Ash Civilization

Chapter 151 The messenger in black. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

Abandoned industrial park.

Tao Nange stood motionless, her entire body, except for her head, almost turned into a number.

Countless numbers squirmed quickly like living creatures, seeming to be struggling frantically to break away from her body.

Some of the numbers had already spread to her neck and were spreading towards her head.

Watching Carl Ax flee towards the gap in the ring, Tao Nange was about to continue taking action when suddenly his whole body froze, as if he had turned into a sculpture in an instant, and the powerful energy filling his body began to decline rapidly.

Ji Yuantao, Cheng Siyuan, Shi Xinhong, Qi Ling, Ma Xinxin... the figures surrounding her all froze at this moment, motionless, like a paused video.

The next moment, all these figures began to slowly disappear.

The surrounding scene changed, and the original deep pit reappeared on the flat ground.

Smoke and dust were flying in the pit, the fresh soil exuded a strong earthy smell, and there were burn marks left by the pouring fire everywhere.

[Dream Divine Kingdom] began to disintegrate.

It's time for Chu Jingyan to come out!

In the blink of an eye, Carl Ax rushed out of the scope of the ring and disappeared into the vast night.

The recurring scenes disappeared at the snap of a finger. The surrounding houses collapsed, and the ground was densely covered with shell casings. The night wind shuttled through the ruins of the industrial park, dragging out hysterical roars.

Tao Nange fell down weakly. The remaining mud pillar swayed slightly, and a digital arm drooped from the edge of the pillar. The whole person remained motionless.

The night wind blew the hanging hair, as if sobbing, confiding, and hesitating.

The last cloud of dust fell down, hitting her remaining flesh and blood.

The sparse vegetation trembled amid the sound of wind and hunting.

Not long after, a figure with a strong smell of blood appeared in the distance.

In just the blink of an eye, this figure had already closed a large distance.

As if in a flash, the visitor teleported across the fields and factory buildings again and again, and soon appeared next to Tao Nange. His face was covered in blood, and his hands were covered in blood. It was Zhou Zhen.

Seeing Tao Nange lying on the ground, unconscious, Zhou Zhen's expression changed slightly, but he leaned over to check and found that Tao Nange was still breathing weakly, and he was relieved.

He immediately knelt down next to Tao Nange and helped her up: Sister Nan, how are you?

While talking, Zhou Zhen suddenly discovered that Tao Nange's exposed body was almost covered with rapidly moving figures, which looked particularly scary.

He frowned. Four hours ago, Tao Nange said that she could last for 15 hours, but in this situation... the other party may be completely infected soon!

At this time, Tao Nange suddenly broke out into a violent cough, and a stream of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth. She opened her eyes slightly, and was obviously stunned when she saw Zhou Zhen, and then quickly said: 'The Twelve Sages will ', The Eleventh Sage, Carl Ax.

Tell the superiors this news.

Someone will be sent to deal with Carl Akers.

Also, I...cough cough cough...I can't hold it anymore, kill me immediately!

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and said hurriedly: No!

You can still be saved!

I already know how to save you!

Just give you part of my 'number'!

I'll give you a blood transfusion now!

As he spoke, he took off his bloody T-shirt. Now there was blood everywhere on him, but it was not his own blood.

At this moment, he looked like a bloody man, even his hair was stuck in strands with blood stains, exuding a strong fishy sweet taste.

After taking off the originally military green T-shirt, there were still a lot of blood stains on the naked upper body. Fortunately, there was a fabric barrier, and part of the skin was still clean, with only a slight condensation of blood stains.

Zhou Zhen quickly opened the special medical bag on Tao Nange's waist, which contained first-aid supplies in an inlaid manner.

In the most conspicuous position, there is a disposable syringe that has absorbed the medicinal solution.

The liquid inside the syringe is very familiar, it is an anti-[protective mechanism] medicine!

Tao Nange specially left it for him in order to prevent him from triggering the [protection mechanism] suddenly!

Zhou Zhen picked up the syringe, pressed the push rod directly, and sprayed the medicine inside into the air.

Time is tight, and there is no time to test his blood, prepare those regular blood transfusion tools, or even sterilize this needle!

He directly took the empty syringe and pricked a relatively clean blood vessel on his shoulder.

As the push rod was pulled up, the empty syringe immediately began to fill with dark red blood.

