Ash Civilization

Chapter 124 Carousel. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The carousel in the Foday Amusement Park is single-story, but it is very large and can accommodate nearly a hundred people at a time. It is decorated with various colored lights both inside and outside, making the exquisite workmanship beautiful.

The entire carousel is based on pink, and there are two types of seats, one is a wooden horse, and the other is a finely carved carriage. Every seat is decorated with gilded details, and there are reins with complicated shapes and various gemstones hanging around the neck.

The interior columns and the ceiling above are full reliefs, with various fairy tale lovers wearing gorgeous dresses, standing in scenes such as a sea of ​​flowers, a palace, a treasure house, and the seaside. Everything is full of sweetness. breath.

In the rose gallery next to it, pink and white petals float from time to time, which looks very dreamy.

Zhou Zhen was pulled into the carousel by Tao Nange. He frowned. From the moment Tao Nange appeared, he felt a very subtle sense of familiarity from him!

He couldn't describe what this feeling was. He could only vaguely know that the other person was very important!

I haven't changed my clothes...

Tickets to the amusement park...

The personalities are also different...

She is not Tao Nange!

Zhou Zhen thought quickly in his mind, but did not dare to break away from Tao Nange's hand.

When he came in just now, Nie Lang had said not to talk to tourists here, not to conflict with tourists, and not to offend the staff here.

He can't tell now what the identity of this fake Tao Nange is?

A tourist? Or staff?

At this time, Tao Nange had already pulled Zhou Zhen to a big red wooden horse. This wooden horse had a gorgeous appearance, a red body, golden mane and tail, and very bright black eyes.

Tao Nange said in a cheerful tone: You sit here!

As she said that, she ran to a wooden horse with a military green body and black mane nearby, and rode on it deftly.

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses. He stretched out his palm and pressed it on the wooden horse. The surface of the wooden horse was painted with a layer of shiny paint. It looked extremely smooth, but the touch seemed to be real fur, and it was even a little warm. Looking at the horse head, I always feel that this wooden sculpture is extremely lifelike, just like a real horse, vigorous and lively, not like a dead thing at all.

Baby, look here!

My dear, raise your hand a little higher, yes, catch the petals...

Nanny, be good, don't move in the car, mommy will take a picture of you!

At this time, other tourists have already chosen their favorite seats, or are riding on wooden horses, or sitting in carriages, and the sound of buckling seat belts can be heard one after another.

A staff member in uniform walked in and said to Zhou Zhen: Young man, the carousel is about to start. Please get on the merry-go-round as soon as possible.

Zhou Zhen frowned. It would be safer if he directly used [Plane Jump] to escape now.

But in that case, it would be meaningless for him to enter the Digital Forest this time.

The purpose of his trip is to find digital rain.

If there is no digital rain, the same is true if we upgrade the digital ladder.

Thinking of Digital Rain, Zhou Zhen suddenly realized something and quickly turned to look at Tao Nange. Tao Nange was already riding on the military green Trojan horse. She stretched out her slender white palms and patted her He patted the wooden horse's butt and said with a brisk smile: Drive!

Zhou Zhen immediately stopped hesitating and immediately mounted the big red horse in front of him.

The staff member who was about to urge him again saw this and walked out without saying anything else.

Not long after, after a burst of intense ringing, cheerful music sounded, the carousel moved slightly and began to slowly start.

Zhou Zhen was riding on the big red horse. Under the wooden saddle, he could clearly feel the contraction and force of the back muscles when the horse ran. Even the flying mane brushed against the back of his hand, as if he was riding a horse. Just like a real horse.

However, he didn't have time to pay attention to such details now, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album.

He found a photo in the photo album taken in the corridor of the girls' dormitory. The photo was filled with gun parts and bullets.

Zhou Zhen immediately used the digital domain [two-dimensional space] and took out a complete set of firearm parts and several magazines from this photo.

Soon, he finished assembling the parts, and a black pistol appeared in his hand.


Zhou Zhen quickly loaded the [Energy Bullet] and was ready. He looked around and was about to use [Energy Observation] and [Energy Synchronization] to balance the side effects of [Two-Dimensional Space] when he suddenly felt dizzy. , and almost fell off the wooden horse!

Zhou Zhen quickly grabbed the armrest of the wooden horse, turned around and looked around, only to see that the surroundings were empty and there was no sign of anyone.

The entire carousel, I don't know when, lost all its brightness, became dilapidated and old, and was covered with a thick layer of dust. The horses and carriages that were so gorgeous just now are now all in tatters, with signs of decay in many places, and many of the pillars holding the wooden horses and carriages in place are also broken.

The cheerful music disappeared, and in the dead silence, there was only the harsh creep of the old machinery. From time to time, a piece of patent leather fell from the top of the head, vaguely retaining the bright color of the past.

Next to the carousel, the railings used to regulate queuing have become rusty, and the long queues of people have long since disappeared. In the rose gallery not far away, only empty cement shelves are left, with plant debris here and there under the pillars. There was no beauty at all, and there was a vague smell of mildew coming from all around.

The noise disappeared, the splendor was gone, and he seemed to be the only one in the entire amusement park!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he was about to get off the wooden horse when he suddenly realized that his body was not under control and could not move at all!


The broken merry-go-round continued to rotate amidst the groaning sound. As it rotated, paint, iron sheets, and sawdust... kept falling. The entire machine was still visibly trembling, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

Unknowingly, Zhou Zhen seemed to hear the cheerful music again, gradually coming to an end.

He woke up suddenly, just in time to see the speed of the merry-go-round getting slower and slower. Just when the last note floated out, the merry-go-round stopped.

Zhou Zhen panted heavily and quickly looked around, only to see a bustling crowd lining up outside the railings. The surrounding wooden horses and carriages were all full of people. The staff were walking inside the wooden horses, preparing to help tourists unbuckle their seat belts. .

