Ascend Another Day

Chapter 313: Ascension

King Xuanhao returned to the world of heaven, immediately investigated the identity of the person who crossed the catastrophe, and soon found out the master of Niwan Palace. There is no one in the ancestors, so don't blame me for being ruthless~" He made a decisive decision and sacrificed the artifacts of the Heavenly Dao that guarded the world of Heavenly Dao, arousing the power of the artifacts of the Heavenly Dao and strengthening the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. With this momentum, it is only a matter of time before the owner of Niwan Palace survives the catastrophe. "In the world of Yuanshou, after more than 40,000 years of involution, the accumulated power can finally overcome the catastrophe." Xu Ying looked up, and suddenly thought of a key question, if the master of Niwan Palace survives the catastrophe, will the power of the catastrophe still exist? Continue to ascend upwards. "It stands to reason that the master of Niwan Palace should be stronger than the great devil who crossed the catastrophe, so the power of the catastrophe should be calculated according to the master of Niwan Palace at this time. Doesn't this mean that if you want to ascend in the future, You have to surpass the master of the Niwan Palace." Xu Ying proved that in a world, 48,000 years of internal friction, countless Nuo immortals died, and countless anglers and leeks were cultivated, and finally the master of the Niwan Palace was fulfilled. People in later generations want to ascend, where can they find such a foundation. "Doesn't this mean that the road of crossing the catastrophe and ascending is even more blocked?" The catastrophe gradually came to an end. At this moment, the power of the catastrophe suddenly increased. Xu Ying was surprised. Looking up, he saw During the catastrophe, a huge artifact phantom appeared vaguely. "This is..." Xu Ying suddenly thought of the scene he saw in Wuwang Mountain's Ascension Land, it was the situation where the master of the master of Niwan Palace, the female demon fairy, crossed the catastrophe. At that time, the female demon fairy also survived the catastrophe, absorbing the power of the catastrophe and the power of the rising sun to transform the body and soul, and prepare for the sky to ascend. But she failed to ascend, and she was pinned to the ground by the Heavenly Artifact that fell from the sky, and the scene of being tortured for the sins she committed in the past is very similar to the scene where the master of Niwan Palace is going through the robbery. "Could it be that the Heavenly Dao World also thinks that the master of Niwan Palace has done a lot of evil?" Xu Ying thought. The Heavenly Artifact back then might be able to uphold justice, but now the Heavenly Artifact upholds justice, Xu Ying always has some doubts. As soon as he thought of this, suddenly a giant was surrounded by lightning, facing the thunder, rushed into Jieyun, and fought in Jieyun, fighting with the phantom of the divine weapon of heaven. The giant's moves were wide open and closed, and his magic channeling skills were also extremely exquisite, and there were many immortal supernatural powers that Xu Ying also marveled at. Behind him, six halos of light were thick and bright, illuminating Jieyun to become transparent. Especially the Yuchi Cave Sky among them is extremely bright, overwhelming the other five caves. When the Yuchi Cave Sky turns, the elixir caught from the other side turns into violent vitality, making his magic power reach a level that others can hardly match. Xu Ying has only seen this mighty magical power in the ancient gods such as Dongyue and Cangwu for more than 40,000 years. The vitality and medicine accumulated by countless Nuo immortals have been completely refined by this Nuo ancestor's cave and turned into pure Mana, one can imagine how terrifying the master of Niwan Palace's mana is at this time. Although his other five caves could not completely refine the elixir, these caves were fused together from the caves he harvested from the fisherman leeks. Even if he could only refine part of the immortal medicine, the refining efficiency would be far better than his physical body, vitality, consciousness, yin and yang, primordial spirit, and mental strength before, reaching a height that even ordinary immortals could not achieve. At this time, one after another, divine artifacts of heaven appeared in Jieyun, and above Jieyun, in another time and space, there was a huge figure standing vaguely. The figure was high above the sky, with the cloak fluttering behind him, giving people a strong sense of oppression. A piece of strange and clumsy artifacts of heaven flew out from behind him, and attacked the master of Niwan Palace in Jieyun. , the one who brought calamity to the master of Niwan Palace was God King Xuanhao. Back then in the Primordial World, they met this God King, who was extremely powerful, suppressing the two masters Xu Ying and Chong Xiao, like searching for something. Can