Soon, the entire syringe was filled with the drawn blood.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen pulled down the zipper on Tao Nange's chest and wanted to inject the tube of blood directly into him.

However, as soon as he pulled down the zipper of the ghost suit a few centimeters, he discovered that Tao Nange's entire body was covered with squirming figures, with no trace of flesh and blood visible.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed. This tube of blood was his digits. If injected into Tao Nange's body, it would help Tao Nange resist the infection of digital rain. But if these numbers were injected into ...which in turn will help these numbers spread faster!

As for Tao Nange's current body, only his head and the upper half of his neck are not infected!

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath. He didn't know whether his blood type was compatible with Tao Nange's. Moreover, even if they had the same blood type, direct injection of blood would be very dangerous!

However, Tao Nange is a digital compatibility and should be able to resist ordinary physical problems.

The most important thing now is the digital infection on your body!

With his mind racing, Zhou Zhen directly inserted a needle into Tao Nange's neck, slowly pushed the push rod, and injected all his blood into it.

While giving Tao Nange a blood transfusion, he said in a deep voice: Sister Nan, hold on!

As long as I have my 'number', the infection will be ineffective!

hold onto!

You must hold on!


Tongfu City, suburb.

Abandoned factory buildings stood in the desolate wilderness with sparse vegetation. Looking at the night, the surrounding areas were filled with endless silence.

Xie Qiongning wore a white jumpsuit and walked on the rugged wilderness.

She didn't have a digital domain like Zhou Zhen's that could teleport, so she was a little slow on her way.

At this time, she was still staring at the screen of her mobile phone while walking towards Zhou Zhen's location.

On the screen, the interface of the shopping APP was open, but what was displayed on the interface was another set of bunny boy costumes.

This bunny boy costume is labeled as a hot style. It consists of a bunny ear headband with black outside and white inside, a black bow tie collar with a white collar, black cuffs and a black thong with a bunny tail. There is also a metal chain attached to the bow.

Next to the main picture, it is marked in eye-catching large characters that with purchase, you will receive eighteen-style cheats, as well as props such as carrots and feather sticks, and Chinese cabbage-shaped whips.

The one she just chose was rejected by Zhou Zhen.

The reason is that the black lace vest blocks the entire waist and abdomen, and cannot reflect the opponent's abdominal muscles...

Xie Qiongning felt that Zhou Zhen's reason was very reasonable!

Therefore, she is now re-selecting, and all the clothes that affect her abdominal muscles have been marked not interested by her.

This bunny boy suit made of extremely environmentally friendly materials was temporarily added to her shopping cart. Next, she clicked on the Find similar option. Soon, the system recommended to her another valet suit with the same level of exposure. Detective uniforms, hollow vigilante uniforms, sexy doctor uniforms, mesh superman uniforms, special forces uniforms with nunchucks, lace air force uniforms...

Xie Qiongning's eyes were sharp, and among the many imaginative pictures, he accurately selected a set of bunny men...

Soon, she walked not far from Zhou Zhen.

At this time, she finally chose a suitable suit, the Pearlescent Pink Bunny Boy, in the same color as her favorite car, the customized Baoao S9000L, and it also came with a pink whip and shackles.

Not only does this bunny boy suit completely match her aesthetics, but it is also very suitable for her to wear on Baoao S9000L...

Thinking of this, Xie Qiongning immediately looked up at Zhou Zhen.

She saw the top of the only remaining mud pillar in the center of the pit in front of her. Zhou Zhen squatted on it alone, with his back to her, holding the air with one hand, and kept repeating: Sister Nan, hold on!


……hold onto!

...You must hold on!

Xie Qiongning suddenly looked a little strange. She walked along the edge of the pit in front of Zhou Zhen, and then she saw that Zhou Zhen was holding the air in his left hand and holding a disposable syringe in his right hand. The syringe had just been drawn out. blood.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen stared anxiously at the air held in his left hand. At the same time, the needle in his right hand had been inserted into the palm of his left hand and was injecting blood into his left hand.

Sister Nan! It's working!

Your body is starting to recover!

This method really works!

Sister Nan, please wait a moment. Your body has not fully recovered yet. I will give you another tube of blood!

Xie Qiongning saw Zhou Zhen talking in surprise as he pulled out the empty syringe in his left hand, then stuck it on his left shoulder and started to draw his own blood.

