Ascend Another Day

Chapter 305: in my urn

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In Wuwang Mountain, the owner of Niwan Palace is sitting on Duanshan Mountain, with chains on his body dragging the floor, and there is a jade slip in his hand. At this moment, the jade slip is shining brightly, and the exercises recorded in it are projected into the air. Compared to his body, these projections are extremely small.

There were too many jade slips that Xu Ying distributed, and it was very easy for an existence like the master of Niwan Palace to **** one.

The owner of Niwan Palace stared intently at Zufa, his brain was running at high speed, calculating over and over again, looking for the hidden traps in Zufa.

"There must be a trap, there must be a trap inside!"

He whispered: "The Immortal Immortal is ambitious and wants to reap the people of the world. Waiting for a certain day, when the people of the world mature, he will harvest all the qi refiners who have practiced the ancestral law like Wei Xu. Hehe, that day will definitely It's extremely spectacular, and there are human skins floating around... But, what if it's not a trap?"

He paused, showing a look of fear, and said: "It's not a trap, I need to cut my own cultivation base, cut to the second stage of percussion, and then I can practice this so-called ancestral law!"

"At that time, Xu Ying will come and kill me!"

In Shendu, the excrement truck was parked at the intersection of the busy city, causing the people to cover their noses and flee in all directions.

The dung worker is an old man with an unattractive appearance, and he is looking around with a jade slip at the moment.

"Exquisite, really exquisite. No, definitely not!" The old man murmured, "There must be a trap hidden here. The Immortal Immortal would definitely not be so kind and spread the true ancestral law. He must be waiting to harvest us, because If it were me..."

He had a strange expression, and his eyes sparkled with excitement: "I will do this! But if I don't practice, when people all over the world have practiced this ancestral method, anyone can easily chop off my mud pill Gongdongtian..."

His face became full of fear again, deeply afraid of Xu Ying.

"He is forcing us to practice the ancestral law that hides his trap! He wants to use this kind of conspiracy to harvest me and turn me into human skin!"

On a street corner in Xuzhou, a vegetable farmer was sitting in a corner, with half of his body leaning against the wall, staring at the jade slip in his hand, his eyes full of fear and unwillingness.

"If I practice cultivation, I will make a wedding dress for him with all my cultivation base and immortal medicine! If I don't practice, anyone can cut down my Niwan Palace Cave Heaven. At that time, I will be a weak person and will be harvested by others! You forced me, you forced me..."

He stood up slowly, and pulled out the golden pole under the vegetables.

In Jingzhou City, the woodcutter who carried the firewood stopped, with a cloudy expression on his face, he pulled out his ax from the firewood, and said in a low voice: "You are the one who forced me to find you, to kill you. Isn't that right, old fairy? "

At the ruins of the ancient city of Chaoge, the four great merchant Qi refiners got up together, pressed their respective bamboo hats, and walked out together.

"Since the Immortal Immortal forces us to kill him, then he will be fulfilled!"

At the ruins of Haojing, Qi refiners of the Great Zhou Dynasty were still looking for useful things in the ruins. Grand Master Jiang Qi came with a jade slip and said, "Your Majesty, Fellow Daoist Xu took the big snake Zanqi to challenge the famous sects everywhere. Spread this kind of jade slips that record the ancestral law of Nuo, and now in the world of Yuanshou, there are eight hundred if not one thousand. And according to what I heard, they are still challenging more sects."

There was a creaking sound. Zhou Tianzi was sitting on a wooden wheeled cart and was pushed over. His face was pale, half of his skull on the right side of his forehead was opened, and there was still sparkling light inside.

It was caused by Zhuchan's last blow. At that time, Zhuchan raised the big bell, and the big bell passed through the blockade of the five-color fairy king flag, hit his skull, and smashed his head.

This blow caused great damage to Zhou Tianzi, almost killing him in the catastrophe.

Fortunately, Zhou Tianzi used ancient methods to absorb the power of the catastrophe, transform the body and soul, and let the mortal body evolve into a fairy, and finally embraced his life.

But he was disabled. In the late stage of the Heavenly Tribulation, he was powerless to resist. He could only use the five-color fairy king flag to wrap his head and hold his life, so that the body under the neck was unconscious.

