Ascend Another Day

Chapter 375: fairy world cave

That cave is really too big, even bigger and deeper than the cave opened by Xiao Tianzun's ancestors. With the fall of fairy light and fairy energy, the energy of the fairy world is transformed into immortal medicine in the cave and absorbed by people!

Even Xiao Tianzun, Yan Zhenjun and others can see the transformation process!

This cave treats the entire fairy world as the other shore, refining the immortal energy and immortal light, which is truly spectacular!

"This is the Immortal Cave!"

The cave of the fairy world subverts people's cognition. The six secrets of the human body are connected to the six other shores. These six other shores have long been fixed, and it is impossible to change them!

What's more, the other shore was opened up. In the void of the universe, six mysterious places were opened up, containing six kinds of power.

If the fairy world is also the other side, could it be that the fairy world was also opened up by people?

"If this kind of thing spreads to all the heavens and worlds, those Qi refiners who practice Nuo method will probably go crazy." Yan Zhenjun murmured.

Xiao Tianzun is more concerned about who is this person?

Who is it that can treat the fairyland as the other side and open up the fairyland?

Yan Zhenjun praised: "Fishing the power of the fairy world, and turning it into a fairy medicine from afar, this person is really bold and outrageous, he is lawless!"

Outside Tushita Palace, Daoist Taiqing looked up at the sky with an excited expression. His focus was not on the fairyland cave opened by Xu Ying, but on Lihentian's heaven and earth avenue, which was gradually returning to its integrity!

Heaven and Earth Avenue is recovering!

The Incompleteness of Heaven and Earth Lihentian is the dojo of Taoist ancestors, and the Tao of Taoist ancestors has evolved into the avenue of heaven and earth here. However, Lihentian has already turned into ruins, the avenue is broken, and there are abnormal areas of immortality everywhere, suppressing this world.

It has been like this for thousands of years and has never changed.

But now, the change is finally here!

"Lihentian Dojo is restored, the Taoist ancestral court reappears in the world, and the Taoist restoration is just around the corner!"

Daoist Taiqing said in a low voice, "If the ancestral court is restored to its integrity, he may be able to sense the Taoist ancestor. Knowing the life and death of the Taoist ancestor is what he cares most about!

In his heart, the restoration of Lihentian Dojo is more significant than Xu Ying's opening up of the Immortal Cave!

At this moment, suddenly there was a strange avenue surging in the sky, accompanied by a huge spiritual consciousness coming from another world, to investigate the changes in Lihentian, and to explore the fairyland cave opened by Xu Ying!

Daoist Taiqing moved slightly in his heart, mobilized the power of the universe, and wiped away the alien Dao from the fairy world, leaving only the grand spiritual consciousness.

"The primordial spirit of the land of enlightenment?"

That consciousness was quite surprised, "Even my mana can be erased! Lihentian Dojo was repaired by you?"

Daoist Taiqing said leisurely: "One moment, that moment. Back then you stole orthodoxy, but now you are just trying to put things right."

The divine consciousness laughed and said: "You are the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, and your thinking is rigid. How can you repair the Lihen Tian Dojo? You couldn't save yourself, and I led 1,300 people to suppress it. There is another person who hates the sky! Thinking about it, it is the person who opened up the fairyland and the cave!"

Taoist Taiqing's complexion changed slightly, and with a flick of his sleeve, he wiped away the consciousness.

He frowned slightly.

He originally planned to keep this spiritual sense to explore the enemy's mysteries, but unexpectedly, the opponent saw many mysteries.

If the other party's consciousness is left behind, the other party may know that Xu Ying is the one who repaired the Lihentian Dojo, and it will cause Xu Ying a lot of trouble, so he immediately destroys that consciousness.

Immortal Realm, Hutian, and Immortal Yuhu frowned slightly as they sent away the fairy boy who had come to summon him.

Mrs. Bai Lan offered him a cup of fragrant tea, snuggled into his arms, and asked, "Why is the real person so frowning?"

Immortal Yuhu sighed: "Just then the fairy boy sent a message, saying that something happened in the Demon Realm. Someone opened the fairyland cave and stole the fairyland mystery. I have to investigate and order me to go down to the realm to deal with this matter."

Mrs. Bai Lan smiled and said: "This is a good thing. Didn't you say that you have some things to deal with in the lower realm, so why don't you just do it together?"

Master Yuhu shook his head and said: "If you can go down to the world at will, it would be really easy. I was also going to find Daoist Brother Cangwu to explain the misunderstanding between us. But it's a lesson from the past. The fairy in the lower world back then Wang, how many of them have a good end? After going down, the credit will be theirs, pay it back!...I can't come back. Me.

After going down, I'm afraid that someone will take credit for it at that time, and I will live a miserable life of poverty. "

... Mrs. Bai Lan blinked her beautiful eyes, and said: "Now the fairy boy has sent a message to give you a price, ordering you to go to the lower realm, and you can't do it if you don't go."