Everything was normal, and the scene just now seemed to be just a nightmare.

Attention all passengers, the carousel has ended, please unbuckle your seat belt, please be careful when leaving, and please don't forget your luggage... The gentle electronic sound sounded, and the tourists stood up and left one after another, with laughter and laughter everywhere. .

Zhou Zhen looked at the location of Tao Nange and found that he was nowhere to be seen. He seemed to have been wrapped in the crowd and left here first.

He calmed down and immediately wanted to get off the wooden horse. However, as soon as he exerted force, he found that his body was still unable to move at all, just like when he was trapped by the nightmare!

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately used the digital domain [Plane Jump].

The next moment, he found that he was still frozen in place, motionless, and the familiar grid did not appear. The teleportation failed!

The staff inside and outside, as if they couldn't see him, were patrolling everywhere to check if there was anything left behind by the tourists, and at the same time they opened the fence entering the carousel and let in a group of tourists.

Knowing that something was wrong, Zhou Zhen then used [Geometric Barrier], but there was still no response from his surroundings, and the use of Digital Domain failed again.

By this time, the next group of tourists had already rushed in with brisk steps.

Baby, look here!


Nanny, be good...

Listening to these familiar words, and looking at the tourists spreading around him to choose seats, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a very familiar feeling. He suddenly focused his eyes and looked at the two figures in the crowd.

A very beautiful young girl, wearing a men's white T-shirt and a men's black long-sleeved shirt tied around her waist, pulled a young man wearing a military green cartoon T-shirt and black jeans in with a light step.

These two people were none other than Tao Nange and himself!

Before Zhou Zhen could continue thinking, Tao Nange brought the other person to a richly decorated red horse and said in the same voice as before: Sit here!

After saying that, Tao Nange walked directly towards him.

Zhou Zhen immediately wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all!

Soon, Tao Nange walked up to him, pressed his shoulders directly, and rode on his back!

Tao Nange wants to ride on himself?

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and then he soon discovered that at some point, he was lying on all fours on the floor... He had turned into a Trojan horse!


Amusement Park, West End.

As the main project, the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel is located in a sea of ​​flowers. Rare flowers from all over the world bloom regardless of the season under the influence of technology, forming a huge pattern of twelve constellations.

The Ferris wheel rises from the ground in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, standing in a gorgeous and elegant manner under the blue sky.

The texture of the car of this Ferris wheel is very special. It looks like it is carved from a whole piece of blue crystal. It glows lightly in the sun. Each car is painted with a nebula.

According to the introduction I saw when I entered the North District, these nebulae were all taken from real astronomical telescopes and are magnificent and magnificent.

There are two modes inside the car. One is the normal mode. After boarding the car, you can enjoy the scenery of the entire amusement park and even the entire Tongfu City from high altitude as the car continues to rise; the other is the normal mode. The first is the starry sky mode, which is where it gets its name. After it is turned on, the car will enter an endless starry sky under the influence of technology.

Visitors will have the illusion that they are riding in a flat boat and rafting alone in the sea of ​​stars.

The slogans of the Star Ferris Wheel are hung everywhere on the railings lined up under the Ferris wheel: I will accompany you to the sea of ​​​​stars!

Perhaps for this reason, most of the people queuing up here are couples, and it seems that even the air is filled with pink bubbles.

As a very beautiful girl, Tao Nange looked a little out of place standing in line here alone.

The queue was long and the movement was not fast. Tao Nange looked calm and not impatient at all.

But she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that time passed quickly. Not long after, it was her turn in the long queue.

Honey, I want this!

Honey, how about we take this cabin?

Quick! Go faster! Otherwise the cabin I like will pass by!

Accompanied by chatter, tourists trotted past Tao Nange and entered the slowly rotating car.

Tao Nange got caught in the crowd, came to the Ferris wheel, and entered a car alone with a deep purple nebula.

The car is very spacious, and pure music with a soothing rhythm is played inside. Under the mechanical operation, it rises little by little at a slow speed.

The exterior looks like a sapphire-like car, but when viewed from the inside, the upper and lower sides are colorless and transparent, allowing you to enjoy the scenery from the air without any hindrance.

Tao Nange didn't mean to watch at all. She raised her hand slightly, and a small silver-white pistol immediately appeared in her palm. With a burst of light, countless numbers, formulas, symbols... changing combinations turned into a two-meter-long pistol. Long sniper rifle.

The car passed the queue of people and continued to rise.

According to the introduction I saw when queuing up, due to its huge size, it takes a full hour to complete one full circle of this Ferris wheel.

But he didn't know whether it was because time was getting faster or for some other reason. Tao Nange only felt that in the blink of an eye, he had reached 1/4 of the trajectory.

From here, you can already overlook the entire Foday Amusement Park, and you can even see some things outside the amusement park.

The entire amusement park is centered on a heart-shaped lake. It has a large area and vast waters. The coast is divided into different styles and characteristics according to the area. On one section of the lakeshore, a holographic underwater world movie is being played. The holographic technology is very advanced. , as if the real underwater world has been brought to the shore authentically.

Many children walked through the movie and curiously reached out to interact with various aquatic animals and plants.

A colorful little fish was touched by a little boy, and he immediately flicked his tail in panic and ran away.

The little boy was about to laugh, when suddenly a big fish more than two meters long swam behind him, opened its big mouth at him, and bit hard!


The cry brought a burst of laughter from the adults, followed by the press of the shutter.

In the mid-empty Ferris wheel car, Tao Nange withdrew his gaze, briefly looked at the layout of the entire amusement park, and then looked outside the amusement park.

This was a time period 40 years ago, when the digital rain had not yet come, and the whole world was enjoying the time of technology.

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