Although he survived the catastrophe, he became a disabled immortal on earth, which cannot but be said to be ironic.

"Xu Ying, fellow daoist? He is not worthy."

Zhou Tianzi said coldly, "He just used me to find the gods and get the runes of the Dao of Heaven. The widow and him use each other. How can fellow Taoists make it?"

Taishi Jiang Qi knew that he was still angry, so he sacrificed the method of the Nuo ancestor and said: "Please look at it, Your Majesty."

Zhou Tianzi's eyes fell on the ancestral law projected in the jade slips, he stabilized his emotions, read carefully, and after a while, he said, "Grand Master, what do you think?"

Jiang Taishi said: "I was traveling outside and heard all kinds of rumors, but they were all saying that Xu Ying, the Immortal Immortal, had become a demon, so he spread the false ancestral law and planned to harvest the whole world. Anyone who cultivates will be harvested by him .”

Zhou Tianzi read the ancestral law over and over again, and said: "What else?"

Jiang Qidao: "I think this move has two benefits. First, the ancestral law is spread all over the world. If there are traps, you can harvest the people of the world to strengthen your own strength. If there are no traps, the people in the world will be strong, and you will have more helpers to fight against the superior." Second, to lure out the fisherman Leek, and even, to lure out the Nuo ancestor!"

Zhou Tianzi asked, "Why?"

Jiang Qidao: "Everyone in the world practices the ancestral law, and they can kill the caves of those who do not practice the ancestral law. Therefore, the fisherman leeks have to practice too. But they are worried that this is a trap and dare not practice. To solve this problem, The best way is the person who solves the problem of controlling Hao."

Emperor Zhou nodded slightly, and said: "Xu Ying created this problem to lure them to show up."

Jiang Qi said: "Xu Ying also has four great Nuo ancestor caves, and these four caves will also attract them.

At the same time, Xu Ying has the ability to reduce the power of Heavenly Tribulation by 70%, which will also become the reason why they must look for Xu Ying. "

Zhou Tianzi looked at the jade slips hanging in the air, and asked: "Then, is the ancestral law in the jade slips?"

Jiang Qi hesitated, and said: "From my point of view, Fellow Daoist Xu is not a self-confessed person, he is really likely to reveal the true ancestral law to the public. Therefore, I think that the ancestral law on the jade slip is the real ancestral law. "

The corners of Zhou Tianzi's eyes trembled, and he suddenly sneered and said: "I don't believe it! There must be a trap in this ancestral law! Xu Ying, a self-willed person, wants to control everything. What he wants is the power to control the world, even if he doesn't use this power , but also to hold the life and death of the people in the world in his hands!"

Jiang Qi bowed his head: "Then, Your Majesty, do you still want to practice the ancestral law?"

Zhou Tianzi snorted coldly and said, "I'm already a fairy in the world, what else do I practice?"

Jiang Qi hesitated and did not continue to ask.

He originally planned to ask Emperor Zhou; whether the soldiers should abolish their cultivation and practice the ancestral law from scratch, but seeing the attitude of Emperor Zhou, he knew that it was impossible for Emperor Zhou to agree.

"That rebel Zhu Chanchan, haven't you found it yet?" Zhou Tianzi asked.

Jiang Qi shook his head and said, "Someone has been sent to track down her whereabouts."

Zhou Tianzi coughed violently, and said again: "You still have to look for the fairy medicine, the fairy mountain, the Kunlun, cough cough cough."

Jiang Qi said: "Your Majesty, rest earlier."

He walked out of the ruins of Haojing, looked up at the sky, and said silently in his heart: "Xu Ying, what are you going to do? Don't you think you can compete with fishermen and leeks? But do you know that these people's Behind it, there is Nuo Zu hiding."

In Xianyang, Zulong stood on the city tower, holding a jade slip in his hand, looked at it repeatedly, and then crushed the jade slip with a snap.

"You need to abolish your cultivation to practice, and I won't do that."

