of supplies recently.

“It’s better to get less supplies this time.”

After a violent cough, Lu Xingkuan finally suppressed his breath and said coldly: It is true that some of the survivors at the Yulan isolation point were captured by our patrol team at the Ling'an isolation point.

But I'm different from you.

I know that you have also taken in a group of people from the Yulan isolation point, and also opened a Yuanyang self-service hot pot. The base of each pot is cooked by a man and a woman under the age of 20 who were born naturally and have no disabilities. material……

I don't have this habit of eating people!

I just restarted the production line and made the worthless waste more valuable.

Wang Yanliang sneered and said in a cruel tone: Lu Xingkuan, you are already this age, so stop putting gold on your face!

How did you get the signature 'Fountain of Youth' potion at your Ling'an isolation point? Do you still need me to remind you?

Extract the blood of young children, extract adrenochrome, and prepare the 'Fountain of Youth' potion that is said to be able to rejuvenate youth and preserve youth forever. Only you, an old man, can survive until now!

“You’ve become a child again, what more supplies do you need!”

Lu Xingkuan's expression remained unchanged, and he replied very calmly: Those were all done by some ignorant young people under my command. I, an old man, don't know very well.

Besides, pure water is needed to prepare the medicine!

My supplies this time cannot be lacking at all!

Wang Yanliang grinned and said immediately: Okay! You can get more water, but don't ask for other things, Uncle Lu.

Lu Xingkuan coughed again, his voice hoarse: Impossible!

You and that girl Gaizhu also took in a group of homeless people from the Yulan isolation point.

You like to eat mandarin duck hot pot, Gaizhu likes to do handicrafts, and the materials she uses for handicrafts will not be wasted.

In terms of access to food ingredients, it is much more abundant than at our Ling'an isolation point!

At this time, Gai Zhu looked on maliciously. Lu Xingkuan was seriously ill now and was very weak. Both she and Wang Yanliang actually wanted to take advantage of him.

However, she was prepared to wait for the supply convoy to arrive before secretly looking for an opportunity.

But Wang Yanliang is much more direct!

At this moment, hearing Lu Xingkuan bring the topic to himself, Gai Zhu suddenly smiled and said, Uncle Lu, you are not being kind.

The last time we all had dinner together, I brought you a souvenir. You were full of praise for the specimen of a boy and a girl holding a lamp to guide the way, and claimed that you would bring it into the coffin as a burial gift in the future.

Why are you still blaming me now?

Wang Yanliang chuckled, looked at Lu Xingkuan and said, So Uncle Lu has already thought about getting into the coffin?

If that's the case, why do you need so many supplies? This is not a pure waste!

Uncle Lu is old and there is no need to occupy anything anymore.

The water resources just mentioned can also be released!

While the three leaders of the isolation point were arguing, their men were all staring at the signal of the supply truck on the flat screen.

Seeing that the supply truck had arrived about 10 kilometers away from here, the people at the three isolation points immediately sent out drones and flew in the direction of the supply truck.

Compared with supply vehicles equipped with various high-tech shelters, the signal of this conventional drone is too obvious and is more likely to attract the attention of infected people.

Therefore, sending drones to explore when the distance is still far will bring danger to the supply convoy.

Only when the supply truck reaches a relatively close location and is no longer afraid of being exposed can the drone get closer.

Buzz buzz...

The drone pierced the gray sky and sped away. Soon it passed through the desolate wilderness and captured a picture of the majestic motorcade driving rapidly.

People at the Ling'an isolation point, Maoqiao isolation point and Jingxi isolation point quickly saw the specific situation of the supply convoy on the screen through the lens of the drone.

As the dust and sand flew, a mountain of vehicles roared across the wilderness.

At this moment, on the supply truck at the front, a mess of boxes formed a temporary circle, containing a sparse collection of chickens, ducks, geese, cattle and sheep babies. In the corner, there was also a larger glass box, which was floating inside. There are a few fish scales on it, obviously it was originally used to farm fish.

But right now, an infected person who looks like a python is coiled on the outside of the glass box, with a head without eyes and a gaping mouth, holding the last freshwater fish in his mouth and swallowing it whole. Immediately afterwards, it looked at a few goslings not far away. There was almost no movement visible in the camera. There was only a flash of silver light, similar to a python spitting a message. Those goslings had all disappeared...

On the left and right sides of this supply truck, there are several strange figures. They are either hanging on the supply truck; or they are traveling directly side by side with the supply truck; Covering the entire supply truck, it was as if the entire body was covered with a layer of mosquito net.

Under the mosquito net, streams of white foam are constantly emerging from the sturdy supply truck, as if this special alloy is undergoing unbearable corrosion!

After this supply truck, most of the body of the second supply truck had turned into thick foam.

As the vehicle drove and bumped, materials inside continued to fall out of the foam, and the infected people surrounding it immediately stepped forward to pick up and devour them. There were more infected people than those who followed the first supply truck. They were like birds and beasts in the winter field that had encountered an automatic feeder and lingered around.

Behind, on the third round of supply trucks, most of the foam above the tires has been broken, revealing the bare panels with scattered boxes on them.

Three or five infected people with obviously weak auras were lying on it, as if they were hyenas on the grassland, cleaning up the leftovers left by the beasts.

