Ash Civilization

Chapter 145 Going crazy. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

In the yard of an abandoned factory.

The black off-road vehicle parked quietly on the bumpy concrete ground.

In the driver's seat, Zhou Zhen's eyes were closed and he was sleeping.

The passenger seat was completely folded down, and Tao Nange was lying flat on it, also asleep.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly and sat up instantly.

Tao Nange quickly looked around and found no danger. Then he looked at Zhou Zhen beside him and found that he was sleeping.

After confirming that there was no emergency at the moment, she immediately looked at her arm. The originally short wound on the back of her hand expanded further, covering most of the back of her hand. There were more numbers inside, and the wriggling speed was more urgent. The ghost The entire forearm wrapped in the battle suit was numb and had no feeling.

Tao Nange threw the telescope in her arms into the back seat and quickly pressed a few buttons. The mecha attachments that were tightly restraining her shoulders, arms, and chest immediately made a crisp sound and opened one after another, revealing the interior. Pure black one-piece combat uniform.

Then, she pulled down a hidden zipper on her chest, exposing one shoulder, and completely pulled her injured arm out of her top.

Tao Nange immediately saw that what was originally just a scratch on the back of his hand had now covered the entire forearm!

Her expression changed, she just dreamed of that amusement park!

In the dream, she wore the same clothes as when she first entered the amusement park, without changing into the ghost suit, and went to queue under the starry sky Ferris wheel again.

The team moved quickly, and when it was about to be her turn, a man wearing the same clothes as Zhou Zhen, but whose exposed body was covered with dense numbers, suddenly grabbed her hand, and then everyone in the entire amusement park Tourists, staff, posters, sculptures...all are staring at her!

She immediately began to struggle. Although she could not use the Digital Domain in her dream, she was compatible with the Fourth Step and had great strength. In the end, she successfully got rid of the other party and woke up from her sleep!

However, although Meng has woken up now, her condition is also very bad...

The infection on her arm was not so serious!

But in this situation...she may not be able to hold on for much longer.

If this continues, her ending may be the same as Nie Lang's!


Amusement Park, West End.

The starry sky Ferris wheel rotates slowly amidst the melodious music. On the blue crystal-like car, various nebula patterns change with the position of the car, reflecting thousands of lights, making it magnificent.

Below the project, there is a bustling queue of people.

Zhou Zhen stood at the gate of the fence and frowned as he watched Tao Nange suddenly disappear. At the same time, all the other tourists, staff, poster stars, sculptures, video characters... all looked away.

The entire amusement park returned to normal in an instant.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt very confused, what happened just now?

Just as I was thinking about it, a familiar bell suddenly rang.

Jingle Bell……

As if it was some kind of signal, everything around him suddenly collapsed, like quicksand sweeping away. The dense numbers, formulas, theorems... rotated and reorganized, returning to the situation inside the off-road vehicle.

Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up, stood up quickly, and looked around.

Ding, ring, ring... The alarm clock on the phone continues to ring, the screen lights up, and the vibrating buzz echoes quietly in the narrow car.

Outside the window, everything was as usual. Inside the car, on the passenger seat, Tao Nange had woken up. Half of her shirt had been taken off, and her injured arm was completely exposed.

Looking at this scene of a happy couple, Zhou Zhen was suddenly startled and subconsciously wanted to look away.

But soon, he noticed that Tao Nange's arm and entire forearm were covered with crawling numbers.

This is exactly the same as what he saw in the spiritual world just now!

At this time, seeing Zhou Zhen staring at her, Tao Nange's expression did not change at all. She did not put on the ghost suit immediately, but used her non-infected hand to cover her chest, and then adjusted her sitting posture. This allowed Zhou Zhen to observe the infected arm more clearly.

Tao Nange asked calmly: Can it be cured?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, his face suddenly became extremely solemn. He turned off the alarm clock first, then reached out and grabbed Tao Nange's infected arm and looked at it carefully.

This arm is now full of numbers squirming one after another, and there is no trace of flesh and blood at all.