Master Yuhu thought about it, and said: "I just take the order, but I don't get out of the body. I can delay it for a day. I can't help it until I get to the top. Give me a gold medal to avoid death. If you want me to go down, I will go down." After that, I must ensure that I can return to the fairyland!

Mrs. Bai Lan put on a robe for him, and said: "This is a big matter, you should go back first and discuss it with your wife.

The real person in Yuhu said with a smile: "Try it, do you smell on me? I'm worried that the yellow-faced woman at home will smell it."

Mrs. Bai Lan pushed the gun, and scolded with a smile: "You have so many outside rooms, how can she know which smell is mine? Hurry up and go! Also, you are not allowed to bring in a few more small ones this time! "

Master Yuhu kissed her on the lips and said with a smile, "How dare I do it again?"

Speaking of this, the white-haired old man's heart was full of enthusiasm, he got up and went, thinking: "If it is in the lower realm, I will meet a few more beautiful women in pink." , and said to Daozong Patriarch: "The four giants of the underworld were resurrected before, and the little Tianzun made trouble later, and now there is another fairyland cave in the Demon Realm. It's really troublesome!" , and then fled all the way, avoiding the pursuit of the masters of the ancestral court, and fled back to the great world of Taishi.

These days, Xu Ying's immortal sword qi had healed up from his injuries, but the emperor sent a message saying that someone had opened the fairyland cave and stole the creation of the fairyland for cultivation, which is an unforgivable crime, and he was asked to go and handle the matter.

Dao Zongzong advocated Xuan said: "Is the cave in the fairy world related to that Xu Ying?"

Young Master Yuchuan said: "I don't know. My ancestors gave me the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to destroy the Immortal Formation, just to target him. Last time, I planned to use this formation to kill the little Heavenly Lord, but he destroyed it unexpectedly. This time, my ancestors again Speaking of this matter, I must solve him, and I can't delay any longer. But..."

He paused, and said with a smile: "My ancestors heard that I was hurt by Xu Ying, so he taught me the magic trick of the nine heavens and ten earths. kill!"

The emperor's skills are invincible in the lower realms!

Ghost Market, Immortal King Wujue and Immortal King Ninth also received their summons, and they frowned slightly, making their own calculations.

"It must be a big deal for us to be able to pass orders directly from above. What is going on in this fairy world?"

The Immortal King Wujue went to meet the Ninth Immortal King in person, and the Ninth Immortal King said: "I don't know either. Essence\\/Book Pavilion* first update~~ But back then, I saw the Immortal Cave on Kunlun, it was so spectacular... Qi is Qiongyao Yulu. But Kunlun’s fairyland cave has been destroyed, only one remains, and this cave has also been sealed. Someone who can create something out of nothing and open the fairyland cave must be a big deal!”

Immortal King Wujue's eyes flickered, and said: "It's not a solution for us to always hide in Weixu. If we leave Guixu, we will no longer be immortal kings, and we will have life, old age, sickness and death. It is better to return to the fairy world and be free. Then you can go back to the fairyland."

The Ninth Immortal King smiled and said: "Friend Daoist, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Immortal King Wujue said: "Whether the superiors let us return to the fairyland or not, we have to make more preparations. If the superiors do not let us return, can we sneak into the fairyland through this fairyland cave?"

The Ninth Immortal King laughed loudly and said, "I have exactly the same intention!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, with a tacit understanding.

Lihen Tiandou led the officials, Xu Ying cut off his own crimson palace cave, and when he opened up the crimson palace cave again, he saw his own cave pierced through the fairy world, and bursts of fairy light poured down.

Although he was the one who opened up the fairyland cave, he definitely had the same questions and confusions as others.

He knew that he would open up a new Jianggong cave, but he didn't know that the connection between his cave would be the fairy world!

What's more, he urged Xinjiang Palace Dongtian to continuously transform the power of the fairy world into Jianggong's heart power elixir!

Although it is still not as good as the original Jianggong Dongtian, the Xinjiang Palace Dongtian has just been opened, and it is still the first level of the cave, and has not been refined to the ninth level of the cave.

The first layer of Dongtian is so powerful, it is afraid to wait until he reaches the ninth layer of Dongtian.

Even more tyrannical than Nuozu Dongtian!

More importantly, this cave is connected to the fairy world.

Does this mean that maybe you don't need to ascend, and you can go to the fairyland just by passing through the cave?

He is still at the first level of the cave, and needs to continue to practice like a normal Nuo master, to improve the cave layer by layer, so that the cave can take root in the fairy world more deeply.

Only after cultivating to the ninth heaven can one enter the fairy world through the cave.

There is definitely something wrong with this fairyland cave!

Xu Ying thought about it. He observed the location of Yujing and Shenqiao in Kunlun, and also observed the structure of his third pass. Although he has not cultivated to the ascension stage, he is actually no stranger to the ascension stage.

According to the fact that the alchemist crossed the gate of heaven and ascended to Yujing to become an immortal, it can be inferred that if the fairyland is a huge other shore, then the corresponding human body secrets in the fairyland must be the Yujing city after the third day pass!

