The card level of the magic mirror is very high.

Fan Keke originally planned to stand quietly at Chao Su's feet, but after hearing Chao Su's words, she couldn't bear it any longer.

She stood behind the door and waited patiently. It didn't take long for Fan Keke to see the little paper figure slipping in along the door, and then turned into a pale yellow streamer and landed again The bottom of Fan Keke's skirt became a talisman.

The color of the talisman is gray, and it has become extraordinarily worn, and the traces of cinnabar on it are not visible. Fan Keke glanced at the talisman, and a look of distress flashed in his eyes.

Not long after, she heard panic footsteps coming from outside the door.

The door was slowly pushed open from the outside, and scattered moonlight spilled out from the crack of the door. Mu Xinning covered her head and two other players who had been swallowed by "Beauty Skin" appeared at the gate.

Fan Keke wanted to roll his eyes when he saw them moving towards the hall at a turtle speed. If it weren't for her being too conspicuous by herself, she would have rushed to the long table to play that game.

Thinking like this, she moved her small steps and walked towards the door.

In a hidden corner, Fan Keke released his innate physique, then strode forward and entered the villa.

A person suddenly appeared behind him, which shocked Mu Xinning and the others. Mu Xinning and their nerves were already highly tense, and at this moment, they couldn't help screaming.

"Ah-", this scream reached the hall.

Everyone's expressions became vigilant, they looked at each other, and finally Chen Bingyan couldn't help frowning: "Why are there still people?"

"The voice seems familiar." Chen Bingyan's ears moved, and she looked at Mu Xinning, who was silent. Mu Xinning sat there, her face very close to the mirror, as if she was observing something. As if aware of Chen Bingyan's gaze, she turned her head and looked at Chen Bingyan suspiciously.

" come there are two Mu Xinning?" A footstep came from the darkness, and gradually, they saw Fan Keke walking towards the hall with three players. After approaching, she preempted and asked angrily:

"What's the matter with you people? Huh? Running around in other people's houses in the middle of the night..."

Afterwards, Fan Keke suddenly stopped as if she was frightened.

A long table with sixteen chairs and fifteen mirrors. The LED light of each mirror is directly shining on people's faces, which looks particularly terrifying.

At least, the three players behind Fan Keke took a step back now.

"What's going on?" Fan Keke opened her mouth wide, and three emotions of surprise, fear and doubt flashed in her eyes.

Seeing Fan Keke's performance, Chao Su couldn't help but give her a like in the bottom of her heart. When Fan Keke left, she noticed it, and at the same time guessed what the other party wanted to do. have to

"Are you humans or ghosts?

" After those players saw Fan Keke and the others, their expressions immediately became flustered. They pointed to the two "should become skin" players and said: "I know Seeing that you are already dead, how can you still be alive? "

"No, we don't know either. I thought I was dead, but when I woke up, I found that we were lying in a small room."

"Yes yes, me too."

"Me too." Mu Xinning also nodded.

"No, if you are human, who is the one sitting on the long table?" Everyone turned their attention and landed on "Mu Xinning" next to Chen Bingyan.

, his eyes moved vigilantly between the two Mu Xinnings.

Even the two human players who had just walked with her couldn't help but lengthen the distance from Mu Xinning. Seeing this, Mu Xinning had a look of grievance written on her face.

At this moment, a hand put on her shoulder, she turned her head and saw Fan Keke said seriously, "I believe you."

After finishing speaking, Fan Keke took out a talisman from under his skirt. He walked towards "Mu Xinning".

Under everyone's attention, she held the talisman between her fingers and recited a few words in silence, and then slapped the talisman on "Mu Xinning" .

Under everyone's attention, Mu Xinning's body gradually became flat, as if it was folded into a piece of paper. They blinked, and as for what became, they couldn't see it because the light was too dim.

"How do you know this?" Xie Congcong twisted his body and asked in a low voice. Because of Fan Keke's action, they can be sure that she is human, and the players who came with Mu Xinning should also be human.

Fan Keke sat grandly on the vacant seat next to him, fiddled with the mirror in front of him, and glanced at Xie Congcong a little hesitantly: "I thought you guys rummaged through the cabinets and found some Something came, I didn't expect it, and nothing came out."