Zhou Zhen tried to rub his hands on these creepy numbers. The numbers suddenly became more active and spread significantly faster.

Cough cough cough cough...

Tao Nange suddenly broke out into a violent cough.

Zhou Zhen was startled and stopped immediately. Digital Rain could directly wipe away these infections, but he did it the other way around!

Seeing that Zhou Zhen didn't seem to know how to clear the infection, Tao Nange took a few deep breaths to steady his breath and said quickly: My current state can probably last about 15 hours.

If my infection is not cleared after 15 hours, shoot me with [isolation bullets]!

Don't save bullets, make sure I get shot all over my body!

After making sure that the virus cannot spread, burn all my corpses!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned immediately. Tao Nange was infected by the digital rain from Fudi Amusement Park, and he had already received that drop of digital rain!

Theoretically, he can definitely clear the infection from Tao Nange!

However, he didn't see the digital rain in the spiritual world just now, and he couldn't find a way to clear Tao Nange's infection for a while!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and said seriously: Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to clear the infection.

As he said that, he picked up his phone and set a 14-hour alarm clock, and then said, You stay awake for a while, I want to enter the spiritual world and find a way.

Tao Nange nodded and said no more.

Zhou Zhen immediately lay down to sleep again.


In the familiar classroom, the lights are brightly lit, and chalk dust floats slowly in the air.

The students have all returned to their seats.

The teacher's lecture sound came from the podium. The sound of the lecture was long and short, high and low, echoing throughout the classroom, as if it was a special sound wave.

The surrounding students were listening carefully, and the whole class was filled with the rustling sound of pen tip grazing paper.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and glanced at Zhang Yonghao next to him. Zhang Yonghao was engrossed in taking notes. He raised his hand to push up his thick glasses from time to time, looking very focused.

Zhou Zhen turned to look at the podium again. Suddenly, his expression froze.

The figure who was giving an impassioned lecture on the podium was no longer the middle-aged male-looking math teacher before, but a girl with a slim figure and a very beautiful face, wearing a white men's T-shirt and black long-sleeved clothes tied around her waist. The shirt looks exactly like Tao Nange's.

However, the back of the opponent's hand was white and smooth without any wounds.

It’s the “digital rain” in the amusement park!

The other party didn't stay in the amusement park and came to the classroom for class? !

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt certain. He was afraid that he could not find the digital rain now, but since the digital rain had already appeared in the classroom, it would be easy to handle!

So, Zhou Zhen sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the get out of class to end.

Time passed little by little, and Digital Rain focused on narrating the course. He held a piece of chalk between his fingers and continued to draw complex patterns and auxiliary lines on the blackboard to help students understand. However, the voice the other party made was not Blue Star. Zhou Zhen couldn't understand any language.

He took out his notebook, followed the various symbols written by Digital Rain on the blackboard, and copied them down.

After a long time, Digital Rain finally announced the end of get out of class.

Immediately afterwards, the other party stepped off the podium and walked outside the classroom.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and said loudly: Teacher, wait a minute!

Digital Rain turned his head and looked at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen quickly left his seat and walked towards the Digital Rain.

Soon, he walked to the Digital Rain in three steps and then...

boom! ! !

Zhou Zhen closed the open front door. He looked at the digital rain in front of him and said, Teacher, the front door is broken and I can't walk out.

I'll take the teacher out the back door.

With that said, he took Digital Rain's hand and walked directly towards the back door.

Digital Rain didn't resist, letting Zhou Zhen pull him towards the back door.

The two quickly arrived at the back door. Zhou Zhen grabbed the door handle and pressed it, opening the back door. Just as he was about to pull Digital Rain out with him, Digital Rain suddenly spoke and said lightly: You will go crazy.

Zhou Zhen's movements suddenly stopped and he looked at Digital Rain in confusion.

Digital Rain didn't have any explanation and looked at Zhou Zhen calmly.

The two sides looked at each other for a moment, Zhou Zhen frowned, glanced at the dark and confused door, and immediately said: I want you to help me save someone!

