The old man was very angry, but he was not happy.

"Forget it, Luo Wei, don't think so much now."

Xu Jingchu was angry for a while, then looked at Su Luowei with some heartache: "I will hurry up and contact a few other musicians. No matter which company did this, I want to see if they have the final say in the entertainment industry!"

"With your current popularity, there must be someone willing to write songs for you. At worst, we can lower the quality of the songs a little and get through this difficulty first."

Su Luowei shook her head:

"Don't, Sister Jing, if you really do this, you will fall into their trap. My songs are not important."


Xu Jingchu was stunned for a moment, looking at her in confusion.

Isn't the most important thing now to solve the problem of Su Luowei's new song first?

Su Luowei didn't continue to speak, her beautiful eyes flashed with a thoughtful light, and she was thinking quietly.

At this moment, her thoughts were very clear. Yao Sichun's betrayal and various things that happened in the company were slowly passed through her mind.

After a while, she took a deep breath and said slowly:

"They came for Chenwei Entertainment, so deliberately attacking my new song is just the first step."

"But this is not their real goal, because even if my new song is not released on time, it will only lose some popularity, and the impact on me is not great."

Xu Jingchu was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Then what is their goal?"

Su Luowei was silent for a while, then gritted her teeth, her lips moved slightly, and slowly spit out two words:

"Build momentum."

"Build momentum?"

"That's right." Su Luowei nodded, took a deep breath, and continued He continued, "Chenwei Entertainment has been established for less than a year, and its foundation is still very shallow compared to those big-name entertainment companies."

"I guess what they want is to let everyone see the gap between our Chenwei Entertainment and those big-name entertainment companies."

"As long as they can make everyone realize that Chenwei Entertainment is not a strong enough entertainment company in the future, that's enough."

"This is the biggest shortcoming of Chenwei Entertainment."

Xu Jingchu's eyes were wide open. She was just an agent, and her mind was still a little behind when talking about the fierce confrontation between companies.

"But...what good will they get from doing this?"

Su Luowei suddenly smiled and looked at Xu Jingchu:

"Sister Jing, if everyone has seen the shortcomings and decline of Chenwei Entertainment, then when the confrontation really begins, do you think anyone will choose to stand on our side?"


Xu Jingchu took a breath of cold air when she heard this.

After Su Luowei said this, she also realized the seriousness of the problem.

She has been an agent in the entertainment industry for more than ten years.

If she were to make an analogy, the various companies in the entertainment industry are like huge pools.

And any kind of resource in the entertainment industry is a drop of water in these pools.

Drops of water can flow freely between pools.

And if all the drops of water suddenly knew.

A pool is on fire! The water flowing into it will be evaporated.

Then, all the drops of water will no longer move towards that pool.

Over time, even if the pool is not actually on fire, the water in it will gradually dry up.

Without the nourishment of new drops of water, the final fate of a pool can only be extinction.

"Then... what should we do now?"

Xu Jingchu said in a panic.

Regarding this issue, Su Luowei actually had an idea in her mind. She said calmly:

"First, we must find a new music director for Chenwei Entertainment immediately to stabilize the situation within the company."

"Second, my new song must not be delayed any longer, and the quality must be guaranteed. Otherwise, it will definitely be used as a target of attack."

Xu Jingchu looked tangled: "But...where can we find a suitable music director in such a short time?"

"And it can't delay your new song, which is too difficult."

Su Luowei didn't speak, and a lazy figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

That guy...can write a song in just five minutes. Can he solve my problem?


Try to let him do a Chenwei song.

Wei Entertainment's new music director?

Will he... agree?

"Sister Jing, regarding the selection of the music director, I have an idea in my mind...for the time being."

Su Luowei looked at Xu Jingchu, hesitated for a moment, and said.

But she did not directly say Jiang Chen's name.

"I...will try to talk to him. If he agrees, maybe we can solve our current problem."

"We have a candidate, who is it?"

Xu Jingchu was stunned for a moment and asked curiously.

She basically knows all the famous music producers in the entertainment industry.

For a while, she really couldn't think of a suitable candidate, but she didn't expect Su Luowei to have a direction.

Su Luowei's expression was a little hesitant:

"His situation is a bit special, I'm not sure, I'll tell you...after I talk to him."

Xu Jingchu looked at her expression and suddenly understood something. She hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Luowei, is this person not famous?"

Su Luowei thought for a while, then nodded.

Jiang Chen is actually quite famous, but it's all bad reputation.

In the music industry, he is really not famous.

Xu Jingchu took a deep breath.

Sure enough, Su Luowei is going to take a different approach.

Ever since she met Su Luowei, she knew that this girl was not a stable person. Although she was smart, she was not steady at all.

Back then, she got married too. She chose an unreliable man and married herself off early.

She would not listen to anyone's advice.

Now that she has opened a company, she didn't expect her personality to be the same as before.

"Luowei, our current situation is indeed a bit bad, but if we think carefully, we can still contact some experienced music producers."

"You can't joke about this kind of thing casually."

She advised earnestly.

Su Luowei smiled:

"Sister Jing, how could I joke about Chenwei Entertainment?"

"Although the person I'm looking for is not famous, he is a real musical genius!"

"He may not be famous now, but I believe that he will be famous in the music industry soon."

Xu Jingchu curled her lips in disapproval when she heard this.


She has seen too many geniuses.

The entertainment industry is not short of geniuses!

Only those who can keep going on this road are true geniuses, and the others are at most just individuals.

She frowned and continued to ask:

"Then has the person in your mind written any works?"

Su Luowei thought for a while, smiled and said:

"Yes, I saw him write a song today."

As she said that, she found paper and pen.

After thinking for a while, she wrote the names of two songs on the paper.

The wind is blowing.

The moon is to blame.


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