Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 483: How did Xuewei come here in the past three years

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483 How did Xuewei come over the past three years

Describe with your mouth, you may not feel anything.

But if you think about it, even if Xuewei has the foundation, she will graduate from Yuye Military Academy in one year, and she has made at least four times the effort of ordinary people!

However, this year was regarded as the best year in her life in Yucheng.

Immediately after the second year of assignment.

Out of selfishness, Ye Xie Ling gave her the opportunity to ask her to choose some weak and weak jobs to train.

But Xuewei refused, and she directly chose the most dangerous and hardest scout in the army.

Because she knows that only the chance of a scout being promoted and merited is the fastest!

How many times, Xue Wei nearly died in the investigation, the old injury just happened, and the new injury came again. She has survived all the hardships again and again with her unremitting tenacity.

How many times, the superior instructed Xuewei to take a short break for a while, but she was afraid that she would not have the opportunity to make achievements. She always completed a task and immediately took the second task, and the difficulty coefficient of each task belonged to s level. .

However, with such a powerful comeback, Xue Wei also received a generous return.

In just one year, she was promoted from an ordinary scout to the post of general of the Third Corps.

The military medals awarded to her are twice as many as ordinary people get in one year. The blood and tears are not something that ordinary people can feel.

In the third year, Xue Wei finally did not have to go out to die, and could stay in the Xuanwu Military Region for the rank of management.

But the real challenge is just beginning!

The soldiers of the Corps did not buy her a female soldier's account at all.

The gossip and buzzwords couldn't stop attacking her; the open fights and secret fights wrapped around her like mountains and seas.

Even so, she did not flinch for a moment. The tenacious survived in the conspiracy, and then he became the general of the Second Corps by his own hard work.

It has been a miracle to become a general in just three years. But behind the miracle, Xuewei's hardships were simply beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

The main thing is...

She was alone in these three years! A person is working hard and struggling.

She can’t cry like a normal woman, so she can lie on the chest of a man to cry and be coquettish;

If you are injured, you can have a man who loves you to take care of you.

Whenever the edge of life and death is reached, Xue Wei can only grind his teeth and stick to the end...

She can only be alone...

Speaking of which.

Li Xiao's eyes dropped sadly: "I can understand why Sister Weiwei doesn't want to save herself. She just doesn't want to live alone."

Eyes gradually cast towards Huangfu Ming: "Brother-in-law, I really appreciate that you can rescue Sister Weiwei under such great pressure. I also know that you are actually not feeling well now. But I think... At this moment, Sister Weiwei must also be very painful, very painful, because...she is about to face another person's life..."

Huang Fuyue is also a monk halfway, and he knows too much about the pain and hardship that Xue Wei has suffered in recent years. He can say "bitter" as a man, not to mention a woman?

"Second Brother, did you save Ersao this time, or did you dig a pit for yourself to jump?" The murmur of incomprehension fell.

Huang Fu's eyes dropped silently.

For a while, he stood up without expression, and walked out of the villa without a word...

"Alas..." With a deep sigh, Huang Fuyue felt the unbearability she had never had before. He knows better, afraid that after listening to the little words, Huangfu Ming will be more upset?

The eyes turned inadvertently away from Xiaoxiao.

She frowned slightly, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"Think about it, you know the identity of Xue Wei early in the morning, and you... are the people around Xue Wei..." The narrow and long eyes turned, and he grabbed the little wrist with a cold heart: "Say, you Is it also a member of the Xuanwu Military Region?!!!"

Wrist, the pinched life hurts.

Li Xiao pain took a breath and said: "It hurts... let go, you hurt me!"

"Tell me, who the **** are you?!"

"You let go first!" He squeezed his hand hard and blew away from the small snack against the pinched red wrist: "I have said that, I am Sister Weiwei's personal servant. As for , Am I from the Xuanwu Military Region, can't you see it?"


From the perspective of Li Xiaozi, she did not seem to have received any rigorous military training.

"Really as simple as a servant?!" There were still doubts in his eyes.

Li Xiaoli instantly froze a face: "If you doubt me, then you are fine, I don't have to explain anything to you. Let's go!"

"Where are you going so late?" Huang Fuyue dragged her back to the sofa.

Her eyes widened in dissatisfaction: "You can't control me!"

"Now I am your husband, you say I care about you?"

"Husband?'re just my husband in name. Don't put your husband on the shelf when you want to order me; forget your identity when you hug other women!" Little glared at him angrily, and then went away...


Late autumn night, unusually cold.

The evening wind blowing on Huangfu Ming's face had a slight tingling sensation.

Wandering on the intestinal path of Huangfu's house, every word from his ear echoed from his ear...

‘Sister Weiwei is a woman, and women are not easy to mix in the army. I believe you and your husband know this month. Even though Captain Ye Fei appreciated Sister Weiwei, Captain Ye Fei was also a person with a clear reward and punishment, and it was impossible to inexplicably give her a rank. ’

‘Sister Weiwei also knows that if she doesn’t mix up in the Xuanwu Military Region as soon as possible, there will never be a way to avenge her mother! and so……'

He could feel that every road Xue Wei chose in the Xuanwu Military Region was not accidental, but deliberate!


At that time, when he first joined the army, he also chose the position of a scout, and it was not long before Huangfu Chen was sent to the Xuanwu Military Region. It took him many years to get to Ye Xieling's side.

He understands the hardships along the way, he understands.

Therefore, when he learned that Xue Wei was a general in the Xuanwu Military Region, he did not even ask. Because he was afraid to finish the question, he could not afford it.

He would rather believe that Xue Wei became a general because he was taken care of by Ye Xie Ling, rather than knowing the truth that Li Xiao said! !

Walking to the garage of Huangfu's house, Huang Fuming's mournful eyes sank, and when he started the car, he quickly moved out of Huangfu's house...

This novel comes from the book reader

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