Digital Rain did not agree or refuse, but just repeated: You will go crazy!

Or going crazy?

Digital rain can't leave the classroom through the back door?

Quickly analyzing in his mind, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and quickly asked: Then what should I do?

The name of the person I want to save is 'Tao Nange'.

She has been to Fudi Amusement Park. You must know what happened to her!

I want to get her back to her old self.

This time, Digital Rain did not repeat what he just said, but simply said: Give her your 'digits'.

As she said that, she appeared at the front door in an instant, reached out and pressed the door handle, opened the front door, and walked out of the classroom.

Give numbers to Tao Nange?

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and then he quickly understood what was happening. When he saw Digital Rain walking out of the classroom, he immediately chased after him toward the front door.

When passing by Chu Jingyan, Zhou Zhen said quickly: Chu Jingyan, lend me your homework!

With that said, he picked up the homework Chu Jingyan put on the table and ran out of the classroom.



I still have a question that I don't know, and I want to ask for advice!

While shouting, Zhou Zhen had already chased him out of the classroom. In the familiar corridor, the dust was billowing in fear due to his sudden movement in the dimness. There was not a single figure in the empty space.

Zhou Zhen was holding Chu Jingyan's homework book, but as soon as he stepped out of the classroom, the homework book disappeared.

What is in the classroom cannot be taken out of the classroom!


Tongfu City, suburb.

In the yard of an abandoned factory.

The black off-road vehicle had turned off, and Zhou Zhen was lying on his back on the driver's seat, his eyes closed, and he was sleeping.

Tao Nange was sitting in the passenger seat. Her infected arm could no longer move at all. The other intact arm took out a small silver-white pistol. After a burst of light flashed and the numbers were reorganized, the small pistol transformed. Make an alloy short knife about 25cm long.

She used the knife to cut off a sleeve of the ghost suit, and then put the shirt back on.

At this moment, the two sleeves of the ghost suit were long and short, and the short one just left the infected arm exposed.

Just after finishing these things, Zhou Zhen's mobile phone placed under the windshield suddenly lit up the screen, emitting a soft light in the night.

Tao Nange immediately picked up Zhou Zhen's mobile phone. The screen was lit up and filled with dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Looking at this scene, she was about to put down her phone again. Suddenly, the black and white horizontal and vertical lines on the screen dispersed like an ebbing tide. In the blink of an eye, the display screen was clear to her eyes. It was showing an unknown caller and the IP address. The place is Binhai City.

There was no joy on Tao Nange's face, and she could clearly see Zhou Zhen's mobile phone screen, which meant that the infection she was suffering from was becoming more and more serious!

Even, to the point of being close to Zhou Zhen!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange put down his phone and did not answer the call.

Zhou Zhen's cell phone had just been set to silent mode. The call lasted for a while and then automatically hung up.

But then, the number called again.

Tao Nange ignored it. Not long after, the call automatically hung up again.

Next, the other party kept calling, and the screen lit up again and again, and then went out again during the automatic hang-up.

The calls from the other party seemed endless, and until the seventh time, Tao Nange finally picked up Zhou Zhen's cell phone again.

She didn't know who was calling, but to be able to call so many times without anyone answering, there must be something very important!

So, Tao Nange glanced at Zhou Zhen, who was still sleeping soundly. In order not to disturb him, she gently opened the car door and walked to a position about 10 meters away from the off-road vehicle before answering the call.

As soon as the call was connected, a irritable voice came over: Zhou Zhen! I **** you!

I am Zhang Gang from the 'Haoyiqi' platform!

After two months of interest on the money you borrowed, including the principal and interest, you will have to pay back a total of 25,491 yuan!

Not even one point less!

You have to get it together within today!


Tao Nange didn't reply a word, hung up the phone, and then dialed a number...

Hey! I'm Ghost No. 024.

“There is an online loan company called ‘Haoyiqi’ in Binhai City, which is suspected of threatening official officials.”

I hope it will be dealt with as soon as possible!

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