Unfortunately, when he met Emperor Cangwu, he was almost broken by Emperor Cangwu, and was seriously injured by Xu Ying with the five-color fairy king banner. "God King Xuanhao returned to the world of heaven. Has his injury healed yet?" Xu Ying was a little concerned. After all, he was wounded by himself. If it is cured, he will probably seek revenge on himself, so he needs to take care of it. Suddenly, the owner of Niwan Palace rushed towards a heavenly sword, ignoring the sharpness of the heavenly sword, and punched Jieyun with a "boom" and was blasted through by him. The prestige collapsed and bounced high. The body of the master of Niwan Palace flickered, showing three heads and eight arms, bowing left and right, facing all the artifacts of heaven, the sky was suddenly in chaos, and Jieyun was beaten to pieces. The sky bell made a cracking sound, and was shaken unsteadily by him, the sky spear was bent, and the sky sword had large and small gaps. The master of Niwan Palace broke through the sky net, and while fighting against many heavenly artifacts, he rushed towards the high heavenly world. More and more heavenly artifacts flew in, but he became more and more courageous as he fought, and defeated dozens of heavenly artifacts. close. Finally, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation was exhausted, Dao Feisheng Xiaguang descended from the sky, and the light shone on the master of Niwan Palace. This giant leaped into the sky, jumped into the glow, sacrificed the celestial talisman, and flew up to the world of heaven under the guidance of the glow. More Heavenly Dao artifacts swarmed out from the Heavenly Dao world, the Heavenly Dao made the Heaven and Earth Dao confused, and the Tianwei even more disturbed people's minds and disturbed people's minds. One after another, the Heavenly Dao artifacts attacked one after another with a destructive throbbing. The master of Niwan Palace held up the chains that wrapped around his body. The chains clanked and became thicker and thicker. The textures of various fairy runes appeared on the black surface. As the chains became thicker, the texture of these immortals became clearer and clearer, and the chains of Taoism that gradually turned into immortals swung away, forcing all the artifacts of the heavens to retreat one after another. The sky of the "rebel" Yuanshou world suddenly exploded, and the upper body of an incomparably huge **** king protruded from the world of heaven to Yuanshou world. That is the God King Xuanxi, the cloak behind him is limited, it is the cloak of heaven, it is like a canopy, covering the sky and blocking the sky of Yuanshou world. This was wildly expanded and grown by Fenghen, and it was as if it wanted to include the entire world of Yuanshou in the cloak. Chu Xiangxiang was surprised, looked up at the cloak of King Xuanhao, then at the cloak Xu Ying gave him, blinked, and thought: "Except for the inconsistency of the runes of the Dao of Heaven, everything else is exactly the same~" She Unbeknownst to him, Xu Ying just saw the cloak of God King Xuanhao, stole it from his master, and learned the method of gathering the power of Heavenly Tribulation to practice the cloak of Heavenly Dao. King Xuanhao seemed to grow out of a half-stiff body from the sky, with arms poking out from under his armpits, grabbing pieces of heavenly artifacts. These heavenly artifacts were held in his hands, and their power was even stronger than before. The power of each heavenly artifact skyrocketed, streaks of light streaked across the air, and struck towards the owner of Niwan Palace. "You ascended in vain attempt to steal the heavenly secret, you deserve death!" the voice of King Xuanhao was earth-shattering. Although the owner of Niwan Palace is also a giant, he can only be said to be tiny compared to the King Xuanhao. Behind him, the six caves spun crazily, and the realm of the six immortals spread out. It was like a soaring immortal, rushing towards the huge and incomparable God King Xuanhao who was waving every piece of heavenly artifact. "Boom boom boom boom" the rays of light exploded, it was the dao light that came out when Dao Ze collapsed, it was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes. Xu Ying barely saw that the impact of the master of Niwan Palace was resisted by pieces of heavenly artifacts, and his heart sank. Even a wounded **** king is still a **** king, not to mention having mastered so many heavenly artifacts. "He has only one chance of winning, and that is the scars that Emperor Cangwu and I left on the body of God King Xuanhao. Xu Ying's eyes flickered. These days, God King Xuanhao will definitely heal the surface of these wounds, but the inside will definitely remain. Dao injury. A cultural and educational **** who can even write wrong runes of the Dao of Heaven will certainly not be able to break the Dao injury left by Xu Ying and Cangwu, so Xu Ying is sure that the Dao injury is still there, and at most heals the surface. "Master Niwan Palace If the talent is high enough, you will be able to see through these