"Don't you know that my brother and I have some means to deal with ghosts?" After speaking, Fan Keke held his cheeks and looked at Bo Shuchen with admiration and said: "Right, elder brother."

Bo Shuchen glanced at Fan Keke and nodded calmly.

Fan Keke sat on the seat as he wished.

It's none of her business.

The purpose of her making them appear is just to prevent herself from being so conspicuous, and at the same time to prove her identity as a human being. On this basis, she will add a character to herself in front of many players. Make another seat for yourself.

At the game site, please go to the next conference room to move three chairs and join the game."

Although using

It is honorific, but the tone of the magic mirror is clearly asking them to enforce it. Mu Xinning and the three tremblingly went to the next conference room, moved chairs, and sat on the long table.

The long tables are so long that there would have been some gaps between them. However, due to the sudden increase in staff, the gap between people has decreased. Chaosu even moved his body to touch the hem of Bo Shuchen's clothes.

However, unfortunately, even at such a close distance, Chao Su still couldn't see the identity card.

Next is the big adventure game.

The magic mirror skillfully deals and cuts the cards, and everyone's eyes are focused on the magic mirror's hand. Some people don't want to get cards of the same suit, but some people want to.

For example, Chen Bingyan, and then Fan Keke.

Even Bo Shuchen and Chao Su have some changes.

However, the aura of the male protagonist is powerful after all.

The next big adventure game player is Bo Shuchen. The content of this big adventure is very simple. It is to ask Bo Shuchen to go to the bed in the third room on the second floor and lie down with closed eyes for five minutes. If you stay for ten minutes, you can ask a question and wait for fifteen minutes. , you can ask two questions.

This is terrifying.

Bo Shuchen got up from his seat and walked towards the stairs. When he reached the second floor, his footsteps paused slightly, and then he continued to walk towards the third floor.

I came to my room, opened the door, picked up a jar of sugar from the table, tilted the sugar jar down, and poured the sugar into my pocket, then He walked slowly towards the second floor.

The second room on the second floor, he lay down straight and closed his eyes.

In the first three minutes, the surroundings were quiet, and Bo Shuchen could only hear his own shallow breathing. Bo Shuchen put one hand in his pocket, and kept fiddling with the sugar in his pocket with his fingertips.

The sugar paper and the sugar paper rubbed together, making some noises.

Bo Shuchen waited quietly, counting the beating of her heart and pulse.

After about five minutes, Bo Shuchen heard the door of his room being slowly opened, and a footstep came towards the bed where Bo Shuchen was.

Finally, it stood in front of the bed.

Bo Shuchen heard the other party sigh, which was very long and very clear.

Bo Shuchen closed his eyes and did not move.

The room was quiet again, as if nothing had happened just now. But Bo Shuchen knew that the other party was still standing on the bedside and did not leave.

Seven or eight minutes passed, and the room became a little cold. From the bathroom in this room came the "tick-tock" sound of water, splashing on the floor and making a slight noise.

Immediately afterwards, Bo Shuchen felt that there were some water stains on his hand, no, to be precise, it was not water stains, but blood water.

He smelled a strong **** smell.

If it were an ordinary person, at this time, he would no longer be able to bear it, and would open his eyes and take a look at him. But Bo Shuchen still closed his eyes and meditated in his heart.

"Alas." Another sigh sounded, this time, the sigh was closer than before, at the same time, Bo Shu felt his wet head

Hair across her face.

The other party is in front of him, looking at him.

Bo Shuchen even felt a drop of blood on his face and lips.

"Alas—" The other party sighed again, but this time, Bo Shuchen followed closely behind and sighed.

This sigh stunned the ghost.

Then, it saw a black cover with three golden words printed on it, and patted its head. The three words "Life and Death Book" were directly printed on the ghost's forehead by Bo Shuchen.

Life and death book, look at the past, judge the future.

On the black cover of the "Book of Life and Death", the three characters of golden light are gradually fading, which means that the merits on this are being wasted. At the same time, behind this cover, a layer of extremely pale pages appeared.

This page is changing from nothingness to substance, it exudes a golden light, thus expelling all the terrifying and eerie things around it. The original "tick-tick" sound of water also disappeared at this moment.

[Zhang Caixia's life record (true)]

On the white page, this line of words gradually appeared.

The author has something to say: I feel a cold and a little migraine~ Good night~ Come on tomorrow!

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