Ash Civilization

Chapter 153 Emergency. (Second update! Please subscribe!)


Zhou Zhen frowned. When he thought he was a time traveler, he was not as grandiose as the other party!

If he hadn't had similar experiences, he would definitely regard Xie Qiongning as a lunatic!

However, this is okay, it is much easier to find an excuse to inquire about information...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and immediately said with a serious expression: To tell you the truth, I am actually the same as you.

You are the descendant of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and I am the reincarnation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Those members of the 'Order of Ashes' are all my disciples!

My current physical body is the 'third ladder'.

The 'digital domain' is [Overfrequency Interference], [Planar Transition] and [Fusion Cube].

What level is your container, and what is the 'digital domain'?

[Overfrequency Interference], [Plane Jump] and [Fusion Cube], these three digital domains, Zhou Zhen had already used when he fought the hybrid member of Twilight Trial just now, and now he just used them as Confess the content to gain Xie Qiongning’s trust.

After hearing Zhou Zhen's words, Xie Qiongning glanced at him, not sure whether she believed it or not, but after thinking for a moment, she quickly replied: My container now only has the 'second step', but Even if you encounter opponents from the 'Fourth Step' or 'Fifth Step', there will be no problem in dealing with them.

This container has two 'digital domains'.

One is [Electric Energy Conversion]; the other is actually my divine power: [Prisoner's Chamber]!

【Prisoner's Chamber】......

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. The experiment of Twilight Trial was to write the Digital Forest into the Digital Domain of the experimental subject. This [Prisoner's Chamber] should be Xie Qiongning's Digital Forest!

However, Xie Qiongning's current energy intensity is very high, but he only has the second step?

Zhou Zhen was a little confused for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, he quickly figured out the general situation.

When he used [Energy Observation] just now, what he saw was not Xie Qiongning's energy, but the energy in the opponent's Digital Forest!

The digital energy of Xie Qiongning's body is only the second step, but the energy in the digital domain of the [Prisoner's Chamber] has reached a very terrifying level.

Just like him now, his energy intensity is only the third step, but if other personalities come out... to reach the fifth step, sixth step, or even higher, it is possible!

However, this is not a good thing.

The energy in the Digital Forest has broken out of the opponent's Digital Domain and has appeared in the outside world. This shows that the opponent's body cannot actually control the Digital Forest in the Digital Domain!

The experimental subject Ji Yuantao at that time failed in the end because the other party could release the Digital Forest but could not take it back!

This experiment of Twilight Trial should be much better than Ji Yuantao's experiment.

But most likely, this is not a real success...

Just as Zhou Zhen was thinking, Xie Qiongning's cell phone suddenly rang.

She glanced at the caller ID on the screen and answered the call directly: Hey, teacher, what's the matter?

You want me to go back?


Okay, I know.

When the call came, Xie Qiongning put away his phone and said, The father of my container is anxious to find me now.

I must go back immediately, otherwise, this month's pocket money will be gone.

Also, remember to keep it a secret from me and not tell others that I am the goddess of wisdom.

Next time we meet, don't forget to wear a bunny boy!

With that said, she turned around and left quickly, disappearing quickly.

Suddenly, only Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange were left in the deserted ecological park.

At this time, the sky was completely bright, but in the daytime in high-risk cities, the sky was also gloomy, as if filled with a thick layer of gray clouds, blocking all sunlight.

Under the sky, the surrounding fields are vast and deserted, filled with the aura of death.

Watching Xie Qiongning disappear, Zhou Zhen frowned. This goddess of wisdom didn't look wise at all...

However, this also reminded him.

If you meet someone in the future who claims to be a time traveler, a reborn person, a powerful reincarnation, a goddess coming to the world... maybe those people are not mentally ill, but experimental subjects whose memories have been modified!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen held Tao Nange and walked around the area. Soon he found relatively clean long rockery stones next to a collapsed rockery. He put Tao Nange down and sat on it. Beside her, she took out her mobile phone.

He quickly unlocked the screen and found that the wallpaper on his phone had changed to the original solid color screen at some point. Tao Nange's wallpaper of the nurse playing had disappeared.

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and immediately opened the photo album on his phone. The photo album was filled with photos of beautiful girls, taking a bath, changing clothes, practicing, sitting, standing, lying down... every one of them They are all slender, graceful and graceful. They all look different and have their own styles, but there is no photo of Tao Nange.

Seeing Tao Nange's photo disappear from the photo album on his mobile phone, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt very puzzled.

He glanced at Tao Nange, who was still sleeping next to him, and quickly came to the conclusion: Tao Nange had obtained his digits, so he broke free from Chu Jingyan's digital domain!


There are many other girls in his photo album.

I wonder if I can use this method to release all the other girls?

While thinking, he looked at his surroundings.

Perhaps because it is by the lake, the humidity in this former ecological wetland park is very high. You can still feel the wet water vapor even without using instruments to detect it.

However, with such high humidity, the entire park site is a barren sandy land.

The vegetation was dull and mottled in color, like tinea clinging to the ground. It was lifeless and full of morbidity, which was very different from the situation in Binhai City.

He immediately shook his head.

This is a high-risk city. Even if we let him out, it would be too dangerous.

Moreover, Tao Nange is a 'digital compatibility', but the other girls are just ordinary people.

It's better to wait until we return to a low-risk city and try again...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen exited the photo album and quickly called the ghost team.

Considering the distance between Binhai City and Tongfu City, he did not choose to call the Binhai City Ghost Group's dedicated line this time. Instead, he chose the ghost group headquarters number. If he dialed this number directly, he would automatically be connected to the nearest ghost group branch.

The call was answered quickly: Hello, Ghost Mobile Team, what can I do for you?