He looked at the great rivers and mountains, and said in a low voice, "I have completed the missing link in Kunlun, and there is no flaw in Taoism and supernatural powers. The whole text is hand-typed, wonderful and good, all in @! I want to cross the catastrophe, not relying on things outside of me like Xu Fu Crossing the catastrophe is not like Zhou Tianzi, using the power of others to cut down 70% of the power of the catastrophe to overcome the catastrophe."

"I am not one of those incompetent people! If I want to overcome the catastrophe, I will rely on my own strength and use upright methods to shake the catastrophe! Defeat the catastrophe!"

On Jiuyi Mountain, at the head of Zhou Qiyun's grave, the fool Afu leaned on the grave and raised the jade slips.

"If there are traps hidden in Niwan Gong Zufa, it can really harvest the world's people in one fell swoop. Countless human skins are floating in the sky above Yuanshou World. It is really spectacular."

Fool Afu was at ease and said with a smile: "But you can't leave a trap. Everyone guesses that you will definitely leave a trap, but I know you won't. It's just that I can't figure it out, why do you want to do this?"

He showed a puzzled expression: "Do you think that you can challenge those fishermen and leek guys? There is also Nuozu, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. How do you deal with them?"

On the golden summit of Mount Emei, the city of Yankong is eagerly awaiting.

He had been waiting for a long time, and finally saw Wu Qi coming in the clouds, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and said to Qiao Zizhong: "Patriarch, Brother Xu is here!"

Qiao Zizhong said with a worried look on his face, "Master, I'm afraid it's not a blessing for me to come here at this time."

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: "It's wrong, it's a great blessing! There have been rumors in Shenzhou that brother Xu has become a good fortune boy and sent the ancestors everywhere, and now he finally sent me here."

Qiao Zizhong said: "The jade slips he sent may not be the ancestral law, even if it is the ancestral law, there may be traps hidden in it. Teacher, know people, know the face, but don't know the heart, you still have to guard against it."

Yan Kongcheng shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't know Xu Ying, but I know him. He will never harm me in this matter!"

He went up to meet him, laughed and said, "Brother Xu, you're finally here! Where's my ancestral law?"

Xu Ying raised his hand and threw out a jade slip.

Yan Kongcheng hurriedly grabbed it in his hand, and was about to speak when Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he flew up from Earth Qi's head, signaling for Yan Qi, Chu Xiangxiang and others to go to Emei first.

Qiao Zizhong sighed, and said: "That's what I said, I'm afraid it's not my blessing in Emei."

Yan Kongcheng was still a little puzzled, but saw a vegetable farmer walking towards this side carrying a load in the air.

"Mr. Xu, your family has a great career, you were born in Kunlun, and you have the strength to grasp the heavenly calamity and become the cloak of heaven."

The vegetable farmer stopped, stood in the air and said with a smile: "Poor old farmer, you also grab a cloak of heaven for the old farmer."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "Do you want to ascend through the tribulation?"

The vegetable farmer's face was filled with a smile, and he said: "Who doesn't want to go through the catastrophe and ascend, and be at ease? Mr. Xu, if I stay in the mortal world, I will kill and cannibalize people, and then I will spread fake Nuo methods to reap the world. You Why don't you show mercy and help me overcome the catastrophe? A little bit of kindness from you can save countless lives."

Xu Ying laughed and said, "Should I pass on the real ancestral law to you?"

The vegetable farmer lowered his eyebrows and smiled, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu knows that people don't speak dark words. Even if you teach me the true ancestral law, do I dare to practice? I need to abolish my current to do so. Cultivate the ancestral law. At that time, I was a fairy medicine, and anyone could come to harvest it."

He chuckled and said, "So, Mr. Xu, it's better for me to survive the catastrophe. Mr. Xu, you don't want people to die in my hands?"

Xu Ying smiled and said, "Of course I don't want to."

He raised his palm, and scratched towards the sky, the thunder in the sky moved, clicked, and the wind and clouds gathered.

"I can cut the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and I can also control Heavenly Tribulation."

Xu Ying said indifferently: "If the old man doesn't mind, I'll help you bring about a catastrophe, add a little bit of power, and give you a ride."

The vegetable farmer's face changed drastically, and when he looked up, he saw that his catastrophe was taking shape!

But at this time, behind Xu Ying, bright Nuozu caves lit up, illuminating the increasingly dark sky!

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