“Don’t be nervous this gentleman!!” Amelia held a small red bottle in her hand and smiled at the old reporter and winked.

Immediately, the old reporter stood up straight with a blush, trying to hold his somewhat rapid breath, trying to show his masculinity.

Jiang Bai shouted, “Don’t even blink!” Otherwise, I will regret it!!!! ”

Amelia unscrewed the cap of the bottle and handed it to the old reporter, signaling him to drink it.

While smiling, he said: “Drink it, this is a potion with mysterious power, this is the hope that can bring people rebirth, I believe Sir, you must have physical troubles, it doesn’t matter, drink it and you will be reborn from now on, and all troubles will disappear!” Drink it, drink it! ”

Amelia deliberately changed her voice, soft and charming, plus she was originally a beauty, or a vampire beauty, her figure was mesmerizing with her front and back, and she exuded a close atmosphere.

The old reporter looked at Amelia smiling at himself stunned, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to the bottle, and drank the liquid in the bottle with a grunt.

“Now!!! All optimistic!!! Miracles are happening!!!!! ”

One second, two seconds and three seconds, the audience was silent.

All the photographers pointed their cameras at the old reporter, and all the reporters widened their eyes to see what kind of change could happen to him.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.

Suddenly, someone noticed that the balding man had his head stubble on display.

Others noticed that his old face began to change, becoming more and more beautiful and younger.

Even some fat bodies began to gradually become thinner.

“Changed!!! Really changed!! ”

“OMG!!! Marvel! It’s really a miracle!!! ”

“OMG!!! He’s getting younger!!!! ”

Under the gaze of everyone, this old reporter, the bald position has grown fine hair visibly, the old cheeks have begun to become delicate and firm, and even the belly that has spit out has begun to shrink visibly.

Ten minutes!! Just ten minutes later, in front of all the reporters.

A reporter who originally looked in his sixties, bald and still fat, has now become a handsome little guy with thick hair and a slender body and smooth and delicate cheeks that makes women jealous!!!



The reporters below were stunned one by one, especially the female reporter was more excited in her heart, which woman does not love beauty? What woman doesn’t want to look young forever?

And the male reporter has already stood up excitedly, and many male reporters muttered: “He has long hair!” Hair grows!!! Hair grows!!! ”

Like a mad demon, no one could sit in a position with sanity, and even the cameraman began to tremble.

“Miracle! Marvel!! It’s really a miracle!!!! ”

The old reporter looked at his hand, which had become younger, and took the mirror from Amelia’s hand and looked at his face.

“Miracle!! Marvel!!! My hair!! My hair!!! ”

“How much!! How much is this agent!!!! ”

Jiang Bai smiled: “This gentleman!! You got to the point!!! Folks, you’ve seen the effects of this medicine, how much do you think it should cost? ”

A reporter asked slowly: “Ten…. Lakh? ”

The reporter has tried to raise the price of this medicine as much as possible, after all, there are also some beauty needles and other things, an injection is tens of thousands, this bottle of medicine is so useful, a little more expensive 100,000 to the end, right?

“Hah! Lakh? This journalist gentleman, will really joke, can you spend 100,000 to make a bald head grow hair? Hair transplantation is more than 100,000, can 100,000 make you rejuvenate? Can you rejuvenate your youth and become delicate at the same time and even help you lose weight? ”

“Poverty is not terrible, ignorance is terrible!!”

“Ten million dollars!! One !!!! ”

“Because the ingredients are so rare, we only accept pre-order !!!”

“I tell you, 10 million is the cost!! OSG has always been for the people!!! ”

“Of course, the cost of this potion is too high to serve everyone, so !!! Look at the big screen!!!! ”

After brushing, the pattern of only one small red bottle on the big screen was immediately replaced and a picture of the product was taken.

“Rebirth Series Mask! Rebirth Series Hair Tonic Water!! Rebirth Series Essence!!! Rebirth Series Capsule !!! ”

“All this is for the consideration of the people, Oscar Group does not hesitate to take part of the high-priced raw materials to give back to the society.”