Zhou Zhen immediately said: I am Zhou Zhen, a member of the Special Operations Group 5 of the Binhai City Public Security Department. Last night, Ghost No. 024 and I were attacked by the Eleventh Sage of the Twelve Sages, Carl A. X’s attack.”

Requesting support now!

The voice on the other end of the phone immediately became serious: Roger that!

We will immediately arrange ghosts of the corresponding level to go to Tongfu City to deal with Carl Ax.

How are you and Ghost No. 024 currently doing? Are you injured? How are your injuries?

Zhou Zhen said: I am not injured. Ghost No. 024 is seriously injured, but she has almost recovered now. She is resting.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, the operator spoke again: Okay, I understand.

Is there anything else going on there?

Zhou Zhen thought for a while and then said: There is one more thing.

I met Xie Qiongning, the eldest lady of the Hongshan Group last night. She is now an experimental subject of the 'Twilight Trial'. Judging from the brief contact, her memory may have been modified.

She is very likely to return to Binhai City in the near future.

As soon as he heard about the experimental subject, the operator's voice suddenly became extremely solemn: Experimental subject? Are you sure?

How is her mental state now?

“What is the ‘digital domain’?”

Have you ever fought with that experimental subject?

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: I can confirm that she is already an experimental subject.

As for her mental state, she is relatively stable for the time being and can communicate normally.

It's just that her memory has been modified and she doesn't seem to recognize me at all.

And her 'digital domain', according to her own description, has a total of two.

One is [Electrical Energy Conversion]. This 'digital domain' has been described and recorded in the 'Huangjia Club' case; the other is called [Prisoner's Secret Room].

I didn't fight Xie Qiongning, so I don't know what her second 'Digital Domain' 'Digital Forest' is like.

There was a burst of intense keyboard tapping on the phone, as if the operator was taking notes carefully. Soon, the operator said: I understand!

Do you have any other news?

Zhou Zhen thought for a while, and he had another piece of news, which was the Digital Rain in Fudi Amusement Park.

However, now that Digital Rain has been absorbed by him, and the government is ready to send someone to deal with the crisis of the Twelve Sages, if he tells the news again, it will only make the official send one more person to deal with it. he……

So Zhou Zhen quickly replied: No more!

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen put away his phone and looked at Tao Nange beside him.

At this time, Tao Nange fluttered his eyelashes, slowly opened his eyes, and looked around in confusion.

When she saw Zhou Zhen, she immediately asked, Where is this?

Zhou Zhen shook his head and said, I don't know, how do you feel now?

Tao Nange immediately climbed up from the rockery and said in a hoarse voice: I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry. Let's confirm our location first, and then go get some food nearby.

Seeing that Tao Nange was doing everything as usual, nothing serious happened, Zhou Zhen immediately nodded: Okay!


Yongzhao Province, the provincial capital is Xibo City.

Ghost Mobile Team Yongzhao Branch.

call center.

This is a very tall rectangular hall. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all filled with special sound insulation materials. There are no fancy decorations in the hall. There are rows of soundproof cabins arranged neatly in rows.

In each soundproof cabin, there is an operator in dark uniform sitting, constantly answering incoming calls.

The entire wall inside the hall is filled with offices separated by hollow bricks, as well as tea rooms, printing rooms, and the like.

At this moment, in an office near the back, a rapid didi beep sound suddenly sounded. A tall and thin figure wearing a supervisor's uniform immediately stood up, glanced at the signal displayed on the screen, and strode out of the office. Arriving outside a soundproof cabin where the emergency call button was pressed.

Sitting in this soundproof cabin is a very capable female operator with long hair tied into a low bun. One of her hands is still caressing the red emergency call button, and the other hand is holding her ear. The receiver is answering the call with a serious expression.

...Do you have any other news?

Toot toot…

After confirming that the other party had hung up, the female operator immediately turned around, pressed the switch of the soundproof cabin, lowered half of the glass door, and said to the male supervisor who had been waiting for a while: Emergency!

The eleventh sage of the Twelve Sages, Carl Ax, appeared in Tongfu City and encountered Zhou Zhen, a former member of the Binhai City Public Security Department's special team.

Zhou Zhen reported that he was not injured, but No. 024 was seriously injured and has recovered.

In addition, Xie Qiongning from Hongshan Group may have become a new experimental subject of the 'Twilight Trial', and there is a high probability that he will return to Binhai City in the near future...

As the operator spoke, he quickly operated on the keyboard and uploaded the call record to the supervisor behind him.

The supervisor is a man in his thirties. His dark uniform has a pattern that symbolizes the supervisor's position. He has neatly trimmed hair and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looks extremely smart and capable.

After carefully listening to the female operator's slightly hurried report, the male supervisor looked very calm. While turning on the holographic projection screen of the smart bracelet, he checked the call records sent by the female operator at a glance. At the same time, he separated a search box in the inner library. Searching for Zhou Zhen's information.

Soon, after reading all the information, the supervisor's face suddenly became a little weird.

Zhou Zhen from Binhai City is a compatible person with [split personality], and his main personality is only the second rung.

Ghost No. 024 is the Fourth Step.

Carl Akers of the Twelve Sages has been a compatibility of the Sixth Ladder for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, if Zhou Zhen and No. 024 are added together, and the digital energy is multiplied by 10, if they encounter Carl Ax, they will definitely die!

But now, Zhou Zhen wasn't even injured. There was only one possibility... the opponent's sub-personality ran out and beat away Carl Ax alone!

Thinking of this, the supervisor immediately said: The first thing is not important.

The second thing is the key!

Notify Binhai City immediately to conduct comprehensive supervision of Hongshan Group!

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