wound, to destroy. "Xu Ying said silently in his heart. As soon as he thought of this, the wound on the body of the Xuantou God King suddenly exploded, and the blood immediately stained the sky's cloak red, making Tian Dao's cloak blood red. King Xuanhao's face changed drastically, and his huge body was raised backwards, trying to avoid the master of Niwan Palace. He swung the heavenly artifact with each arm, and threw it at the master of Niwan Palace. At the same time, the master of Niwan Palace came to his face, and the six big caves behind him spun, and the terrifying power exploded. "Boom!" He punched out, Before the God King Xuanhao hit him, he hit the face of the God King Xuanhao first. The face of the God King Xuanhao twisted, smashed through the sky, and smashed into the world of heaven. The owner of Niwan Palace flew into the world of heaven like a tiny ant along the crack in the world of heaven. On Jiuyi Mountain, Xu Ying, Qingzhuang, Chu Xiangxiang and others looked up one after another, and saw that the sky was rapidly healing. Beyond the sky, King Xuanhao stood up majestically, and was finally able to release his full combat power. On the opposite side of him is the master of the Niwan Palace who has distorted the void in the six caves. The sky closes. On the other side of the sky, it is impossible for Xu Ying and others to know how the battle is going. The sky was overcast and cloudy, and the thunder was rolling, but there was no rain. Thunder continued to explode in the clouds, as if giants were fighting in the clouds. Li Qi was itchy and murmured, "In the battles in the Dao of Heaven, which one is the winner?" The bell also wished to fly up immediately, saying, "One of them is a **** king who has enjoyed tens of thousands of years of incense and sacrifices, and he controls the Dao of Heaven. Forty thousand years ago, the fisherman of male immortals and celestial medicines cut the caves that have never been seen before or since. This battle will definitely be wonderful~" Bai Qiuzi showed yearning, and said, "If I can watch the battle, my life will not be in vain." Fairy Qingzhi said to Xu Ying, "It's over now. My heart is at peace. I have no more burdens. I can finally pursue my immortality. I have no attachment to Yuanshou. I'm going to fulfill my master's last wish and ascend. The Immortal Immortal, that's all." Don't pass." She waved her hand and floated away. Xu Ying waved to her, but did not hold her back. Yuan Shou, this world can no longer keep Qing Fao, and likewise, it can't keep him either. Xu Ying came to see the fool Ah Fu, and said, "My life started from Jiangjiatian. It is not tolerated by the laws of the mortal world. It is not easy for the underworld and the heavenly court. There is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. Zhou Qiyun found me and asked me to solve it for him. Immortal book, because of Zhou Qiyun’s death, I learned the truth about planting Nuo immortals and harvesting male immortals. I also know my own life experience. After years of hard work, after many ups and downs, I finally solved the fisherman and the leek guy.” Fool Afu's eyes dimmed. Said, "The master of Niwan Palace is ascending, whether he wins or loses, whether he lives or dies, it has nothing to do with the matter of harvesting Nuoxian. You still have your own life experience, so you plan to find your own life experience and find it." My own memory." Xu Ying smiled and said, "When you are stupid, you are much cuter when you are smarter than you." Foolish Ah Fu smiled and said, "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to find a fairy mountain, and there is a witch on the fairy mountain She can tell me to rescue Dongyue and Beiyin, so I will go find this person." Xu Ying said: "You should know this fairy mountain. This fairy mountain is called Penglai." Fool Afu nodded and said, "This It is the fairy mountain you brought into the mortal world from the fairy world. You brought back three fairy mountains from the fairy world, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou." Xu Ying said, "So, do you know where Fenglai is?" The fool Afu shook his head and said: "Fangzhang Xianshan You told me about the whereabouts of the other two fairy mountains. If you don’t tell, I won’t know.” Xu Ying sighed, and he didn’t recall the whereabouts of the Penglai fairy mountains. Fool Afu said, "Isn't there a Penglai Pavilion on the coast of the East China Sea? The Penglai Pavilion has not been destroyed yet. You can go there and inquire about it." Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. Very good, but you can go to ask about it. ******In the world of Heaven and Dao, ancient giant beasts raised their heads one after another, showing expressions of horror, and hurriedly fled in all directions. At this moment, these behemoths only hate that they have lost a few legs, and that they can't run fast enough.

On top of their heads, God King Xuanhao was wounded, his arms were broken, and a big hole was opened between his eyebrows. The huge corpse was tilting and toppling. "Boom"" His corpse fell down, crushing several ancient giant beasts to death. The owner of Niwan Palace's clothes fluttered in the wind, looking up at the sky, a scene from another world came into his eyes. He flew up and flew towards that higher world. "I'm coming to the fairyland~~" The underworld, the place of reincarnation, Xuan Xiao, Xuan Xing, Xuan Chen Shen Shenwang suddenly moved slightly, and Xuan Yu said, "The person who tried to revive reincarnation has finally come!" Xuan Chen said with a smile, " This black hand behind the scenes finally couldn't help showing his feet." In the darkness, the Invincible Jackdaws flew towards them, and suddenly gathered together, turning into a tall figure. At the same time, a light came on in the darkness, and an old man came from another direction with a clear oil lamp in his hand. Xuan Yu, Xuan Xing and Xuan Chen's hearts skipped a beat, and they secretly said something was wrong. At this time, the earth shook, the ground continued to explode, and a deep crack was extending towards them from a distance. And in front of the crack, a tall and wise man came towards them, with countless roots extending to the heavens and worlds behind him. "It's going to die." The three **** kings had a tacit understanding.

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