“A Rebirth Series Mask is only a hundred dollars!! Is it expensive? Not expensive at all!!!! As long as you use a hundred tablets in a row, you can find that you are young!! The wrinkles are gone!! The scar has faded!!! ”

“If you apply it with serum, you will find that after three months, your skin is as smooth and elastic as a hard-boiled egg, and you can announce your rebirth in the mirror! From now on, those cumbersome cosmetics can be thrown away!!! ”

“Because, you have the Rebirth Series, and you no longer need those high-priced useless cosmetics!!!

Jiang Bai flickered, and the reporters below began to think about whether what Jiang Bai said was right, whether it was really cheap.

When Jiang Bai saw it, someone began to doubt himself, and this was right, so he quickly continued to fool.

“I know a lot of men and don’t quite understand why a mask is a hundred dollars, I would say think it’s cheap!”

“Come, ask a female reporter to stand up and answer!! Tell these men how much a bottle of your useless cosmetics costs, such as wrinkle-smoothing serums!! Does it really work? ”

“Thirteen hundred dollars a bottle!!!”

“One thousand one hundred dollars a bottle!!”

The female reporter below was already immersed in Jiang Bai’s rhythm and immediately began to echo Jiang Bai.

“Look! That’s why I say why we at Osco have always been for the sake of the people, all men you go and see the ladies around you, which reporter has no makeup and no makeup, which face has no blemishes or even scars. ”

“From today, those cosmetics that deceived you of your money can be thrown away with confidence and boldly, and you can achieve rebirth !!!! with only a mask, just a hundred dollars

“Gentlemen, think about it, how much are you going to buy hair growth potion? How much does a hair transplant cost? ”

“Rebirth series hair growth potion, nine nine eight!! Just nine nine eight you can take home!! The effect was immediate, and from then on, you can look up and be a person!!! ”

“And annoying fat!! No exercise required! No dieting required! It just needs to…”

Jiang Bai paused suddenly.

The reporters below, especially the male reporters, listened to Jiang Bai’s speech and calculated for themselves, yes, this thing is much cheaper than buying medicine, and it has just proved the effect in front of you.

This is much better than those drugs that are expensive and ineffective.

All the reporters immediately looked at Jiang Bai and wanted to hear what price he said about the rest of the things.

“Just need nineteen ninety-nine, rebirth capsule to take home! Farewell to sports farewell explanation, eat what you want to eat how you want, fat can never be seen!!! Is it expensive? Is it expensive? ”

“Is it really expensive? A set of gym courses costs thousands of dollars, you have to exercise and diet, now you have a rebirth capsule, you only need nineteen ninety-nine, no more exercise, no need to diet, no longer have to worry about fat affecting your handsome and beautiful face!! ”

“No longer worry about diseases such as high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia due to obesity!!!

“Is 1999 really expensive?”

Jiang Bai’s voice was hoarse and kept echoing in the ears of the reporters.

They kept popping up in their minds: “Is it expensive?” Is it expensive? Is it really expensive? ”

The reporters below have begun to think, Jiang Bai is right, it’s really not expensive, why don’t I buy a little to try such a good thing when it’s so cheap?

“Now!! Thank you for coming, the product introduction is over, OSG has prepared lunch for you! ”

Walking backstage, Jiang Bai covered his stomach and laughed, he had long wanted to try to stand on a high place to fool people, but he didn’t expect that today’s dream came true!

Vampires need as much blood as they want, and they can grow by throwing them into a petri dish anyway.

What materials are expensive, and can materials be more expensive than my appearance fee?

“Jiang Bai, I think you are very suitable for business, you look at those reporters, they are still constantly talking about whether it is expensive or not!”

Norman applauded lightly: “God knows, what kind of hair tonic we have, mask, essence and other test tube materials can produce a ton, I can’t see two years, just by selling facial masks we will become the richest man in the world!” ”

Jiang Bai couldn’t stand up straight when he smiled, and stopped laughing and said: “Of course, if we weren’t going to sell the concept, we wouldn’t even have a cost, a mask would earn ninety-nine dollars, and we could earn billions or even tens of billions a year just by relying on the mask.” ”

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