Soon, he finished drawing a full tube of his own blood, then pricked the palm of his left hand and began to transfuse blood into his left palm.

Don't worry, Sister Nan! According to this progress, with three more blood transfusions, you can fully recover!

Don't worry! I'll be fine!

I said, I will definitely cure you...

Zhou Zhen kept talking to himself as he finished the second tube of blood transfusion and then added the third tube.

Xie Qiongning's brows furrowed as he watched. In this case, is the other party mentally impaired?

Or is there something wrong with her own mind?

For a while, Xie Qiongning stood on the edge of the pit and watched, without going over to disturb Zhou Zhen.


Tongfu City, suburbs.

In the distance are the ruins of a huge city, crawling like a giant beast.

In the slightly undulating wilderness, stands an abandoned town. There are no high-rise buildings in the town. Most of the buildings have collapsed. Only the houses with five floors or less still retain their rough outlines.

At this moment, where the central garden of the town should have been, the dead vegetation, as well as the carefully designed flower beds, were all violently bulldozed to create a flat piece of land.

A dozen modified cars were parked nearby, forming a rough oval, surrounding a camp.

In the camp, several tents have been set up, and the self-heating lunch boxes thrown on the stone slabs next to them are also emitting steam.

A group of well-armed men and women were picking up some odds and ends while chatting: ...Lao Yi? Did he really sell it? Damn it! Why don't I have that good luck?

Mom, I've been busy all day, just picking up some rags...Boss, how about we go a little further tomorrow?

Don't seek death! Lao Yi is already finished. His entire army was wiped out. There is not a single person left in the entire convoy. Don't you know?

That's right, life can still go on anyway, so we'd better live a little better... Hey, is the food ready?

It should be ready. Who picked this rattan pepper chicken? It smells pretty good...

While several people were talking, a tattered figure suddenly fell straight from the sky and landed heavily in the center of the camp!

Most of this figure is mechanical, and the remaining half of its flesh-and-blood face has been completely covered by sky-blue scales. It looks like some kind of lizard in the jungle. The mechanical eyes are emitting a red light.

Everyone in the convoy suddenly changed their expressions: Infected!


Before he finished speaking, the heavy machine gun on Karl Ax's shoulder opened fire instantly.

At the same time, the barrel of the gun was pulled out from his ribs, the muzzle of the gun on his chest was also opened, and dense ammunition poured into the entire camp like a violent storm.

Ta-ta-ta... In just a few seconds, the entire convoy was slaughtered!

Even their supplies and the vehicles next to them were riddled with bullets and devastated.

Karl Ax's miserable mechanical body and the only half of his flesh-and-blood face were spattered with thick blood and flesh foam, slowly sliding down his body.

In the rich smell of fresh blood, the red light in the mechanical eyes slowly extinguished.

The electronic sounds coming from his head gradually became clear and organized, no longer a variety of gibberish.

On that half of the flesh-and-blood face, the scales began to fade away, revealing the original old face.

Bah, bah, bah... After a subtle electronic noise, a cold electronic sound came from Carl Ax's head: Energy absorption limit, successfully closed...

He looked down at the bloody corpses on the ground, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

Step, step, step...

In the darkness, a tall and thin figure strode over.

The visitor was completely shrouded in a black hooded windbreaker, with the brim of the hat pressed very low. It was dark inside, and no face or eyes could be seen. It was like a void of darkness. The windbreaker is tailored to fit, outlining the outline of wide shoulders and narrow waist, and hangs down to the ground. A pair of black boots are exposed at the hem. Even on the soft soil, every step is still sonorous and powerful.

Karl Ax, hand over the experimental subject data you just stole!

As he spoke, the figure in black walked out of the night and stopped in front of Carl Ax. As the night wind blew, the scale pendant hanging on the visitor's chest swayed slightly, and the dark gold reflected the shimmering light bit by bit.

Carl Ax looked at the scale pendant and immediately recognized the identity of the person: Judgment at Dusk, the messenger in black!

Experimental subject? Carl Ax shook his head and was about to deny it when he suddenly thought of something and soon made a cold electronic sound, The data on your experimental subject is very interesting!

I came to Tongfu City this time just for your experimental body.

I have uploaded the data to the Sage Association, you are late!

Remember to vote after reading this!

PS: The Black Messenger of the operation team Men in Black has been online.

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