At that time, he deduced that a Qi refiner could open a fairyland cave.

Now he has opened the fairyland cave, but it is completely different from what he deduced. This cave is not in Yujing City after the third day pass, but actually appears in the fairyland!

But the next moment, Xu Ying realized that although his deduction was wrong, it was not completely wrong.

He could feel his fairy cave, running through Yujing City in the Xiyi Domain!

The fairyland cave he opened up seems to be directly connected to his crimson palace secret treasure and fairyland, but in fact there is a transfer station, that is Yujing City after the third day pass.

The power from the fairy world entered his body after being refined by Yujing City.

"Yaochi also has a fairyland cave, which connects to the fairyland and Kunlun. The Queen Mother of the West said that in its heyday, there were ten caves in Yaochi."

Xu Ying blinked and thought, "Are these ten caves formed naturally, or are they artificial?"

If it is a naturally formed cave, it means that the fairyland and the lower realm are originally connected, and Kunlun alone has ten paths to enter the fairyland.

Not only ascending, but only the heavenly road leading to the fairyland.

If it is artificially made, does it mean that a long time ago, someone has discovered the other side of the fairyland, and even the fairyland was created artificially?

If the second point is the truth, it's horrible. Because, there are Yaochi, Shenqiao, and Yujing City corresponding to the human body on Kunlun Mountain!

It's hard not to make people guess whether the ten caves, Yaochi, Shenqiao, and Yujing on Kunlun Mountain were transformed after death by an existence with profound cultivation?

There are too many unsolved mysteries here.

Xu Ying suppressed the doubts in his heart, practiced like an ordinary Nuo master, activated the ancestral method, opened up the second heaven, the third heaven, and stopped practicing until the fifth heaven.

His cultivation base has reached, and it is a matter of course to promote Jianggong Dongtian to the fifth heaven, but if he wants to improve further, he needs to improve his cultivation base and realm at the same time.

"I came here back then, comprehended the ruins of the Tusita Palace, refined a Tusita Palace, and placed it on the other side of the secret treasure of the Jiang Palace, to benefit the monks all over the world. Perhaps I, in those years, realized that I had comprehended the Lihentian Taiqing Realm , you can sense the other shore." Xu Ying guessed.

It's a pity that at that time, he didn't join the Dao in the place of Dao Qi, nor did he pick up the brand of the Dao ancestor in Lihentian, and he didn't make up the sky in Lihentian. As a result, Xu Ying at that time only refined a Tushita palace.

Although he benefited the world, he failed to discover that the fairyland is also the other side, and he failed to open the cave of the fairyland.

After 48,000 years, he finally did what he never did back then.

Xu Ying walked out of the Hall of Taiqing, only to see Taoist Taiqing already waiting outside.

There was thunder in the sky, Xu Ying looked up, but saw that the clouds in the sky were not dark clouds, but clouds glowing with rosy light, the aura was compelling, and along with the sound of thunder, rain fell from the sky, nourishing everything on the earth.

Unknowingly, Li Hentian has changed drastically. In the past, it was desolate and full of abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao. It was extremely dangerous, but now it exudes vigorous vitality!

Xu Ying took a breath, only to feel that the air was fresh and refreshing.

"Fellow Daoist Xu gained a lot from this visit to Tushita Palace."

Daoist Taiqing said with a smile, "The ancestral court of the Daoist sect has been rejuvenated because of you, and the merits of fellow Daoists are immeasurable."

Xu Ying asked for advice: "Brother Dao asked me to study enlightenment in Tushita Palace, did I expect it already.

to this point? "

Daoist Taiqing shook his head and said, "No. I just thought that Fellow Daoist Xu could gain something here, and he will definitely gain something this time. I just didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Xu gained so much this time."

He also couldn't help admiring the magic of the He wouldn't have said that if he hadn't left Xu Ying here to understand it, if he hadn't given Vajra Zhuo to Niulanqi, if it hadn't been for Niulanqi, the big bell has done many evils and left hatred Such a big change happened innocently, and the Daozu Dojo will not be restored because of it!

Xu Ying's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "However, Brother Dao, you helped me solve a Jianggong cave, but you haven't helped me solve other caves. I still have Niwan, Huangting, Yongquan, Yuchi, and Yujing. Cave!"

Daoist Taiqing complained endlessly, and said: "Fellow Daoist Xu, how can I understand these things? Wait a minute, in your first life you comprehended Tushita Palace in Lihentian, refined a Tushita Palace and put it on the other side of Jianggong Palace.

So, on the other side, what fairy palaces and palaces have you put up? "Xu Ying blinked and said, "There are also Huangting Mansion, Yuxu Palace, Chaos Niwan Palace, Minghai Twelve-story Building, and Xuandu Yujing Palace. "

Daoist Taiqing snorted: "Fellow Daoist Xu, please be wise."

Thanks to Mr. Cai's little secretary for his love for Zeri Feisheng, thank you boss!

The second chapter may need to be updated during the underworld, and it is estimated that it will not be completed before zero o'clock~.

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