Apart from these three supply vehicles, there were no other outlines of vehicles in the billowing smoke.

The ground continued to tremble, and many infected people were following these three supply trucks, approaching them quickly.

Looking at this scene, the expressions of the personnel responsible for tracking the supply convoy at the three isolation points suddenly changed!


The electric fan rotates slowly and unhurriedly, and the happy laughter of classmates can be heard from time to time in the classroom. The atmosphere is very relaxed.

It was during recess when Zhou Zhen woke up. He opened his eyes and immediately looked around.

The students were enjoying their time after class, and no one seemed to notice his condition.

Next to him, Zhang Yonghao was sitting in his seat as usual, lowering his head to organize his stationery, not daring to look at other people.

To the left and right of the blackboard stood a man and a woman, both of whom had expressionless faces. They occasionally glanced at each other, with coldness and anger in their eyes. They were Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin.

They are now standing for punishment.

Zhou Zhen felt that his energy was very low and he seemed to be falling asleep at any time.

He steeled himself, turned around immediately, and was about to ask Zhang Yonghao to borrow his notebook, but he quickly stopped, stood up, and walked towards Pang Shaobin's table.

Zhang Yonghao's current energy intensity is only the second level. Even if he gets the opponent's notes, he won't be able to recover much digital energy.

The energy intensity of Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin was much higher than him.

The notes of one class are enough for him to restore all his digital energy!

However, Chu Jingyan is the sixth step, and for him, the other party's energy is too dangerous.

Therefore, it is safer to choose Pang Shaobin's notes.

Soon, Zhou Zhen came to Pang Shaobin's desk. After rummaging around, he found Pang Shaobin's class notes in several textbooks.

Zhou Zhen picked up his notebook and immediately returned to his seat.

The handwriting on the notebook suddenly began to change.

As the handwriting became more and more like Zhou Zhen's, he became more energetic and his thinking became clearer.

But not long after, the handwriting on his homework and class notes on his desk began to gradually change.

At the same time, Zhou Zhen's hobbies and desires also changed, and a strong urge to kill pigs and cut pork came to his heart.

Having once stolen Ren Rui's homework book, Zhou Zhen threw Pang Shaobin's class notes away without hesitation.

Pang Shaobin's class notes fell into the air, disappeared instantly, and returned to Pang Shaobin's desk.

Zhou Zhen's condition immediately recovered, and the handwriting on the homework books and class notes on his desk no longer changed.

But Pang Shaobin, who was forced to stand on the blackboard, suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhou Zhen with cold eyes.

Jingle Bell……

The familiar school bell rang, and a math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit pants strode in with a lesson plan under his arm.

All the students returned to their original positions in an instant, and Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin also returned to their seats.

Everything around him collapsed at this moment, as if the illusion faded away to reveal the reality, all kinds of colors mixed and rotated, twisted and pulled, and shattered into a blur.

It seems that countless pixels are constantly floating, reorganizing into a familiar scene in a blink of an eye.

Under the gray sky, a military pickup truck was parked in the vast wilderness.

Not far away are ten majestic-looking supply trucks, standing quietly like hills.

Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up. On the center console under the windshield, his mobile phone vibrated slightly. As the screen flashed, a familiar ringtone continued to sound.

He immediately turned off the alarm clock and looked around, but found no new infected people approaching. He immediately took the time, opened the door of the pickup truck and walked out. He came to the supply convoy and quickly checked the situation.

Zhou Zhen circled the supply convoy twice and found no problems.

He suddenly frowned, and after hesitating for a while, he looked at the supply convoy in front of him again. At this time, in his field of vision, the world was quietly changing, the digital domain, [Energy Observation]!

Zhou Zhen immediately saw that behind the supply convoy, there was a long stream of light blue air trailing behind it. The air stream was like water and fire, swimming slowly, like the green mist of a mountain stream, or like a streamer made of gauze, flowing along the path it came from. The route is winding.

This air flow is invisible to the naked eye. The location where it flows out is the door gap of every supply truck!

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen suddenly understood that the thick walls of these supply trucks were not only to ensure the safety of the goods, but also because the digital energy that attracted infected people was sealed in the mezzanine of these walls!

No, that's not right!

Not real digital energy, but an analog signal disguised as digital energy!

Real digital energy will affect the living creatures inside!

Realizing this, Zhou Zhen instantly understood that these supply vehicles were actually the same as the induction vehicle he encountered at the beginning!

When no infected people are discovered, these supply vehicles will not change in any way.

But once an infected person discovers it, one of the supply vehicles will immediately deviate from the route, open the door, release the induction gas inside, and transform into a new induction vehicle to lure away all the infected people who are following the supply convoy. .

Use this method of sacrificing the car to protect the commander, and ensure the safety of most materials as much as possible.

However, Zhou Zhen didn't know this. He had opened all the supply trucks just now in order to find supplies.

The induced gas leaked from inside, so more and more infected people were attracted!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately began to check the doors of the supply truck, and soon discovered that these doors had a special mechanical design and were no longer sealed after being opened once.

The induced gas inside is still leaking out through the cracks in the door.

At this moment, heavy footsteps were heard in the distance.

Zhou Zhen immediately turned around and saw three strange-looking infected people running wildly from the field and quickly approaching the supply convoy.

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