Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 526: reconcile

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Episode 526

If it is said that she had a good impression of Huangfu Ming when she went to the Imperial City to perform her mission; then...

She was attracted to this man exactly when she was in the cold store! !

Always thinking, when did Huangfu Ming fall in love with himself?

Since he said that since the cold storage, he has already fallen in love with himself.


Xue Wei felt that she was really happy, so happy, that this man had liked it for so long, she didn't even notice it. No wonder he will protect her again and again and protect her.


Being loved is happy!


Enough is enough...

This man really paid too much, too much for her, what if he did wrong once? ? What's more, it was not entirely his fault.

What the **** cheating!

What the **** betrayal!

It has nothing to do with this man! !

Her man has never betrayed her for a moment, why should she be so nagging? ! !

"Dark, we... will be fine!!" Xue Wei slowly lifted his handsome face, lips, and fell gently on his lips.

In an instant, Huang Fuming's pupils kept expanding, as if ushering in the most exciting moment in life!

Their marriage is finally complete...

Crossed that invisible obstacle! ! !

But the next second...

Xue Wei's phoenix flashed, hugged Huang Fuming's body, and turned hard...

"Um..." The gravel hit her waist just as cold sweat flowed down Xuewei's forehead.

"Wei!!" Huangfu Ming tried to push her away.

However, Xue Wei pressed his body firmly, and he couldn't let it go: "We are a husband and wife, a blessing, enjoy together; it's pain, together... Um... carry!!!"

"Wei..." His eyes closed, and Huang Fuming's hands clenched into a fist.

If before, he loved all the light in this woman, loved her wit, loved her character, then now...

He loves her selflessness, loves her, she loves herself so much!

Suffering can see the true feelings, Huangfu Ming really appreciates this time...

After half a minute.

The world seemed to be quiet, and the falling rubble finally stopped falling.

Xuewei and Huangfu looked at each other affectionately, and their excited smiles suddenly cut their faces. They kissed closely together, heralding that this marriage will never separate...

"Mommy... Daddy..." I don't know how long after that, a faint voice came from the door.

The two quickly ended this long-lost kiss: "Come, don't come!!" They exchanged a tacit look and crept towards the exit.

When they reached the secret door, they nodded to each other, stood up quickly with the pain of their bodies, opened the door with a brain, and ran out holding hands.

The next second...

Just listening to "Wolla", the mine house collapsed.

"Daddy, Mommy..." The little fellow ran to the two excitedly.

Huangfu smiled comfortably, holding the cat in his arms: "Don't you hurt?"

The little thing shook his head humorously, looked at Huangfu Ming guiltily, and then looked at Xuewei: "I'm sorry, Daddy and Mommy, in fact, the cat wasn't kidnapped. hurt……"

"Huh? Is it really just your idea?" Huangfu squinted squintedly.

The cat lowered his eyes nervously: "Yes... it's cat..."

"It is estimated that other children in kindergarten gave cats and cats the idea." Her daughter at her family would not even lie. How could a savvy person like Huang Fuming really believe in cats and cats?

In addition, with Huang Fuming's insight and killing him, he would not believe that such a good cat can plan all this.

"Oh, cats are all right." Huangfu squeezed the cat's nose.

This made Xue Wei a little surprised.

In such a big battle, Huangfu Ming didn't ask the cat where did the money come from for all this? Don't ask, where did she deploy the manpower?

Hey, strange...

This is not like the style of Huangfu Ming.

Forget it, leave him alone!

Xuewei's eyes rolled back: "Ming, you are waiting for me here, I will see where the exit is."

"I'll go."

"Ah, you still take care of cats, I'll go and see." Then, Xuewei did not give Huangfu Ming the opportunity to speak, and ran away quickly...

"Boom..." kicked the door of the monitoring room kicked.

Scared of hiding in the house, Xiao Jiu turned green: "Mom...Mommy, how are did you find this?"

"Oh, looking at the place where the cat appears, I know that the master control room should not be far from where I am suffering. You stinky boy, getting more and more powerful, even dare to mobilize my disciples to make such a show for me, saying !Want to spank or face?!" Xue Wei squeezed her fist fiercely.

Xiao Jiu stood nervously under the wall: "Mommy, I am also thinking about your future. The second-married woman is not happy!"

"Slightly" a bad breath was blocked in his throat and he couldn't let it out. Xuewei grabbed Xiao Jiu's ears incredulously: "Where did you learn so many vocabulary?"

"Mom... Mommy, all ears are off!"

"Humph, stink boy!!" She let go of her hand unwillingly, but the next second... immediately petted and stroked Xiao Xiaojiu's head melon: "But this time you really made a contribution."

If it weren't for the good intentions of this little ghost spirit. Where can she understand the value of love? How could he witness Huang Fuming's love again and again? I don't know how important Huangfuming is to important! !

"Vee, where are you? Did you find the exit?"

"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy is here! You go quickly!"

"Hurry and tell me where is the exit?"

"Tamao knows the exit, you ask her."

"Uh...?" Xue Wei froze, running out of the accusation room with a little doubt.

"Did you find the exit?" Seeing Xuewei hurried towards herself, Huangfu asked with a smile.

"No... cat, where is the exit?" Eyes turned to cat.

She smiled and pointed to the right: "Here, I will take you away."

"it is good."

The family of three walked out of this meaningful waste mining area under the guidance of cats.


Xue Wei always felt a little strange.

Since Mao Mao told Huang Fu Ming that the mine was designed by Mao Mao, then... Xue Wei said that when he went to find the mouth, Huang Fu Ming never doubted anything? Didn’t say... ‘Cats should know the export? ’

Is it possible that the IQ of Huangfu Ming didn't respond to all this?



With this doubt, Xue Wei followed the father and daughter into the car...

This book comes from the King of Reading

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